lxttleshit · 10 years
"I read your rules"
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"I read about you muse"
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"I read your headcanons"
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"I read your verse page"
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lxttleshit · 10 years
follow back?x
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lxttleshit · 10 years
That's enough internet for one day. Too much fakeness..
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lxttleshit · 10 years
Watching Snog Marry Avoid, so slow replies :}
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                   "Ha ha, ye think yer very smart. Don't ye?" He teased back running a hand through his dark hair as he leaned against his locker. "Why is he even throwing loo paper anyway?" He questioned looking at the boy who's trowing toilet roll all over the show. "I suggest ye move t' the country side, lots of green there."
  "I thought you said you were okay with getting hit with the toilet paper?" she teased letting out a little laugh. "You asking to hit him kinda suggest you aren’t quite over it." she added. "Green is actually my favorite color. I think I should just move to Ireland if green is everywhere."
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                        "It's a shite conversation starter."
  "I know, just making conversation." 
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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fan: she’ll shit her pants harry: why do you want her to shit her pants?!
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lxttleshit · 10 years
when one of your favorite blogs finally follows you back
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                     "Well, c'mon. We're goin' now." He mentioned pulling her by the arm.
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  "— yeah, that’d suck. I’ll just go buy you some more to make up for what I ate on you then."
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                       "Well, that's just ye." He laughed shaking his head as he took a seat on bench, watching his little sister run around with their dog. "What if she asked to have sex with ye. What would ye say?"
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  "Me, apparently." Elliot said, almost shaking his head. She was pretty, but, unless he was actually in  particular mood for it, random sex wasn’t his forte. "I’m boxed off without needing anything for now." 
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                    "Lets just go with bad parenting? I'm Cole."
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           ”Clearly there was something psychologically wrong with that kid…Or he has bad parents.”
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                   "Never said they weren't."
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  "There’s more to me than labels though." 
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                      "I don't think that would work - I'd lose the key and we wouldn't be able to eat again."
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  "Put a lock on the freezer or something? I dunno."
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                               "I was gonn'y say can I do it but, that's a wee bit too much." He chuckled before nodding his head towards the female. "Aye, it's an amazin' place, like. So much green, so much feckin' green."
  "I’m not a very violent person and he honestly really isn’t worth the energy. Sooner or later someone’s going to end up slapping him for me." Catalina joked playfully give the stranger a smile. "Ah, Irish. I’m jealous. I haven’t ever been to Ireland but I’ve heard it’s such a beautiful place."
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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                       "Where was I supposed to put it? It's ice cream."
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  "Well, now you’ll just know not to leave food laying around where I can find it."
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lxttleshit · 10 years
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             "Our meanings of I love ye are totally different. I said it meaning, yer my best friend and I love ye. Understand?!"
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        ”Are you even for real? What part of ‘I love you and I promise I’ll come back’ didn’t you understand?”
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