luvtobebald · 5 days
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luvtobebald · 5 days
Once upon a time, there was a vibrant and vivacious Brazilian twink named Leo. He was known for his luscious, thick hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. Leo loved his hair and took great care of it, but one day he came across a trend on social media that piqued his interest. Young Brazilian men were shaving the tops of their heads in a male pattern bald style, and the results were striking. 
Leo was always up for a change of pace and thought that it would be fun to try out the look for himself. He invited some of his friends over, and they shaved off the top of his head, leaving only a fringe of hair. They all had a good laugh, recorded the process, and uploaded the video online. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and Leo was pleased with the results. 
Two days later, Leo and his friends went out to the club to dance the night away. While he was on the dance floor, he caught sight of a handsome, older bald man who caught his eye. Leo approached him and said, 'I like your look.' To which the man replied, 'I could say the same, looks like we match.' 
The two men hit it off, and after a few drinks, they went back to the bald man's house. They started kissing and soon found themselves in the bald man's bedroom. The bald man rubbed Leo's head, which still had some stubble from his recent shave, and said, 'I used to have the same problem with stubble when I started shaving, but I cleaned mine up well.' 
In the dimly lit confines of the bedroom, the man produced a bottle of poppers, offering it to Leo with a mischievous grin. 'Breathe this in, and I'll fix you up,' he purred, his voice dripping with both excitement and anticipation. Without hesitation, Leo breathed in the poppers, and they hit him hard. He felt a sudden surge of horniness, and the bald man noticed it.
Oblivious to the potential dangers and under the influence of the intoxicating substance, Leo allowed the man to guide him through the experience. However, he could have never anticipated the peculiar turn the night would soon take. 
'Time to clean you up,' the older man announced, producing an epilator from his nightstand. 
The bald man then took out an epilator and started using it on Leo's male pattern bald spot. Leo was surprised but didn't stop the bald man. Instead, he found himself getting more and more turned on by the sensation of the epilator ripping out his hair. Leo's eyes widened, confusion and fear lacing his features. To Leo's surprise, in addition experiencing pain, he was overcome by an indescribable sensation of pleasure. The older man was making him hornier by the second, and he found himself wanting more. Losing himself to the unfamiliar and exhilarating feelings, Leo surrendered to the man's unconventional methods, allowing him to fully rip out the majority of his hair. 
The epilator tugged and pulled at Leo’s hair, ripping it out by the roots. It was painful, but the pleasure that accompanied it was undeniable. Leo couldn't believe how turned on he was, and he let the older man continue until every last hair had been torn out. 
After an intense epilating session, the bald man turned off the epilator and handed Leo a mirror. Leo looked in the mirror and saw that all his hair on top of his head had been removed. His shaved male pattern baldness had now turned into a smooth, hairless male pattern bald dome.
Leo was stunned but also felt incredibly horny. The bald man seemed excited about the result. 'Well, someone seems to like the improvement,' the bald man laughed. 
Over the next few days, Leo couldn't stop thinking about the bald man and the intense sexual experience they shared. He found himself going back to the bald man's apartment every night, and the bald man continued to epilate Leo's head. 
Despite the pain and discomfort of the epilating sessions, Leo found himself craving the sensation more and more. He enjoyed the feeling of being bald, and he liked that he could share this unique experience with the bald man. 
The bald man and Leo continued to see each other and explore their sexual chemistry further. They found that they shared a mutual fascination with the male pattern baldness and the sensation of tearing hair out. 
Eventually, Leo's hair stopped growing back. The bald man shaved Leo's head, and his male pattern bald fringe was now visible even with the shaved head. 'Well, now we really do look just like each other,' the horny bald twink laughs. 
Leo had never thought that he would find baldness attractive, but the experience had changed his perspective. He had learned to embrace his masculinity and sexuality in a new way. 
Leo's friends noticed the change in his appearance but didn't say anything. Leo decided to keep the new look, and he started to enjoy the attention he was getting from strangers. He felt a sense of freedom and confidence that he had never felt before. 
In the end, Leo had transformed himself from a luscious-haired twink into a bald, confident man. He had embraced a trend that he had initially found amusing, and he had turned it into something that he now cherished.
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luvtobebald · 11 days
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Son, I think it's time. The long sideburns and the thin top aren't working. It's time clear the top and look like nature intends you to look. This current cut isn't doing you any favors.
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luvtobebald · 19 days
I had always been proud of my thick, flowing hair. It was one of the few things that made me stand out from the crowd, and I liked it that way. But here I was, standing in front of the mirror in my boyfriend Joe's apartment, staring at my balding head with a mix of horror and fascination. Joe was a strong, hirsute, bald man with visible muscles. He liked to wear muscle shirts and had a manly musk that I found strangely intoxicating. I, on the other hand, was an average man who took pride in his hair. But Joe wanted me to become more like him, and as much as I hated to admit it, his constant badgering was starting to get to me. It all started with a simple haircut. Joe hated my long hair and convinced me to get a buzzcut. I hated it at first, but I didn't complain. I figured it was just a small change, and I could always grow it back. But then I found myself in Joe's bathroom, staring at his epilator. For some reason, I felt compelled to use it on my head. The pain was intense, but so was the pleasure. I couldn't stop myself from tearing out my hair. When I went back to bed, Joe looked at me with surprise and admiration. 'I don't know what happened, but you look sexier than ever!' he exclaimed. He grabbed me and fucked me harder than he ever had before. I had the best orgasm of my life, and from that moment on, I was hooked. I began using the epilator regularly, and each time, Joe would join in, using it to thin out my hair even more. I hated the pain of having my hair ripped out, but I loved the attention from Joe. He shaved my head weekly to keep my hair short, and I continued to use the epilator, even as a bald spot formed on my head. Joe loved my baldness, and I have to admit, I did too. There was something strangely empowering about it. I felt stronger, more masculine. I was becoming more like Joe, and it turned me on. But then one day, after a particularly intense epilation session, I realized that I had gone bald. Not just balding, but completely bald. I was horrified. This was not what I had signed up for. I wanted to stop, to go back to the way things were, but I couldn't. I was addicted to the pain, the pleasure, and most of all, the attention from Joe. Joe, however, loved it. He loved my bald head, and he loved the fact that I had become more like him. He told me that I had never looked sexier, and he fucked me with a passion that I had never experienced before. I couldn't deny that it felt good, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I had lost myself in the process. In the end, I realized that I had let Joe's desires consume me. I had destroyed the man I used to be, all in the name of becoming more like the man I loved. And even though I hated what I had become, I couldn't deny the intense arousal I felt every time I looked in the mirror and saw my bald head staring back at me. Joe and I continued our relationship, with him shaving my head regularly to keep it short. I still used the epilator, and the baldness became permanent. I had become a bald man, just like Joe. And even though I had lost myself in the process, I couldn't deny that I loved the man I had become.
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luvtobebald · 19 days
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The goal !!
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luvtobebald · 19 days
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luvtobebald · 19 days
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luvtobebald · 19 days
Lasered MPB, up close and personal
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luvtobebald · 24 days
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luvtobebald · 24 days
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luvtobebald · 1 month
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luvtobebald · 1 month
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luvtobebald · 1 month
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boy to man
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luvtobebald · 1 month
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Front, back, top, side…for those asking. 😙
After this week, I’m doubtful I’ll ever be ID’d for booze again.
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luvtobebald · 1 month
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Epilator Round 3… wider and dips lower… and I didn’t cut the fringe since so many people requested to see it grown out. Tell Me what you think in detail.
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luvtobebald · 2 months
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Update: still out here looking like somebodies bald-headed uncle. Survived my 2nd match against the spinning tweezers of death.
**Random thought for today: if somebody wants to send me an IPL device, I’ll use it and document my progress & publish results on here. (Just throwing that out into the tumblrverse.)
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luvtobebald · 2 months
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