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"That’s rough, buddy."
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// Sorry for the inactivity, don't have much time for this blog around christmas. :C ((Also the winner of the art raffle will be announced in one or two days))
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"Then you can be useful?" This human really started to get more interesting than Lulu thought when she started following him around the woods. "Well, aren't you a charming little one! I can be useful once my life, that sounds so exicitiiing!"
She stepped closer to the archer, now looking directly up to his face. The witch started cackling.
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"What makes you, human scum, think that a mighty witch,like me, had the intent to help you? Pwahhaha, you are so adorable, amusing, really!" She tilted her head, as if she was thinking about anything.
"What do I get from helping you? How about... your soul! That sounds very good and fair to me. The way you act it doesn't seem like you need it anymore anyways."
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"You wish to imply this me͎̦̜̱̭͖e̹t̰͎̮͖͙in̲͔̼g is coincidental?” He asked, surveying his surroundings in response to her description of their location, “Hmph. Perhaps it is not you who follows me. Perhaps it is something that follows us both.” But was it something dangerous? Unlikely. His mere existence was dangerous to he and everyone else around him. It made everything else trifle. The Corruption certainly didn’t react to any dangers unseen by his keen eyes, but after all these years he’d known the Corruption to be a headstrong beast,
"I am neither stupid or brave. I am simple here because I am… tracking an animal. A disgusting animal.” It just so happened to be an animal in human skin too, “One that needs to be put down. Like a coward it ran, and it would appear I have… lost its trail.” With that the Archer came to focus on the witch once more, “If you know these forests so well, then you can be useful. Guide me out of this place and I will leave you to your witch practices.”
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The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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// It's munday again. > v < This time have one withou't a wig hehe.
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// Who is your favourite Sailor Scout, though?
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Lulu and Annie
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// why do people feel the need to play AP rammus when we don't have a frontline (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
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"Yasuo, you're my wife now hehehe."
Honey, I'm home.
"This will be interesting.."
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The yordle froze at Yasuo’s action. She remained like this for a few seconds, needed time to proceed the situation.
"W-w-what… Yasuo! Why did you…"
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"W-wha..whaaa?" Lulu just layed on his chest and didn't move at all, she was not sure what to say, or how to react to that.
"Fine then...."  She said, still blushing.
With no courage to look up to him, she rather look at the sky. It was a dark night and the stars were shining brightly.
She thought about telling him tomorrow what he had done, just to tease him a little.
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The yordle froze at Yasuo’s action. She remained like this for a few seconds, needed time to proceed the situation.
"W-w-what… Yasuo! Why did you…"
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Lulu looked down to Yasuo, then looked back at the fire, which was going to go out soon.
"Yasuo, do you want to sleep? The fire is going out soon anyways."
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The yordle froze at Yasuo’s action. She remained like this for a few seconds, needed time to proceed the situation.
"W-w-what… Yasuo! Why did you…"
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Don’t forget to visit my blog for more!
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"Yeah, and stupid people shouldn't talk..." Lulu mumbled and shook her head.
Of course, she had a hard time understanding the addiction of alcohol for humans, she never had drank anything her whole life. The reaction for yordles would probably way more extreme, because they are tiniert. Maybe it could even kill them. So Lulu didn't feel like trying it.
"Will you drink the whole night now?" They had been wandering for quite a few days together now, and Yasuo had drunk quite a lot the whole time.
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The yordle froze at Yasuo’s action. She remained like this for a few seconds, needed time to proceed the situation.
"W-w-what… Yasuo! Why did you…"
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It seemed Varus didn't catch her kissing him, fortunately for her, of course. He would have probably never talked to her again.
"Y-yeah..." Lulu stuttered, got up and sat next to him.
"E...exactly. I'm sorry for waking you up."
Midnight Kiss
Send “Midnight Kiss” for My Muse’s Reaction to Your’s crawling into their bed at Night and Kissing them..
The archer slept peacefully due to a hard day working,soft snores escaped his soft lips as he breathed yet something forced his eyes to open as he felt something crawling on him,kissing him softly.”Lulu….What are you doing here….at this hour of the night….”he whispered stroking her cheek.luluthebittersweetwitch
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