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“petition to send xiao xingchen to your local bondage shop, please my family is dying.”
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
luv-bbug · 3 years ago
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I think I speak for all of us lmao
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
Xue Meng: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Mo Ran: Wow, you could have start with a 'good morning'.
Xue Meng: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
guess what! new obsession has dropped! 2ha brainrot.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
Feng Xin: I made tea.
Mu Qing: I don’t want tea.
Feng Xin: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Mu Qing: Then why are you telling me?
Feng Din: It is a conversation starter.
Mu Qing: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Feng Xin: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
Mu Qing: i went through an entire character arc during quarantine
Mu Qing: i became more evil if you’re curious
Feng Xin: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still!
Mu Qing: i’m going to get worse on purpose just to spite you.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
Shang Qinghua: my father abandoned me.
Mobei-Jun: that's so sad.
Shan Qinghua: ya.
Shang Qinghua:
Mobei-Jun: if you want you can call me daddy?
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
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mdzs stuff part 1
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
Shen Qingqiu: You're right.
Shang Qinghua: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
*In a reasonable tone*: Binghe has so much dick, I just think it makes sense to have Shen Qingqiu AND Liu Qingge take care of it v.v
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
— Superstar Bonnie x Glamrock Freddy! short fic.
writing this fanfiction because wooly is being a BITCH!
In the Freddy Fazbear facility as they were not opened to the public at this moment, the animatronics are able to do whatever they desire— from hanging out with each other to just rocking and rolling by themselves in their own little area. Particularly, if you're assigned animatronic names are "Superstar Bonnie" and "Glamrock Freddy".
They meet each other at the Bonnie Bowling Alley after every performance have ended— it is there way of bonding with each other. As they finished getting some scores in, by knocking off the bowling pins with their individual skills— where Bonnie obviously is more professional at it and just cheering Freddy on. They rested on the nearest bench to sit on whenever the kids or guardians would watch over and take a break.
Freddy and Bonnie had sat down on their own, and began to chatter about every possible things— Freddy found a new interest he was excited to tell Bonnie about that he considers impossible but a what if? Bonnie, of course, wants to hear all about it. He likes whatever Freddy talks about, just hearing anything from him makes his world brighter and happier.
"Superstar, it's about the story of the Red Riding Hood?-"
"Freddy, I think we all know the story of the Red Riding Hood." he says endearingly, smiling.
"Nono, this is the comedic one."
he chuckles and responds with, "Then go on, I'd love to hear it."
"So it was about red riding hood going to her grandma, and met the wolf where he says; 'young miss, you shouldn't be here what if I was a feral wolf that would like to have eaten you.' and the little girl scoffed and said 'do you think a woman can't solve their own problems with a wolf?' and the wolf was stunned because he seemed sexist to her—" Freddy kept on rambling about such a ridiculous story, while Bonnie just stares at him with again. . . a smile plastered on his face.
He found the other so adorable, babbling away without any care of the world. He was so interesting, funny, and Bonnie is so glad to have a friend like him. He knew what he felt was simply adoration and love but He also knew he can never tell him about this— as he believes there's an ending in everything and the possibilities were endless. Not paying attention to the story, Freddy had noticed and called out for him.
"Superstar? Superstar... Bonnie?"
"Freddy.. I like you.." he says unconsciously, and back to regaining his consciousness. "I meant! I like your story, what a nice ending!"
A frown has formed in Freddy's faceplate, "I haven't even finished the ending yet?"— oh Bonnie knew he messed up this time.
He sighs, I mean it's better early than never right? He hesitates for a moment and grabs Freddy's hands.
"Freddy, I have something to say and it's fine if you have no response or whatever just listen to me." Freddy then links his hands to the other's hands and nods.
"I like how you shine always in the stage with me, I like how you always ramble about such little things and be easily amused and entertained, I like all the moments we have spent with each other since the day we met and now— the present. I like you; actually no. I love you. You don't have to do anything you don't want just because of this sudden confession for you. I just wanted to tell you."
Freddy smiled and caressed Bonnie's face, and put his arms around— a big embrace on the other's metallic body. "Superstar, I've always liked you too. No, love you even."
Bonnie was so happy hearing this he returned the hug both of them, in each other's embrace and affection.
With all the endless possibilities, the one meant for them is the happiest one of all.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
two short fics, one night. i’m popping off!! 🥳‼️
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
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— yi city wintertimes! shortfic.
winter has come again, oh! the piles of snow, the snowmen the children built all over the roads, the temperature grows cold as the soda you forgot you left on your freezer that turned into spicy ice— that with one touch you feel burnt.
funny how people would dislike this weather, i bet no one does? xue yang does. he does? yep. oh.
covered in every blankets, the full on white robe daozhang has found in a span of three whole minutes— xue yang, was yet still feeling cold as ever, he hated the temperature, he hated everything about it. this is the season he felt the most vulnerable in, as he was always freezing and having shivers down his spine with his chicken skin. if he could kill winter, he would and he wouldn’t hesitate to. every year this season passes, the two daozhangs; song lan and xiao xingchen spends it with him as they felt xue yang had needed them both. song lan has tried to escape a few times from this, though xiao xingchen doesn’t let him.
honestly, who are you kidding song lan. we know you want to be there for xue yang too, stop being bitter sweet. we can see right through you. he sat beside xue yang with some hot coco, glaring at him as he signs “here you go, idiot. hope you get burnt.” xiao xingchen gives him a nudge, and stares at him down, as he continues “i’m joking.” he wasn’t— “go and drink it. we have to go.” as xue yang was about to ask where, a-qing has beaten him to it. “go?— go where?” young maiden didn’t wanna be left alone with an emotionally vulnerable xue yang, it’s just not her cup of tea.
song lan then sets a palm on a-qings head, and gives it a slight rub for sheer comfort. xiao xingchen has answered, “we have to get something, assigned to us. we’ll be back as fast as we can.”
“are you sure about that?”
a-qing sighs deeply and audibly, “fine..”
xiao xingchen wrapped his arms around the girl, then xue yang who was indulged in wanting warmth. he couldn’t even come up with an insult to xiao xingchen when he embraced him, in fact he liked it with his body warmth.
“we’ll go now.” xiao xingchen and song lan says, as they get their swords and exit the place they were staying at. they both spend time, getting hit by the snow from the above, but none of them felt cold. mostly now that song lan is a fierce corpse with inability to speak— at least in this story, they have each an eye now. which is great!
as they accomplished their tasks, they went to a nearby candy shop seller, for they were thinking about the other two they left behind to exorcise some evils. they bought as much as they could and went back just in time as the two were about to pretty much kill each other with comebacks to comebacks. xiao xingchen walked in first, to tell them to stop and they did. he was pretty much in control of this whole group.
xue yang was in the verge of tears, no, not from a-qing. it’s from the body warmth from xiao xingchen he was thinking of the whole time which the latter notices, of course— he sat beside him and indulged him in a big embrace again, that one tear from xue yang’s eyes dropped down, and just rested his head on one of xiao xingchen’s shoulder. song lan, on the other hand awkwardly hands xue yang the candies they bought for him, in which xiao xingchen pulled him in and a-qing both to give out a group hug to all of them.
they were one big family, they were happy, and all they needed was each other, no matter how much they argue or physically has the need to make sure they all have hatred for each other. they obviously cared for each other, and would do anything—
until song lan sat up in cold sweat, not that he felt that it was cold, he’s always been cold ever since that day. . . he couldn’t feel tears coming out, he was dead— but conscious, he couldn’t speak all his pain out, he didn’t have anyone to confide in. in fact, he doesn’t have anyone. he looks to the side of the mat he was sleeping in to find; a-qing, xiao xingchen, and xue yang’s spirit pouches with him along with xiao xingchen’s sword, and the cat he newly found on the streets. he wished he could turn back time, he wished all of them could just meet eye to eye and live the happy ever after they all would’ve wanted.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
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— bonnie x montgomery gator!short fic.
(angst, major character death, intrusive thoughts)
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
the sight of a large purple animatronic, with adorable ears have sprung up from the monty golf doors opening. montgomery gator— the other animatronic placed into their own part of the fazbear facility was beaming to see bonnie once again, they always have enjoyed being with each other. they both rock and rolled as they desire. . .
monty didn’t think it’d end up like this.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
it’s showtime!!
glamrock chica, roxanne wolf, glamrock freddy, and glamrock bonnie has arisen from the stage again. the kids below them roar with excitement and jumping around to see it clearly with their little legs and feet— the lights center around the animatronics as music blasts and kids enjoy.
the animatronics move their metallic bodies; dancing humanely with their new programming and perfect voice lip-syncing to the song.
though as close, as the performance was coming to an end. bonnie felt something malfunction inside of him, that he couldn’t shake off, but he forced himself to. he thought that he continues on for longer it’ll all be over, so he didn’t stop nor tell anyone. the show. the show needs to be perfect, he is afraid to disappoint the staff, the kids. . . the kids—
his animatronic body glitched, head uncontrollable, and eye twitching. he couldn’t feel himself any longer, what was he doing, he didn’t imagine that he would ever have this problem not when everyone’s eyes were all on him. he felt himself shut down, as he fell to the ground. everyone has gasped, the staff surround the kids and tell them to stay away from the premises for now.
they lowered the stage lift, and brought everyone back to their rooms— leaving bonnie alone in parts and service, his other friends worried about him especially freddy, who told monty about the news as he knew he was also quite the closest to him.
as bonnie was getting repaired and handled with care, monty had the situation clogged in his brain. bonnie is having a malware in his system, could this be his chance? no. he would never wish something as bad for bonnie— or would he? he was never called out in the stage, always getting outshined by everyone, always in his own little cage. . . if he did get rid of bonnie, will everyone finally notice him?
all he needs to do is dismantle him, destr— monty! what are you thinking? he is your life long friend! he’s the first one who ever taught you anything you needed to be here. he physically sighs, and regrets what he has thought of. he then just decides that when bonnies finally awake, he’ll invite him for a game of golf, have fun and be with each other for awhile after he recovers again. yeah,,, that’s it. . .
. . .
“w-what! did i do!?” the gator, holding his golf club on his hand, parts everywhere, the endoskeleton all ruined. who was it?. . .
who was it that he. . .
“bonnie, bonnie! i’m sorry. i’m so so so sorry.” he felt all the guilt, sadness, madness, and regret as someone who was also programmed to feel human emotions. he killed his friend, his ally, his colleague, someone who cared about him. he— he loved him, he always did.
but now he’s gone, he’s gone because. . . because of all this thoughts, i’m so selfish he thought; selfish, selfish, selfish. with my own hands. . .
he was just greeting bonnie happily, and lovingly— but like a flash everything turned gray and dull as this was the last time he will ever get to see him and it’s all because of his own fault.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
because, i’m in the mood to write rn for bonnie x monty— i’ll be doing it 😈‼️
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
i’m never sorry that i always pronounced shen qingqui’s name as shen kinky, i know it isn’t pronounced like that, but to me it is. case dismissed.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
i like to think monty, freddy, and bonnie are in a polyamarous relationship. no— actually they are, and i stand by it.
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luv-bbug · 3 years ago
— [ short story!! ]
psa: this is from one tiktok i saw, and i couldn’t stop laughing ever since.
song lan has finally has his day finished, he was at work the whole day, and his desk was bombarded with papers with hurry due so he was exerting every effort he could. he huffed and puffed tired from all of it, he puts away his shoes and socks away upon entering his apartment complex, and slammed the door shut. he entered his bedroom, not even bothering to get food from the kitchen nor clean up after himself but instead throws himself on the bed.
as he plops on the bed, his eyes start to close but sprung up, of course he has to charge his phone first because it was dead by all the massive calls he had to make and take. as he gets the charger and plugs the cord in his phone, he also then tries to reach for the power socket to plug the adapter. he couldn’t quite get it right, he missed and missed the spot, and it was probably making a ruckus of noise in the other room until—
someone punched through the wall and did it for him. he was shocked by the sudden action of his neighbor that he wanted to go enraged and say “YOU JUST RUINED MY WALL?!?!” but because of his lack of energy. he just dozed off after seeing his phone was charged. he thought he’d just settle the problem once he’s awake. as hours go by until it’s early in the morning, he opened his eyes and remembered.
“WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED AGAIN?!” he shouted impulsively, and as the hole in the wall made it. there would be no soundproof for him in that area anymore.
xue yang as the “someone” next door, just said “hello… goodmorning! i bet you had a nice sleep” with such a mocking voice like he really did something bad and he’s proud of it. song lan has hated him ever since an incident happened at the elevator when they first met, though i’m not getting into any detail of that. he looked at the power socket and beside of it was a tiny hole in the wall, where xue yang has put his hand in last night.
“shouldn’t you say thank you?”
“for the hole in my wall? no thanks.”
“i was the one who charged your phone, without me that’d be dead.”
“shut up.” song lan reached for the adapter but was met by xue yang’s middle finger.
“fuck you too, song lan.”
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