trust. mistake. learn.
hi im posting again lmao idk i just feel like talking (ranting) to someone.
i just cant comprehend the fact that people not allowing me to try new things or to experience new stuff. it really gives me HUGE ick. like, if you are scared with it, if you do not trust yourself, if your life are full with worries, DO NOT project it on me. let me live my life. let me make mistakes. let me fail. let me experience. no matter if im gonna fail, or gonna flunk or gonna die midway. AT LEAST I RISK FOR IT. at least im experiencing it. at least im LEARNING from it.
please do not limit my life just because YOU ARE SCARED OR WORRIED about me. theres no such thing as “LOVE TOO MUCH” that you cant let me do things that will risk my life.
“The lack of experience breeds an inability to handle similar situations. And that ultimately feeds and increases the fear. The longer the fear remains unchecked, the harder a person has to work to break the cycle.” (Failing Forward, John C. Maxwell)
i find no room for me to grow if i stay here longer. its not that i hate this place, its just that i cant feel like i will grow more independently and more strongly for me to be a more adaptable, and brave person. i cant grow here. i cant develop my own self here. im pampered. babied. treated as a kid.
im sorry but i gotta make way for my growth.
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a letter to little qylaa
hi its 2022 already. you did well. you did enough. more than enough actually. i wouldnt ask for more because i know damn well, u did your very best already, every single day.
2 months from now, you will be flying to Manchester, starting a new life, new journey, much tougher. who would have known that we will get to this stage of life?!!!!!!! god is great.
thank you qylaa for going through a lot of downs that made me this strong. that enables me to get through so much in life with ease. that causes me to be a better person. that makes me more resilient. thank you. i know you have been through a lot.
i know most of it you went through all by yourself. i know most of the time you never tells anyone your feelings, what you are going through, why you are sad and all. i know you have been silenced most of your life. i know nobody asked you how you doing. i know not many people saw you struggling. i know not many people say your effort. i know not many people wishes you good luck. i know not many people are there for you when you needed them the most.
but im here for you. all these time. i am always here.
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its been nearly a year i left my tumblr unwritten !!!! very sorry. got a lot to say but cant remember any... ugh. but yeah, today im going to tell ou about my ex-class group !!!
PEGASUS !!!!!!
Im so glad to have them in my class. alot of things happened that we went through together. lots of love spread. lots of hugs given. lots of food shared.
just cant write more cuz feeling so uncomfortable...
well be back later !!!
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how i feel school is still far away from me :(
i wonder how them people like to be in school ?
is2g, i got only hatred. i dont like any-single-thing in school. so here im gonna show you why i hate school //
1// they all not open minded.
- is2g, they all not open minded. but not all, mostly. they got that “ï am shy to do that. better i sit here and see people doin it” and “dont she feel shy to go up there? ew what a cheap girl” . i am so not lying. this is my school culture. and i seriously hate it.
2// no handsome man.
-this is kindof funny but its tru tho. i hate every boys here. theyre not classy and dirty-minded.
3// jela aka “i want every of ur stuff”
-this part is the part that i hate the most. i seriously hate people who take my stuff without my permission. and i hate people who borrow my stuff and doesnt take care of it. they think that i snap my fingers to buy them.
4// to be continued....
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Wow. I am unoficially 14. Seriously cant believe it though. I remebered how sad am I when it was first time for me to go to boarding school. Living far from my family. Bullied. Had a lot of thick and thin with my munchkins. Debating. And a lot more!! So, first memory of all, DEBATE. Never thought that im gonna debate. Like seriously. I never know what debate is untill i unfortunately joined debate club. First thought was, boring. " this is for smart asses and its not me ". Until, i know more about debate and start liking it! ( unfortunately ) BOARDING SCHOOL Woah. Never had an idea for this. Really dont wanna go here. Being forced. This is where a lot of 2015 memories created. Dont wanna write more coz it nearly four in the morning guys!! GOODNIGHTZZ
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The title of today is #2kerja. Well, i am maybe 13 but i still can see how malaysia change. I can see how my parents’ working hours change. How hard my parents work. And how malaysians hate you. And how funny your statement is. I may not know much about politics but i know what maybe not right for me as a malaysian. Either I think your “3 WORKS�� is funny. Oh dear, it is not “work” its “post”. Youre holding 3 POSTS and not works.
Did u know, how hard my parents work to feed us four siblings? We just have four siblings and its totally bad. But how about those who has more than four? Or single woman? Do they need to do #2kerja ? When will they spend time with their loved ones? Oh dear, think!
Malaysia, Lets hold our hands and start change our lovely country. Lets study hard. Be a minister. Be a minister that think about the people. Dont be a selfish minister or short-thinker minister. Lets change ourselves, change the society, change the culture, and make a better Malaysia.
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I love my mom no matter what we go through and no matter how much we argue because I know, in the end, she’ll always be there for me
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Assalam alaikum :)
hai Love !
okay, before I start my story, let me say that youre beautiful today ! not just today but everyday ! i love you.
okay. here’s some sad story.
well i think my tumblr is full of sad story. but oh, my happy story is there too but in my heart. <3
Last night-
I was crying hard. REALLY hard. a lot of reasons-
too much pain-
eczema,depress,emotional,angry,hating myself.
too hard to tell. read my last post. [but it more than what I write actually] my mama not really care about me. im not saying she DOES NOT care, but she maybe forgot that I really need such attention for her. well when we are with our loved ones, all of our stress and pain will reduce. like seriously. i didnt say that i am such an attention seeker, but oh well, i need more than others. Maybe im not a good daughter to her. or maybe im too far from her? ugh questioning myself{again}. I should be a better daughter. hm. sorry for my mistakes mama. love you.
I was really like REALLY excited to make a new pair of spectacles, but it turned out to be ........ . I had chose which type that i want and YES she agreed. at first. ugh. my face was happy as cloud nine but with one act [all of sudden] everything changes. my face reaction and else. she changed my type of spectacles to something that i dont like. istg i dont like it. ugh. its me who going to where it and face the world with that. but im sure she knows the best for me.
emotional , angry-
its truly bad to have sucha egoism sister. like seriously. i dont want to tell more but yeah sometimes i hate her really bad. gr.
p/s, sorry for all the bad words or negativity. this is just half of me. not even half. lazy to type more but actually i have a tonns to talk about but this lil finger just too tired. so i think just for now, BYE.
loves, luckyverly {Aqilah Dayini}
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P,s; xc is sad face or like angry face. Okay , nevermind. So, Back to the title, ECZEMA. An itchy pain. Scratch it is like you hurt it. Itchy. Too itchy. If you're stress, then it's going to be even worse. When the exam is just around the corner, it's not just stress the problem but the itchiness. The red. The menggelupas thingy. The struggle is real. When you wear a long sleeve clothe, it's going to be a real pain. (If its a wool kind of clothes, then its double pain) If you are stressed, the red will appears. And when you scratch it, you will get stresser. Idk how to stand with this anymore. Too much pain. Too many cant's than can's. Too much rules. This thing really blocks like every thing that like. Eg, bathing for a long time, swimming, seafood, and many. Lips. Youre lips will be blackish and not so red. Too bad. Everday, it will menggelupas and of you wear a lipbalm, youll get uncomfortable. (Or maybe its just me) This thing stick with me since I was born. Lucky? Lucky. They always say that Im the chosen one. But well, i dont like this thing. Ive once questioned myself, why is my life turnt like this. I was like "i should just die rather than put a heavy weight on my parents shoulder" "fml" and so on. Sometimes, i cant accept this, but since i get bigger and older, ill try to accept the fate that this thing will stick with me forever. :(:
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“It was a world full of feelings that I didn’t have words for yet.”
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“The worst thing in the world can happen, but the next day the sun will come up. And you will eat your toast. And you will drink your tea.”
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if you’re ever sad look at this
or this
instead of being mad at someone watch stitch cuddle with a pillow
shhhh don’t cry look at stitch !!!
stitch doesn’t want u to be sad !!
pls don’t be sad
stitch loves you stay safe
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A girl,
who lack of love
who still need lesson
who is learning to be a proper teenage girl
who wants her life to be happy
who wants to be a professional doctor
who wants her parents proud of her
who don’t care what other people says
who wants to save the earth from losing pizza
who wants the earth to reunite
this girl really wants to
stop the pain in her life.
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