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A strangers sonnet (to chant in a thunderstorm)
She came to life with braids and story, her feets
rhythm strong, a voice thundering through the castle
of silver sheen under glistening sheets.
Palace dances always made for longer nights and aching foot soles
Although she knew the steps by heart, her heavy pace
could not force the light, elegant grace. Piercing voice was too strong, whole
self was too broad for soft embrace of the silent footstep.
A drumbeat called from where it slept, outside beckoned, to come, to wonder.
There in wait, in rain dancing, souls with a rhythm alike her own leps.
She ran to join in facile, for soon she found her bade
welcome vain. She knew the castles steps alone. The drums fade.
"I know not these." The toll realized, a tear on cheek.
Not for silver or drums, outside of the castle.
Her life, her song, her beat. She started to dance.
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Based off of Albrecht Durer “The Resurrection” 1510
Stench of death filled my shattered lungs
The grasp of hell hallowed naught the sky but my soul
Angel Death knows peace but I know nought its face
For no angel has seen this day, no angel hath neared its hours
How wasteful flesh that born to rot
Doth melt from bone and sinew
Then bones are promptly felled to ash
Grown in dirt and rock
I have seen war and I have known hate
My tears dried into the crevices of my skull
Blood and rot and end and evil
How doth it rot and end in bloody evil
“Though flesh must waste away,”
He whispers over my screech
And in the ground it seep
“Though bones will break and bend
The worms are fed with heart and mind
That for forever sleep
With broken hearts and empty eyes
The ground will someday meet
Though the very hallows of hell surround
And blood will flood like rain
And dreams are crushed and lives are ended
Still, My heart, it beats
And while it beats eternally now
Though it hasn’t once before
So will yours and all My children
Come up from the ground
Dead shall know no victory
Graves shall know no sting
When through the cloud of very hell
I shall spread a wing
To gather up My children
All from wherest they went
From blood and hell and righteousness
All shall know My touch.”
From hands that bled like river styx
And felt the jaws of hell
And blood and rot and end and evil
Ends the rot and end and bloody evil
For in the end the only rot that feeds the worms and ground
Is evil itself rotted away far beneath the sallow
And the Angel Light will carry away all His Children
To a life knowing peace and soul
Away from empty eyes and bones
Away from stench of death
Towards a land of sky and angels
I shall bare my breath
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Sadiradra (A story of stars)
A mother of five, more beautiful boasts then all that swam in the sea
The queen, said she, of also the ocean the sky and stars
Of all her subjects in all the land
She held her daughter the closest to her heart
But soon her boasts came to ahead
For someone is always listening
Soon queen Cassiopeia found who was listening
When a horrible monster arose from the sea
With Menkar and Mira the great whale stormed ahead
From the ground to the stars
The queen broke her own heart
As she realized how to save the land
Her daughter or her land
she prayed a god was listening
to a rock she chained her heart
on the bank of the sea
from above watched the stars
as the princess looked ahead
Oh how the ocean stormed ahead
crashing bitter salt to the land
Neptune himself seen through the stars
To the cries of the girl was listening
Oh the ruthlessness of the sea
Oh the sadalsuud heart
A man with a tiking heart
Flew in from the east on ahead
Over the sea
And to the land
Andromeda stood listening
His voiced twinkled like stars
North of the stars
A crown on her head with an alphecca heart
Her chosen king stood listening
Andromeda gazed on ahead
To her people and her land
After the monster he banished to the sea
Now in the stars, up on ahead
You can see her strong heart as they still watch over their land
They stand guard listening as the monsters crash in the ruthless sea
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Sonnet of the Heart and the Soul (the story of Eros and Psyche)
alone my soul did rest outside my form
she lived the beauty west of greece her face
did see the ire of loves pure form, so warn
I was to see appeased her so jealous
my heart did halt when seen for first my soul
with wind I swept her to my castle to wife
my face concealed she grew to doubt my whole
own heart that beat for her only, her life
a drop of wax an arrows prick I fled
she searched and found grain, wool, and water, deaths flower
again tempted she fell to sleep like dead
my heart did cry to wake its soul that hour
My soul did wake in love I’d wept for her
With glory from high kings love rest forever
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