luhvrchan · 1 year
Sorry for being on a long ass hiatus y'all T^T
I was busy with many exams but I will definitely update from the last chapter <3
- Your lovely author
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luhvrchan · 2 years
Not a post but an announcement
Really sorry for not posting a really long time. I've busy with school and my mid term exams will be soon.
I will post after my mid terms get over, please wait
-Your friendly author
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luhvrchan · 2 years
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Seo Changbin:Hot Math Teacher
Chapter 4
TW:!Mentions eating disorders!
You went back to your so called home and Yeji wasn't home as usual. You quickly packed all your things and called Changbin.
The phone call:
Y/N:Changbin, um-
Changbin:You want me to pick you up?
Changbin:Send me your location
*beep beep beep*
You sent your location to him and he arrived in 5 minutes. You took both your suitcases, which were really heavy. He helped you place them in the trunk and opened the door for you. His gesture made your face red like a beetroot as you sat inside and he closed the door. He sat on the driver's seat and drove to his house. Your eyes were feeling heavy and you fell asleep.
Time Skip:2 hours later
You saw yourself in an unfamiliar room. There was a book shelf beside you and you saw a table opposite to you. There was scattered papers on the table with half correction.
It must be the college semester exams...
You then saw that Changbin was shirtless in front of you. You gulped looking at his defined body and hid your face in the pillow as you heard a light chuckle from him.
Changbin:So you like the view~ *teases*
Y/N:Shut up!
Changbin:Aww you're so adorable Y/Nieee~
He carefully lifts you up and pinches your cheeks. You pretended to be hurt to prank him and it worked.
Y/N:Ow... that hurts *pouts*
Changbin:Oh no! Did I hurt you?
You began giggling as he understood your trick.
Changbin:Trying to prank me huh? Then try to tackle this!
He began tickling you and you were laughing really hard.
Y/N:HAHAHAHAHAHA! Changbin please stop-
You were going out of breath, he noticed and stopped at the right time.
Changbin:Sorry :‹
Y/N:It's fine *pants* OH SHI- I need to call my cousin to tell her that I'm staying with my friend for a while
You called Yuna and luckily she picked up the call.
Y/N:Yah Yuna, I'll be staying in my friend's house for a while.
Yuna:Oh ok, thanks for telling me. You will be away from Yeji atleast
She had a tone of disdain mentioning Yeji's name. You understood why she was doing that.
Y/N:Don't worry Yuna, I will be fine
Yuna:If you say so, my girlfriend is here byeee~
Y/N:Bye *mwuah*
You ended the call and took a quick shower wearing your satin green night gown which fit till half your thighs.
(A/N:Nonbinary and agender peeps, you can choose what you wear at night before sleeping :›)
Changbin:Hey Y/N, what do- oh my...
He couldn't stop staring at you, your milky soft thighs were distracting him but he cleared his throat.
Changbin:What do you want to eat?
Y/N:Anything is fine with me, I don't mind
Changbin:So, I'll tell my chef to cook pork katsu, with curry and rice?
Y/N:Yes please!
Changbin:*chuckles* Ok you big baby~ your order will be ready in a few minutes
You sat in the kitchen as Changbin set the plates and glasses with a jug, full of water.
Time Skip:A few minutes later
Y/N and Changbin:잘 먹겠습니다 (trans:I will eat well)
You began munching on the food since Yehi had been starving you. School food was your only escape from your eating disorders and you were still recovering from it. Changbin smiled at you munching on the katsu cutlet and the rice mixed with curry.
Changbin:Y/N, look here
He couldn't help but giggle at how cute you looked with mouthful of food inside your cheeks. You looked like a chipmunk according to him.
Changbin:Tada! *shows his phone*
Y/N:Hey delete that!
Changbin:No~ you look cute
Y/N:Nuuuu I'm not cute *pouts*
Changbin:Are you done with your food? *changing the topic*
Y/N:I took a little too much, I don't think I can eat anymore
Changbin:That's fine love, you don't have to force yourself to eat the whole plate.
Y/N:Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me
Changbin:Let's get ready for bed now shall we?
Y/N:But me no sleepy!
Changbin:Okay, then what do you want to do?
Y/N:Play Uno
Changbin:Really? Ok let's play Uno then
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luhvrchan · 2 years
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Seo Changbin:Hot Math Teacher
Chapter 3
TW:!contains SA and strong language!
Changbin:Okay, I will talk to them about it
Y/N:It's okay you don't-
Changbin:Last time I checked, they said it was restocked yesterday. Why are they telling you that it wil be restocked next week?
You were shocked to hear that.
Y/N:I don't know...
Changbin:It's okay sweetie, sit down and do something. I will be right back and just call me if anybody is troubling you.
You gave him a soft nod and he walked outside the detention room. You were doodling when you heard the room door open and saw that it was Felix, your english teacher.
Felix:Oh? You have detention?
Y/N:Yes, unfortunately...
Felix:I saw Changbin here, where did he go?
Y/N:To the uniform store. He is mad that they told me the wrong timing
Felix:Okay thank you *smiles* be good
Y/N:Okay dad *jokes*
Felix chuckled at your joke and went to the uniform store. You continued doodling when you felt somebody grab your thigh. You looked at the person and were shocked, it was Ryujin's bestfriend Mark.
Mark:So you exposed Ryujin in front of the whole school huh? How dare you
Y/N:Mark what the fuck. Leave me alone. I literally did nothing to you
Mark:Not to me but to Ryujin. I will get revenge from you for this.
He slid his hand inside your skirt/shorts and you smacked his face really hard that it became red.
Mark:Stay still!
Mark tied you with his tie and began troubling you, you tried everything. Kicking, scratching and smacking him but nothing worked. You were literally sobbing and then remembered that your math teacher told you to call him if anybody was troubling you.
Y/N:MR. SEO!!!
Mark: Should've kept your-
Changbin:What's going on here? Mark. You're expelled from your college. You broke the college norms by coming to the school area and also assaulting a student. Get lost from my sight.
Mark:B-but sir-
Mark ran outside for his life and Changbin cupped your face in his hands while you were still sobbing.
Changbin:Shhhh it's not your fault sweetheart. It never was.
Y/N:But my clothes are dirty now... what will I tell my sister?
Changbin:I will talk to her alright? Give me her contact number
You gave your sister's number to him and he told you to take new uniform. You nodded your head and took new uniform from the uniform store and went back to the detention room. He saw you and gave you a soft smile signalling you to sit in front of him while talking to your sister. You did as he said and kept her on speaker.
Yeji:You got assaulted?!
Yeji:What were you wearing?
That question made Changbin go furious that his face grew red with anger. He ended the call with your sister.
Changbin:Is she your biological sister?
Y/N:No, I'm her adopted sibling.
Changbin:I see. Leave them and live with me
Changbin:No buts. It's for your safety Y/N. Please
Y/N:Okay... I will pack my stuff and send you my address. Wait- I need your-
Changbin:Number? *chuckles* Yeah sure I will give it to you
You unlocked your phone and gave it to him, he added his number and saved it as "Favourite Teacher ❤️" you chuckled at that and agreed with him.
Changbin:I will be waiting for you~ *winks*
Y/N:M-me too
It had been less than 2 hours but he was letting you go early. You went outside and saw Hyunjin smiling at you.
Hyunjin:So he left you early huh? *wiggles his eyebrows*
Y/N:Shut up you dummy dum!
Hyunjin:If Mark was here I wouldn't have left him alive.
Y/N:You heard that?
Hyunjin:Yeah but I was having my after school extra class. Let me drop you off
Y/N:Thank you Hyun. I appreciate that
Hyunjin:But Mr. Seo is right. It's not your fault baby, don't feel disgusted by yourself. I know it will take some time for that trauma to go away but don't blame yourself for it hm?
Y/N:Mhm I won't
Hyunjin:Pinky promise? *raises his pinky*
Y/N:Pinky promise *locks pinky with his*
He told you some jokes to forget about it but most of them were lame but you found them kinda interesting. Somebody was jealous looking at you and Hyunjin holding hands and it was your math teacher. It was hard for him to keep his cool and not have a jealous outburst but he remembered that he made you flustered during detention and smiled at himself for doing that.
You will be mine one day Y/N... Just wait for me love
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luhvrchan · 2 years
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Seo Changbin:Hot Math Teacher
Chapter 2
TW:!strong language!
You went back to your class after having lunch. You and Hyunjin were the first one to enter the class and saw your math teacher.
Wait... Isn't it P.E? Why is he here?
Y/N:Um Mr. Seo?
Changbin:Yes Y/N?
Y/N:It's P.E right-
Changbin:Yeah I know. I borrowed this from your P.E teacher to complete my portions for your math exam.
Just our luck... great
Everybody rushed to the class after you announced that your math teacher came to take math class.
Changbin:Today we will be learning about trigonometry. Does anybody know any formulas that you may have studied in the previous years?
So many people raised their hands but he noticed that your body was trembling and realised that you were hesitant to answer.
Changbin:Y/N sweetie, can you tell any formula you remember?
Changbin:Very good!
He wrote it on the board using his chalk pen and smiled at you.
Changbin:This *encircles the formula* is very important. You will get many questions related to this formula. After we recap this chapter, we will start applications where you have to draw the triangle and apply the correct theta value. I will dictate notes now, please start writing and I need speed.
He began dictating notes and you began writing. Hyunjin was surprised at how fast you were writing while Mr. Seo was dictating.
Hyunjin:Psst dude, show me-
Changbin:Hyunjin if you have to say something then you may share it with us *fake smile*
Hyunjin:Nothing Mr. Seo it's just I didn't get the last part you said *nervous*
Changbin:Anybody else who didn't get the last part? I will repeat it again.
Ryujin:I missed-
Y/N:Shut the fuck up for once Ryujin! Stop troubling the teachers just because they are good looking. Literally everybody knows that your motive is just to sleep with them nothing else. Stop fucking trying your luck and you've made many teachers uncomfortable that they left because of you.
Changbin was shocked to hear that from your mouth. You realised what you had said and apologised.
Y/N:Sorry for my language but it had to be done.
Ryujin was so embarrassed that she left the class crying. You just laughed at her stupid behaviour and gave your notes to Hyunjin so that he can complete them.
Changbin:Detention for Y/N after school for 2 hours.
I knew it...
After the math class ended he left the class and Hyunjin turned to you.
Hyunjin:You got detention for no reason.
Y/N:I swear bro. But I can't do anything about it, rules are rules.
Hyunjin:Good luck with detention.
Time Skip:At Detention
You entered the detention room with your bag on your right shoulder and saw Mr. Seo. Your eyes fell on his clothes, he was wearing a white flannel shirt where two of the buttons were unbuttoned and black skinny leather pants and was wearing glasses.
lOrD hAvE meRCy, wE muST sTaY fOcuSeD. wE mUsT stAY fOCusED!
He noticed you through his glasses and gave you a warm smile.
Changbin:Hello Y/N. Please sit in front of me, we need to talk about what you told Ryujin in the class.
Shit... am I gonna get scolded?
Changbin:Not a need to panic sweetheart, what I want to know is, is that true?
Y/N:What's true?
Changbin:What you said about Ryujin.
Y/N:Yes it's true. I've seen it with my own eyes. Thankfully our English teacher Felix is still here and hasn't left. His husband Bang Chan was here, but he left because Ryujin tried to sleep with him even when he clearly showed his ring to her and mentioned that he is married to Felix.
Y/N:It's better for you to ignore her instead of answering to her stupid behaviour, she will try her luck with you. Don't pay any attention to her please
Changbin:Alright, got it.
You were staring at his exposed chest that you were almost drooling over him having fantasies about him. He noticed that you got zoned out staring at his chest and smirked.
Y/N:Huh- sorry... I got zoned out
Changbin:*unbuttons two more buttons* It's really hot in here don't you think? *fans himself* turn on the AC please
Y/N:Y-yeah s-sure
You went near the AC remote but slipped and you fell on your face. Your skirt/shorts rode up and Mr. Seo noticed your lace panties, it made him flustered. When you got up he placed his jacket around your waist, you felt your cheeks heat up when he did that. You began shifting around.
Changbin:Stay still sweetie. I need to tie this in front of your waist.
You gave him a soft nod and he tied it in front of your waist. He then smiled at you.
Changbin:I told you to-
Y/N:I know. I asked the school for a longer one in the morning and they said that it is out of stock. They will get it next week.
When you said that it made him furious.
Next week?! This kiddo is suffering because perverts are looking under their skirt/shorts!
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luhvrchan · 2 years
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Seo Changbin:Hot Math Teacher
Chapter 1
TW:!strong language!
Finally when everybody arrived, you and them were waiting for the respective teachers to arrive. Your math HOD, Mr. Kim and another math teacher Mr. Choi entered and began discussing about the discipline in school. You zoned out in the middle of the meeting when you heard Mr. Kim screaming your name.
Mr. Kim:KANG Y/N!
Y/N:I'm so sorry Mr Kim-
Mr. Kim:Do it again the next time-
Mr. Choi:Continue speaking Y/N. I will handle Mr. Kim
Y/N:I um... have a tendency of zoning out- so I didnt hear more than half of the discussions…
Mr. Choi:It's ok *soft smile*
Mr. Choi explained everything all over again to you and you gave him a nod of approval.
Y/N:I think speaking in Korean isn't that necessary because some students are foreigners here and english should be spoken regardless, however people can speak Korean during their free classes when the teachers are not there
Lia:But Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim:Yes?
Lia:Oh- nothing, I got it
Mr. Choi:Alright everybody, meeting dismissed. *taps the table with his hand*
You went back to your class. Lia came behind you and gave you, your president badge.
Lia:You left this
Y/N:Thank you Lia *smiles*
You remembered your schedule and realised you have math right now. You put on your president badge and mustered up your courage to give him the valid excuse. You entered your class and everybody's eyes went on you, you felt really awkward at that moment.
Changbin:Is this a time to come to class? You're 20 minutes late Mx Y/N.
Before you could say something, Hyunjin spoke up.
Hyunjin:Mr. Seo! Y/N is the president of student council and their council meeting ended just now
He literally saved my ass…
Changbin:Ah okay~ you can have a seat Y/N *smiles*
You went and sat beside Hyunjin. You wrote the notes he gave you but then your cheeks flushed red.
Changbin:Y/N will be staying back during lunch. Rest of you can go.
Hyunjin:You lucky bi-
Hyunjin:Bye loser
You rolled your eyes at him, when everybody had gone for lunch it was just you and him. The tension arised even more when he shut the door lock.
Changbin:Y/N. *makes you stand* Cover yourself from the bottom, perverts will try to snap from underneath your skirt/shorts. Here, have my jacket.
He removed his jacket and tied it around your waist. You could feel butterflies in your stomach due to his small gesture.
Changbin:Much better and take down the notes you've missed from today's class. I have to go now. Bye Y/N~
Y/N:Bye Mr. Seo
MR. SEO GAVE ME HIS JACKET AAAAAAA calm down Y/N. Let's go eat lunch with Hyunjin
You reached the cafeteria and saw Hyunjin waving at you. You smiled and sat next to him.
Hyunjin:So? What happened with- *notices Changbin's jacket on your waist* HOLY SHI-
Hyunjin:You lucky as fuck *wiggles his eyebrows*
Y/N:Shut it you dummy
Hyunjin:Am not!
Y/N:Are too *giggles*
Changbin's POV
I saw them sitting with Hyunjin and laughing. I don't know why but I felt jealous? Just because they are with Hyunjin... Hmm... Hyunjin jokingly flirted with them and I was on my breaking point but I decided not to intervene or else it will ruin the fun between them. I gave an annoyed sigh and continued eating my food.
End of Changbin's POV
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luhvrchan · 2 years
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Seo Changbin:Hot Math Teacher
You were annoyed. Why? Because a new math teacher had joined your school and he is really young, he graduated from teaching university early and is now teaching math in your school. Everybody including the boys were simping over him.
Y/N:Can y'all just shut up?! Let me do my homework in peace!
The class went silent when you said that.
Y/N:THANK YOU! *tilts head*
The new teacher entered inside your class and everybody especially the girls who dreamed of getting with him were whispering among each other.
???:So should I wish you? Or are you waiting for me to tell you to stand up and wish me? Huh?
Everybody stood up and greeted him.
The whole class:Good morning teacher
???:Good morning, settle down *smiles* my name is Seo Changbin and I will be teaching you all math. It's so pleasant to see everybody seated quietly in class especially when it's near the principal's office. Good children, that's how a class should be maintained.
The popular girl who is also known as the school hoe raised her hand. Her name is Shin Ryujin.
Ryunjin:I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about yourself teacher *flirtatious smile*
Here we go with this shit again…
Changbin:Of course! I graduated from the teaching university very early. I am 22 years old and will be turning 23 this year *smiles* anything else you would like to know?
You raised your hand.
Y/N:Are you strict with students?
Changbin was shocked to hear your words. He paused for a while and then answered your question.
Changbin:Not at all sweetie. I don't believe in giving punishment. I'm here to help you when you need help. Why? Was your last math teacher strict with you all?
You gave a soft nod and he could read your facial expression really well. You were feeling afraid of him.
Changbin:Whatever your name is, I won't be strict ok? You don't have to fear me. Even I was a student once like you so I understand *smiles*
End of Flashback
Y/N:What is it Hyunjin?
Hyunjin:Mr. Seo is really hotttt~
Y/N:You are a literal fucking simp. Do you even realise that?
Hyunjin:Of course I do *playful wink*
"All students who are there in the student council are called to the school library for a short meeting immediately. I repeat, all students who are there in the student council are called to the school library for a short meeting immediately."
Y/N:That's my cue to leave. I will see you during lunch bye!
You were the president of student council that meant that you managed the whole student council which was really hectic for you including the school work. You reached the school library and sat at the center while waiting for the others to arrive.
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