lunaxoc · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy pt. 3
Ivy + Soobin + Jacob
[ TXT 6th Member ]
Soobin comes home to see Ivy upset and does his best to fix it. 
masterlist | coffee? | Send in your requests for Ivy or any feedback/questions you have!
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Soobin had just arrived home from meetings at the company and he couldn’t help put notice the crying figure sitting in the living room. 
“Ives are you okay?” Soobin asked, concerned from the girl. He wasn’t sure what could possibly be wrong. He knew Ivy had her performance today and according to the group chat it went rather well. 
“Not really,” Ivy sniffled changing her position on the couch from laying down to sitting up so she could make some room for Soobin. “Want to talk about it,” Soobin asked as he approached the opposite end of the couch so he could sit down. “No, I already vented to Beomgyu when he got home earlier,”
“Yeah so you definitely need to talk about it,” Soobin laughed knowing that the boy only listened and gave his two-cents which probably wasn’t good or logical advice. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Ivy mumbled. 
“It’s Beomgyu, was he any help at all?” Soobin questioned raising his eyebrow at the girl. Though Soobin knew the answer to the question, he had the ask the question to prove a point. 
“No, but he’s a great listener,” Ivy sniffled, playing with her fingers that sat in her lap. 
“Right, so what’s wrong?”
“What did he do?” 
“Nothing bad, I hope. I mean he did miss my performance which honestly isn’t a big deal at this point but I saw him and Ava together.”
“Together like kissing?”
“No, they were on the roof of the dorm where we usually hang out. It looked like a candle lit dinner or something, I don’t know. I didn’t really stay to find out.” 
“Have you talked to him? Maybe the dinner was for you?” Soobin questioned pulling out his phone from his pocket. He knew exactly what Ivy needed. Pizza and Vanilla Ice Cream. And although he wasn’t Jacob’s biggest fan, he shot him a text letting him know he should come over and talk to Ivy. 
“With Ava’s help? We aren’t even friends anymore and Jacob had no idea I was coming over.” 
“Honestly I’m not sure.” Soobin began, gently grabbing Ivy so he could lay in his lap. “I know we’ve never seen eye to eye when it comes to Jacob,but I just want you to know that I don’t dislike him or anything. I just think you needed to focus on yourself and career but over the last few months i’ve seen how happy he’s made you. You should really talk to him, I’m sure it was a huge misunderstanding.”
“I will, just not right now,” 
“So what your just going to lay here and overthink every possible scenario in your head?”
“That sounds like the best idea,”
“I don’t think that’s very helpful, Ives” 
There was a knock on the door making Ivy sit up in confusion. “Are you expecting someone,” 
“Yes, I ordered Pizza and Ice cream,” Soobin began, leaving out the part where he also invited Jacob over. Opening the door he was met with a sight he didn’t expect to see so soon. Jacob and his delivery order in his hands. “I was already on my way when you texted,” Jacob announced at the Soobin’s confusion handing Soobin the pizza and Ice cream. 
“Come in then, Ivy is in the living room. She’s really upset by the way.” Soobin explained, letting the boy in, “I know, I’m sorry,” Jacob apologized.  
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to her,” Soobin shrugged, as he began walking down the hallway, Jacob following in suit. 
“Soobin what’s taking you -” Ivy began as she turned the corner into the hallway only to see Jacob and Soobin. “I’ll be in my room,” Ivy stated as she turned the corner and made her way to her room. 
“I didn’t tell her you were coming,” Soobin spoke, noticing how the boy’s demeanor changed a bit “I see,” 
“Whether she wants to talk to you or not it’s Ivy. She’ll listen. She always does” Jacob nodded and made his way to Ivy’s room. The door was already open but he knocked lightly to announce his presence. Ivy sat up when she noticed Jacob standing in the doorway and patted the spot next to her on the bed, offering Jacob to sit. Jacob walked across the room over to Ivy’s bed and sat. “I’m sorry,” Jacob began, “I know sorry isn’t going to fix this but I want you to know I’m truly sorry,” 
Ivy nodded feeling herself about to cry so she climbed into Jacob’s lap and cuddled into his chest. “Do you want to talk about it, or do you need a minute?” Jacob asked as he began to rub Ivy’s back after hearing her sniffle. He could tell she was crying and that broke his heart even more. Minutes went by and the girl was still silent. 
“How about I talk and you listen,?” Jacob suggested continuing to rub the girls back. Again Ivy just nodded. Of course, she wanted to talk to him, she just wasn’t ready to talk. 
“I just want you to know that I didn’t cheat on you, I would never cheat on you. Ava had come by asking for help because she wanted to do something special for Kevin. At first, I did say but she looked desperate and Kevin is my best friend. I never meant to hurt you, that was never my intention.” Jacob apologized, he stared down at the girl and notice that she was no longer crying. 
“I forgive you,” Ivy choked out, her voice was a bit raspy from crying, “Just promise me you’ll call next time. I was really hurt and disappointed when you didn’t show up and then I found out that you were with Ava, which hurt even more.” 
“I promise I won’t let you down again,” Jacob declared, he never wanted to see Ivy upset like this because of him ever again. 
“Can you stay or do you have a schedule tomorrow?” Ivy looked up at the boy hoping he could stay. She wanted to spend all the time with him that she could before the two started promotions. “I’ll stay. I have a schedule tomorrow but it’s not till the afternoon,” 
“Want to watch a movie?” Jacob smiled, “Sure,” 
“Okay, I’m going to go grab us some pizza and ice cream, can you pick a movie,” Ivy asked getting up from Jacobs’s lap, only to be pulled back down. “Yes but only if I can get a kiss first,” Ivy hummed happily as Jacob placed his hand under her chin and pulling her into a kiss. It was slow, passionate, and filled with so much love. Though the two haven’t officially said the 4 letter word to each other, the kiss confirmed that the feeling was mutual.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy pt. 2
Ivy + TBZ + SKZ
[ TXT 6th Member ]
As Jacob is leaving for Ivy’s solo performance, Ava shows up and asks him for help. 
Jealousy Jealousy pt. 1
masterlist | coffee? | Send in your requests for Ivy or any feedback/questions you have!
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Jacob was getting ready to leave to go to Ivy’s performance and he wasn’t looking forward to it. Of course, he was proud of Ivy and wanted to support her but Chan was going to be there too. Jacob was well aware that Chan and Ivy were best friends. It’s not that he didn’t like Chan he just wanted Ivy to depend on him more than Chan. I guess you can say it was a pride thing.
 All the other members besides Kevin had plans today since it was their only day off for the next few weeks. Jacob stopped by Kevin’s room to let him know that he was leaving. “Hey Kev, I’m leaving but I can’t find my phone have you seen it?” 
“I remember seeing it in the living room on the side table, check there,” Kevin stated, as he remembered seeing it there last. “Okay, thanks,” 
As Jacob made his way to the living room there was a knock on the door. Jacob was confused because he didn’t recall any of the members telling him that they were expecting company but maybe Kevin ordered food. Opening the door he didn’t expect to see Ava standing there. The two weren’t very close but knew that the girl and Eric were. 
“Eric isn’t here right now, he’s out with Jisung and Felix actually,” Jacob explained. “I know I saw him already, I’m actually here to see you. Do you have a second?” Ava Sighed. She had spent a few minutes hanging out with the three and none of them were helpful. 
“Uh, not really. I have somewhere to be in an hour,” Jacob replied, kind of feeling bad because the girl looked a little stressed out. 
“I’m hoping it will only take a second,” Ava responded, hoping Jacob could help her. He was her last resort, she had talked to Eric earlier but he was no help. 
“Okay, what do you need,” Jacob questioned. “I asked Eric and he was no help, I was going to ask if you could help me set something up for Kevin. I know you two are best friends and you know him the best. I just wanted to do something special for him, and this is the only day of we both have at the same time so I was hoping I could do it today and,” 
“I’ll help you,” Jacob interrupted the girl. He felt bad that Eric was no help and she had to come all the way over here. He kind of figured that Ava and Kevin had feelings for each other and this just confirmed it for him. 
“Okay, I’ll try to make it quick since you have plans, I just want to go to the store and get a few of his favorite things,”  Ava replied, smiling happily that Jacob was willing to help her. “Okay let me grab my coat really quick,” Jacob spoke, as he turned around to go to his room and grab a coat. 
“Oh hey,” Kevin announced, noticing Ava standing in the hallway by the door as he was coming out of his room. “Hey,” Ava waved, giving Kevin a small smile. 
“What are you doing here,” Kevin questioned confused about why the girl was here. The two had talked recently and Ava didn’t mention that she was coming by. “I just needed Jacob’s help with something really quick,”
“Oh, cool” Kevin muttered, kind of disappointed at the fact that she wanted Jacob’s help and not his. “Okay, I’m ready. See ya bro,” Jacob announced to Ava and saying bye to Kevin. 
After the two got what they needed from the store, Jacob suggested that she should set everything up on the roof since it was one of his favorite spots to hang out. Jacob figured he would let Kevin know that he was back and put the ice cream he bought for the members away. 
Ava began setting up the lights and candles she bought while Jacob was doing what he needed to do in the dorm. She was in her own world while she was putting the lights up that she didn’t even notice that Jacob had come up. 
“Do you need any help with those,” Jacob asked, noticing that Ava was struggling a bit. “No, I think I got it. Do you want to set up the food and desserts on the table? It’s starting to get pretty late and I don’t want to miss the sunset.”
The two ended up finishing setting up about 30 minutes later, tired from all the hard work they did they sat down on the bench for a minute. “Thanks for helping me, it means a lot. I’m sorry you missed your plans.” Ava apologized, she wasn’t sure exactly what his plans were but she had it feeling it had something to with Ivy. Since the two girls weren’t on good terms on the moment she has a bad feeling about all this. 
“It’s not a big deal, I enjoyed helping. I’m gonna go down and get Kevin, are you ready?” Jacob asked, getting up and smiling at the girl. “Yeah,” Ava smiled, getting up as well and making her way over to the table to make sure everything looked perfect. 
Jacob made his way into the dorm and noticed that most of the boys were back home. He greeted them and asked them how their day went, then proceeded to Kevin’s room. “Hey, There is a surprise for you on the roof, grab a jacket it’s pretty chilly,”
“Uh okay,” Kevin furrowed his brows slightly confused, but regardless he grabs his coat without question. “Oh did Ivy find you?” He questioned
“What do you mean,” Jacob questioned, now just as confused as Kevin just was. “Ivy showed up a few minutes ago and I told her you were on the roof, figured she went up there,” Kevin shrugged.  Jacob panicked figuring that Ivy probably saw him and Ava sitting on the roof together and got the wrong idea especially since he missed her performance. 
“Oh my, okay” Jacob panicked patting his jeans and searching his pockets for his phone. “If you’re looking for your phone it’s still in the living room, oh and Ivy called earlier but you weren’t here.” He didn’t even respond to Kevin and rushed into the living to grab his phone. He didn’t mean to spend so long helping Ava but it was something that wasn’t only important to her but to Kevin. But then again Ivy was his girlfriend and he should have put her first. He could only imagine how disappointed Ivy probably was and he didn’t know how to fix it.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy
Ivy + TBZ + SKZ
July 2021 
[ TXT 6th Member ]
Ivy invites two of her favorite people to watch her solo performance but only one shows up. 
masterlist | coffee? | Send in your requests for Ivy or any feedback/questions you have! Also, I’m going to try to be more consistent with posting now that summer quarter is over :) 
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“You made it!” Ivy exclaimed as she noticed Chan walk into her dressing room. She had invited him and Jacob to come watch her perform her solo on the first half special at KBS but Jacob had yet to show up. 
“Of course I did, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I had a schedule before this and it ran a bit later than I thought it would.” Chan explained as he hugged ivy. 
“I just thought because you are a king now that you wouldn’t have time for me,” Ivy said, making a joke about Stray kids winning kingdom.  “Ha ha very funny. I will always have time for Ives.” 
“I thought you invited Jacob?” Chan asked, sort of confused when he didn’t see Jacob in the dressing room. “I did, I’m not sure where he is,” Ivy said, making her way over to the couch that was in the room, “ We talked this morning and he said he was coming.” 
“Did you by chance mention that I was coming?” Chan asked, thinking about the time Eric thought he and Ivy were dating. “I did, wait, you think he didn’t come because you were coming?” Ivy questioned, looking over at Chan who was currently helping himself the snacks she had on the table
“That’s exactly what I think.” Chan declared. Ivy was confused, why would Jacob be jealous of Chan she thought. “Why would he be jealous of you,” 
“Not jealous of me per se, more at the fact that you invited another guy to your performance,” Chan stated, as he sat down next to the girl on the couch. 
“But we’re just friends,” Ivy replied, reaching over to grab a chip out of the bag Chan was holding. “Yeah but think about it from a guy's perspective, when your girlfriend invites another guy to a special event, performance, or whatever, it makes you feel some type of way. As their presence and support aren’t enough for you.” Chan explained, hoping it would make a little more sense to Ivy. 
“That wasn’t my intention. You're my best friend and he’s my boyfriend. Of course, I want you both here,” 
“I’m not saying that’s the reason ives, I’m just saying maybe that’s how he feels,” Chan shrugged, continuing to eat out of the bag of chips he had in his hand. 
“Should I call him?” Ivy questioned, maybe he was just running late she thought. “If you want to sure,” 
Ivy got up from where she was sitting and walked over to the makeup vanity across the room to grab her phone. Unlocking her phone, she clicked on the most recent contact pressing call. 
Chan’s words made sense to her but she didn’t think Jacob felt that way. Maybe he just had a last-minute schedule or something and forgot to tell her. 
“Hello,” Ivy furrowed her brows, as the person on the other line answered. “Kevin?” 
“Yeah, sorry. Jacob left his phone at home, he’s not here right now. ” 
“Oh, do you know where he went?” Ivy, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. 
“I’m not sure Ava stopped by and asked for his help with something. Wait, isn't your performance today?” Ivy was lost, she knew Jacob and Ava knew each other but she didn’t know that the two were friends. 
“Yeah, that’s what I was calling about, Jacob said he was coming.”
“I have Ava’s number, I can call and get a hold of him for you,” Kevin asked, trying to help the girl out. He also knew how much this performance meant to her. It was her first-ever solo performance. 
“No it’s fine, don’t worry about it. Thanks anyways” Ivy muttered, slightly disappointed. What could be so important that he left his phone at home and missed her performance? 
“No problem, oh and good luck,” Kevin cheered, earning a small smile from Ivy that quickly turned back into a pout. 
“Thanks,” Ivy muttered, hanging up the phone. She sighed, as she sat down on the chair in front of the vanity.
“You're pouting, what’s wrong?” Chan asked, noticing how the girl was pouting way before she got off the phone. He could tell she was upset about something. 
“Jacob left his phone at home and apparently he is out with Ava.” Ivy mumbled. 
“Ava? Like Stray Kids Ava? Like my Ava?” Chan titled his head a bit, looking at the girl with the same confused expression she previously had. 
“Yes, Chan. How many Ava’s do you know?” Ivy retorted, she was not only sad but highly irritated.  
“Right okay, did he say why?” Chan asked curiously. “Nope, only that she showed up at the dorm and needed help with something.” Ivy sighed, “I doesn’t matter anyways, I go on in 20 minutes.” 
“Will it make you feel better if I walk down with you?” Chan asked getting up from the couch and walking over to where Ivy sat. “Just a little, we should be leavingh here any minute now.” Right on cue, as if Ivy could see the future, after hearing a light knock the door opened revealing a staff member letting Ivy know it was time to make her way to the stage. 
“Alright, let’s go” Chan spoke, offering Ivy his hand to take. Ivy grabbed Chan’s hand as the two walked towards the door and proceeded to walk down the hallway that led backstage. Ivy was excited this is something she had been looking forward to the past few weeks, but she couldn’t help but feel disappointed that Jacob didn’t show up and she was determined to find out why. 
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lunaxoc · 3 years
JYP Feud
Ivy + Ava
Pre-Debut: JYP
It’s almost time for the JYP showcase and Ivy feels like Ava is threatening her chance to debut and ices her out. 
[ TXT 6th Member ]
masterlist | coffee? |  send in any requests or feedback you have for Ivy.
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Ivy had been the only female trainee practicing with the male trainees and was able to practice with the female trainees as well since Olivia left for starship. It has also just been her and she was used to getting all the attention and praise from everyone. Not to say she was conceited or had a big ego, it’s just what she was used to. That was until Ava came along. For the last week, Ivy has felt like Ava was here to steal her spot.
She had heard rumors over the last few weeks that JYP gave Chan permission to come up with his own team to potentially debut. Considering how close the two were she was hoping he was considering her.
Ivy did feel a little bad, this had been Ava’s first week here and she was completely icing her out wanting nothing to do with her. The only thing she knew about the girl was her name and nothing else. I don’t even think the two had been properly introduced to each other.
“Alright everyone we are going to rehearse for a bit before the meeting starts in an hour or so, the girls can go across the hall, Ivy and Ava you can stay here if you’d like.”
Ivy was sitting on the bench getting ready, as she was grabbing her practice shoes out of the bag Ava came and sat next to her.
“Do you mind if I sit here,” Ava asked in English. She had only been in Korea for a week and was still learning the language.
Ivy shrugged “So I noticed how close you are with all the trainees, how long have you been here?” Ava questioned wanting to get to know the girl. The only other English speaker that she was comfortable with was Chan. The two had spent a lot of time together this week, which was another reason Ivy wasn’t happy.
“A while,” Ivy mumbled, not really in the mood to talk to the girl next to her.
“That’s cool,” Ava nodded, grabbing her shoes out of her bag as well, beginning to put them on. Ava was told very good things about Ivy by Chan, so she was confused about why the girl was acting so cold towards her.
“Hey Ives, do you want to practice with us today?” Jisung asked as he approached the two girls on the bench. The girl looked up at the boy and smiled
“Us?”  Ivy tilted her head a bit, kind of confused. Jisung had texted her last night and asked to practice one-on-one together because the girl knew the trainee choreo a bit better than everyone else.
“Me, Chan, the new trainee Felix and Changbin,” Jisung replied, pointing at the 3 in the corner of the practice room.
“Yeah sure, let me try to find a hair tie so I can tie my hair up really quick and I’ll be right over,” Ivy beamed happily and began to look for a hair tie in her bag.
“I have an extra hair tie if you need one,” Ava asked, pointing to one of the many hair ties on her wrist.
“No thank you,” Ivy responded, zipping up her bag after she failed to find a hair tie. The girl decided she would just practice with her hair down today.
“Now that everyone is gathered here we can finally get started,” One of the staff announced as all the trainee’s gathered into one practice studio after an hour or so of practice.
“So JYP gave Chan and Yeji the honor of picking their team for potentially debuting. The team that wins the showcase will be featured on a JYP survival show to debut. We’ll let Chan go first,” The staff member announced looking at the two that were sitting in the front.
“So It was a really hard decision to make, but I feel like this will be the best team,” Chan began as he stood up in his spot. He knew there was going to be some backlash on his final decision and he was nervous.
“And Woojin,”
To say Ivy was disappointed was an understatement. She really thought Chan was going to choose her and as mean as it sounds she was relieved Ava didn’t get picked either. The girl was hoping that maybe she had a chance to be in the girl team.
“Now time for the girl team,”
Yeji stood up from the spot she was sitting in, “Okay so I decided to go with,”
“And Ava,”
Ivy felt like she was going to cry, she honestly couldn’t believe that neither of the teams chose her. She could tell by the look Chan gave her that he felt bad but there was nothing he could do now.
After the meeting was over Chan tried to approach Ivy to apologize but she left out the door with her practice bag before he even had the chance. All Ivy wanted right now was her sister, but she knew Olivia had promotions coming up soon and didn’t want to be a bother. She decided just to text Liv and ask her to call her if she had time.
That night Ivy had a long talk with Olivia about everything and finally made her decision on what she was going to do.
It was decided, Ivy was ready to leave JYP.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Jacob Day
Ivy + TBZ Jacob
June 2021
[ TXT 6th Member ]
Ivy spends the day with Jacob to celebrate his birthday and tells him how she really feels. 
masterlist | coffee? | send in any requests or feedback you have for Ivy.
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“Hey birthday boy,” Ivy announced with a smile, as she saw the boy approaching her as she sat on the bench near the hiking trail. Thanks to Eric who couldn’t contain his excitement happened to give Jacob the girl’s number right when he got back to the dressing room, the two had been talking for almost a month now. 
“Hi, Ivy” Jacob chuckled as he approached the sitting girl. To say he was nervous was an understatement, it hadn’t even been 2 days since he confessed his feelings to Ivy over the phone. It was an accident and he didn’t mean to tell her that he had feelings for her but it happened. He was just happy that she continued to talk to him. 
“Are you ready?” Ivy asked as she got up from the bench. Jacob nodded and starting to lead the way. The two began walking up the trail just enjoying the silence and the scenery. Neither Ivy nor Jacob knew how to start the conversation. Both too nervous to talk. 
“So, what did you do for your birthday?” Ivy asked trying to spark a conversation with Jacob. 
“Oh, I did a vlive and had dinner with the guys,” Jacob explained as he was admiring some of the flowers that were on the trail. 
“Did you have fun?” Ivy pondered, Jacob had invited the girl to come to dinner with him but he had confessed hours before and she didn’t want to ruin his birthday dinner and potentially have it be awkward. 
“Yeah, it was nice,” Jacob replied as he gave the girl a slight smile. He wished the girl would have come to dinner. He understood why she didn’t end up coming and could only blame himself. 
The two continued up the trail until they came along a small stream that had a little waterfall and decided to stop and sit. 
The whole time they were hiking up the trail, Ivy had been thinking about what she wanted to tell Jacob. The last few days she had been thinking about how she felt. Not only did Jacob confess but Mingyu did too. It took her some time to figure it out and as much as she hates to admit it Beomgyu helped a little bit. 
“There is something I want to talk to you about” Jacob spoke up before Ivy could.
“Me too, but you first,” Ivy requested, she wanted to hear what he wanted to say first just in case he was having any doubts about his feelings towards her. 
“I’m sorry about what happened on the phone the other day and if I made it awkward for you.” Jacob sighed.
“Actually that’s what I wanted to talk about,” Ivy muttered, nervously. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to do this, but it was now or never. 
“I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just-” Jacob began before Ivy cut him off. 
“Jacob,” Ivy announced hoping to get the boy to final look at her. He had been avoiding eye contact this whole time slightly embarrassed. 
“Yeah?” the boy asked finally looking up at Ivy.
“I like you too,” she smiled, nodding as she grabbed Jacob’s hand and held it in hers.  
“Wait you do?” Jacob asked shocked, as he tightened the grip on her had a little bit. This whole time they were hiking up the trail he was thinking that all Ivy wanted to be was friends. 
“Yeah I do,” Ivy reassured the boy, as she began to play with his fingers. 
“So uh, how do you want to do this?” Jacob questioned. He knew he wanted to be with the girl but he wasn’t sure if she was ready to date right now. Both groups had a lot of schedules coming up and we’re going to be pretty busy. 
“Do what?” Ivy asked with a smirk, at this point she was teasing the poor boy.
“You’re going to make me ask aren’t you?” Jacob asked with a small pout, finally catching onto the girl’s antics. 
“Yup,” Ivy gave him a cheeky smile and nodded. Waiting for him to ask the question she was hoping he would ask all day. 
“Okay Ms. Park Minjee, will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?”
“Of course,” Ivy smiled as she scooted closer to the boy resting her head on his shoulder enjoying the nature with her boyfriend and thinking about how she was going to tell Mingyu she just wanted to be friends.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Boy Trouble
Ivy + Beomgyu
June 2021 
When Ivy discovers that two 97’ liners are showing interest in her, she goes to Beomgyu for advice. 
[ TXT 6th Member ]
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“Beomie what do I do?” Ivy asked, freaking out coincidentally The Boyz Jacob and Seventeen Mingyu had texted Ivy around the same time confessing their feelings towards the girl. 
“Easy fix, just date me instead,” Beomgyu grinned at the girl, sitting across from him. The two were sitting on his bed. 
Ivy pinched the boy’s arm “Be serious for once,” she sighed as she began to lay down and rest her head on Beomgyu’s lap. 
“Okay, who do you like?” Beomgyu asked curiously and began playing with the ends of her hair. 
“I mean, I like them both,” Ivy muttered, to say she was confused was an understatement. She had no idea what she was going to do.  Beomgyu sighed, he could tell this conversation was going nowhere, “Well that doesn’t help, let me rephrase, who do you see a future with?” 
“How am I supposed to know that, I’m still young, have my whole life ahead of me, we just debut not too long ago and -” 
“Just think about it Ives, as crazy as it sounds who do you picture potentially spending the rest of your life with? Just blurt out the first name that comes to mind.” Beomgyu questioned cutting the girl off as she spoke. 
“Jacob.” Ivy blurted out, shocking not only herself but Beomgyu. 
“See how hard was that,” 
“Very hard considering I like Mingyu too,” Ivy complained, sitting up and putting her head in her hands. 
“But if you potentially see a future with Jacob, why pursue Mingyu?” Beomgyu asked, slightly confused. He wasn’t sure why Ivy was having a hard time deciding the choice seemed very clear to him. If she wanted Jacob what’s stopping her. 
“My mind is all over the place, I don’t know what I want” 
“Seems to me that your mind wants Jacob but maybe your heart is saying Mingyu,” Beomgyu responded, moving some of the hair out of Ivy’s face as she began to lift her head up. 
“No my heart wants Jacob too. We have been talking these last few weeks non stop and we just click. it’s just that Mingyu has been there for me for the last few months. He’s been super caring and a really good friend.” 
“That’s understandable but you can’t force yourself to be with someone just because you feel bad.” 
“I know, this sucks” Ivy sighed as she got up from the boy’s bed and made her way towards the door. 
“I mean my offer still stands,” Beomgyu smirks at the girl as she begins to glare at him. “Shut up loser, I’m leaving. Thanks for nothing.” Ivy muttered as she walked out of Beomgyu’s room. 
“I still think I’m the right choice,” Beomgyu yelled as Ivy was leaving the room. “Hyung, you have no chance,” Heuning Kai laughs as he walks past Beomgyu’s door.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Ivy’s Relationships Outside The Group
[ TXT 6th Member ]
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Jisung, Felix, Ava and Chan
Chan and Ivy became trainees around the same time. Chan being 3 years older than Ivy, he took the older brother role instead of being a friend. He looked after her the 7 years she was training.
Ava and Ivy trained for a year together before she left JYP. They became close during that time being the only two female trainees who weren’t in a debut group. They spent most of their time together until they had a big falling out and Ivy leaving JYP in 2017
Felix and Jisung were introduced to Ivy through Jisung and Chan after TXT debut.
Felix and Ivy are both big gamers so clicked really well. They are always playing games together on their off time. Sometimes Jisung will join in every once in a while.
Jisung and Ivy work on music together sometimes. Txt doesn’t have set positions and it changes every comeback. Jisung is constantly helping Ivy improve her rapping skills
Aisha + Yiren
Ivy and Aisha met when they were both trainees at JYP. Born the same year they are pretty close. Aisha left before Ivy did but they still managed to keep in touch.
Aisha introduced Ivy and Yiren to each other and they instantly became super close. The three hangout whenever they have free time. Ivy is Aisha and Yiren’s personal English teacher. Their group chat consists of English, Korean and Chinese.
Ivy trained with all the members of Twice. She was the youngest among them so they all treated her like a little sister. They are always checking up on her and making sure she is okay. Occasionally they have a huge sleepover with her, Ava and Olivia.
Karina + Giselle
Ivy met Karina and Giselle recently since they just debuted. They aren’t that close yet but they consider each other friends. (I will update this in the future)
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Ivy's Relationship With The Members
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[TXT 6th Member]
masterlist | coffee? | 
Like Yeonjun, Soobin is always looking out for Ivy, but they don’t have the brother/sister relationship she and Yeonjun have, but they are still pretty close. She was the last to join the group and though he was pretty skeptical about it at first, he wouldn’t have it any other way. According to Soobin, Ivy is the unofficial “second” leader of the group. She is always taking care of the boys and making sure everyone is okay.
Yeonjun is Ivy’s Big brother in the group. He protects her from literally everything, even the other boys. Good luck to any male idol that tries to talk to Ivy when he is around. Knows Ivy like the back of his hand
Beomgyu is Ivy’s best friend in the group. He knows everything before any of the members do. He is the first one she goes to when she is in a crisis. He may tease Ivy and constantly flirt with her, but he would never overstep his boundaries. They are strictly best friends.
Prankers of the group, Ivy’s partner in crime. Whenever these two are together, they are always pranking the members and causing trouble. Didn’t get along at first; it took him a few weeks to warm up to the idea of having a female member.
Heuing Kai
Ivy’s baby. She protects him with every bone in her body. Heuing Kai was the memeber she got close to first so like Beomgyu they are pretty close, thought she doesnt’ tell him everything if she isn’t with Beomgyu, you can defiently find her with Heuing Kai.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Kingdom Come
Ivy + Jisung, Chan and TBZ 
May 2021 
Ivy visits Jisung and Chan while they are filming for the 3rd round of Kingdom and runs into a few of TBZ memebers.
[ TXT 6th Member ]
masterlist | coffee? | send in any requests you have for Ivy.
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Ivy had promised Jisung and Chan she would visit them a few weeks ago but schedules happened and she never got around to it. Finally here she was on the set of Kingdom with coffee and lamb-skewers.
“Ivy you came!” Jisung exclaimed as he saw the girl turn the corner into the hallway their dressing room was on. Jisung was currently chatting with Sunwoo, Eric, Kevin, and Jacob from The Boyz. She had met them almost 2 years briefly at the 2019 Melon Music Awards 
Ivy smiled and bowed as she approached a group of boys standing outside what looked to be Stray Kid’s dressing room. “And you brought food.” Jisung grinned, grabbing some of the bags out of Ivy’s hands. 
“I did,” Ivy turned and started to introduce herself to the 4 other boys “Hi, I’m Ivy”
“From Tomorrow by Together, right? I’m Eric by the way.” Ivy smiled and nodded, she was a huge fan of The Boyz and their music so she already knew who the four were but let the boys introduce themselves anyways. Kevin introduced himself as well and the other two followed in suit. 
“Let me set this in the dressing room and let Chan know you’re here,” Jisung said as he made his way to the door. 
“So you and Chan?” Eric began right as the dressing room door shut, trying to spark a conversation with Ivy. He was curious about why the girl was here and why Jisung went to grab Chan so fast. He may or may not have been grabbing some intel for one of his members. 
“No, we’re just friends. We trained together at JYP for a few years.” Ivy explained as the boys nodded. “Oh, I watched your guy’s SF9 stage, you guys were really good.” Ivy praised as she smiled at the boys. 
Ivy’s comment took the 4 by surprise, they didn’t think the girl had listened to any of their music, “Oh thank you, that means a lot to us. We worked really hard on it.” Kevin responded. 
“No problem,” Ivy began as the door to Stray Kid’s dressing room opened. 
“Hey, Ives! You can come in if you want unless you have somewhere to be.” Chan greeted the girl and bowed to her and the boys he was previously talking to before Ava had asked Chan for help with something. At this point it was just Eric and Kevin left, Jacob and Sunwoo had left back to The Boyz dressing room a few minutes ago. 
“Unfortunately I do. I have comeback rehearsal in 45 minutes so I have to get back. Just stopping by to bring food and say hi. Jisung has been complaining in the group chat all afternoon that he was starving.” Ivy explained as she made her way to Chan to give him a quick hug. 
“I can assure you he wasn’t.” Chan laughed, shaking his head as he let go of the girl. They both knew how dramatic Jisung could be. 
“I need to get going now, tell everyone I said hi. Hopefully, we can all get together soon and hang out. It was nice seeing you and it was great meeting you guys.” Ivy waved and bowed. The girl then turned and started making her way back down the hallway. 
“Hey Ivy, wait up” 
Ivy turned around noticing Eric and Kevin behind her. “What’s up?” She asked, a bit confused about what they wanted to talk to her about. 
“Weird question but I’m going to ask anyway,” Eric began “One of our members has a crush on you and was scared to ask for your number at MMA a few months ago, I was wondering if I could get it for them. Their birthday is coming up soon and it would be the perfect gift.” 
Ivy was running low on time, already spending more time at the set than she planned on so she agreed. “Ummm, sure. If you don’t mind me asking, what member?” Ivy asked, grabbing Eric’s phone that was extended out to her. 
“Jacob hyung he’s liked- OW!“ Eric was cut off by Kevin punching him in the arm. 
Ivy was shocked, Jacob had been one of her biases since the group debuted. Finding out he liked her blew her mind and honestly she was kind of happy about it. 
Quickly she put her number in Eric’s phone and handed it back to him. 
“I really have to-,” Ivy began before Eric cut her off “We know, sorry! I meant to ask you earlier but I didn’t want to in front of Jacob. Thanks again.” 
“No worries, and make sure he texts me,” Ivy said boldly, as she began to walk away, which was really unlike her but she may or may not have a crush on him too.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Let’s Talk
Olivia + Mark
March 2021
Olivia and Mark finally talk
[ Monsta X 7th Member Au ]
masterlist | coffee? |
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Temporary Hiatus
Olivia + Monsta X, Mark
After two long and tough months Olivia decides she needs a break
May 2021
[ Monsta X 7th Member Au ]
masterlist | coffee? |
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“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Their manager began to ask Olivia one last time, as the two were standing out the dorm waiting for the members to come down. “Once the statement is posted there is no going back.”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Olivia confirmed with a nod. It had been almost two months since the dating news between her and Mark had been announced. Some of the fans still weren’t taking it well. Every time Olivia opened any form of social media she was constantly reminded that 1. Some of Mark's fans would never support them together. 2, Mark could do better. And 3, they just constantly brought up her looks and talent. 
After 3 days of contemplating and talking to her members, Olivia decided that going on a 3 month temporary hiatus was the right thing for her at this time. 
“We’re gonna miss you,” Jooheon said, helping Olivia put her last bit of luggage in the back of the van. 
“I’m only gonna be gone a month or so,” Olivia shrugged. Of course she was going to miss her boys, but she needed this break if she wanted to continue to be an idol. 
“That’s too long, who am I gonna hang out with when you're gone?” Minhyuck pouted as he walked up behind Liv and wrapped his arms around her. He placed his chin into the crook of her neck and huffed. 
“Hyungwon,” Olivia smirked, teasing the boy. Whenever the group didn’t have a schedule, Hyungwon usually spent the day sleeping. 
“He’s so boring,” Minhyuk whined, letting go of Liv so she could say bye and hug the others.
“Hey,” - Hyungwon shouted, slightly nudging Minhyuk’s shoulder. The members laughed at the two. 
“This is a very needed break. I’m sorry that i’m not spending it with you guys,” 
“Do what’s best for you Liv. Don’t worry about us.” Changkyun shrugged, wrapping Olivia in his arms and giving her a hug. Out of all the members Olivia was going to miss Kyun the most. Besides Wonho of course. The two were best friends and pretty much did everything together. When she wasn’t spending time with Wonho she was definitely with Kyun. 
Olivia proceeded to say goodbye to her members, a few asking if she could bring back snacks and gifts and the others just hoping she has a safe trip and rests. She still hadn’t told her members the exact location of where she was going. Olivia didn’t want them to ruin the surprise she had planned. 
Unfortunately due to the current circumstances in the states, Olivia had to self quarantine in a hotel for 10 days. Right as Olivia opened the door to her room, her phone started to ring. She quickly grabbed her luggage bringing it into the room and shutting the door. 
She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out her phone. The facetime call read Mark’s name and she quickly answered. It was 9pm in LA, the two usually talked around this time when she was back in Korea. 
“Hey, “ Olivia answered, setting up the phone on the desk in the room so she could move freely and talk to Mark. 
“I just saw the statement. I know we talked about the whole situation briefly a few weeks ago but are you okay?” Mark asked, concerned about the girl. He knew how the last few weeks have been going for Olivia and he just wanted to make sure she was okay.
“I’m fine. I just needed some time away from everything. It was all getting too much.” Olivia spoked right as she sat down at the desk chair. 
“Usually you don’t let that stuff bother you.” Mark responded. He was right, usually Olivia would just shake it off and go on about her day. But recently, all of the comments have been different. It was the same handful of comments she was used to seeing. 
“I know, but recently it’s been different. Before it was always about how I could improve and comments about how I shouldn’t be in the group. But recently it’s been about us and I just can’t handle that.” Olivia sighed
“I’m sorry baby,” Mark apologized, he knew how hard it had been for her.
“It’s okay. It happens. I’m just glad everyone knows and we don’t have to hide it anymore,”
“True, I just wish I could be there with you right now.”
“Me too,” Olivia smiled. 
“Wait, where are you? That doesn’t look like the dorm” Mark asked, slightly confused furrowing his eyebrows. He was really paying attention to the background or where Liv was. He was too focused on her and how she was.
Olivia panicked, she didn’t want to tell Mark her actual plans right now. Everything was still a surprise. “Oh um, I’m in Seattle right now. I’m planning on visiting my parents but I have to quarantine for 10 days in a hotel.”
“Oh, why didn’t you tell me?” Mark mumbled, kind of upset that Olivia didn’t keep him in the loop on her plans. Ever since Mark left Korea, he had started to be a little more protective of Liv. He was almost 6000 miles away from her there wasn’t much he could do.
“It was very last minute, my parents don’t even know yet.” Olivia reassured him. Hoping it would calm him down a little. 
“Makes sense,” 
“Yeah, I’m gonna go now. I have to finish putting away some things then I'm probably going to rest for a little.” Olivia announced, as she got up and made her way towards her suitcases. She rolled it over to the bed so she could start unpacking some things.
“Alright, Get some rest and I’ll call you when I can,” Mark promised, he was hoping since they were currently in the same time zone they could talk more frequently. The last few months it had been hard for the two to talk everyday because they had both been super busy. 
“Okay, I love you.”Olivia smiled, making her way to the phone. 
“I love you too, bye” 
Olivia knew the next 10 days were going to be so hard for her. She was really bad at keeping secrets and was hoping she would be able to keep this one.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Comeback Dilema
Olivia + Monsta X
February 2021
Due to the dating new blowback, the company is thinking about delaying Olivia’s debut
[ Monsta X 7th Member Au ]
masterlist | coffee? |
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“Nice to see you Olivia! Have a seat.” Minji, the executive marketing director, said as she motioned Olivia to sit in the seat across from her. 
Olivia was panicking big time. Her manager had told her that the company’s Social Marketing director wanted to meet with her. She automatically knew that wasn’t a good thing since her comeback was only 3 weeks away. 
On the way to the company, Olivia was going through every possible scenario in her head on how this could end. From getting kicked out of the group, getting put on hiatus and her debut getting cancelled or pushed back. 
“Before we get started, how are you doing?” Minji asked genuinely. Even though she had a job to do she still cared for the girl. Minji had been with Monsta X since their debut so the two knew each other well. 
“I’m okay, hanging in there.” Olivia spoked softly. She adjusted herself in her seat and crossed her legs. 
“Have you talked to Mark recently?” Olivia shook her head. The two hadn’t talked since the dating news dropped. Of course Mark had been calling and texting her everyday but with everything being said about her on social media. She knew he didn’t intentionally tell the world that they were dating but it still happened and she wasn’t ready to face it yet, leading her to ignore him for the time being. 
“I think it will be helpful for you if the two of you talk,” Minji suggested.
“I’ll reach out when I’m ready,” Olivia muttered, ready to move on with the conversation. 
“Okay moving on. I called you in here today to talk about your upcoming comeback. Right now with all the heat you are getting on social media right now, I personally don’t think it would be a good idea for you to debut at this time.”  Olivia sighed, she knew this was coming. Minjee continued noticing Olivia’s discomfort.
 “The company agreed that it would be best if you debut later in the year after everything cools down. They want your solo career to start off on the best foot forward. Before I give the company my final opinion about your debut, I wanted to ask your take on everything.”
Minji only called this meeting because she respected Olivia. She had seen the girl in passing the last few weeks and seen how hard she had been working on everything. The company executive wanted Minjee to make this decision without giving Olivia a heads up first. 
The two sat in silence for a few minutes. Olivia didn’t know what to say, on the plus side she wasn’t getting put on a hiatus at least to her knowledge at the moment. The down side was she would have to sit on all of her hard work this past year for a little longer. 
“I understand the company’s standpoint on everything and the numbers obviously aren’t looking good, but I have been working really hard on my debut for the past year now. I don’t want to let down everyone involved because of a dating scandal. If there is anyway I can still debut in 3 weeks I want to.” Olivia pleaded, she did feel as if she was not only letting down her fans but Jooheon and Shownu. The two have spent so much time helping Olivia make her debut album perfect. She didn’t want to feel like she wasted their time. 
Minji had already made up her mind the minute she saw the girl sit down. She had to go over the facts anyways. “Okay, we’ll proceed with your solo debut on two conditions. One address the fans on either Instagram or Vlive. Two, talk to Mark. I know those two things are something you aren’t ready for but in order to debut that’s what I want from you.” 
Minji was right, it wasn’t something Olivia wanted to do. At least not yet but she knew that she could not put it off any longer. 
“Okay, I’ll do it.” Olivia agreed, nodding. “Perfect! I will let the rest of the team know that we will be proceeding with the original debut date.” 
Olivia nodded, gathering her things as she got up from the table and said goodbye Minji. Olivia was nervous for what was about to come. She wasn’t sure how the fans were going to react when she went on live for the first time since the news dropped and she definitely was not ready to talk to Mark.
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lunaxoc · 3 years
97′ Liners
Ivy + Jungkook, 97’ Liners, TXT
[ TXT 6th Member ]
March 2020
Jungkook and Ivy run into each other at a cafe that kook is meeting the 97’ liners at 
masterlist | coffee? | 
Send in your requests for Ivy or any feedback/questions you have!
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Ivy hated playing rock, paper, scissors with her members, the reason being she always lost. Hence why she was now at the cafe down the street from their company buying drinks and donuts. 
“Ivy is that you?’ Ivy turned around at the mention of her name to see Jungkook standing right behind her. 
‘Oh hey, Kook'' She greeted him with a slight bow. He bowed back at the girl and smiled. Jungkook had told Ivy months ago that she didn’t need to use honorifics with him. The two treated each other as if they were close friends. 
“What are you doing here?’ Jungkook asked, noticing she was here by herself. He didn’t see any sign of the other members. 
“Buying Lunch for the boys and I,” Ivy explained, she had noticed Jungkook's confused expression turn into a playful grin. 
“You lost in rock, paper, scissors again didn’t you?” He asked, even though he already knew the answer.  “Yeah I did,” Ivy laughed, as she turned around and walked over to the counter to grab the drinks and donuts that were ready. 
“What are you doing here?” Ivy asked, turning around to face him. Jungkook motioned Ivy to sit down at the table in the corner near the window. Ivy took off the bag that was over her shoulder and placed it on the side of the chair before she sat down. 
“Meeting up with some of the 97’ liners for lunch. Since the company is only down the street I'm a little early.” Jungkook replied, as he sat down across from the girl. 
“Oh, okay.” Ivy replied, looking out the window as a few people began to pass by. 
“How’s the solo song coming along?” Jungkook asked curiously. Ivy had mentioned to Jungkook once or twice in passing that she was working on a solo song for the upcoming ep.
“Good, yoongi-oppa and I have been working hard on it. It’s almost done.” Ivy had spent every free moment Yoonig and her had in the studio working on the song. They both wanted it to be perfect. 
“I would love to hear it when it’s done, if you don’t mind.” Jungkook questioned, leaning back in his chair and causally crossing his arms.
“No, not at all. I’ll text it to you when it’s finished.” Ivy replied as she noticed the cafe door opening and four very familiar boys walking in. Ivy knew who Yugyeom and BamBam were, she had seen them around the company when she was a trainee at JYP. As for the other two she had seen them around award and music shows but never met them. 
“You're here early,'' Jaehyun announced as he walked over to the table the two were sitting with Mingyu, Yugyeom and BamBam right behind him. 
“What’s up guys,” Jungkook exclaimed as he got up and greeted the boys. Ivy noticed Jaehyun glancing over at her once he finished greeting Jungkook. 
“Who’s this?” Jaehyun asked, pointing at Ivy. 
“Oh that’s Ivy from TXT,” Jungkook responded, as the girl got up from where she was seated so she could properly greet the four boys. 
“Ah I knew you looked familiar,” Mingyu announced as he smiled at Ivy. 
“Hi, I’m Jaehyun. This is Mingyu, Yugyeom and BamBam” He greeted as he politely bowed at the girl. Ivy smiled at the four as she bowed to them politely.  
“Yo Ivy,” BamBam greeted approaching Ivy and giving her a hug. The two hadn’t seen each other in a while. 
“Hey Bam, how have you been?” Ivy asked as the two pulled away and stepped back a little. 
“I’m good.” 
“That’s good.”
“You two know each other?” Mingyu asked, shocked that the two seemed close 
“Yeah, Ivy and her sister Olivia were trainees at JYP for some time.” Yugyeom began, “But she left a few years ago and joined bighit.” There was an awkward silence after Yugyeom finished. Ivy felt like this was the right time to excuse herself and make her way back to the company. She figured that the boys were hungry and wondering where she was. 
“Well It was nice meeting you two and it was nice seeing you guys again. I should get going before the boys get hangry,” Ivy announced as she grabbed her bag from the side of the chair and the drinks and donuts from off the table.
“Okay. Umm, text me when you get there..So I know you got there safe,” Jungkook whispered to the girl as she passed. Hoping the boys didn’t hear him. He was sure if they did, they would start to tease him.
“Will do, Bye Kook.” Ivy replied making her way to the cafe door. She turned and waved at the boys one last time before exiting the cafe. 
“Wow she’s pretty.” Mingyu said as he began to sit down in the chair Ivy was previously sitting in. 
“And she’s off limits,” Jungkook muttered glaring at the boy as he sat down in between Yugyeom and Jaehyun.
“Oh, does have a boyfriend or something?” BamBam asked curiously. He already knew from Mark and Olivia that she didn’t but BamBam being BamBam, he figured he would tease Jungkook. 
“No, I just don’t want any of you getting any ideas. She’s like a sister to me. Plus she’s a 00’ liner.” Jungkook explained, hoping that his friends would be turned off to the fact that she was a few years younger than them. 
“Someone’s being a little protective,” Yugyeom spoked, raising his eyebrows. He thought he would tease Jungkook a little as well.
“I get it, you like her.” Jaehyun finally spoke, finally putting two and two together. 
“No, we’re just friends,’ Jungkook reassured the other four boys at the table. Jungkook and Ivy were close. She was like a sister to him, he swore to himself he would never like her in that way. 
“Sure. Friends,” Yugyeom and the other three boys laughed, as Jungkook got up to order for the boys. He loved his friends to death but he was already tired of their antics. 
“What took you so long?” Beogymu announced, right as Ivy walked through the door. Ivy had been gone a lot longer than she thought. The boys had been waiting for her to get back for 45 minutes. Yeonjun got up from where he was sitting the second he saw Ivy grabbing the donuts out of her hand. 
“I ran into Jungkook and we talked for a little bit. Also saw Bam and Yugyeom which was nice.” Ivy spoke as she handed the drink to Soobin before placing her bag down next to the others. 
“Mmm Jungkook,” Yeonjun smirked as he sat down next to Ivy on the practice studio floor placing the donuts in the middle of all of them. 
“No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends.” Ivy began, attempting to reassure the five boys that were eyeing her. “Trust me if something was going on I would tell you guys. Now stop looking at me like that and pass me a donut.” 
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lunaxoc · 3 years
Twitch Live
Olivia + Mark
February 2021
The fans find out about Olivia and Marks relationship Via one of Mark twitch lives 
[ Monsta X 7th Member Au ]
masterlist | coffee? |
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Olivia had just finished her second practice for her solo debut. Everything was going well. She was working with Shownu on the choreography and she was constantly in the studio with Jooheon working on some potential B-sides. 
Olivia finished packing up her bag when she decided that she would call Mark and tell him about her day. The two hadn’t talked on the phone in a while, of course they texted here and there but with both of their schedules being busy they simply just didn’t have the time. 
Pulling her phone out of her hoodie pocket, she unlocked and searched for Mark’s contact. Off the top of her head she wasn’t sure what time it was in LA but she was hoping it wasn’t too late. She really missed him and wanted to hear his voice.
After two failed attempts Olivia decided to just give up. She figured he was probably sleeping. Olivia exited the company and started making her way to the dorms right as her phone lit up. Mark's contact was flashing on the screen and she didn’t hesitate to answer. 
“Hey, did I wake you?” Olivia asked hoping she didn’t wake him up. 
“No, I’m streaming right now. What did you need?”
“I was just calling because I missed you and I wanted to talk to you about my solo debut.”
“Can you call you back in an hour or so?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Okay, get home safe. I love you.”
“I love you too and have a good stream.” Olivia replied before hanging up the phone and making the 20 minute journey to the dorms.
“Olivia is that you?” 
“Have you checked twitter recently?”
“No, why?” Kihyun showed the girl his phone, it looked like a clip from Mark’s twitch live.
“What is it?” Olivia asked, very confused. She knew the boy was streaming, she didn’t understand why Kihyun was showing it to her. 
“Just watch the clip please,” 
Olivia grabbed Kihyuns phone out of his hand and hit play on the video. The second the clip played Olivia knew she was in deep shit. Mark must have forgotten to mute his mic when he called her back because now the whole world knew the two were dating. 
Olivia scrolled through the replies to the tweet, 
“Wait is that Olivia?”
“I think that Monsta X’s Olivia…”
“Omg Mark and Olivia are dating?” 
“If he’s dating Olivia i’m  unstanning this can’t be real”
“He could do better, she isn’t even that pretty”
“How did he not realize his mic was on lmao”
Olivia started to tear up, not at the comments she was used to getting hate comments at this point. She was upset that the fans knew before she could properly tell them.  
“Kihyun what am I going to do?” 
“I don’t know Liv, this was posted 10 minutes ago. I don’t think Shownu or the company have seen it yet. You need to tell him before he finds out.” 
“I need to call Mark,” 
“I’m sure he’s very aware Liv, You need to call Shownu. I think he is still at the company.” At Kihyun’s words Olivia reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone. She unlocked it and looked Shownu’s contact. Finding it she quickly clicked on his number and began calling him.
“Nunu,” Olivia cried, right as Shownu answered his phone. Immediately he could tell something was wrong. After helping Liv with her comeback choreo, he went to go work on a few tracks for their next comeback with Jooheon and Changkyun. He hadn’t had the chance to check his phone yet. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, slightly confused on why the girl was upset.
“Everyone knows.”
“Everyone knows what?” Shownu twitched his eyebrows, still very confused about the situation. 
“About Mark and I.”
“What? How?” He paused, he was a few steps away from exiting the company. 
“It’s a long story and I don’t have time to get into right now. I really need your help.” 
“Okay, have one of the boys bring you to the company. I’m on my way to talk to management right now.” Shownu muttered, turning around walking back towards the elevators. 
“Oppa, I’m sorry.” Olivia apologized, really hoping he wouldn’t be too upset with her. She knew how stressed out scandals and rumors made him. 
“Everything is going to be fine Liv, I’ll see you soon.” Before she could respond, Shownu ended the call. If he was even the slightest bit upset she sure couldn’t tell. 
“Kihyun-oppa, do you mind taking me to the company?” Olivia asked, throwing her phone in her bag and making her way over to the door putting her shoes and coat back on. 
“Sure, let’s go.” Kihyun responded, grabbing his coat and shoes as well. 
As the two were leaving the dorm, Olivia’s phone started going off. She reached into her bag to grab it. She looked at her phone and discovered that she was getting messages from everyone. Ivy, Wonho, Jooheon, Yoongi and Mark were texting her. The messages varied between “What’s going on,” and “Call me”. Liv decided she didn’t want to deal with any of it right now and turned off her phone, throwing back into her bag.
“Hyun, can I borrow your phone,” Kihyun handed the girl his phone without hesitation. She unlocked it and opened up his contacts. She began to scroll through his contacts looking for a certain name. She clicked the contact hoping they would pick up. 
“Are you with Liv? Is she okay?” The voice on the phone asked in concern. Olivia bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears. She hated how worried he sounded. 
“Oppa it’s me,” 
“Hi Princess, are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, just a little stressed out about everything.” 
“What do you need?” 
“Can I come over later? I really need you but I have to go to the company first.”
“Of course, I’ll pick you when you're done.” 
“Thanks Wonho,” Olivia muttered before she ended the call. She knew there was one more person she needed to call but she didn’t have the courage to face him right now. 
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lunaxoc · 4 years
Era’s Masterlist
Monsta X Olivia
Trespass | Rush | The Clan: 2.5 Pt.1 | The Clan: 2.5 Pt. 2 | The Clan: 2.5 The Final | The Code | The Connect: Dejavu | Take 1: Are You There? | Take 2: We Are Here | Follow: Find You | All About Love | Fantastia X | Fatal Love
Stray Kids Ava 
| Clé: Levanter | SKZ 2020 | Go Live | In Life |
The Dream Chapter: Star | The Dream Chapter: Magic | The Dream Chapter: Eternity | Minisode 1: Blue Hour |
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lunaxoc · 4 years
Honey’s Studio
Olivia + Jooheon 
June 2020 
Olivia accompanies Jooheon to the studio to learn a thing or two about producing 
[ Monsta X 7th Member Au ]
masterlist | coffee? |
Send in your requests for Olivia or any feedback/questions you have!
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“Okay so if I drop the audio clip here it should line up with the song right?” Olivia asked as she began to drag the clip over the audio. She quickly glanced at Jooheon for reassurance. 
“If you put it at the right time, yes” Jooheon nodded, encouraging Oliva to continue.  “Cool, just a second.” Olivia replied as she was trying to get the audio clip to match up with the song, “Like this?”
“Yeah that’s perfect,” Jooeheon responded as he looked over at the PC that was in between the two. 
“It only took me 2 hours to get it.” Jooheon smiled at the girl as she spoke. Earlier in the week Olivia had texted Jooheon and asked him if he could teach her how to produce. She hadn’t told him about wanting to put out a solo album yet. Liv wanted to attempt to learn the in’s and out’s of producing first. 
“Hey you're doing a lot better than Shownu did his first time. But don’t tell him I said that,” 
“Noted,” Olivia giggled as she turned and looked at the boy “I have a question”
“Let’s say hypothetically I wanted to put out a solo album,” 
“And I needed a producer to help me with it-”
“I’ll do it,” Jooheon answered somewhat knowing where the conversation was leading. 
“You didn’t even let me finish.” Olivia laughed, shaking her head. S he figured she’d tease Jooheon just for a little while. 
“I wanted to say yes before you brought up Changkyun or something.” Jooheon declared as he got up to grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge that was in the room. 
“Actually I was, do you know if he’s free to help me,” Olivia joked, of course she wanted Jooheon’s help. She knew Kyun was busy working on his solo album. She just figured she’d tease the poor boy first. 
Jooheon paused as he turned to Olivia and scoffed “He isn’t but I am” Liv rolled her eyes “I’m the best fit for this.” He nodded his head back and forth, as he shut the mini fridge after grabbing two water bottles and made his way back towards Liv. 
“Of course you are,” Olivia smiled. Grabbing the water bottle Jooheon was offering her. 
“Plus I’m your favorite,” Jooheon beamed with a proud smile on his face. 
“You don’t look like Wonho-oppa,” Oliva smirked, teasing the boy some more. 
“Ouch that hurt,”  Jooheon pouted and dramatically placed his hand on his chest. “Nevermind I don’t want to help you anymore,” 
“Alright then, guess i’m calling Kyun” Olivia shrugged as she began to pull her phone out of the hoodie she was wearing. 
“No, I was kidding,” Jooheon exclaimed, grabbing the phone out of the girls hand and placing it on the desk in front of them. “When did you want to start,” 
“Not now, but soon. I still need to run the idea by the label. I just wanted to have all the pieces together. Shownu-oppa said he would help me with choreo if needed and Hyungwonnie said he wants a say in styling,” Olivia had spoken to Shownu a few weeks ago about putting out a solo album. He thought it was a great idea. Some of the members have done many solo activities, while Olivia hasn’t. Shownu had encouraged her to start planning her ideas and talk to the label. He had also offered to help her with choreography if she needed. 
Hyungwon had overheard the two talking and expressed that he would love to help her with styling for the MV and stages she might potentially have. Olivia could never tell him no, so of course she agreed. 
“Of course he did,” Jooheon laughed picturing Hyungwon trying to convince Olivia to let him help. They had been groupmates for a long time, there has never been a day that Hyungwon didn’t call someone out on their outfits. He was the visual of the group, he always had to look good. 
“I think I have a set plan now so we should be good,” Olivia responded, very content that she finally had all the pieces figured out. She was happy that her members were willing to help her.  “But I would love it if you would teach me a little more about producing,” 
“Definitely, Here let me show you something,” Jooheon spoked, as he grabbed the mouse and began placing pre-recorded sounds under the audio clip and track.
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lunaxoc · 4 years
Crown Debut pt.1
Ivy + Olivia
[ TXT 6th Member ]
March 2019
Ivy is nervous about debuting and Olivia reassures her 
masterlist | coffee? |
Send in your requests for Ivy or any feedback/questions you have!
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