moved to @a-wild-lux
9 posts
just trying to escape the gayblocker.. you probs don't care but...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
REBLOG if you think identifying as nonbinary is valid for gender identity.
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
Social events are scary...
I hate parties. They're not really my scene. The buzz of people talking, Solo cups littered everywhere, loud music, social interactions... Just don't like them. "Do I have to go?" "Oh, just bring a book!" Well I brought, read, and finished said book, and somehow we're still at this dumb social event. Hah, it probably looks like I'm texting now... Such a teenagery move! Why do people go to these things? I was forced here by my parents, who told me we'd only have to stay for a little bit... Welp! Two and a half hours later, and guess who's still at this fun celebration? Don't mind me, I'm just going to pull my headphones over my ears, and listen to Michael in the Bathroom on loop... UHHH why are parties so terrible?
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
Why I identify as lesbian...
As I said in the last post, I am not completely female aligned(in fact, I'm more agender than anything), and yet I still identify as lesbian. Well, I usually refer to myself as gay, but anyway... The first reason is that I am sometimes a girl, and I am into girls, so lesbihonest, why wouldn't I identify as lesbian? The second reason is that I connect with the world of women, being the afab that I am. And the last reason that I'll cover today, is that I'm not out as demiflux to any of my friends. It makes it much easier to say that I'm a lesbian to them, than it would be to say that I'm a demi-gynesexual demiflux person. Lesbian is so much easier! And I know that I should be honest with them, but honestly I feel like gay(or lesbian) is the term I identify most with. Okay, now that I've created the longest blogpost known to humankind, methinks that I should sleep. Your local gay is signing off... -Lux
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
Might as well add that I don't have 'male' days, and that there is a difference between masculine and male. Some days I just feel the need to present more masculinely, but that doesn't mean that I am a guy on those days.
I have a love-hate relationship with gender...
So let’s start things off with what I am. I identifying as genderflux for the time being, but I’m still figuring myself out. It’s kind of scary not knowing if I’m going to feel more girlish, pretty masculine, completely devoid of gender, or somewhere in between. I usually dress pretty neutrally, so it’s not such a big deal when it comes to expression, but many features of my body cause me to be disphoric. As someone not out to their family, I can’t really get a binder or something to combat my disphoria, so it can sometimes bring me down quite a bit. I try to just wear a button-up or a sweatshirt to help me be a shapeless lump, but it  doesn’t always help. Aaaaanyway, I sometimes also love gender. Being presumed female sometimes has its perks. Society is pretty relaxed on girls’ dress, so I can pretty much wear whatever makes me comfortable. Being genderflux can be fun, because having a dynamic gender identity keeps me from always feeling static. Silence and sameness often make me uncomfortable. Plus, waking up with a period on a masculine day is always fun…(Note the sarcasm in my type)
Wow. This is really bad writing, but it’s 1am here so you’ll have to give me a break. Hope everyone is having a great pride month, and all is well.
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
Reblog if you 100% okay with a transgender person correcting you if you accidentally misgender them or use their dead name.
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
To prove something to a friend, please
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
I have a love-hate relationship with gender...
So let’s start things off with what I am. I identifying as demiflux for the time being, but I’m still figuring myself out. It’s kind of scary not knowing if I’m going to feel more girlish, pretty masculine, completely devoid of gender, or somewhere in between. I usually dress pretty neutrally, so it’s not such a big deal when it comes to expression, but many features of my body cause me to be disphoric. As someone not out to their family, I can’t really get a binder or something to combat my disphoria, so it can sometimes bring me down quite a bit. I try to just wear a button-up or a sweatshirt to help me be a shapeless lump, but it  doesn’t always help. Aaaaanyway, I sometimes also love gender. Being presumed female sometimes has its perks. Society is pretty relaxed on girls’ dress, so I can pretty much wear whatever makes me comfortable. Being genderflux can be fun, because having a dynamic gender identity keeps me from always feeling static. Silence and sameness often make me uncomfortable. Plus, waking up with a period on a masculine day is always fun…(Note the sarcasm in my type)
Wow. This is really bad writing, but it’s 1am here so you’ll have to give me a break. Hope everyone is having a great pride month, and all is well.
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luxhasmoved-blog · 8 years ago
Hello Internet!
Call me Lux. Today marks the beginning of my sorry attempt at a blog. I will probably try to regale you with tales of the mundane events of my life, some crappy poems, and other nonsense. I’m hoping that writing this blog will help me find myself, and connect with those who are like me. Although I doubt that anyone will actually read this, a small part of me is excited to share some writing with the world. 
Well, Here goes! 
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