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luxeadam · 3 years ago
MATCHED! 💖 Sam ⮂ Adam
Sam: You're welcome! It's a super good song.
Sam: I read once that if you sing the song from start to finish you're way more likely to not have it stuck in your head anymore. Cause like if you only sing one part of it then your brain thinks it's like not finished and stuff and then it needs to keep repeating it until you do?
Sam: I didn't fact check though so it might not be true.
Adam: It really is!!
Adam: Whether it is true or not it is interesting, and something I am willing to try.
Adam: And if there is nothing that comes up in your fact check, you can publish your findings if it works. :)
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
That’s awesome! Have you run into many at all? Oh! Are any super big fans of your baking!? I think that would be awesome. I mean, I suck at baking so it would never happen to me. But! Maybe someone would really love my music or something. If I found out Matthew McConaughey listened to my music I think I would DIE of a heart attack. In a good way. Ooh, that sounds like secret agent stuff. OMG, are you secretly in the FBI or something pretending to be a baker just to get the drop on some crazy gang stuff or something?? I promise I’m not part of a gang! I’m too pretty for that life. 
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Sadly, no. No celebrities..yet! Hopefully yet. But! Hailee Steinfeld followed me about a month ago on Insta so that is my flex of the moment. Really, Matthew McConaughey? Are you a big fan of his work? 
Now that you know my secret I don’t think I can let you live. ..Maybe I’m confusing the FBI with CIA or like an assassin or something. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
There must have been; there definitely is more kid-friendly shark movies now. Though that doesn’t help your traumatized eight-year-old self. I would never do that, but I can understand your skepticism.  Alright so, the few songs that came to mind from the “Lover” album is; Lover, I Think He Knows, or Cornelia Street. Possibly London Boy.
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Oh zero help now. Cue years of trauma and not wanting to step into the ocean for years and years, not until I was well into my teens. 
All of them are pretty choice. Honestly, it’s great start to finish. Cornelia Street makes me tear up each time I hear it, sometimes I’ll skip that while baking. I have been known to put Me! on repeat but I Think He Knows is at the top as well. Annnnd I was making a lemon cake, it felt like it fit the vibe of the album. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
MATCHED! 💖 Sam ⮂ Adam
It's a match! Begin your private chat now-
Sam: Do you brie-lieve in life after love??
Adam: I can feel something inside me say, I really don't think you're strong enough, no!
Adam: Now, I will officially have that song stuck in my head from this point forward. :)
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
Holy cannolis, it def sounds like you had a rough day! I know I’m running, like, supes late with this response, but I just have to ask if things got any better? Or did, like, the big bad bed monster come out to grab you, too? I’m kidding, obvs. But really, I think a lot of pretty crappy things could happen in a bed, depending on how you look at things. Anyhoot, I hope things worked out better the next day! I’m Mason McCarthy, by the by. It’s supes great to meet you!
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You don’t have to worry about being late, zero judgement here. I appreciate you checking. Yes, I can say that things have been significantly better since that day. Hoping that was plenty of bad luck to last me for a while. I do have to say it crossed my mind that something was going to happen when I was back at my flat. No where felt safe that day. A lot of stress waking up the next morning almost expecting it to happen all over again. Nice to meet you, Mason. I’m Adam and I promise that I am not a beacon for bad luck just a bad day thankfully. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
Hey, sometimes that’s how it works, right? You just get this crazy calling that you never expected you had and bam! Can turn out to the be best thing in the world! Why did you choose LA? But if you really insist! I’ll totally take free baked goods! Oh yeah, it’s definitely a quantity issue, it just tastes so good though!
Oh, fair enough. I like to try and think on the positive side all the time! You never know when just a little positivity can help! 
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I’ve lived in New York for a short time and I had wanted to go out to visit California and I never got the chance to before I went back to England. So, when it came to moving to the US to set up Crumbles, I figured this was my chance to see California. And I chose LA because who doesn’t want to raise their chances of running into a celebrity. I do insist! I’ll just sneak a bag of them on you somewhere before you leave so it’ll just be easier to accept. 
I like to believe that as well. Sometimes a positive outlook can change the whole situation or your whole day. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
Sure, but precision doesn’t necessarily equate to difficulty. Karma? Do you believe in horoscopes too? Have you never been pleasantly surprised before? It’s a good experience, you should try it some time.
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I don’t believe in horoscopes, I think they are entirely too broad to be accurate. Each one is like, “You’re going to have a good day unless you are going to have a bad one.” It’s not something I buy into other than for entertainment purposes. And for the sake of entertainment, I am a Leo. I’ve been pleasantly surprised before. Like, I was pleasantly surprised when I tried the gluten free pancakes I made one time for myself and my old roommate and it wasn’t the worst thing I have tasted. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
You know, you might be onto something there.  Sorry today is cancelled due to coffee.  Try again tomorrow.
Ah, that’s always the worst; pride is the one thing that is often hard to fix.  A Captain America band aid just won’t cut that one will it?
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Always listen to the spilled coffee. There is a lesson there.
Not for the pride, no but it certainly helps my scissor wound. It was a close call, but I survived. At least the days that have followed have been significantly better. No spilled drinks, or mishaps with pointy objects. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
Thank you! Oh, I can imagine. That must have been a disaster. It will always be a mystery to me how cats decide who they do and do not like. It always seems so random.
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Thank God! Let’s hope you won’t have another one of those in a long time. But yes, maybe you should be extra careful with coffee and scissors for a little longer, just to be sure. What were you making? Or, well, trying to make?
I’ve found myself to be more of a dog person, not necessarily by my choosing. Cats don’t seem to get on with me. Don’t know what it is and it’s a shame because I do like them, it’s just not much of a mutual feeling. Closest I’ve gotten was more apathetic than anything. 
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 Fingers crossed, knock on wood, all of that. I’ve made sure that I bring coffee from home for now in a tumbler with a tightly screwed on lid. Sadly sharp objects continue to be a necessity in my daily life so I will just have to make sure I am extra careful around them. Not that I was careless to begin with of course or before the incident. I was in the middle of making what should have been a simple batch of chocolate chip cookies. Nothing fancy and it gave me so much trouble. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
That you could be a social media super star?? Uh yeah! Course you could. Specially if all that baking and stuff is as good as the reviews are! But dude, you don’t gotta give it away, I’m totally happy to help a friend out with his business! I don’t have any food allergies, no! Sometimes my tummy gets all funny when I eat too much ice cream, but I think that’s cause I don’t got no impulse control… 
Well that doesn’t sound that optimistic! I hope things start looking better for you soon! Everybody deserves some lovin’. 
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It’s just weird to me. I didn’t seek it out it just sort of happened and I went with it because, well..Ilove baking and lets be honest the money isn’t terrible either. It got me to LA and opening my own bakery. But I insist, if you come round you can have your choice of dessert on me. Mm yeah, that sounds more than a quantity issue rather than an actual allergy or dairy related problem. 
Thanks, really. I can be a very optimistic person but I also find myself to be rather realistic a lot of the time and some might interpret that as more pessimistic or cynical. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
Waist a second…who thought it was a good idea to play Jaws at an eight-year-old birthday party? That just seems like a disaster from the start. I guess it’s true, then? You learn something new every day. 
If you do, let me know. I can be your snorkeling partner-supporter because while the reefs in the documentaries are amazing, being there in real life is breathtaking. 
Exciting choice; now I’m eager to know what kind you baked while listening to the album. I have my guesses, but I definitely need them confirmed. 
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Complete disaster! But, he loved sharks and had a shark themed birthday. Still, I think there could have been better things to play. None come to mind right now, but I am sure there are some shark kid friendly movies that existed then.
Mmm I’d like to hear your guesses before I go giving away the answer. Otherwise, you could just be agreeing with my answer. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
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strawberry cake
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
Maybe you did something so totally awful that your brain repressed the memory entirely, because clearly the universe has it out for you. Ooh I wonder what you did. Murder, perhaps? It’s always the quiet nerdy types. They say that you never see it coming but perhaps at this point, we should.
Yikes. I think worrying over whether someone was offended about cookie placement is even sadder than someone being offended about cookie placement in the first place. Pull yourself together, man. 
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You’re a regular Sherlock Holmes aren’t you? Perhaps you’re right. I murdered someone but it was so traumatizing i just blacked it all out. It was me, in the kitchen, with a rolling pin! See that is totally fair, just because we’re quiet and nerdy doesn’t mean we don’t have that deep seated anger inside us. Not that I do but the lesson is always you should never judge a book by its cover. Example, Tale of Two Cities. Interesting cover, guillotine and all. Shit book.  
The smallest things can set people, you don’t know. I could have mistakenly dropped a chocolate chip into the batter of sugar cookies. Someone could be allergic to chocolate. That’s a health and safety risk. That kind of thing could be bad for an up and coming new business like mine. I’ll lose followers. Chaos will ensue! Where does the madness end!?
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
You just gotta think of yourself as a superstar and then it’s totally not that bad. Cause like, anyone can be a star if they think that way on the inside. Just normal folk walking around doing people things. But that sounds awesome! I’ll look it up and swing by some time! I love helping others, and I love food so totally a win win! Well I moved to LA cause it was smarter for my career. Recording music and stuff just makes sense here I guess. And I’m on the app cause I’m always lookin’ for new ways of lovin’. How can you ever find the one if you only look in one place, y’know? How’s it been treating you? 
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You’ve got a point, and really pretty much anyone now a days can be a star through social media with even a microcosm of talent. I've always found it hard to think of myself that way, even if it is true...statistically speaking. Plus there are loads of people who are so much more talented than myself and I just respect them so much that it makes them all the more intimidating. I’d love to see you around, free double chocolate chunk cookie on the house when you come. You don’t have any food allergies do you? Gluten free? Cause I do have gluten free options too. Sugar free as well. It’s not as fun as the rest of the desserts but..I’m rambling now, I’m so sorry.  You are most definitely in the right place then. I’ve heard Nashville is another great place for music artist, too. And I suppose you have yet another point, you have a better chance at finding someone if you try more than the same place time and time again. It’s been..going I suppose. Definitely not terrible as those other apps and sites I’ve tried. 
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
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Yellow desserts
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luxeadam · 3 years ago
🎧 Is baking really that complicated? Do you think it’s really an unlucky day or more like a clumsy streak? Do you actually believe in Friday the 13th?
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Baking is a science, it has to be very precise. Usually, I don’t struggle with it the way that I did with the bag of chocolate chips and the scissors. I am a firm believer in karma. I can’t imagine I had karma coming back around on me but Friday the 13th is more of a situation where, I think if you are expecting bad things to happen they will. But, I’m pretty sure it was just a bad luck, incredibly off sort of day.
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