Little is said about Dakota Johnson's super hydrated hair

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Begonia rex is the most gothic and most beautiful plant in the world
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The only vampires I would leave the window open for
#what we do in the shadows#natasia demetriou#nosferatu#vampires#interview with the vampire#matt berry
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Vrum Vrum 💨

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I don't know how to explain it, but for me Phoebe Tonkin and Kim Doyeon are the same person

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Dakota knew how to take advantage of the teenager 🤟🏻🤟🏻

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Já comprei tanta coisa de fazer exercícios em casa que daqui a pouco eu mesmo abro a minha academia
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The shoes that Oh My Girl wore during the "Liar Liar" era are my biggest dream. The stylist was a genius with that.
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bring back my teenage years but take away my depression and give me a more friendly and popular personality 🙏🏻
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🇧🇷- À minha frente, o mundo vai embora.
Como em uma montanha-russa, eu me desespero ao cair.
Onde estão as nuvens para me salvar e me manter viva para amanhã?
Quanto tempo mais terei que gritar para que o mundo abra seus braços e me abrace?
Eu queria chorar como a água do céu. Queria ser tão puro quanto as nuvens brancas que cobrem o sol.
🇮🇹- Di fronte a me, il mondo se ne va.
Come su una montagna russa, mi dispero mentre cado.
Dove sono le nuvole per salvarmi e tenermi in vita per domani?
Quanto tempo ancora dovrò gridare affinché il mondo apra le sue braccia e mi abbracci?
Vorrei piangere come l'acqua del cielo. Vorrei essere puro come le nuvole bianche che coprono il sole.
🇫🇷- Devant moi, le monde s'en va.
Comme sur des montagnes russes, je désespère en tombant.
Où sont les nuages pour me sauver et me garder en vie pour demain ?
Combien de temps devrai-je encore crier pour que le monde ouvre ses bras et m'embrasse ?
Je voudrais pleurer comme l'eau du ciel. Je voudrais être aussi pur que les nuages blancs qui couvrent le soleil.
🇺🇸- In front of me, the world fades away.
Like on a roller coaster, I despair as I fall.
Where are the clouds to save me and keep me alive for tomorrow?
How much longer will I have to scream for the world to open its arms and embrace me?
I wish I could cry like the water from the sky. I wish I were as pure as the white clouds that cover the sun.
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Finn Wolfhard
Aidan Gallagher = same person
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I will be as smart as Amal Clooney 📑

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I wish to have friends like Derry Girls ⭐️
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Imagine going to the beach and not looking like a whale out of the water 🐳🏖
This doesn't have to be your dream, it can be your reality, just close your mouth 🌊☀️💙
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