lovingsomeshinee · 2 years
Ακριβή Μηχανή & Φθηνή Ασφάλεια;
Δεν είναι λίγες οι φορές που οι κάτοχοι μοτοσυκλέτας κατά τη διάρκεια αναζήτησης για φθηνη ασφαλεια μηχανησ τσιμπάνε το δόλωμα μικρών ασφαλιστικών γραφείων που γεμίζουν την αγορά με ανακριβείς φθηνές ασφαλιστικές προσφορές. Και τα δέκα ευρώ στις μέρες μας είναι σημαντικά, ωστόσο όσο αφορά το θέμα των ασφαλειών αξίζει και με το παραπάνω να δώσει κανείς περισσότερα χρήματα αλλά να έχει κεφάλι του ήσυχο.
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Εξάλλου οι μεγαλύτερες ασφαλιστικές εταιρείες που δραστηριοποιούνται στη χώρα μας έχουν δημιουργήσει και παρέχουν τουλάχιστον μία προσφορά για φθηνη ασφαλεια μηχανησ. Το μόνο που χρειάζεται να κάνετε είναι ή να συμβουλευτείτε τον ασφαλιστή σας ή να κάνετε μια ενδελεχή έρευνα μέσω διαδικτύου. Αναρωτηθείτε τελικά τι έχει περισσότερη αξία. Να αγοράσετε μια φθηνη ασφαλεια μηχανησ ή να μείνετε την κρίσιμη ώρα ακάλυπτοι και χαμένοι μέσα σε γραφειοκρατικές τρύπες; Οι αξιόπιστες ασφαλιστικές εταιρείες είναι διαρκώς ενημερωμένοι για τις τάσεις και τις ανάγκες της αγοράς και τα πακέτα κάλυψης που παρέχουν είναι αναλογικά. Αυτό που δε θα έπρεπε να παραλείψετε ψάχνοντας για μια φθηνη ασφαλεια μηχανησ είναι να συμπεριλάβετε καλύψεις για κλοπή! Μπορεί να μην πιστεύετε ότι μπορεί ποτέ να συμβεί σε εσάς, ωστόσο, τα στατιστικά δείχνουν άλλα. Φροντίστε να λειτουργείτε έξυπνα και να είστε προνοητικοί. Ζητήστε τώρα να πάρετε μια προσφορά online.
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lovingsomeshinee · 2 years
В коя пицарии софия ще хапнете най-хубавата пица?
Има десетки пицарии софия. Всяка пицария има свой собствен стил, не само заради декорацията, а най-вече заради разнообразието от вкусове. Ако сте почитатели на това италианско ястие, можете да го намерите от традиционни италиански ресторанти за пица до малки улични магазини за храна, където продават също толкова вкусни пици на парчета.
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Всяка пицария в София има своите особености, независимо дали става дума за рецептите, начина, по който втасва тестото или откъде вземат продуктите, с които правят пиците. Голяма част от пицарии софия, които държат на автентичния вкус на пицата, разполагат с пещ на дърва!
А��о нямате време да обикаляте ресторанти в София, знайте, че повечето от тях доставят вкусните си пици и до вкъщи. Важно е обаче да изберете пицария близо до вас, за да можете да се насладите на пица, приготвена по специална рецепта и доставена до прага ви.
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lovingsomeshinee · 2 years
Hotel A Rodi Grecia Vicino al Mare
L'isola di Rodi è una delle isole più cosmopolite della Grecia e una delle destinazioni turistiche più popolari in tutto il mondo. Questa grande isola ha innumerevoli spiagge per tutti i gusti. Il turismo è la più grande fonte di reddito per l'isola di Rodi e per questo motivo il visitatore troverà una grande varietà di alloggi. Da hotel a rodi grecia sul mare e ville lussuose a semplici camere e monolocali economici. 
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Gli hotel che sono costruiti vicino a una spiaggia a Rodi, a parte l'eccellente vista, forniscono anche agli ospiti ottime strutture e servizi. Per il visitatore che non vuole stare in centro città e cerca un posto più tranquillo per le sue vacanze estive, un hotel a rodi grecia sul mare è la scelta ideale. In un hotel a rodi grecia sul mare troverai da suite con piscina privata e jacuzzi a centri termali e ristoranti che servono deliziosi piatti culinari. Se fai la tua ricerca per un hotel a Rodi in tempo, troverai quello ideale sulla spiaggia e ad un ottimo prezzo.
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lovingsomeshinee · 3 years
Koutouloufari, Crete
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Koutouloufari is a lovely and traditional village. Because Chersonissos Port is less than one kilometer away, it is a great option for those who want to relax while staying in a tranquil and picturesque surroundings adjacent to the lovely beaches of Chersonissos, which provide plenty of fun, sightseeing, and activities.
Visitors can stroll through the village's lovely cobblestone alleys, enjoying the stone-built buildings with arches and internal blossoming yards covered in traditional vines, or descend the road that runs through the olive-covered slopes towards Chersonissos Port. The houses are designed in an amphitheatrical style, with a breathtaking view of Chersonissos Port. villas in hersonissos crete
Visitors to Koutouloufari will find charming modest hotels, apartments, and studios, some of which have been restored, while the new hotels are generally exquisite and in keeping with the area's aesthetics. Restaurants and traditional taverns serving Cretan cuisine, as well as numerous cafés and pubs, can be found in the vicinity.
Every summer, Cretan Nights and various cultural events are organized that attract many visitors.
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lovingsomeshinee · 3 years
Online Υπολογισμός
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Είσαι σε διαδικασία εύρεσης νέας ασφάλισης αυτοκινήτου είτε γιατί τώρα απέκτησες καινούριο αμάξι, είτε γιατί λήγει και πρέπει να την ανανεώσεις και τα οικονομικά σου δεν είναι στην πιο ανθηρή τους φάση. Τι πρέπει να κάνεις; Μα φυσικά να βρεις μια οικονομική ασφάλεια αλλά να μην κάνεις εκπτώσεις στις καλύψεις που θα σου παρέχει, ή τουλάχιστον να σου προσφέρει τις βασικές.
Αρχικά θα πρέπει να απευθυνθείς σε κάποια αξιόπιστη και με κύρος εταιρεία και όχι σε κάποιο ανώνυμο γραφείο που στόχο του έχει το γρήγορο και ευκαιριακό κέρδος. Είναι άλλο να αναζητήσεις μια οικονομικη ασφαλεια αυτοκινητου και άλλο να αγοράσεις απλά μια φθηνή ασφάλεια χωρίς καμία κάλυψη.
Ένας καλός και σύντομος τρόπος να βρεις την ασφάλεια που σου ταιριάζει είναι να επισκεφτείς ένα από τα sites με aggregators όπου βάζεις τα δεδομένα που θέλεις και σου εμφανίζει αποτελέσματα τραβώντας δεδομένα από μεγάλες ασφαλιστικές εταιρείες που δραστηριοποιούνται στη χώρα. Και ακόμα καλύτερα να μπεις απευθείας στο site της αγαπημένης σου ασφαλιστικής εταιρείας και να χρησιμοποιήσεις τα Online tools που προσφέρουν για αυτό το σκοπό.
Ο υπολογισμός ασφαλίστρων μέσω ίντερνετ είναι απίστευτα εξυπηρετικός και μας δίνει γρήγορα και αξιόπιστα την απάντηση του ποσού του οποίου θα καταβάλουμε.
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lovingsomeshinee · 3 years
Love Attica Riviera
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Spending the day at the beach with your loved ones, splashing around in crystal blue waters, drinking cocktails at the beach bar, and feeling the rhythm of the Greek summer as you dance barefoot on the sand beneath the moonlight is the definition of a perfect vacation. Join in the fun and live life to the fullest!
When you look for the best summer holiday, you should consider the nature of your trip. Is it a family break? Greece and especially the Greek Islands are the perfect choice as each island offers something special to meet your expectations, but Greek islands are not the only suitable for families.
While in Greece your holidays should start from Athens, the capital of Greece. You should stay a few day to learn about and visit at least Acropolis, the Ancient hill with the Parthenon. Parthenon is the well-known monument of the temple of Athena. But, if your travel with your family try to stay in a beach hotel in Attica coastline dolce athens attica riviera  as holidays are about the kids enjoying themselves and parents being able to relax. What better choice than a luxury resort near Athens ideal for family vacations? 
Giving in to the indulgence of experiencing what Grecian fine living is like taking a luxurious holiday in Athens, Greece. Spending holidays in Athens provide perfect opportunities for people to actually witness the beginning of human civilizations while opening up for some fin time while taking a break from their busy lifestyles. With hotel’s premium offers sign in directly and profit by the numerous benefits. Attica riviera is becoming more and more mainstream for travelers who seeking for relaxation, crystal waters, high end amenities and easy access to Athens historical centre!
 #attica luxury hotels #holidays in attica #athens luxury resorts
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lovingsomeshinee · 3 years
Νέα Ώθηση Στη Μέρα Μας
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Προκειμένου να παρέχει προϊόντα για κάθε στιγμή, τα οποία θα καλύπτουν τις καθημερινές ανάγκες και ιδιαίτερες προτιμήσεις του καταναλωτή, η Coca-Cola.gr  πρόσθεσε στο portfolio της και λάνσαρε το Adez. Η μοναδική, φυσική γεύση, χωρίς προσθήκη ζάχαρης ή λακτόζης του Adez είναι η ιδανική λύση για veggeterians!   Χωρίς καθόλου ζάχαρη, μ�� τη γλύκα από τα σάκχαρα των σπόρων και των φρούτων , το AdeZ συνδυάζει τους σπόρους, όπως το αμύγδαλο, η σόγια και η βρώμη, τις βιταμίνες / μέταλλα και stevia, καθώς και χυμούς φρούτων, για όσα από αυτά περιέχουν χυμό, τα ροφήματα αυτά είναι μια θρεπτική, προσιτή και ελκυστική επιλογή για ένα ευρύτερο φάσμα καταναλωτών. Ιδανικό για το πρωινό μας συνδυάζεται εξαιρετικά με δημητριακά, τον καφέ ή σε smoothie και μας παρέχει όλα τα στοιχεία που χρειάζεται ο οργανισμός μας για μια έντονη και αποδοτική ημέρα. Το βρίσκουμε στις εξαιρετικές γευσεις αμυγδάλου ή καρύδας και αποτελεί το νέο μας γευστικό σύμμαχο στη σύγχρονη καθημερινότητα.
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lovingsomeshinee · 4 years
Latinoamérica Casino En Vivo
Nunca antes los juegos de casino se habían divertido tanto. Entra www.vivajuego.com
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lovingsomeshinee · 5 years
Allianz Direct Online Ασφαλιστική
Έχουμε πια όλοι συνειδητοποιήσει πόσο απαραίτητη είναι η ευκαιρία να δυνάμεθα να σιγουρέψουμε την δική μας ασφάλεια, των παιδιών μας και της περιουσίας μας. Αντιλαμβανόμενοι, όμως, ότι η ζωή γίνεται πολύπλοκη και απρόβλεπτη η πιο λογική απόφαση που θα μπορούσαμε να λάβουμε είναι να βρούμε την ιδανικότερη λύση στην περίπτωση που προκύψει κάτι αναπάντεχο. Η εποχή που η λέξη ιδιωτική ασφάλιση θεωρούνταν κακός οιωνός ευτυχώς έχει περάσει προ πολλού και όλοι αντιληφθήκαμε ότι με το να ασφαλίζεις το σπίτι και το όχημα σου και να προνοείς για την περίθαλψη της οικογένειας σου σε περίπτωση ασθένειας είναι όχι μόνο μονόδρομος αλλά θεωρείται σοφή κίνηση. Ασφάλειες αυτοκινήτων Η δυσκολία πιά δεν έγκειται στο να πάρει κάποιος την απόφαση να προβεί σε κάποια ιδιωτική ασφάλιση αλλά το ποια εταιρία να εμπιστευτεί. Έχουμε όλοι πλέον εξοικειωθεί με τις ασφαλιστικές ορολογίες, τα πακέτα καλύψεων και τις πιθανές παγίδες που ελάχιστοι όμιλοι έχουν πια τις προϋποθέσεις και παρέχουν υψηλού επιπέδου υπηρεσίες. Η Allianz και η Allianz Direct ξεχωρίζουν ανάμεσα σε αυτές και η φερεγγυότητα είναι το βασικό συστατικό της επιτυχίας της εταιρίας. Τα δεκάδες ευέλικτα πακέτα συμβολαίων της Allianz και η ευχρηστία που παρέχει στον πελάτη η Allianz Direct σιγουρεύουν όχι μόνο το μέλλον της περιουσίας και της υγείας όλων αλλά μας ελαφρύνουν και από το στρες της αβεβαιότητας.Η εταιρία Allianz με την τεράστια ειδίκευση σε θέματα ασφάλισης υγείας, περιουσιακών στοιχείων και συνταξιοδοτικού κατάλαβε εξαρχής την μεγάλη σημασία που έχει η ασφάλιση του αυτοκινήτου και της μηχανής και δημιούργησε την Allianz Direct, την πλέον εύχρηστη πλατφόρμα για κάθε χρήστη, προσφέροντας πακέτα εύκολα, σε ελάχιστο χρόνο, χωρίς δικαιολογητικά και χωρίς περίεργα ψιλά γράμματα. Όλοι μας από μία έως και 3 φορές κάθε χρόνο καλούμαστε να ανανεώσουμε υποχρεωτικά από τη νομοθεσία, και δικαίως, τα ασφάλιστρα για το αυτοκίνητο ή τη μηχανή κάνοντας τη διαδικασία εκτός από αρκετά ακριβή, επίσης, και αρκετά κουραστική. Στόχος της Allianz Direct είναι να απλουστεύσει τη διαδικασία, να προσφέρει τις βασικές καλύψεις σε φθηνές τιμές και φυσικά να διατηρήσει το υψηλό επίπεδο υπηρεσιών που χαρακτηρίζει την εταιρία. Στην Allianz Direct ερεύνησαν και έφτιαξαν για εμάς τα πιο ανταγωνιστικά ασφαλιστικά πακέτα της αγοράς και μας τα προσφέρουν online!
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lovingsomeshinee · 5 years
The lovely island of Corfu
The Greek island of Corfu is a location of excellent all-natural beauty. The island is located in the northernmost corner of Greece’s Ionian Islands. Gorgeous crystal clear waters encompass the island although pleasant temperature conditions make it an best location for luxury holiday seasons.The historic capital Corfu city attributes numerous historic monuments the previous quarter has been designated a UNESCO world heritage site. The island is lush with greenery dominated by more than two million olive trees. Emerald mountains cover the cash on one aspect while the sea surrounds the island city with a number of little islets. For nature lovers Corfu is a paradise. The open sea and the landscape offer scope for all method of tourists to get pleasure from an perfect vacation getaway.Corfu’s beaches are deemed to be amongst the finest in Greece, especially on its west coastline and these sandy bays are particularly well-liked with families. For the sporty customer, Corfu even has a cricket period and there is also an eighteen-hole golf system.From an All Inclusive beachfront hotel, to a private, self-catering villa, you’ll be spoilt for selection when it arrives to luxury accommodation in Corfu.So remarkable is the unique corfuimperial.com as a luxurious vacation vacation resort that it was awarded the coveted certification of excellence by Vacation Advisor in 2014. The five star accommodation includes palatial visitor rooms in the major building spacious bungalows in the gardens at the sea front and the waterfront spectacular villas at the seafront, waterfront and with a beach front see and special specialty suites at various locations. Moreover, there are exceptionally deluxe suites explained as ultimate lodging. Several of the structures have private pools. Surrounded by natural splendor, Corfu Imperial features beautiful Italianate gardens in which to wander, as effectively as non-public coves with 3 sandy seashores. The lodge has both an indoor and an outdoor pool. With fantastic sports and water sports services, the luxury vacation resort also has available mooring for yachts. Fantastic eating is properly catered for, and options contain Mediterranean connoisseur buffets at Mon Repos Restaurant, Corfu Island delicacies at Aristos Restaurant and a selection of excellent seafood at the Yali Restaurant, positioned on the seafront. For much more relaxed fare, all-day dining is offered at the Nafsika Poolside Restaurant. Corfu Imperial also offers spa and hairdressing services, vacation outlets and boutiques, and quite a few bars and lounges. There is also plenty for family members to enjoy like holiday getaway clubs actions and catering. Corfu is really much the property of five-star vacations. An island hideaway in the Ionian Sea, the Corfu Imperial is located on a private peninsula, making
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it best for quiet, restful breaks.Add Corfu to your checklist of luxury getaway places.
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lovingsomeshinee · 5 years
The benefits of Beginning Your Career at a Large Business
When I graduated from college, I was pondering if I had to swish into the lobbies of a large business and begin my journey in a prestigious business or place my hopes and goals for a career on a start-up.Huge companies are massive because they are great at what they do and have been so for a long time. They also can employ some of the smartest, most dynamic and most bold employees. Signing up for an proven large business as a graduate implies that from the very first day of working, you will be surrounded by plenty of distinct individuals, all with various skills, masteries and passions. It also signifies that you are in a very great situation to learn as much as you can, as fast as you can, by surrounding your self with the very best in the area. Having the possibility to collaborate with senior executives and leaders in diverse practical spot will open up the doorways to future opportunities you will never ever get with smaller companies. Numerous big organizations offer rotational applications to give their new hires a wide introduction to a variety of different positions. If you get into one particular of these, there is no much better way to commence a profession.Huge organizations have large numbers to hit. There’s much more money at stake and a lot more folks functioning towards the ambitions. So, operating for a large organization, you’ll discover about method, politics, efficiency, employing, accountability, and probably most importantly, KPIs and how to track outcomes and effect.An additional excellent cause to join is that big organizations have a tendency to have clearer constructions and improvement ideas, so you can map out the place you may get to right after two a long time, 5 several years and so on and so forth.Moreover, possessing a well-known employer on your CV is surely a strength. A lot like the affect of strong diploma and university, the kudos of an proven title will hold weight when it will come to moving on and upwards.Recruiters spend about six seconds scanning your resume before selecting for the positive or negative response. So which name do you believe a recruiter will linger longer on, Coca-Cola HBC or a Local Beer Bottling Organization? Of course, Coca-Cola HBC is a lot more likely to flip a couple of heads.Coca cola Hellenic is an extraordinary case in point of a firm that is concentrating on employees development and they adhere to the theory that they need to offer you a workplace the place men and women will be inspired to be the best they can be. Since you are a real Coca-cola enthusiast you can get more on the careers section of the Coca-cola Hellenic careers section.Daily life at Coca-Cola HBC is quick-paced and challenging, with rewards and interesting studying chances. They encourage an inclusive place of work, value assorted views and opinions and always appoint the very best individual for the occupation, making sure equality in their shortlists and appointments. They have tailored, fast monitor applications for expertise at diverse ranges of their business that support their employees, maximizing their prospective and aiding them to provide their best. At Coca-Cola HBC, they imagine that engaged, motivated personnel, working to their entire capacity and able to understand their personalized job goals, are a essential part of their company’s prolonged-phrase accomplishment.
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lovingsomeshinee · 5 years
Exclusive Resort athens
Sounio is at the southern portion of Athens Attica and is just sixty seven km absent from the center of Athens. The view is astonishing and the surroundings is tranquil. Let's just take a walk in Sounio via the background and almost everything you require to experience in Sounio and Athens right now.Heritage of SounioThe temple of Sounion sits above the beach front on a mountain that juts out into the sea and was devoted to Poseidon. In historical occasions the temple was the final signal of civilization the Athenians saw as they sailed away from home and the very first as they returned and even now when I sail to the islands on the ferry it is not until we pass the temple that I
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am 'officially' out of Athens. The decision of this spot was a great one. It is difficult to imagine a a lot more ideal location for an historical temple, in specific one devoted to the god of the sea. Sightseeing in Athens Athens, the capital of Greece, is usually referred to as the cradle of Western Civilization. Regardless of the current financial downturn, tourism in Greece proceeds to develop and the 2500 old Athens City remains one of the major draws. The archaeological promenade, a 2.5 miles long, treeline walkway now connects the Acropolis to the city's key ancient sites making the visit to these places infinitely a a lot more pleasant experience. Travellers must go to Acropolis with Parthenon which is the most well-known monument in the globe, Historical Agora which consists of the Ruins of Hellen's Stoa and Attalos and a museum and Plaka, an old city unfold around Acropolis. The place to Stay There are numerous luxurious resorts that blend luxury and peace, like https://www.capesounio.com/. Also it is recommended to select one far from the Athens City, specially if you are looking for peaceful and quiet lodging away from the noisy and full of traffic Athens. The view is superb and will make your feel like dwelling in heaven.
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lovingsomeshinee · 5 years
5 star hotels in mykonos
Greece is unquestionably a perfect tourist location in Europe no matter to which age team you belong or what you need in your holidays. Surrounded with more than six thousand lovely islands, the country hosts some thing exclusive for everyone's taste. Whether or not you want a tranquil holiday or enter into a fun-loaded knowledge, Greece delivers true treat for all. You just want to make certain that your select the very best vacation deals to Greece for every of your specific tastes.For sure, not each vacation agent provides you the liberty of selecting your favorite places in your package. They usually advise what they want to sell. Therefore, you have to make a desire of a trustworthy bespoke journey agent
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that offers custom offers for every of your requirements and price range constraints. In addition, so as to opt for the best vacation offers to Greece, you need to make sure that you contain Mykonos as the trending spot of 2017 in Greece. Island of Mykonos - A luxury destination. Lying in the heart of the Cyclades islands, Mykonos is one of the most well-liked and refined isles in Greece. Currently being a whitewashed paradise, this area is synonymous with each enjoyment and entertainment. It opens up a intriguing entire world for you in which simplicity meets glamour. Whether or not you are a culture vulture or a leisure junkie, you will really capture a good time at Mykonos. Mykonos is an island that combines luxurious and relaxation. Each and every demanding vacationer can be content by the wide variety of luxury accommodation alternatives as Mykonosblu.com.Have to see in MykonosSome of the must visit locations on this isle may include:1) Hora, exemplifying paradigm of the Cycladic architecture.2) The sacred Panayia Paraportiani Church.3) Little Venice, a dominating neighborhood of 18th century.4) The sun drenched seashores spreading across the island.
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lovingsomeshinee · 7 years
Producing and delivering quality soft drinks since 1981 - Coca-cola HBC
Coca cola hellenic bottling company is one of the largest bottlers of The Coca-cola Company.
Coca cola stock Exchange & Tools
London Stock Exchange
We have been a constituent of the FTSE 100 and FTSE All–Share indices from close of business on 20 September 2013.
Ticker symbol: CCH
ISIN: CH019 825 1305
SEDOL: B9895B7
Reuters: CCH.L
Bloomberg: CCH LN
Athens Exchange
Ticker symbol:EEE
ISIN: CH019 825 13 05
Reuters : EEEr.AT
Bloomberg : EEEGA
Coca Cola HBC share price
Explore HERE CCH’s share price performance.
Coca Cola Products and Services  & Brands overview
“We produce, sell and distribute Coca‑Cola, the best-known and biggest-selling soft drink in history.
Coca‑Cola HBC is one of the world’s largest bottlers of products of The Coca‑Cola Company.
We produce, sell and distribute Coca‑Cola, the world’s most recognised drinks brand and its leading non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage brand in terms of sales volume. Coca‑Cola has been ranked the third most valuable global brand on Interbrand’s annual Best Global Brands ranking for four consecutive years.”
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lovingsomeshinee · 7 years
Coca‑Cola HBC: top beverage company for corporate sustainability
read more: http://coca-colahellenic.com/en/our-stories/coca-cola-hbc-top-beverage-company-for-corporate-sustainability/
source:  Marilena Thoughts
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lovingsomeshinee · 7 years
Grecotel - Luxury Hotels
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Grecotel - Luxury Resorts in Greece - Family Holidays Greece
The story of the largest and most successful luxury Greece hotels group is above all personal. Nikos Daskalantonakis started his long journey in tourism from his birthplace of Rethymno, Crete. Nikos Daskalantonakis, along with his older brother Takis, looked further ahead, realizing that blue skies and sparkling seas were only enough to attract visitors’ interest: high standards of quality and responsiveness to tourists’ needs were the key to keeping them and to the future. And it’s this vision that powers the Grecotel’s unique concept of hospitality that is rooted in Greek culture and style.Today, Grecotel properties occupy prime locations around Greece and are far more than just resorts—they are destinations. Grecotel resorts on the islands of Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Kos, Mykonos, and in the prime mainland regions of Sounio south of Athens, Halkidiki in the north and Kyllini in the legendary Peloponnese have their own character, from ultra-luxury boutique hotels to magnificent resorts on sprawling estates & luxury villas in greece and family-friendly or all-inclusive holiday-lands for quality vacations or romantic hideaways and luxurious spas. But they all share three things in common: a quality environment, signature service, and singular locations.
Grecotel - Luxury Greece Hotels Russian Language
Grecotel - Luxury Greece Hotels German Language
MYKONOS BLU - 5 Star Hotels in Mykonos
Imagine a place… Where the sea and sky hypnotize adventuring souls. A blue oasis where the sun wraps each day in brilliant white. Right on famous Psarou Beach Mykonos Blu remastered! New lounges, restaurants & bars, exclusive new suites & villas Mykonos with waterfront verandas & private pools. An adventure of the imagination, the new infinity pool above the sparkling sea. Enjoy Grecotel’s luxury accommodation in Mykonos Today!
AMIRANDES - Best Vacation Packages in Crete
Sparkling exclusive resort on the coast of east Crete for the privileged and perceptive inspired by the legendary Cretan hospitality. This unique hideaway sets new standards of privacy and exclusivity. Unique luxury villas in Crete with the sigantutre of Grecotel. Step out of your private villa onto a cove of fine golden sand lapped by pristine waters and surrounded by nature. Close to Heraklion’s international airport & the famous Palace of Knossos. Enjoy Grecotel’s Luxury accommodation Crete Today!
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Cape Sounio - Beach Resort in Athens
Cape Sounio Grecotel is a family hotel ideal for meetings and conferences in Athens and has it all. Recognized as one of the leading hotels in mainland Greece. So close to the Temple of Poseidon at Sounio that the Greek sea-god’s influence is felt throughout this luxury hotel near Athens.
Enjoy your holidays in Grecotel’s luxury villas Athens Today!
Pallas Athena - Luxury Hotels in Athens - Luxury Guest Rooms Athens
At the very heart of Athens, Grecotel Pallas Athena is a place where luxury and feeling at home interweave to create a new hospitality experience: an art suites in Athens. This 5-star luxury hotel is ideally located in the city’s historical centre, just a short walk from Acropolis and the New Acropolis museum, the old city (Plaka) and most of Athens sights.
Plaza Spa Apartments - Premium Resorts in Crete
On the north coast of Crete, in the eastern part of the unique town of Rethymno nestles Grecotel Plaza Spa Apartments. On the beachfront, with spectacular sea views, it is ideal for guests seeking the best of all worlds- luxurious accommodation with self catering facilities combined with the resorts’ comforts just a stone’s throw away from the vivid city’s nightlife.
Rhodos Royal - All Inclusive Luxury Hotel in Rhodos
Nearby Rhodes Town, the best preserved medieval town in Europe, Rhodos Royal is a seaside all inclusive resort. Filled with palms and hibiscus, the resort features excellent range of all-inclusive facilities complemented by the high standards of service. Colourful gardens, friendly staff, delightful beach and amazing pools.
Olympia Riviera Thalasso - Luxury Hotels in Peloponnese
The ultimate spa resort in Peloponnese. Inspired by the sanctuary at Ancient Olympia, this exclusive beachfront hideaway is pure in classical elegance. Palms and a tropical seawater pool extending down to the beach add an exotic note. Guestrooms and summer suites are elegantly appointed in a style that strikes a balance between the casual and the glamorous.
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Mandola Rosa - Exclusive Resort in Peloponnese
Mandola Rosa means ‘pink almond tree,’ like the ones that blossom at Ancient Olympia. A beachfront residence conjures the glamour of bygone eras, right on an exclusive stretch of fine sandy beach. It is a journey of the imagination, steeped in memories, romance, and charm. Just 54 suites and unique villas right on the beach, they are private hideaways offering the utmost in luxury living.
Royal Park - All Inclusive Resort in Kos
Ideally located on an idyllic stretch of coast just 2 kms from the fishing village of Marmari Kos, Royal Park glories in its serenity. It features bungalows built in traditional Aegean style with flat roofs and white-washed exteriors with stone-paved paths winding through the gardens and the quiet lush countryside. Kids will love splashing down the waterslides! Go to relax and recharge!
Enjoy a family accommodation in Kos!
Olympia Oasis - All Inclusive Luxury Hotel in Peloponnese
A beach-lovers’ paradise combining the comforts of a five-star resort with the care-free air of an all-inclusive holiday. Superb facilities, outstanding service, a water paradise and fine cuisine are the makings of a dream vacation. Inspired by a unique location and dedicated to tender, family moments. Is one of those dream family getaways you’ve been imagining.
Enjoy family bungalows Peloponnese
Grecotel Larissa Imperial - Luxury Hotel in Larissa
Step into a rich tapestry of sumptuous velvet, gleaming wood, and shimmering marble under the domed atrium in the 5-star hotel Larissa Imperial. The beautifully appointed verandas and terraces overlooking the hotel’s gardens are ideal for al fresco summer living. The garden pool provides a tranquil retreat while the heated indoor spa pool & Jacuzzi are ideal for relaxation.
Corfu Imperial - 5 Star Hotels Corfu
Once upon a time there was a magical island named Corfu. A favoured retreat for golden-era jetsetters and royalty. This peaceful luxury hotel in Corfu exudes a nostalgic sense of grandeur, combined with excellent service and outstanding location. A place full of beauty and memories. Ask for the “Palazzo Imperiale”, the Best Hotel Villa in Greece and the NEW impressive “Palazzo Libro D’oro”.
Daphnila Bay - Family Hotels in Corfu
Daphnila Bay Thalasso literally tumbles down the green hillside overlooking the gorgeous Dassia Bay. From the main building high up the slope to the spacious garden bungalows hidden amongst the mature gardens, the fresh scent of pine fills the air. It’s easy to relax in such a fabulous setting - and it’s made even easier with the Elixir ThalassoSpa and the attentive service.
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Caramel Boutique Resort - Luxury Resorts in Crete Island
Set on a prime beachfront estate in the heart of the Cretan Riviera, just minutes from the old-world charm of Rethymno’s Venetian harbor, Caramel recreates the laid-back ambience of an island settlement with the elegance & amenities of a modern luxury resort. A beachfront paradise set in a sapphire sea, where discerning guests escape to play at living the simple life.
Find now Grecotel’s vacation packages Crete
Pella Beach - 4 Star Hotel in Chalkidiki
It comes as no surprise that this small, friendly family resort in Halkidiki has the highest number of return guests in the Grecotel chain. The award-winning golden beach, the exceptionally friendly staff and the outstanding cuisine captivate your soul. This ideal seaside location allows guests to fully enjoy the beautiful beaches and scenery. Ask for the brand NEW rooms & family suites.
Vouliagmeni Suites - Premium Hotel in Athens
Destination setting for just two or a whole party, Vouliagmeni Suites, combines the tranquility and casual ambience of a resort with the lavish amenities of a boutique city hotel, only 25minute drive away from the city centre. 35 premium deluxe guestrooms and suites with the casual sophistication of a beach house are the exclusive address for those who require the finest things in life.
Meli Palace - All Inclusive Resorts in Crete Island
Built like a Minoan palace, Meli Palace  Crete all-inclusive resort revels in a beautiful seaside setting overlooking a tiny island. Escape to this exotic beachfront paradise, surrounded by palm trees, wild figs, hibiscus, cacti and olive trees. Set 2 kms from Sissi village, the style is refined, the pace casual. Explore the meandering ancient paths and enjoy the exceptional cuisine.
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Kos Imperial Thalasso - Luxury Hotels in Kos Island
A water palace evoking the welcome cool of the Aegean breeze. A celebration of life amidst lagoon pools, waterfalls and exotic island gardens cascading to the beach’s edge. A luxury hotel of timeless elegance, secluded on a 100,000 m2 estate, dotted with infinity pools, Dream Villas and terraces with amazing sea views. Don’t forget to relax at the luxurious Elixir ThalassoSpa.
Filoxenia Kalamata - Luxury Hotels in Peloponnese
With gorgeous beach and crystal clear waters right in the front, and plenty to do within stroller-pushing distance along an exotic Riviera with palm trees to Kalamata town, magnificent Filoxenia is the perfect family getaway. Amongst the lavish gardens, the 188 luxury guestrooms & suites with panoramic view. Taste traditional recipes at the Olive Restaurant or rejuvenate at the Olive Spa.
Eva Palace - 5 Star Hotel in Corfu
Wrapped in perfumed, exotic gardens, this idyllic luxury resort is a private Eden and every moment becomes a precious memory. Eva Palace is perched on a hillside just 10 kilometres from Corfu Town, offers stupendous views of the pretty coastal villages and the Ionian Sea. Candy-coloured bungalows and Corfiot villas amidst mature gardens, resplendent with olive trees.
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White Palace - Luxury Hotels in Crete
The White Palace on the beach is all about the whites of Greece with view to the blues of the sea. Indulge in a new concept of luxury living: the waterfront “Yali” suites, an amazing seafront Suite Collection simply named after the Greek word “yalos” meaning seaside… Go for its hippie blue & white lifestyle: Pucci fabrics, nostalgic music, barefoot, stroll on the beach under the spell of the moon.
Creta Palace - 5 Star Hotels in Crete
What a paradise! Endless white sandy beach, clear blue waters, lush tropical gardens with pools and a sun that starts strong and stays that way all day, all summer long. A true Cretan Palace in the heart of the Cretan Riviera, just a few minutes from Rethymno’s Venetian harbour! Cosmopolitan flair, amazing food & impeccable service are the winning combination behind its popularity.
Club Marine Palace - All Inclusive Hotels in Crete Island
The ultimate Cretan experience! Club Marine Palace & Suites combines the best of Greek hospitality and services with traditional Cretan life in the idyllic fishing village Panormo, 25km east of Rethymno. Built like a traditional village cascading to a gorgeous bay, this fabulous all-inclusive resort is a relaxed-paced heaven for family bonding holidays in Crete.
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Astir Egnatia Alexandroupoli - Luxury Hotel in Alexandroupoli
In the beautiful city of Alexandroupolis, commercial and cultural centre of northern Greece, Astir*Egnatia luxury hotel stands out as the ideal address for the discerning visitor. Ideal starting point for excursions in the enchanting Dadia Forest Reserve and the Evros Delta. Choose from the luxurious rooms, maisonettes and suites, some with private pools and amazing sea views.
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lovingsomeshinee · 8 years
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