president jackles release the tapes challenge
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
they literally had the gay angel confess his canonical romantic love for dean winchester on television and we all watched it happen and yet we’re still here over 2 months later analyzing old interviews and watching dj qualls on cameo be like “I think there was romantic subtext between dean and another character” and we all go INSANE. WHY ARE WE LIKE THIS. I MEAN I KNOW WHY BUT WHY
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
OBSESSED with the fact that Dean hasn’t had a love interest (if you even classify Amara as a love interest - which I don’t) since season 11. 4 seasons ago. they completely gave up on trying to pair Dean off with a woman the way they even stopped bothering to keep up the womanizing playboy persona. 
when was the last time time Dean canonically slept with a woman that we were made aware of. season 13? in a way that’s insubstantial at best, given he was passed out fully clothed on the ground with a bra pointedly around his neck and no one else in sight, in the same room as Sam? after Sam confronts him that he’s not coping while grieving Cas and Dean insists he’ll be fine? the same episode where we learn that he wants to die? knowing what we do about Dean, how much of his existence is performance and how much he has in the past tried to maintain that persona of a man for Sam to the point that Sam’s been genuinely surprised when the facades cracked? almost like Dean put on a very over the top pointed performance to make Sam believe he was “back to normal”? 
arguably he flirted with Mandy the waitress in season 12, though of course, he was trying to win her for Cas in another one of his intricate rituals as a way to have a tangential connection to Cas’ relationship with sex, to be involved somehow. and he told her that Cas is “devastatingly handsome.” just absolutely fascinated with how in one of the season 15 interviews, Jensen in his response to the question if there would be new romantic relationships for Sam and Dean, that for Dean the exploration was going to be on the relationships he’s already forged, characters you already know. and that he wished they had more time to explore those avenues with Dean but that Sam was going to be “handling the reins in that department.” 
utterly intrigued that Misha interrupted the interview segment to bring Jensen a beer in an odd little bit that seemed to have no real purpose right after Jensen mentioned that Dean’s relationships would be centered around characters we knew that would be coming back and his name was brought up specifically. 
captivated by Mark Sheppard saying we (being those who worked on the show) all knew that Cas was in love with Dean. 
intrigued by Emily Swallow making a video in character as Amara addressing Cas and their shared “feelings” for Dean before 15x18 even dropped.
riveted by former writer Eric Charmelo liking destiel kissing art on twitter with the hashtag “they silenced them”
transfixed by Misha liking “you’re not crazy” a tweet from two thousand and fucking thirteen the night 15x18 dropped and revealing he’s been playing Cas as in love with Dean deliberately for years and can’t remember when he begun, and that he’d hoped it would be addressed in the show one day.
mesmerized by the love confession being one of the first scenes written at the beginning of writing season 15, written by one Bobo Berens.
enthralled by DJ Qualls saying that there’s subtext between Dean and another character (that’s not Garth) but that he wasn’t gonna get into that!! 
almost like there’s another character who’s been Dean’s true love interest throughout the show. for years. 
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
mark sheppard i SAW you like that tweet about supernatural erasing lgbt characters and i HEARD you say that you knew cas was in love with dean and i know you hate the cw girl you wanna say something. you wanna say something soooooooooooo bad
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
Woke up at 2:30am with a thought:
We (the destiel hivemind) can get spn trending at the drop of a hat for literally anything, be it actors confirming ships or someone in the hivemind making a meme that takes off and creates new memes. I know we all keep joking about jackles confirming bi!dean/canon destiel but. If he did that. This site would crash. Possibly for good. There would just be no recovering it. Between the hivemind going insane with the shrimp color emotions and the br*nlies and w*ncels being pissed af... tumblrs servers might like actually catch on fire from the activity
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
quick someone pay for another dj qualls cameo asking him to Get Into It about destiel
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
god it's 3am and i know this is completely obvious but like. i am obsessed with "another character" because there's literally only one option. there is no other interpretation for that. just feels good knowing that there's no guessing who he could be talking about.
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
while we’re doing hot takes i’d like to state my position as a megstiel denialist. actually, fuck it, all of cas’s female love interests were shoehorned to no homo him, which is a disservice to those characters, his character, and overall just disappointing. this is why i hc cas as gay. write him a good female love interest and i’ll buy it but they didn’t and that’s that on that.
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
it feels so completely fake to say there was never a body swap episode with the main characters of supernatural. like of all things? of all the shows? in all that time? never?
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
jensen twink cowboy cheerleader theater kid ambiguous disorder masculinity-performance over-compensating soft daddy-issues crush-on-his-coworker swinger men-get-pegged longcon ackles you were named after-
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
I’m gonna let you guys keep posting supernatural because it’s none of my business and I’m glad you’re all having fun out there but I swear the next person to reblog that gif of that one guy in a cowboy hat is going to get the boot. I do NOT claim this man. 
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
shout out to all the people who identify with gifted kid burnout syndrome who are probably just neurodivergent but werent diagnosed as a child, who used to devour books like it was nothing and never really understood why the protagonist would leave their cool fantasy world behind to go back home at the end of the story, and who are now extremely disappointed in reality and use escapism as their primary coping mechanism. how’s that bisexuality and deep-rooted anger at the school system going for you?
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
jensen ackles is literally a bi-coded polyamorous man and i’m expecting him to come out as bi and a marxist within the next year and i’m expecting danneel to start lovingly calling him a fag within 6 months of him coming out
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
spn: im dropping hints that dean and sam are gonna settle down and live a long and happy life with their respective spouses cas and eileen
spn: i lied for attention
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
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evolution of hunter!cas
based on this post { ★ } from @justanotheridijiton
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
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exchanges that make you go right whats all this then?
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loveloseshomophobiawins · 4 years ago
jensen ackles has singlehandedly changed the trajectory of my life multiple times over. No i do not want to meet him in real life
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