lunaascreams · 3 years
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• scenery •
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lunaascreams · 3 years
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lunaascreams · 3 years
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yancy moodboard
“Why try and prison break when hard time is totally great?”
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lunaascreams · 3 years
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lunaascreams · 3 years
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lunaascreams · 3 years
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By Laura
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lunaascreams · 3 years
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lunaascreams · 4 years
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lunaascreams · 4 years
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lunaascreams · 4 years
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lunaascreams · 4 years
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lunaascreams · 4 years
Dear you,
...or me. I’m not really sure who this letter is for. Maybe you have a friend or two who need it. Pass it along, will you?
You ever meet someone who just changes your life? Completely turns it upside down and makes you love everything about, well... everything. Colors have meaning. Nature smells different. Sleeping is different. You ever think that person, or people could be put in your life to show you how horrible, toxic, mean, and just all around heartless someone could be? Ever think that, maybe, the universe thought you put too much faith and trust in too many people, that it said- “let me show this one just how cruel a person can be...” ?
It happened to me and I truly do believe I was given some friends, just to lose them. I think I was in a stage in my life where I thought I knew everything, and everyone. I think I hated myself and the life I chose- but I think it’s because I didn’t know enough. So the universe sent me poison. Sent me people who would teach me... maybe I needed to see the ugliness and become ugly myself to understand what I wanted and who I wanted and needed to be.
You fall in love. You become someone you don’t recognize, become friends with people you wouldn’t normally be friends with. Become what you think happy is.... and then they turn on you. Those friends hurt you. They make you feel sick. They leave you empty. Alone. Without any remorse for how they’ve made you feel. Gone.
And you’re left with these feelings of hatred and sadness. Heartbreak and confusion. It’s like an involuntary detox. The poison leaves and when it does, it’s because the universe saw you were ready to fix yourself and shape the fuck up. ALONE. Because at the end of the day, you have yourself.
When you go through the motions and pick yourself up again, you’re new and improved. Still the same person but different in the best ways. Sometimes you think of those people the universe sent you and you miss them. Other (most) times you think of them and you’re glad they’re gone- Good Riddance.
Some days are easier than others. Some days are hard. But you always remember you’re better off without that poison. Without the sadness and heartbreak.
And you’re better for it.
Keep going. The universe knows what it’s doing. Trust it.
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lunaascreams · 5 years
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‼️Pleeeaaaseee do me a huge favor and keep in mind I’m kind of still a beginner. I’m verrrrryyy slowly becoming familiar with Scar Wax (gonna try a new brand in the near future).‼️ ((Inspired by @kaylaksmakeup on IG))
Christmas Cookie Cutters... in my “skin.”
Follow me on Instagram! @lalunafx
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lunaascreams · 5 years
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Sugar Plum Fairy Reindeerđź’•
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lunaascreams · 5 years
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Christmas Lights! ❤️💚❤️
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lunaascreams · 5 years
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⚠️This is SFX makeup! Not a real injury.⚠️
Here is a mermaid look I did in October!
Follow my Instagram!
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