lovegood-girl · 7 years
Mi pequeña ladilla ❤ #crazyassbitch #amordeperros
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
This is the most stupid shit I have ever read, and you don't know how sick it makes me feel, specially when I came to tumblr to get out of the caos that is my country outside my bedroom.
Let me tell you something.
I'm a 24 years old women whi was born and live in Venezuela. I have 2 friends that has been killed during protest. Bassil da costa in 2014 and my friend of medschool Paul Moreno may 18 2017 (this one was working as paramedic and helping people that get injured during protest). Even when our constitution give us the power of pacific protest, Nicolas Maduro make the army attack us with toxic gases and fireguns. 80 death in the last 82 days of protest and still counting cause the protest hasn't stop yet.
If america where the one that is killing us in a non violency way. Why does Nicolas Maduro (president) always deny that we are in crisis? Why does he say that there is not lack of food, and he always say that our hospital are full of medicine and instrument? And Delcy Rodriguez in the OEA also deny the crisis. "Everything is fine" in almost 20 years they haven't show any proff that they have affected. All they do is deny. And when there i no option, they say that the oposition is responsible, or yankees, or I don't know, let's blame the cow.
I'm on my last years of medschool, I spent at least 14 hours a day in public hospital and 24h every 5 days . There is not medicine for chronic diseases there is not insulline for diabetics, or Antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, so people is getging worst and medical crissis are hard to prevent, Drs knows what to do in most of the cases, but we don't have principal medicines, I have to ask people to go and find it if they can, and most of the time they can't affort it, and it's one of the reasons why most of the time people die in hospital.
I won't talk of economy, cause that's another disaster, not even me understand this shit in spanish. I won't be able of explain it in english.
So anon, don't make tumblr think that all Venezuelans are stupid and not intelligent.
considering capitalists(anerica) are the ones starving venezuela and doing all they can non violently to ruin the venezuelan economy just to make socialism look bad, yeah communism is good
Hugo Chávez ghostwrote this
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
at five years old you know what the word means. it’s dirty, it’s bad, you’re too young to know. other kids use it as a curse word when adults can’t hear them. when you’re nine, two women move in across the street. one of them has a shaved head. you’re sitting at the dinner table when your neighbour’s father uses the word “dyke” with a lowered voice. you’re eleven and a new girl has joined your theatre group. you want to be around her all the time. a year later she leaves and you feel disappointed and sad without really knowing why. at fifteen you’re at a church camp and a girl asks the priest why gay people can’t get married. he says: “we have to draw the line somewhere. some people would like to marry animals.” six months later you’re looking at a friend of yours with butterflies in your stomach, and all of a sudden it just hits you. you have a crush on her. you have a crush on a girl. at sixteen you try to say the word. you say to yourself: “i’m a lesbian.” you feel dirty and cry in the bathroom two hours later. at seventeen you hold hands with a boy. he says to you: “you don’t want to be with girls like that.” he touches your cheeck but it feels wrong. when you’re eighteen you fall in love with a girl who has pale blue eyes and the most beautiful laugh. she calls you an angel but a year later she introduces you to her boyfriend at a house party. you want to cry but you can’t. at nineteen you try to say the word again. it still gets stuck in your throat but you do it anyway. you tell your friends and they say they are proud of you. and you cry, not because you feel dirty, but because you feel okay.
the word “lesbian” has always been something people spit out in disgust (via kanelienkeli)
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
Que risa como a mis 20 y tantos años me doy cuenta que todas las mujeres que fueron mis crush y que yo estaba asustada porque notaran que era lesbiana, resultaron ser mas lesbiana de lo que me hubiera imaginado.
Saben lo sola que me sentia por pensar que era la rara? Y lo mas importante, saben cuantas oportunidades perdi perdi solo por estar asustada? Jajajajaja matame!
Pero en serio,creo que es importante enseñarle a los niños que esta bien solo amar y sentir sin importar que, asi se evitaria o bueno, reduciria el riesgo de depresion o suicidio juvenil, y de bullying.
It's funny how at my 20's I realized that people I had crush on and also I was worried of they to know I'm lesbian when I was in my teens, are more lesbians than I would ever imagine!
And do you know how lonely I felt cause I thought I was de weird one? And most important. Do you know how many chances I lost just because I was afraid? Jajajajaja fuck!
But for real, I think it's important to teach children that it's ok to just love and feel no matter what, so we could avoid juvenil depression, or suicide, or at least reduce some risk, and also reduces bullying
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
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this is a tired country, tired of dying because there is no food, tired of dying because you cant find medicines, you die protesting or you die when someone decides to steal your phone (that’s how much a Venezuelan life costs). I’m posting this because I have A LOT of friends outside Venezuela and they don’t know what is going on here, we don’t know what is happening in Caracas, except for what people posts on twitter or instagram, and the internet isn’t working well, and I wanted people  to know what’s happening here
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
Coup d'état in Venezuela
This is important and needs to be broadcasted all across the globe. This should be trending. Please reblog.
The Venezuelan Supreme Court actually took over the responsibilities of their Parliament, making it powerless. Maduro, the Venezuelan president, is said to have ‘couped himself’ by the opposition (who were majority in the parliament).
As you may know, the South American nation of Venezuela is going through a horrible economic and social crisis. Necessity products can’t be found there, money is basically useless, public services are shit. The government repressed all forms of protests, even the more peaceful ones. This, using the Supreme Court to dissolve the Parliament, is the final straw.
As a fellow South American (Argentinian), I empathize with their situation deeply, so I’m asking you to share this because the world needs to pay attention. Something needs to be done.
The people need to rise up, and the international community must support them through their transition into democracy. They need medical, financial, and all kinds of aid. Let’s stand by them.
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lovegood-girl · 7 years
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These are pics of the protests occurring in Venezuela right now. The people are going to the streets to fight the corruption of the government and in response the police has been sent to shoot at its people.
This is happening in ours streets, ours school and universities. This is the scream for help of a country that is dying of hunger and fear.
As Venezuela lives in a dictatorship the only way of communication we have is social media. If you could share our situation that would be a show of help and support that we desperately need
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lovegood-girl · 8 years
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Seeing how close you and Sabrina were tonight at game night…it drove me a little crazy. And I think I finally realize why. 
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lovegood-girl · 8 years
de vuelta a tumblr! es bueno esar en casa xD
Back to tumblr, it’s good to be back home xD
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
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(Via @tornadodisogni)
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
How scary it is to be ready to die at such a young age.
(via ungraves)
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
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After all this time? Always
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
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Hi summer breake.. This is how you say goodbye to your 4th year of medschool
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
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lovegood-girl · 9 years
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