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lucas-rygal-universe · 4 years ago
Sega, Archie, and Penders, Let Ian Flynn Continue Lost Hedgehog Tales
@astroni800 In 2013, the longest running video game-inspired comic book published by Archie Comics, Sonic the Hedgehog was rebooted following a lawsuit between Ken Penders and SEGA that started in 2011 over the usage of the former’s characters in the DS game made by BioWare and SEGA, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. The result of this is the plots in Archie Sonic that were going on at the time to be heavily rewritten with the characters made by Penders being removed from the comics up until the reboot that launched in #252 of the series.However, after the comic’s reboot, Ian Flynn wanted to tell the stories that could’ve been published had the lawsuits never happened. It is called “Lost Hedgehog Tales”. The first chapter was released on 30 October 2015, but after that, Ian Flynn was told that he is not allowed to continue LHT due to copyright, whether if it was from Archie or Ken Penders, either way, LHT has been put on indefinite hiatus. Though Flynn did say that he does intend to finish Lost Hedgehog Tales, most fans had given up on LHT and deemed it to cancelled and moved on.I haven’t given up though, I want to know what happens next, and I imagine everyone else does too. We can’t go one never knowing what could’ve been. Several characters have stories that were set up but are yet to be resolved. There are questions left unanswered, mysteries left unsolved. We need closure to those stories. We need to know the truth. Let’s tell Sega of America, Archie Comics, and especially Ken Penders that we want to know what happens next in Lost Hedgehog Tales, tell them to let Ian Flynn continue to tell us the stories that we need to hear, and please, be polite about it, be nice to them when you tell them about this. They’ll just ignore you if you say horrible things to them.If we let them know everyday just how much Lost Hedgehog Tales means to all of us, then we can change their minds and lift the copyright and allow Flynn to tell the stories we need to hear.Sign this petition, and together, we can win.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
@archiesoniconline Will character share emotions in next issues of Archie Sonic Comics reboot?
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
@ask-rougethebatgirl What Time Stones are made of? How would you call them in real life?
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
My redesign of Dr. Robotnik for Sonic The Hedgehog 2 live-action movie.
So long time ago someone here on Tumblr drawed his own design of Jim Carrey looking like Dr. Robotnik in Sonic movie sequel. It’s my first drafted sketch because I couldn’t find on Tumblr message board history of some user activity. So it’s not even finished.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
I started working on one of cancelled Sonic games from early 90's.
#kociara81 #astronii800 #johnduggan #petermorawiec #sonic16 #cancelledgame #90'svideogames #nostalgia #past #segatechnicalinstitute #sonicteam #yujinaka #sonicsatam #segaententerprises #sega #sonicthehedgehog #segagenesis #segamegadrive
@kociara81 @astroni800
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Let me guess Sonic X season 3.
The thing about this whole scene that endears to me is how it shows so much emotion and sincerity in Amy. 
Sonic was trapped on another world and everything seemed to point that he would not return. After many days without knowing what to do, Amy finally made up her mind and decided that she would wait for him to come back, even if it took forever. 
She made a decision against all reason and logic in a situation where anyone else would had just given up… and then, just as Amy had made the choice, Sonic returned.
Amy’s devotion and loyalty to Sonic were tested and pushed to the limit and beyond… and she won because she never, ever gave up on him, even if the entire world told her that it was pointless to hope for his return. 
I can understand why she cries with so much emotion and feeling (in that way only Taeko Kawata can deliver). And Sonic, from how he was looking at Amy as she spoke, I can only guess that he was happy to have a dear friend like her and appreciated her faith in him even more than before.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Boycott China
Data leak reveals how China 'brainwashes' Uighurs in prison camps.
Leaked documents detail for the first time China's systematic brainwashing of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in a network of high-security prison camps.
The Chinese government has consistently claimed the camps in the far western Xinjiang region offer voluntary education and training.
But official documents, seen by BBC Panorama, show how inmates are locked up, indoctrinated and punished.
China's UK ambassador dismissed the documents as fake news.
The leak was made to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which has worked with 17 media partners, including BBC Panorama and The Guardian newspaper in the UK.
The investigation has found new evidence which undermines Beijing's claim that the detention camps, which have been built across Xinjiang in the past three years, are for voluntary re-education purposes to counter extremism.
About a million people - mostly from the Muslim Uighur community - are thought to have been detained without trial.
'I spent seven days of hell in Chinese camps'
The leading Uighur geographer who vanished in China
The leaked Chinese government documents, which the ICIJ have labelled "The China Cables", include a nine-page memo sent out in 2017 by Zhu Hailun, then deputy-secretary of Xinjiang's Communist Party and the region's top security official, to those who run the camps.
The instructions make it clear that the camps should be run as high security prisons, with strict discipline, punishments and no escapes.
The memo includes orders to:
"Never allow escapes"
"Increase discipline and punishment of behavioural violations"
"Promote repentance and confession"
"Make remedial Mandarin studies the top priority"
"Encourage students to truly transform"
"[Ensure] full video surveillance coverage of dormitories and classrooms free of blind spots"
The documents reveal how every aspect of a detainee's life is monitored and controlled: "The students should have a fixed bed position, fixed queue position, fixed classroom seat, and fixed station during skills work, and it is strictly forbidden for this to be changed.
"Implement behavioural norms and discipline requirements for getting up, roll call, washing, going to the toilet, organising and housekeeping, eating, studying, sleeping, closing the door and so forth."
Other documents confirm the extraordinary scale of the detentions. One reveals that 15,000 people from southern Xinjiang were sent to the camps over the course of just one week in 2017.
Sophie Richardson, the China director at Human Rights Watch, said the leaked memo should be used by prosecutors.
"This is an actionable piece of evidence, documenting a gross human rights violation," she said. "I think it's fair to describe everyone being detained as being subject at least to psychological torture, because they literally don't know how long they're going to be there.
The memo details how detainees will only be released when they can demonstrate they have transformed their behaviour, beliefs and language.
"Promote the repentance and confession of the students for them to understand deeply the illegal, criminal and dangerous nature of their past activity," it says.
"For those who harbour vague understandings, negative attitudes or even feelings of resistance… carry out education transformation to ensure that results are achieved."
Ben Emmerson QC, a leading human rights lawyer and an adviser to the World Uighur Congress, said the camps were trying to change people's identity.
"It is very difficult to view that as anything other than a mass brainwashing scheme designed and directed at an entire ethnic community.
"It's a total transformation that is designed specifically to wipe the Muslim Uighurs of Xinjiang as a separate cultural group off the face of the Earth."
China's hidden camps
Detainees are awarded points for their "ideological transformation, study and training, and compliance with discipline", the memo says.
The punishment-and-reward system helps determine whether inmates are allowed contact with family and when they are released. They are only considered for release once four Communist Party committees have seen evidence they have been transformed.
The leaked documents also reveal how the Chinese government uses mass surveillance and a predictive-policing programme that analyses personal data.
One document shows how the system flagged 1.8m people simply because they had a data sharing app called Zapya on their phone.
The authorities then ordered the investigation of 40,557 of them "one by one". The document says "if it is not possible to eliminate suspicion" they should be sent for "concentrated training".
The documents include explicit directives to arrest Uighurs with foreign citizenship and to track Uighurs living abroad. They suggest that China's embassies and consulates are involved in the global dragnet.
Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming said the measures had safeguarded local people and there had not been a single terrorist attack in Xinjiang in the past three years.
"The region now enjoys social stability and unity among ethnic groups. People there are living a happy life with a much stronger sense of fulfilment and security.
"In total disregard of the facts, some people in the West have been fiercely slandering and smearing China over Xinjiang in an attempt to create an excuse to interfere in China's internal affairs, disrupt China's counter-terrorism efforts in Xinjiang and thwart China's steady development."
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
So I guess it's unofficial not affiliated with Archie Comics,Sonic Team,IDW Publishing and Sega. I'm just wondering what happened to Amy Rose,Tiara Boobowski,Saffron Bee,N.I.C.O.L.E in Light Mobius future series of Sonic the Hedgehog comic book universe? Will you consider in future to explain what happened with these characters in the future and what's the future of princess Sonia Acorn and her brother prince Manik? Like will they also became king and queen of planet Mobius? You should also consider another universe(multiverse literally) of what if Sonic married Tiara Boobowski from another dimension when in past she's just tomboyish princess and in future as queen of Macromobius.
Sonic the Hedgehog Online #250 is now available!
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Blues Armstrong and princess Mina Sparksear Riftmango’s style(original) and Mine(redesign)
2 years after user Riftmango decided to leave my Discord Server permamently for unknown reasons. I made my own redesign inspired and influenced by Felix the Cat and Kitty Kat. Now it’s time to show you mine black and white just like 100 years ago of XX century.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Feels the Rabbit and Madonna as Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit
In the next month it will be 20th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog 1(1990) prototype). Initially Sonic the Hedgehog was originally intended to be rabbit instead of Hedgehog and Madonna was his first scrapped girlfriend.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Hello Nurse as Poppy Pomfrey
Also her profession and occupation fits very well she is also nurse at Hogwarts school.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Minerva Mink as Minerva McGonagall
I think her name makes perfect match with Minerva McGonagall the preceptress of Gryffindor house(it’s kind of like one school groups in our real-life world).
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Me as King Asgore Dremurr and Hello Nurse as Toriel Dremurr
Yesterday I saw artworks of Undertale a’la Animaniacs. I think it might be good reference in Animaniacs since Toby Fox’s Undertale is very popular nowadays.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Yakko and Wakko Warner Brothers starring at Hello Nurse’s nude body
Another cartoon sexy woman Hello Nurse, from the cartoon Animaniacs I hope you like it ^^ Hello Nurse from Animaniacs by Warner
They already noticed and spotted her being naked and just as always both of them I crushed and fell in love. They went nuts speaking of their reaction.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Hello Nurse as Nurse Joy
Now it’s time for anime of original Pokemon japanese cartoon Animaniacs reference. Yakko Warner and Wakko Warner might react like Brock love interest with hot,attractive women.
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Animaniacs 30′s aesthetics style
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lucas-rygal-universe · 5 years ago
Animaniacs(2020) real logo redesign
It seems someone uploaded in Animaniacs meme gag section of Hello Nurse real upcoming Animaniacs reboot/remake. That’s where I found it. I guess it was leaked already. It’s very usual situation these days where we are able to talk about theories and speculations of modern popculture of movies and cartoons.
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