stresscd-blog · 9 years
text to:
hendrix: when i woke up this morning there was a raccoon in my room
hendrix: i'm not sleeping with the window open anymore
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    Rhys walked into the bathroom to gather the trash that needed to be taken out tonight.  It wasn't too terribly full, but Rhys hated leaving stuff in it for more than a week.  He dumped the small waste basket's contents into a larger bag, two pink and white sticks falling on top of the pile.  Rhys's heart started beating quickly in his chest.  Mady had been over a few days before, and the whole time his sister had been acting weird, spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom before dinner.  Fuck.  Was Mady pregnant?  Or did she think she was pregnant?  Hand shaking in anticipation and worry, Rhys flipped the first stick over. '+'.  Pregnant.  Maybe it was wrong?  He flipped the other one over, heart pounding in his throat now.  '+'.  Pregnant.
    The bag of trash slipped from his hand and smacked the floor, scattering everywhere.  His sister was pregnant, and she had only been with her boyfriend (who he couldn't stand) for two months.  He thought she would be more careful than this.  Without realizing what he was doing, Rhys called mady up,r ather furious with her lack of carefulness.  "Hello?" Mady answered. "You'e pregnant?" he asked, cutting straight to the chase.  "I'm- Rhys what are you?  Pregnant? Oliver and I haven't even had sex yet!" He could tell she was furious at being accused, and he felt horrible.  "I... I'm sorry.  I just- I found two pregnancy tests in the bathroom and you were over a few days ago and I just assumed."  Rhys was sure he could hear her eyeroll through the phone.  "Did you never stop to think that it might be your boyfriend's?" she asked.
    Rhys shook his head, and sighed.  "No."  he hadn't thought that it could be Kaspian's because they hadn't had unprotected sex in the past few... wait.  There was that one time a few weeks before when  they had a quick round of sex before Maya woke up and Rhys went to work.  They hadn't used a condom, not wanting to spend the time looking for one.  "Rhys?  Rhys? You still there?" Mady asked.  "Yeah, sorry.  Look, I have to go.  Sorry I accused you.  Love you! Bye!" he hung up before she answered, starting to clean up while his mind worked at a hundred miles a minute.  Kaspian was pregnant.  And he hadn't told him?  It hurt.
    After all of the trash had been gathered, Rhys went down to the kitchen where Kaspian was, pregnancy tests in hand.  "Babe? Can we talk a minute? It's rather important," he said quietly.  The pregnancy tests were held so tightly in his hand the knuckles were turning white.  He was glad Maya was at a friend's house, not wanting her to be exposed to them fighting if it were to come to that.  
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sebwrites · 10 years
text // love.
briar: babeeeee
briar: th ere r sooio man pre tty girs her e
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moscatolips · 10 years
✉ → Lili
Harriett: hey baby, hows things? Harriett: are you our with Zaina tonight or is that tomorrow?
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tragicalbeauties · 10 years
Text: Harry
Louis: Hey...Zayn gave me your number
Louis: I wanted to talk to you about something
Louis: I want to meet her...Darcy.
Louis: I want to meet our daughter
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sebwrites · 10 years
text // kas
Rory: how's my favorite baby girl doing???
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featherstxne · 10 years
text → charls
Aiden: Hey it’s Aiden your sister gave me your number when you went to the bathroom hahaha I hope I’m not bothering you or anything?
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moscatolips · 10 years
Text ✉ Seb
keaton: babe what are you up to
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tragicalbeauties · 10 years
Text To: Daddy <333
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vengefulterror · 10 years
phosphxnes replied to your post:someone gimmee michael and ariana pls PLS
*quietly pushes my ariana at you*
come to mEH
0 notes
phosphxnes replied to your post:i want to rp with all the muses called; charlie,...
i have a charlie——
archie wants to love her down 
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moscatolips · 10 years
Sebastian & Keaton Domesticity
big spoon/little spoon: Keaton is the big spoon.
favorite non-sexual activity: There are things other than sex? Keaton has no idea.
who uses all the hot water: Keaton likes to shower together, I'd say they use an equal amount.
most trivial thing they fight over: They don't fight, Keaton is protective of Sebastian and Sebastian would never speak against Keaton.
who does most of the cleaning: Keaton likes to make Sebastian be his house maid, but he doesn't just use him for that, he likes to cook for Sebastian and often treats him to nice things as a thank you, as he doesn't have much free time to just clean the house.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Keaton, he knows how to talk to people in charge, he knows they'll just try to manipulate Sebastian.
who steals the blankets: They sleep too close for someone to steal the blankets.
who leaves their stuff around: Keaton mostly leaves his stuff around, Sebastian wouldn't dare, unless he wanted to be punished.
who remembers to buy the milk: Sebastian does all the shopping, Keaton never remembers that stuff.
who remembers anniversaries: They both do, Keaton likes to make an event of it and Sebastian always gets excited over it.
who cooks normally?: Keaton likes to cook, but when he works late, Seb has to.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?: They like to have phone sex whenever Keaton is on business trips, and Keaton is always buying him nice things to make up on being away.
nicknames for each other?: Daddy and Baby.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Keaton, he's a bit of a sugar daddy,
what would they get each other for gifts?: Keaton likes to spend as much money as he can on Sebastian, he buys him nice clothes and a car.
who kissed who first?: Keaton made all the first moves, first kiss, first touch, and the one to ask Sebastian out.
who remembers things?: Keaton doesn't like Sebastian overworking himself so he makes sure he never has anything much on his plate, so he would remember more things, as he doesn't have to worry about little things.
who cusses more?: Definitely Keaton, Sebastian is more softly spoken.
what would they do if the other one was hurt?: Keaton would try with all he had to make sure that Sebastian never got hurt, and when he would get hurt, he'd make sure to fix him up.
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