lways · 2 years
Driving Safe in Winter
Winter is here, and that means it's time to start thinking about how you're going to drive safely.
There are a few things you can do to make sure you're prepared for the season:
Check your tyres to make sure they have enough tread or make sure you have the correct tyres on for the weather. If they don't have enough thread, get them fixed ASAP!
Be careful of fog, ice, black ice and cold weather. Defrosting a car first is most important so that you have good visibility when driving. If you live in an area prone to extreme cold, make sure your car is properly winterized before heading out into the elements. Winter is the season of caution. Driving in the cold can be dangerous, and you need to be aware of all of the things that can go wrong when you're driving in winter weather.
The first thing that you should do before you start your car is defrost it. If you don't defrost your car before you drive, it will be difficult for you to see clearly and effectively control the vehicle.
The second thing to do is to check your tyres. Even though they don't seem like they would be an issue, if there are any cracks, holes in them or little to no thread, they could cause an accident because they will lose grip on slippery surfaces such as ice or snow.
Finally, make sure that your windshield wipers are working properly so that you can see clearly while driving in bad weather conditions like fog or rainstorms; this will also help prevent accidents from occurring due to poor visibility!
Winter is here, which means ice and snow are on their way.
Whether you're driving on a highway or just around town, winter driving can be dangerous. It's important to know what to watch out for and how to avoid accidents. Here are some tips:
-Be aware of foggy conditions. Fog can reduce visibility and make it harder to see other vehicles or pedestrians. Make sure you turn on your fog light especially your rear fog light. This is manually operated and does not come on automatically! Without it you increase your risks of being hit from behind as other drivers wont be able to see you in time and react quickly.
-If there is ice present on the road, be careful when braking. If your car skids, try not to swerve into oncoming traffic or off the side of the road; instead, straighten out by gently easing off the brakes and accelerating slowly until you regain control of your vehicle.
-If there is black ice present on the road, avoid sudden braking or acceleration by using gentle pressure on the accelerator pedal at all times during these conditions so that your tyres don't lose traction with the ground beneath them!
Driving in winter can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be.
So remember the tips for how you can drive safe in winter weather and stay out of trouble.
Defrost your car first thing in the morning. You want to make sure you have good visibility with ice and fog on the roads!
When driving on ice or black ice, slow down! Reduce your speed to keep a safer distance from other road users and allow you more time to react.
Turn your headlights on—it's easier for other drivers to see you when they're looking for lights rather than just white lines on the road.
Use your fog lights in heavy weather . Remember these need to be manually turned on . Do your part to be seen.
And if you find yourself stuck in a snowbank or other slippery situation? Don't panic! Stay calm, turn your hazard lights on and put your car handbrake on to secure the car. Call 112 or 999 so they can send someone out to help get you out safely.
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