Was wir die letzten Tage bei #le0306 / #le0405 auf den Straßen Leipzigs erlebt haben lässt uns immer noch schockiert und teils traumatisiert zurück.
Dieser Staat und seine Bullen zeigen immer Deutlicher ihre wahre Natur. Das sollte uns eigentlich nicht verwundern da wir als Anarchist*innen ja schon seit über hundert Jahren genau vor diesen zuständen warnen und doch hat es uns kalt erwischt......
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Momentan lesen wir das Buch "desert" und ja wir haben einstimmig beschlossen das es alle lesen müssen.
At the moment we are reading the book "desert" and yes we have unanimously decided that everyone must read it.
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Still here, quite on social media but growing in real life. Thanks for all the working class anarchist for being a part 😊⚒️🏴
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On this day, 13 August 1977, anti-fascist South London residents staged running battles with police and National Front members to stop a fascist demonstration in what would come to be known as ‘the Battle of Lewisham’. This is a short history of the events: https://libcom.org/history/1977-the-battle-of-lewisham https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/1499761903542288/?type=3
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Do you want to be on the front pages as some kind of martyr? Do you want your great deeds to be connected to your face and name for all eternity?
Let us tell you something, this is the wrong way.
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We stand together as a group and yet we want to act alone.
If no one knows what you're planning, then no one can stop you or rat you out to the cops.
What unites us is the knowledge that it can't go on like this and we have to change things.
We don't expect a trophy for our actions, we expect something to change in our street, our community in the world. No face no case.
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Do something but don't brag about it, defeat your ego.
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Across the country they’re blocking Internet connections, protesters came out for a PEACEFUL protest to defend their voice and their right. People are tired of this dictator. Polling stations across the country publicly announced the results of voting to residents of these areas, and almost everywhere Svetlana is the winner. But officially, government representatives declare that 80% of the population SUPPORTS LUKASHENKO. This is not true. Our television and all media resources spread terrible and untrue information, calling the protesters bandits and accusing them of causing injuries to law enforcement officials. In fact, the police and all the armed forces last night used rubber bullets in all the cities of Belarus (this has never been used in the country before), water cannons, stun grenades, and so on. The President himself today brazenly lied and said that the police and others used rubber bullets only once. But according to unofficial data, more than 50 people are in hospitals with wounds, burns and other injuries.
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On this day, 11 August 1964, 18-year-old Scottish anarchist Stuart Christie was arrested in Madrid while carrying explosives to blow up Spain’s fascist dictator General Franco. When arrested he was wearing a kilt, which confused the Spanish press in to describing him as “a Scottish transvestite.” Here is his personal account of those events: https://libcom.org/library/franco-assassination-attempt-stuart-christie https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/1498402497011562/?type=3
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From the back cover of The Party’s Over.
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Ten years ago, at a high point in the Russian ecological movement, hundreds of anarchists and anti-fascists attacked a government building in Moscow in retaliation for a logging company hiring fascists for security.
Full story: https://crimethinc.com/2010/10/19/eco-defense-and-repression-in-russia
We'll see Putin fall yet.
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Don't say it - Spray it
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Old men whistling after you, you are judged and unasked for comments from every street urchin.
The way home is hell for you. The key is firmly in the handle and the pepper spray is ready.
In your job at school and in sports you will only be smiled at with a nice smile. Your father kicked you out because you didn't want to be the boy he wanted you to be.
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Masculinity has brought this planet to the edge of the abyss.
We need an alternative to male.
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No doubt
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stops solidarity with Walter Bond
( Text from  “ Anarchists Worldwide” link below ) We were informed that when Walter was getting near to the end of his release date, he had completely reneged anarchy and now appears to have embraced eco-fascism. In September 2019, Walter published an open letter(1) on his support site rejecting the anarchist movement. The themes in this reactionary and despicable letter borrow from eco-fascist criticisms of anarchy, (that hierarchy is ‘natural’*, that anarchism is hypocritical when it comes to issues of power, that it is single-issue obsessed, only concerned with identity politics etc.). Around this same time, Walter wrote letters to various anarchist groups in the U.S. asking for support efforts from and contact with the anarchist movement to cease. Upon our request for any related information, Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross forwarded us a photo of Neo-Nazi propaganda on the back of a letter from Walter. The original photo had been shared by the recipient in an animal liberation group in early 2020......
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Link for the full Text and Update https://anarchistsworldwide.noblogs.org/post/2020/07/27/ua-goodbye-walter-bond/
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It's about networking.
Of course we can make info stands at demonstrations, wave our flags and distribute stickers everywhere, but what really counts is community care.
Get to know your neighbours.
Start your own actions, get together and collect garbage, organize streets, help each other.
Everything around you is grey and dreary? Under the pavement is the beach! Plates can be removed and flowers can be planted underneath. Your neighbourhood is often called poor and criminal ? Why don't you make a "Food not Bombs" stand?
Grey walls? This calls for a mural. Don't wait until the city government does something for you, you live there you have to take care of it.
There's so much that can be done, only one person needs to start it.
Once a neighborhood is networked, other actions can follow, for example against gentrification or Nazis in the neighborhood. 
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You will see that nobody needs something like the police to live a peaceful life. On the contrary, most of the time it is the police that causes crime.
This all sounds so obvious, but the reality is different.
Let's go.
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Es geht darum sich zu vernetzen.
Klar können wir info stände machen auf Demonstrationen unsere Fahnen schwenken und überall Aufkleber verteilen, was allerdings wirklich was bringt ist community care.
Lernt eure Nachbar*innen kennen.
Startet eure eigenen Aktionen, tut euch zusammen und sammelt Müll ein, Organisiert Straßen feste, Helft euch gegenseitig.
Um euch herrum ist alles grau und trist? Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand! Gewegplatten können entfernt werden und darunter Blumen gepflanzt werden. Eure Wohngegend wird oft als Arm und Kriminell bezeichnet ? Warum macht ihr nicht einen „ Food not Bombs „ stand ?
Graue Wände? Das schreit nach einem Mural. Wartet nicht bist die Stadtverwaltung etwas für euch tut, Ihr wohnt dort ihr müsst euch auch drum kümmern.
Es gibt so vieles was getan werden kann es muss nur eine*r damit anfangen.
Wenn eine Nachbarschaft einmal miteinander Vernetzt ist dann können auch weitere Aktionen folgen, z.B gegen gentrifizierung oder Nazis in der Nachbarschaft.
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Ihr werdet feststellen das niemand sowas wie die Polizei braucht um ein Friedliches Leben zu führen. Ganz im Gegenteil, meistens sorgt die Polizei erst für Kriminalität.
Das klingt alles so selbstverständlich, allerdings sieht die Realität anders aus.
Los geht’s.
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