lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
Cissa laughed a bit at his words, using her free hand to brush back a blonde curl that had fallen into her face. “Well, at least you think that’s a good thing,” she said after a moment, because she knew her stubborn will and drive to do what she wanted wasn’t something her family probably approved of, even if she hid it beneath doing just what they wanted. Narcissa smiled when he brought her closer, moving her hand so she could slide her own arms around his neck. “I wanted to talk to you before. I just wasn’t sure where you stood.” She looked up so her eyes met his, holding his gaze for a moment. She shrugged, “Maybe I was just worried you didn’t feel the same.”
Lucius had been apart of the upper circle his entire life, and while he never got to meet his mother, he understood that the women of the society had a different expectation than the men. Lucius was always expected to be the most powerful in the room and make himself known, while the women were always right by their side, hear everything and say nothing. The Black family had somehow created three girls who were rocking the boat and honestly, Lucius enjoyed watching it. ‘ I absolutely do.’ He grinned back at her before just holding her gaze. ‘ I could go on for hours about how I would think I was just over thinking everything and I was just programmed to assume you liked me. ‘ He admitted sheepishly. ‘ I’m just glad I came over. ‘ 
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
Narcissa smiled, flipping her hand over in his and lacing their fingers together after he’d given it a gentle squeeze. She wasn’t really sure what the conversation was going to be when she saw him on her doorstep, but she was glad it took this turn. Cissa looked at him for a moment, before leaning over to press a kiss against his cheek. Small smirk on her face, she pulled back to look at him. “Did you think I’d say no?”
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Lucius watched as she pulled his hand father into her’s and intertwined their fingers. Lucius had been trying to figure out how he wanted to have this conversation probably for weeks now. He could never put together exactly what words he wanted to use and was never quite sure how she would react. For all he knew the youngest sister wasn’t interested at all and just saw him as someone her family put in front of her. The weight that was lifted off of his shoulders was unmeasurable when she had agreed that this was a good idea. That he wasn’t imagining anything. He smiled at her as she kissed his cheek before pulling her closer, wrapping an arm around her and kissing the top of her head. ‘ Honestly Narcissa, I never know what to expect from you. That’s the best part. ‘
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
Narcissa fell silent when he did, recognizing the thoughtful look on his face. She pursed her lips a bit, nails tapping lightly against the side of her tea cup when she slid her fingers around the handle. “Well, that’s good.” Narcissa looked up at him with a genuine smile. Cissa was about to say something else, but Lucius continued talking. His words took her by surprise. They hadn’t had much interaction without someone being around, even when they were in school. Not romantically at least. It had always felt like an obligation, even though she felt herself gradually being drawn to Lucius. She let him take her hand in his own, eyes tracking the motion. “I’d like that a lot,” she said without much thought. Cissa met his gaze when he looked up to catch hers and gave him another smile, before laughing, shaking her head. “Anything without our parents hovering would be fine at this point, darling.” She tilted her head to the side, expression slightly mischievous, as she said, “You can surprise me.”
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Lucius wasn’t sure that any of his words were making sense and if they were, were they the right ones. Would she understand what he was asking? Would she want to? They had barely seen each other outside of a random society party or someone’s wedding that wasn’t chaperogned by one of their parents right by their side to say they’ve really gotten to know each other. Lucius knew at least his side that after every Black family sighting his father was quick to ask if he had found Narcissa and how she was doing with everything happening. Abraxas never understood why he hadn’t just proposed after they had both graduated so they could skip the boring process like this. Lucius didn’t want to point out that it’s hard to propose to someone when they don’t even know your college schedule. He didn’t realize how tight he had clenched his jaw when he finally stopped talking until Narcissa agreed with him. He only noticed because it stopped him from letting it fall open. He laughed as she commented on their parents and just nodded, squeezing her hand gently. ‘ They are quite ridiculous. ‘ He sighed before chewing on his bottom lip while thinking about what he would actually plan. ‘ That seems like a fair trade, absolutely. ‘ Lucius nodded, probably a bit too quickly, before looking at her again with a soft smile. ‘ This will be nice. ‘
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
Narcissa watched him move about her home with a small smile on her face, not missing the way his breath caught. “Was it a rough day at work?” She questioned as she brought the tea over to the table, a little taken back with how natural things seemed with him so far. Typically they weren’t alone, so she’d always worried about how things would be, or if they’d feel forced, when they were alone. Narcissa looked up, about to say something, but it fell dead on her lips when her eyes met his own. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks at his words and gave him a small smile, lowering her gaze. “Oh. Thank you.” She paused, before scrunching her nose with a laugh. “Tell me you didn’t walk all that way just to tell me that.”
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Lucius sighed and just gave her a half shrug, he could go one about how he should’ve been promoted once all of his cases were completed, or how he was still be treated like a child while having more clients than most of the lawyers above him, but it just wasn’t worth it. Lucius knew that he would have to work just a tad harder than everyone to prove that he wasn’t good at his job because he was a Malfoy- he was good at his job just because he was. He took the warm tea and pulled it closer to him. ‘ Always is, ‘ He laughed. ‘ It’ll start slowing down soon though, cases should be wrapping up soon. ‘ He waved off, everything coming natural to him, unsurprisingly. It took him longer than he would ever want to admit that he found it difficult to find any words after she thanked him. ‘ Of course. ‘ Lucius nodded, looking down at his tea again before laughing at bit at her next sentence. ‘ No, of course not. Though you should be told as often as possible. ‘ He remarked, letting out a deep sigh. ‘ No Narcissa I walked here because I would like to properly date you. ‘ Lucius finally confessed, meeting her eyes again and reaching out to her hand to rub her knuckles.&nbsp‘ This arrangement shit is honestly exhausting and I can only assume you hate it as much as I do, so go on a date with me. We’ll do whatever you’d like without anyone watching. ‘ 
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
Narcissa looked at him for a moment, lips pursed slightly. She had a pretty good read on people, though she could never quite read Lucius. But she wanted to learn to. She met his gaze and gave him a smile, nodding as she stepped inside her home. “Of course.” Narcissa led him inside, pulling her wand out so she could flick it in the direction of the tea kettle. “You’re sure you’re alright, darling?” She questioned. Without giving it much thought, Narcissa walked over and reached up to brush a stray hair that he’d missed when he ran a hand through it. Dropping her hand, she mused, “You seem a little frazzled.”
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Lucius tried not to falter under her gaze. He couldn’t understand why this was all bubbling up now, but here he was. Maybe it was the pressure of his job, but he really just felt like it fell on the aspect that Narcissa was always a constant, a background character in his life that deserved to have the stage for herself. He followed her into her home and caught himself staring at everything around him. Lucius lived in a relatively large home that never felt like that- home. Naricssa had somehow made this exactly what she needed and it worked beautifully. His breath caught as she moved some hair out of his face. He nodded quickly and sat at the table near the kitchen. ‘ Yeah, this day has got me all out of sorts.. ‘ He laughed, trying to play off the nervous that kept begging their way up. He looked at her for a moment and really held her gaze for just longer than what was comfortable. ‘ Narcissa, you are truly such a beautiful woman. ‘ Lucius finally breathed out. 
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
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Finn Cole as Michael Grayin every episode of Peaky Blinders— S3EP2
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
location: the three broomsticks status: amycus & @lvciusmxlfxy·
it’d been quite a while since the last time the carrow had been to such a  “hogwartsian place”  as he liked to call it, since after hogwarts he’d never touched feet there again. but there he was now, the black blazer and darker clothing covering his figure as he scouted the space with his gaze searching for his friend; it wasn’t hard to find the other amongst such common people.
amycus made his way towards the table, sitting down in front of his old peer, leaning back against the wooden chair.  ─ malfoy… it’s been quite a while. hope you haven’t forgotten my face just yet. ─  he started, opening the buttons of his blazer to make it take it off and put it to the side.  ─ so, what have you been up to lately? ─
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Lucius probably found himself in this bar a little too often, but thankfully he pretended it could be blamed on lunch meetings. There was always someone who wanted to meet anywhere but the Ministry, and this was the best option to ensure everyone was still being watched to some degree. The Malfoy found himself here on his own accord though, seeing an old friend. It was a nice change of pace for him and he was glad to relax for even a second. 
Dressed in a blue button down, he looked up as Amycus slid in the booth across from him. A smile spread across his features as the counterpart got comfortable and gave him a half shrug. ‘ You always seem to pop in at just the right times to make sure I can’t.’ Lucius teased, laughing just a bit before shaking his head. ‘ I basically live in that Ministry, I wish it was anything more riveting. You? How is the education world treating you? ‘ 
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
Narcissa had been in the greenhouse behind her cottage. Tending to her flowers and various plants was a good stress relief, especially after long days in the mind healing ward, listening to some of the stories she did. She closed the gate behind her and made her way around to the front of the house, raising an eyebrow when she saw the figure on her front porch. “Behind you, Malfoy,” she teased, lightly. Cissa met his gaze and gave him a half smirk, reaching up to tie back her now strawberry-tinted curls. There were a few things Narcissa wasn’t sure about and Lucius was one of those things. Lucius had always been a near constant in her life their parents had certainly wanted them together and for that, she always felt like it’d been forced. Until recently. Now there was a draw to him that she didn’t want to name until she knew how Lucius really felt, familial duty aside. “Darling, did you walk here?” She teased, laughing as she stepped around him to open her door. But then realization hit her that everything might not be alright, and she turned to face him. ‘You’re okay, right? Nothing’s happened?”
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Lucius knew this wasn’t the best look for him. He was showing up announced, after not speaking about anything of particular importance for who knows how long, looking like a mess on her front door. The thing was he never knew what to say at those parties or family dinners that didn’t just sound like he was going on about his job and how he made sure everyone didn’t end up in Azkaban. What a thrilling date. So here he was, after a long day, staring at the blonde counter him, completely unsure of what to say. ‘ Oh, uh, hey. ‘ He laughed, running an anxious hand through his hair as he smiled back at her. What was happening to him? He shook his head slightly and took a deep breath. ‘ Yeah, I did actually. ‘ He noted, laughing a bit at how crazy that realization was. ‘ No, everything is fine. Do you have a moment to talk? ‘ Lucius finally concluded, his senses coming to hi and his shoulders pulling back slightly. This wasn’t a pathetic grasp at straws and he knew that- he just needed to speak. 
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
who: lucius & open  where : three broomsticks 
The festival was finally dying down and Lucius could finally exit his home with out everyone staring at him like he was going to light the place on fire. It was an odd time, to be in London at the moment. There were those of them who felt untouchable, that the world would never return back to normal but it shouldn’t have to, it should stay just like it was six months ago, and there were those who believed that others should be jailed. Lucius was the very person who prevented those to not go to jail, so, he could see why he wasn’t anyone’s favorite at the moment. That being said, sitting at the bar of the Three Broomsticks with some food in front of him and a fire whiskey was probably the best thing he could ask for that felt slightly normal. He felt someone slid into the seat next to him and his shoulders straightened, picking up his drink and speaking before actually looking at who it is. ‘ The wait is still 3x what it usually is, be prepared. ‘ He spoke, before going back to his meal. 
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
who : lucius & @blckasnight​ where : narcissa’s front door
It was a long day at the ministry and Lucius’ just about looked it. His hair had been ruffled and he had gone ahead and unzipped his jacket at some point when he started walking home. It had been a day of hearings and meetings, some of which actually pertained to Lucius and some of which had nothing to do with him, but because of his age and the fact that he had only just graduated from school, he was stuck in them.  
None of this explained why Lucius was walking home, and frankly he wasn’t sure either. There had been a few things running through his head but what kept coming up was Narcissa. They had been put together several times by both of their families and even he couldn’t deny that there was something about her that he truly wanted to learn about. Telling that to his father would be a different story, but somehow it had led him straight to her front door. Lucius hadn’t noticed at first, but he laughed a little at himself when he did. Shaking his head and almost convincing himself he shouldn’t, he walked up to the front door and knocked twice, before rocking back on his heels and fixing his jacket.
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lvciusmxlfxy · 2 years
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❝ KING PIN ❞ , LUCIUS MALFOY has been spotted in london. the mentioned wizard is TWENTY FOUR and he was formerly part of SLYTHERIN before graduating. makes sense since they are RESOURCEFUL and COMPETITIVE. now they spend their time working IN THE OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL MAGIC LAW, but during the war, they were aligned with the DEATH EATERS. only time will tell what they truly believe in. ||
full name. lucius malfoy nicknames. lucius, luc, malfoy age & dob: twenty four, january 4th blood status: pureblood gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him occupation: junior law associate
father: abraxas malfoy ( father ) , wendy malfoy ( mother, deceased )
mbti: tbd enneagram: tbd zodiac: capricorn sun, rest tbd positive traits: educated, aware, balanced negative traits: righteous, condemning, entitled judgmental tropes: f*ck boy lawyer
hogwarts house: slytherin patronus: a bobcat boggart: tbd amortentia: rose, fresh parchment and freshly laundered clothes mirror of erised: tbd
Life to Lucius was an easy start and will most likely end just as easy. He is an only child, born to Abraxas Malfoy who was a well-respected philanthropist and respected council in the magical community. His mother died in childbirth and was known to be a darling housewife and doting friend to those who knew her. It wasn’t shocking to anyone that growing up with Abraxas was a life filled with rules, but nothing that Lucius wouldn’t step up to. No muggleborn or half blood friends. No mixing with wizards who believe that equality is coming. Make the world a better place- or die trying. He never stepped out of line, never threatened boundaries and always had enough money to cover up the pieces of buildings falling. Hogwarts came just as easy to Lucius as living with his father did. Everyone knew who he was, where he would be sorted and who he would turn into. All the heir needed was to live up to it. He wasn’t a bully- but he made his points very clear. Step in the way of anything that Lucius wanted or did, and you would be at the bad end of a hex. Many would say that things ended for Lucius when it came to a personality. His temper was short, his humor dry and his lack of empathy came off as simply lack of emotion. It wasn’t that simply- but nothing for a Malfoy was. He was raised fighting for a cause and he wasn’t going to let that go because someone wanted to be his friend or use him for his money. He was Lucius Malfoy and he was going to be as such. While the idea of living the simple life of just giving money to the occasional charity sounded nice, Lucius had trouble keeping himself still. So, he went to law school immediately after Hogwarts. It was a way to keep appearances clean while being able to make a change from within. It was his father’s decision to have Lucius take the mark. While he was fully behind it and stood for the cause, he was never sure just how useful he could be in the face of the war- then he was. He proved to be the most useful of all, but defending them in court when things would hit the fan. In an effort to stay low and noticeable, Lucius took a junior position right out of law school. He has some of the top clients in the country due to his last name and the dark mark on his arm. He is solmonely aware that he didn’t earn his quick success but at this point he couldn’t even be mad. He was on the fact track to being head of the Magical Law department.
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