lucifer tremaine
40 posts
lucifer tremaine // 33 // socialite // echo creek
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lucifcr · 2 years ago
@lucifcr​ location: gaston’s tavern
The biggest downside to her new job was seeing Lucifer almost every night. The man never spoke to her, but he stared at her for the majority of her shift if he wasn’t busy with some other girl and it was starting to really get on her nerves. She could handle a lot, but when it came to those who disrespected her she had no mercy, and Lucifer was at the top of her list in terms of that. So when he sat down for his usual, Fifi had decided enough was enough. Thankfully, Gaston seemed to like the bite to her bark, so she knew she wasn’t in danger of losing her job. “You know, I’m not going anywhere. So you need to stop staring at me or try to strike up a conversation if I am on your mind so badly.”
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Lucifer was a frequent guest at Gaston’s Tavern. He went there multiple nights a week and when he wasn’t there he was usually a more...upscale place to change the vibe. It was probably a bad look that Lucifer frequented bars so often but with the way his sisters have already had the Tremaine name drug through the dirt he didn’t really care. It was one thing he could get away with. At least he wasn’t tied up in different affairs or posting nonsense online. Most nights that he was at Gaston’s Fifi was there. At first this really bugged Lucifer and he did his best to ignore her. She was so graceful in her work though and Lucifer couldn’t help but notice. Some nights he would go to other bars just so he didn’t have to be distracted by her all night. Every time he was with a woman she was there and so was her cleavage and pretty face. It pissed Lucifer off that he’d been so attracted to her from the moment they met. He never struck up a conversation with her, going as far as to wait for other bartenders to get him a drink so he didn’t have to talk to her. When she was the one to break the ice though he wasn’t surprised. “Fine,” he said. “I’ll be honest, it’s very distracting having you serve at my good friend’s establishment. I could get you fired if I really wanted to. You’re a good bartender from what I’ve seen, so why should Gaston loose a good worker?” Lucifer pushed his empty glass towards her to indicate he wanted a refill. “And I’m not that cruel.” He was, but why would he admit it? “I’ll admit you’ve been on my mind since you started working here. Like I said, you’re distracting.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “You could have always spoke to me. As a worker here you should be greeting me and getting my usual ready the moment I walk in.”
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lucifcr · 2 years ago
If there was anything Lucifer’s sister, Drizella, had it was a sharp tongue and a quick wit. So, when he heard her enter the house with a loud voice he rolled his eyes and sighed. All he’d wanted to do was enjoy his coffee and have a quiet Sunday to himself. Their mother was out so it was just him at the house. When Drizella entered the kitchen Lucifer barely looked up at her. He simply said, “she’s not here. What do you want?” before going to take another sip of his coffee. When he finally glanced up she didn’t have a very pleased look on her face. “You’re still here. Now, I know my favorite sister didn’t just take time out of her day to come see me.” The corners of his lips curved into a smirk. Lucifer stood up straight from where he was leaning against the counter and set his coffee on the marble top. “And if you’re here to berate me for any reason you can turn right back around and walk back out the door.”
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lucifcr · 2 years ago
“I have had no time to consider the people who Claudette is hiring. I have been having a hard time with the triplets, gotta tell you.” Gaston leaned in on the countertop, finally having found someone worth talking to. LeFou was braindead, and Gaston didn’t consider anyone else worth mentioning his business problems with, so seeing Lucifer’s face again felt like a relief. A person who shares similar views and principles, one who needs no pretension. “The gossip blog affected the dynamics between us heavily, and there’s a lot going on.” Gaston wasn’t used to working with people because he knew how selfish he could be. However, he had known the triplets long enough to assert some loyalty, and now it was biting him back in the ass. “How are your sisters? Coping well, hopefully?” Gaston anticipated his response, knowing that he cared more about the other sister, although that wasn’t something he’d freely say out loud.
“I know. This place is more grounded than you can imagine it to be. ” He explained, although he meant it quite literally, knowing that underneath his usual transactions is a deeper game that is well-connected to his booming business. “This is none of my business, but, what’s the deal with you and Laurette? Got a thing for the triplet?” He closed his hands together as he let out a soft chuckle. “She’s pretty feisty, if you ask me. In a different way, that is. Claudette’s much like me; she owns a room. Laurette’s more like…overwhelming and all over the place. It is a pretty interesting sight.”
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“Have you now?” Lucifer asked, curious to know more. He turned slightly in his seat to better face his friend. “What troubles you with them? I have heard rumors, but only that. Nothing more.” Lucifer nodded in understanding. “So, your name is being slandered by someone behind a screen. This is...not good.” Lucifer shook his head. “You know I am here to extend my help if needed.” At the mention of his sisters Lucifer simply shrugged. He hadn’t been keeping up with them much lately so he didn’t have much to say on the matter. “Fine as far as I know. I’m not really too concerned about them right now.” 
When Gaston asked about Laurette Lucifer was a little caught off guard. He wasn’t really sure what to say. He wasn’t involved with her anymore and didn’t want to overstep anything with Gaston. Once again he shrugged. “She’s fine. That’s pretty old news though. Nothing I really feel the need to recap.” He took a sip of his drink. “What about the other one though? How are you coping with her tarnishing your name because of these posts?”
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lucifcr · 2 years ago
Lucifer knew he was always welcomed at Gaston’s Tavern, no matter the circumstances. For a while the two seemed to be at odds but after some space things seemed to have settled down again. He’d just finished his drink and was waiting for the inattentive bartender to give him a refill when Gaston noticed and came to Lucifer. “I’m telling you, that bartender of yours does not care for their job. It’s still early and there’s not many people here yet for the night. Surely they have the time to come and get me another drink.” Shaking his head, he sighed. “Oh well. I suppose I’ll survive.” He scrunched up his nose. “Still, you should talk to them about their lack of attention to your patrons. It’s not a good look on them. Or yourself.” Lucifer offered the man a smile. “I know the truth though. This is a fine establishment you have.”
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lucifcr · 2 years ago
@lucifcr​ location: beach bonfire
Jessica wasn’t going to go to this event originally. She would rather stay at home with her honey bunny, but he insisted on going, so here she was. She didn’t need to hear anything bad about her outfit, especially with words of this so-called gossip girl floating around, so she tried to keep it as classy as possible. The perk of the entire thing was that there was an open mic. She loved a good chance to sing and she signed up for it right away. When it was her turn to go up, she did her best cover of telepatía because she figured it was popular enough for the crowd and when she was done she felt like the entire night was worth it after all. She wanted a drink to celebrate herself, because she felt she deserved it, and so she went to the bar in hopes for a martini or some brandy. She wasn’t a heavy drinker, but she was sure one drink couldn’t hurt. As she waited for her drink, a figure approached her and she put on her best smile. She wasn’t going to be rude to someone for no reason and the man in front of her hasn’t said anything rude to her yet. “Hi there,” she said smoothly. “How can I help you?”
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Lucifer was only going to the bonfire to keep an eye on his sisters and keep an eye out for Ella. With this gossip blog nonsense going on and continuously dragging the Tremaine name through the mud he knew he had to make sure his sisters didn’t do anything else disastrous. Lucifer was growing bored though and he’d lost his sisters in the crowd so they were doing god only knows what. So, he decided to have a drink. One drink turned into a few and he felt himself loosening up a bit. His eyes kept scanning the crowd for any signs of the girls but neither have them had appeared. He was walking back towards the bar when he noticed a rather gorgeous woman standing alone. Lucifer was a confident man and with the added liquid courage he was unstoppable. He wasn’t wasted but he sure was losing his focus. When he approached the woman he had a smile on his face. “Hello,” he greeted. He hadn’t really thought ahead so he was really winging it here.  “You could help me by letting me buy you a drink. I realized you were alone and looked bored. I thought I could help you by giving you some company.” He rested one of his arms on the bar. “If that’s alright with you, of course.”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
Ophelia shot daggers into his eyes. His little comments were not something she was going to tolerate anymore. “Again, you’re very close to a drink in your face before we even had the chance to talk. You need to put a little more effort in if you’re going to stare at me like that.” She tossed her hair behind her, giving an even better view to her exposed skin. “I no longer work as a maid before you utter another comment.” She focused on her drink again, sipping at it before speaking again. “Cat got your tongue, Luci? Or is it really so hard to be kind?”
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Lucifer felt his breath get stuck in his throat when she glared directly into his eyes. Clearly she was not in the mood for nonsense and he gathered that rather quickly. Lucifer was really dumbfounded after she stopped talking and didn’t have a single clue what to say. After a few moments of silence he spoke up. “No, I’m fine. Kindness only gets you so far.” He glanced over her exposed skin. “Why are you so...fired up tonight?” he asked carefully, not wanting to assume she was upset or angry.
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
@lucifcr​ location: the snuggly duckling
Ophelia hasn’t seen Lucifer in a long time. Every time the two interacted, he ended up degrading her for her position as a maid; and while Fifi wanted nothing more than to just walk away and pretend that they never had gotten intimate in any way before, she was tired of letting yet another man walk all over her. So she marched right up the empty bar stool that was next to him and ordered a drink, daring him to look at her. She knew she looked good and that she was easily the most interesting woman in the room. She wasn’t letting herself shine less for any man ever again and it showed.
She had a drink, not saying a word, and it wasn’t until her second one that she finally gave him a small bit of attention. “I can see you staring. And if you have anything rude to say, I suggest keeping it to yourself before my drink is all over your expensive clothes.”
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Lucifer did not want to be at Gaston’s tavern like he usually went that evening. He opted for a smaller bar, with perhaps a few people that were a little rougher around the edges. He was just enjoying the time for himself, having a few drinks, when Fifi appeared and sat beside him. He was going to do his damn best to ignore her because he honestly wasn’t in the mood and was just her presence alone was annoying him because she didn’t even bother to say anything. He couldn’t help but keep glancing over at her though because she looked so damn good in that dress. When she finally did speak though he was at a loss for words. “I was just admiring your dress, is all. Did you get a raise or something? Looks nice.” Lucifer could sense that something was off with her and he wasn’t sure he was in the mindset to test that tonight.”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
Laurette craned her neck back to him, let herself get lost in his touch and his words. It was fun, it was definitely getting her excited, but she just couldn’t resist dragging it out further. She sighed, chuckling a little from his breath on her neck. “Oh what fun would being alone be?” she asked, not moving from where she stood. “Entertaining each other instead of a crowd sounds rather dull.”
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Laurette had always been bold and that excited Lucifer. She was never afraid to be unapologetically herself. “I could show you what fun being alone could be if you’d let me,” he said into her ear before pressing another few kisses on her neck. “What are you suggesting? Do you want me to fuck you right here in front of everyone? I’m not so sure that’s proper etiquette.” He let out a breathless laugh. “Although, I will say if you are that sure is a turn on.”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
Lucifer shouldn’t have found out so much through some blog post of all things, but he had. First, Kit Charming was potentially getting engaged to someone that wasn’t one of his sisters. Now Gaston was taking his ‘wards’ as the post had said on some trip. Did Anastasia know about this or was she upset at the news? Lucifer knew one of the people Gaston would bring was Laurette and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that either. He told Anastasia to meet him at the estate and when she arrived he was already half way through a bottle of red. Though there was a glass poured out for her as well. “Are you angry?” he asked. “Or did you know?” He didn’t want to beat around the bush and figured it was better to just be blunt about it. “Because, I for one would be absolutely livid.”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
Drizella had no interest in hearing what her brother had to say. She knew he was saying it all because mother made him and not because he actually cared and honestly she didn’t even expect him to care. He wasn’t the one being humiliated. He enjoyed seeing his sisters humiliated. And Drizella loved nothing more than knocking him a few pegs. He was pompous and arrogant just because he was mother’s favorite and she couldn’t stand any of it. “Am I okay?” she repeated, her voice full of malice. “Am….I….okay?” She raised her voice a little bit. “Tell me brother, what the fuck do you think? Like seriously, I would just love to hear your hot take on everything! Go for it!”
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Lucifer fully expected his sister to completely go off on him. Drizella was not one to hold back her tongue on anyone, not even her family. For a moment he wasn’t sure to say but rolled his eyes. “I think you’re overreacting. How can we be sure any of this is actually true?” He crossed his arms and stared at her. “Who’s to say he’s really going to marry one of these girls? You want to be on top so bad then prove to all these other people that you can. Right now all I see is a screaming brat that’s doing nothing to get what she wants.”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
That was the name! Anastasia. Sounded like some renaissance whore. Laurette didn’t appreciate when her man was kind to other women in a way he was not kind to her. It pissed her off. She loved him so much and he just…never saw her right. It was always wrong, wrong, wrong. But she couldn’t let herself break over that news, not now. She had another game going and she was determined to see it through. She didn’t love Lucifer, so that made things a lot easier. She was sure she could, if she really tried, but she had enough on her plate right now. “Yeah, and we share the same face, but clearly not the same mind.” She took his hands on her waist and moved it to her ass. She didn’t give a shit where they were. “If you’re trying to be bold, at least put some effort into it, Luci.”
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Lucifer was trying to read her. Trying to get anything out of her expression or eyes. He couldn’t sense anything though. He wondered what she was thinking and why she asked about Anastasia, but his attention was brought back to his hands that were not firmly planted on her ass. Lucifer couldn’t help the smirk that came across his face. “I can show you bold,” he said before squeezing. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her jaw line, planting a few kisses down until he reached her neck. “I’d show you even more if we were alone,” he said as he pushed her closer to his body.
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
“Mm. I disagree.” Laurette stated simply, moving on before he had a chance to argue with her further. She didn’t do arguments with guys. It was just not her thing. “You are awfully boring and I am awfully fun, that is true,” she said with a shrug. “Actually, you know what? You do have some use for me. Let’s dance.” She wasted no time in taking his hand and dragging him to the dance floor, waitering be damned. She pressed her body close to him, moved slower than the music on purpose. “So tell me about your little sisters. I’ve seen the one around here a lot lately.”
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Before Lucifer had a chance to argue he was being dragged onto the dance floor. He didn’t appreciate being called boring and he was going to prove her wrong. As she pressed her body close to his he placed his hands on her hips, low enough so his hands were just above her ass. “My sisters?” he asked with a raised brow. “What about them? They’re nuisances. You’re probably thinking of Anastasia. She likes to talk to Gaston a lot.” He leaned closer to her. “What about you though? You have sisters as well.”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
Lucifer was certain his sisters were likely upset about some stupid social media post that was circling around. He’d read it, but didn’t give a shit. Still, his mother was furious that the girls’ names were being tarnished and had sent him to check on his sisters.​ It was stupid, he thought, how he had to physically go to their place instead of just calling them but there he was. He knocked on the door before checking to see if it was locked. When he realized it wasn’t he let himself inside. “Hello?” he called out before seeing Drizella emerge from the other room. “Before you chew my head off I have come here in peace. Mother is...concerned.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Are you...okay?” he asked hesitantly.
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
Laurette let out a laugh. “I can get you another drink, sure. But my time? I don’t know. Because a little can turn into a lot, can’t it?” She looked him up and down. “Though honestly, maybe not. Some people are all talk about their game and can’t even last in a conversation for longer than a minute or two.” She went and made him another drink, tended to some others before she made her way back. “So what’s your deal? What do you want my time for?”
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“It’s only a lot if you let it turn into a lot.” Lucifer noticed her look him up and down. He wasn’t sure if he should feel flattered or intimidated by the way she looked at him. He graciously accepted the drink and brought it to his lips as he watched her scurry away to attend to other patrons. When she returned he gave her a sly smile. “My deal? I don’t have one. I’m just bored and you’re fun. Is it so wrong of me to want to indulge in you?”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
“ you… don’t like me very much, do you? ”   - anastasia
“Why would you ask something like that?” His tone was calm but it was almost as if he was hesitant to speak. Like he was caught off guard for once. Did Anastasia assume he hated her? That definitely wasn’t the case. “You don’t have to like someone to care about them,” he told her. “I don’t like your decisions or how you carry yourself. Your attitude could use some changing and sometimes you seem like a stranger. I don’t hate my sisters. That doesn’t mean I have to like them though.” He crossed his arms, itching for a glass of something strong. “I’m not going to coddle you though nor tell you what you want to hear. I probably haven’t told someone I loved them in a long time.” It was rare for him to really express his feelings at times. The only time he really said it was when his mother said it to him first. Or to his cat, but that was all in private. 
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
“ i’ve got your back, okay? ” - Gaston
“And I’ll always have yours, my friend.” Lucifer was not commonly a genuine person. He had his moments, and though he often spoke the truth it was far too brutal. Other times he’s lying smoothly. He was being honest though. Genuinely and without bad intentions behind his words. “Why the sudden need to share, may I ask?”
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lucifcr · 3 years ago
There was something so fun about knowing she had control over how her night went. The moment Lucifer showed up she knew his eyes were on her, so she made sure to flirt with everyone but him. Sure, this started as a way to make Gaston jealous, but now she was in too deep to stop. He wanted her so bad it was funny to her and since her other sisters didn’t even look his way, she knew she had to take advantage of it while she could. Show him her vs the face she shared. When she finally decided to give him some attention he smiled at her, which she knew had to be hard for him. “Luci,” she said with a smile. “I’m a busy girl. This is my work. I’m just being friendly. What do you need?”
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Lucifer watched as she deliberately flirted with every man in that bar except him. Some of them were clearly beneath Laurette but Lucifer knew this was all part of the fun. She did it to get under his skin and it was working. When she finally thought he was suitable enough to entertain and she smiled at him he was putty in her hand. He didn’t even say anything about the little nickname that he loathed so much. “I could use another drink, for starters,” he said with a slight smirk. “I wouldn’t mind a little of your time either though.”
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