loveallthing · 2 hours
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loveallthing · 2 hours
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Because of the side effects of serum, Charles turns into a baby! 
Erik finally gave up his helmet because baby Charles starts crying when Erik puts on his helmet (´▽`) * kk
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loveallthing · 3 hours
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Charles Xavier & Erik Lehnsherr Character Posters for ‘X-Men: First Class’
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loveallthing · 4 hours
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For Shanghai X-men Only
Mutant and Proud(+・`ω・´)
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loveallthing · 4 hours
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It’s said that people get cats all over their knees when it gets cold.
Charles with a wheelchair may be very attractive in cats’ eyes :D
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loveallthing · 4 hours
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“And FYI, It’s a wedding!”
Marvel, how long do I need to wait before you hire me to do a Deadpool and X-men crossover? *shotshot*
I really like the movie and all the humors and jokes, especially the shades he threw at everything!! lmfao.
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loveallthing · 4 hours
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Keep reading
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loveallthing · 4 hours
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loveallthing · 5 hours
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This is my first X-men fanbook, and I vaguely remembered I didn’t print much and didn’t make an English version (since there was just beginning of the XMFC fandom). Many people asked if I will make a reprint, so here you go. No I don’t feel like printing my 3 years old stuff! There are many embarrassing errors and the things I won’t draw now, but it was kind of fun knowing what I like and characterization then…(apparently I like creepy!Charles :P) 
I hope you enjoy it as well! I’ll be making a preorder for my new fanbook for DoFP, and it was on similar level of silliness, so stay tune :D
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loveallthing · 5 hours
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After 2 decades, Professor can accurately predicts when Magneto is being naughty again, kind of convenient.
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loveallthing · 5 hours
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loveallthing · 1 day
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Téddibe is the author of this beautiful illustration of my fic. Charles is totally focused on his music, and Erik is fascinated by him. The beauty and elegance of their gestures, the softness and tenderness of their eyes, the subtle effects of light and the colors that pass through the stained glass, all this forms an extraordinary work. And I’m glad that Téddibe has agreed to work on this illustration. Thank you an hundred times !
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loveallthing · 1 day
Epic Cherik Rec List
Hello, dear ones of the fandom of my heart! I think the majority of you are aware of my ‘Cherik Rec List of DOOM’ from over on LJ. Due to RL reasons, I have flocked my journal and will no longer have the time to keep up with this massive rec list which is by no means complete. Instead, I am posting it here for posterity and will now be reccing fics individually on my tumblr. All Cherik recs will be tagged with #cherik fic rec and I’ll have a direct link to the tag for easy finding. Happy reading! :D
What you will not find here: Unhappy endings. Here’s hoping that none of the WIP fic writers turn me into a liar. fingers crossed I like living in the land of Denile just fine, thank you very much. Beach!divorce? What beach!divorce? LALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALALA. What you will find here: Lots of AU’s and shameless fix-it fics filled with angst, UST, fluff, schmoop, PWP and H/C as well as some mpreg, crack, dub-con and violence.
This list is divided into 5 categories with each one of them alphabetized according to the title: (1) General/Canon verse, (2) PWP, (3) AU, (4) DoFP Specific and (5) Epic, which consists of fic that is over 70,000 words.
General/Canon Verse
All the Fears You Left Behind by londondrowning. Erik has had one goal. He’s spent his life in relentless pursuit of it and has given almost no thought to what would come after he achieves it.
Awakenings by loonylupinlover. Erik and Charles discover new insights about each other’s abilities, even as Erik tries to hide his growing feelings for Charles.
Axes and Integers and Realizing You Love Someone by twelvedaysnorthofhopeless. Erik is avoiding Charles. Charles thinks it’s because he hates him. Raven thinks it’s because he’s an idiot.
Baby, It’s Just a State of Mind by confusedkayt. There’s an awful lot of downtime on a recruiting trip across the country - more than enough time for Charles and Erik to learn a great deal about themselves, their powers, each other, and the place they can forge for themselves in society.
The Beats Of My Heart That I Gave You by luninosity. Early days at the mansion, fluff, hurt/comfort, Erik building bookshelves for Charles, first-time I-love-you moments, happy endings.
Celestial Navigation by kaydeefalls. Not everything has to be life or death. Sometimes it snows in September, just because a little girl wills it so.
The Chapter In Your Life Entitled San Francisco by fengirl88. Charles and Erik’s recruiting trip leads them to San Francisco and the counter-culture of the Beat Generation. But who is the mysterious mutant they’ve come to find, and why is it proving so hard to track him down? The answer will change their relationship in ways neither of them had anticipated.
Chessmen by zamwessell. Erik’s mind was a castle, he thought, then dismissed the thought as silly and somehow over dramatized. But he could not come up with anything better - castle indeed, with the dark corners, the sudden turnings, the hidden treasure-rooms with their guardian dragons. Perhaps the metaphor was less inapt than he had thought. He wanted to roam those corridors for hours, learn the twists and turns, find the minotaurs in that labyrinth and know them too.
Cotton Walls by toestastegood. In large crowds, Charles finds it difficult to control his telepathy. While they’re on their recruitment road trip, Erik tries to help.
Dreaming Aloud by luninosity. Erik and Charles are in a bar. Someone gives Charles mind-altering substances. This is a Bad Thing to do to a telepath.
Enemy of My Enemy by Thuri. The CIA can’t let a telepath of Charles’s power stay free. Erik can’t let him stay prisoner.
The Heart’s Dark Crossroads by ginbitch. Erik and Charles bonding during the mutant collecting tour, getting to know each other, etc. First time sex, philosophical discussions, time period relevant detail and Charles being a nerd.
I Don’t Want to Wake Up On My Own Any More by pocky_slash. Erik thinks it’s disturbing how easily Charles lets his guard down. (Or, four times Charles fell asleep on Erik and one time Erik fell asleep on Charles.)
In Plain Sight by arcapelago. A story where Charles and Erik have basically been together from the first time they met. But the others don’t know and try to bring the two ‘oblivious’ guys together. Erik and Charles of course enjoy this quite a lot.
Logic About Bones by pearl_o. Erik has worked hard, over the last several years, to accustom himself to luxuries and fine things, to move in those worlds unnoticed alongside those who’ve known them from the cradle. He does not want to take any of it for granted, either, though, and it is a fine line to walk.
Set Fire to the Rain by felonytexas. How Charles and Erik evolved from friends to oh so much more.
Some Sense of Touch and a Melody by pocky_slash. On a day when Charles, for once, finds himself saying the right thing to everyone he sees, he allows himself to be talked into a field trip to a local orchard.
The Subtle Joys of Drowning by zamwessell. Erik has nightmares. Charles thinks getting into bed with him will help.
Thirty Pushes. Two Breaths. by monstrousreg. A somewhat nice afternoon out turns into a nightmare when the boys are attacked and Charles is dumped into an icy river in the Russian winter. Erik gets the chance to return Charles’ reckless kindness, and then some.
Times Like These by luninosity. Charles wears fingerless gloves. Erik learns to appreciate picnics.
The Treasures That We Found by luninosity. There’s sex in an elevator, and then, for the first time, someone says the words I love you.
Triangles by zombieboyband. It is a truth (almost) universally acknowledged that a single man sucking dick is more gay than a man getting his dick sucked. This is why Charles’s knees are scuffing against cheap hotel carpet, why his palms are pressed against thin hotel wallpaper. It isn’t the first time he’s been in this position, and it isn’t even his first time with Erik. It’s never been the other way around, but here’s the thing about Charles: he’s willing to take one for the team.
Waking up in all the wrong places by sourassin. They keep waking up sprawled around each other. They don’t even sleep in the same room.
Warming Up by helens78. On the Epic Bromance World Tour, Charles fumbles an opportunity, but he’s not going to be left out in the rain forever.
Any Day Now by entangled_now. Raven’s smiling so hard her face has to hurt, and he can feel the wash of her amusement. It’s mildly humiliating.
The Art of Flirting by clocks. Inspired by the cab scene where Charles tells Darwin to “take them all the way” to Richmond and Erik tries not to facepalm.
The Art of Training by scribblinlenore. Sun Tzu says to lead by example. Erik is happy to help Charles accomplish this.
At Any Time by musical_emjay. Strangers on a train. Things go as you might expect. Or, Charles makes a bold proposition, and Erik should really know better.
Backseat Driver by cesare. 'I’ve always heard about backseat makeouts,’ Charles says. 'A fine old American pastime, by all accounts. Some fun, a bit of action. I want to try it. Don’t you?’
Believe The Writings On Public Bathrooms’ Walls by apprentieguerriere. I found your number in the bathroom stall and i’m gonna sext you as a joke but it turns out serious au.
Bent Over A Motel Bed by helens78. Erik’s spent the whole day wanting Charles, and now they’re both getting what they want.
Control by the_me09. 'Your fine control is improving greatly.’ Charles managed breathlessly.
Dirty and Sweet, Clad in Black, Don’t Look Back by frantic. There are so many things Erik can use on Charles when he’s not even in the room.
The Element of Fire Is Quite Put Out by cymbalism219. Mutant hormones made them do it.
The Feel-Good Drag by tahariel. The first time that Erik gets Charles to come while fucking him without touching his cock.
Go Ahead and Taste It by claudine_v. Erik cannot stop thinking about Charles’ ass. It becomes a serious problem.
Good Boys by zamwessell. Charles has always been a good boy. Charles needs help from Erik coming to terms with the fact that he’s attracted to men. Charles is gay, but he has repressed that as only Charles Frances Xavier can. Which means he’s, er, half a virgin. Erik is about to change this.
Heated From the Inside by helens78. Hank’s suggestion for ways to experiment with his magnetism gives Erik some very naughty thoughts indeed. Who better to try them out on than Charles?
Ignition by helens78. Charles and Erik are car thieves who have been known each other for a while. After their first successful theft, Erik pushes their relationship to a whole new level.
In the Sky Tonight by luninosity. Sex hormones made them do it.
Indelible by moonlettuce. If I took you right here, could you stop them from seeing?
Nothing I’ve Ever Known by aeon_entwined. Inevitable | in-ev-i-ta-ble | adj. | certain to happen.
Overdue by black_betty. Back during Erik’s Nazi hunting days, he picks up an erotic mag (college boys edition), and more often than not, he found himself fapping to his hands-down favorite: the sexy librarian. Guess who pulls him out of the water.
Perfect Unbalance by magenta. Erik always threw Charles off balance, but he was starting to love it.
Practice Makes Perfect Series by putigress2012. Aka Erik has a massive cock. Yep, that’s about it.
A Present Elevation by rubynye. Charles fixes Erik’s bad dream. Despite himself, Erik forgives him for it.
Red Sheets, Pale Skin by paracaerouvoar. It’s hard being a mentor to a group of lost kids when your best friend keeps blatantly thinking about your ass.
Resources by telperion_15. Erik has Charles exactly where he wants him.
Roses Are Red by ikeracity. Being a mob boss’ associate has its ups and downs. Having sex in the back of a limo on Valentine’s Day is definitely one of the ups.
Self-Control by fengirl88. Charles has a will of iron. Erik’s fine with that.
Sex and Telepathy by blind_author. Most people can’t pinpoint the moment when they first become aware of sex. Charles can.
The Sexiest Organ Is the Brain by helens78. Erik thinks Charles has been holding out on him.
Sin and Sensation by lunafille. Erik is a wealthy lord and widower who has hired Charles as a tutor for his children. The two men indulge in private lessons of their own.
Slow Sex by richiexcore. Charles goes to a special place when he’s riding Erik, and Erik LOVES it.
So Let’s Take A Ride and See What’s Mine by oddegg. Charles and Erik have to go somewhere in a car. It’s a small car. Charles has to sit on Erik’s lap. Erik gets a boner.
Summer Endeavors by ikeracity. Charles works at a shoe store. Erik walks in and asks for size fifteen shoes. Ever the empiricist, Charles decides to test the correlation between shoe size and…other size.
Synthesis and Transcription by frantic. Charles riding Erik. Yeah, that’s about it.
Three Ways From Saturday by elfin. Erik and Charles bond over cocktails.
To Keep You This Way by helens78. An idle thought in Erik’s mind leads Charles to seduce him right in the middle of the hallway.
Training Sessions by loonylupinlover. In which tea is spit out, zippers are mutilated, and sex with mutant powers is awesome.
Uncompromised by dreamlittleyo. A missing scene fic, involving chess and some of my favorite clichés.
Your Soul Is A Chosen Country by aesc. I was in London the other day, and in a bookseller’s along The Strand I found the most interesting and instructive volume. Or rather, it would have proved instructive if we had not already worked our way through much of the repertoire.
All the King’s Man by pookaseraph. Erik is a king, Charles is his courtesan. Or rather, how Charles went from being a servant to catching the king’s eye and becoming a courtesan for all the higher ups in Erik’s court, and how he later came to be exclusively Erik’s.
Amour in the Time of Armed Robbery by Dangereuse. Erik, ex-hitman, falls in love with the Assistant Manager of his bank, Charles. Unfortunately for him, he’s got the worst sort of people skills, and can’t manage to ask Charles out on a simple date. And then someone tries to rob his bank and touch his Charles. Erik can’t put up with that! Note: This is unfinished but I still recommend it.
An Act Too Often Neglected by thehoyden. Logan didn’t much like Erik when he first met him in a bar about a year ago. Logan likes him a lot less after he dumps Logan’s tranquilized carcass on Charles’s doorstep like a dog presenting its owner with a stunned rabbit.
and admit that the waters around you have grown by thedeadparrot. “I would never turn away another mutant in need,” Charles says. He reads Erik’s mind blatantly and without shame these days. Erik supposes he deserves it. “And you, my friend, are needier than most.”
And We Will Put the Lonesome On the Shelf (OR: 500 Days of Charles) by ohmydarlingdear. This is a story of boy meets boy. Erik meets Charles on a Tuesday. He knows almost immediately that Charles is who he’s been waiting for.
Another, Different Beach by elfinessy. An alternative version of the beach scene.
Any Measure of Peace by manic_intent. Charles has been throwing himself at Erik, but Erik refuses to give in to his desires. Something about not wanting to sully Charles’ happy life with his darkness. He’s done some things, you see. Some very bad things. Charles, however, is nothing if not persistent. So he seduces Erik with everything he’s got. Erik suffers an epic case of blue balls.
Apocalypse: Charles’ Choice by glacis. In the end, Charles knew he’d made the wrong choice. Hank’s legacy gives him the chance to change it. Erik’s not sure what’s going on, but it looks promising …
Apples and Ink by monstrousreg & Pangea. He’s said the words before, but-the feeling, itself. It’s much more intense, once he allows himself to contemplate it openly. Like looking at the sun without shades. He’d do anything to avenge his mother, but he’d do even more to keep Charles, and oh. That’s the right way, isn’t it.
Appropriate Boundaries by Yahtzee. Charles has been having serious problems with back cramps in the year and a half since he’s been in a wheelchair. His doctor prescribes massage therapy. But when Charles meets his masseur, Erik, in some ways they begin to heal each other. So how do you cross the boundaries between professional touch – and the personal?
April by nextraordinaire. In the sharp, unforgiving plains of the Canadian Arctic, Erik is since long adapted to solitude and silence. Separated from civilization, dedicated to nothing but his research, he has formed a life that suits him. There is nothing he would ever want to change. So, naturally, the arrival of grad student Charles upends everything Erik ever thought he wanted, for better or for worse.
As Dark Longs For Day by Yahtzee. A daring young thief escapes from the wicked bishop’s dungeons, thinking herself free – until she encounters a rider with a black horse, a tame hawk and a dark secret. And who is this mysterious young man who only appears at night, accompanied by a tame wolf?
Assassination (It’s Not For Everyone) by silverdawn89. Assassin AU.
Been There, Done That by AsYouWish. Erik is stuck re-living the same day over and over again – a day that just so happens to be the day he and Charles took a handful of mutants to Cuba to stop a war.
Beloved of Ravens by khaleesian. 978 A.D. Charles never uses his power, Erik never hesitates. Can a man be both the void and what fills it?“ Sequel: The Western Shore.
Beneath the Surface by leandralocke. Charles is a young marine biologist and activist that, one day, makes the find of his lifetime.
The Better Men by thevampirepam. Explores what would have happened after the beach if Charles had collapsed from the damage the coin did, Erik had relinquished his desire for vengeance to help him, and Erik had to reassure Charles that his vision of the original ending was only a nightmare.
Better Outrun My Gun by magnetism_bind. Erik is searching for the man who murdered his parents. Charles runs a saloon with his sisters.
Blinding by monstrousreg. Erik and Charles, before the beach, in a house together but in different shores of a river. An errant thought from Erik makes them face some truths, and bridges begin to burn.
Blue Skies by baehj2915. At the tail end of the 1920s, the 20th Century is finally changing for the better. When Charles and Erik meet, it seems like an appropriate expression of the zeitgeist–a confluence of passion, romance, and change. But the good times never last. Erik and Charles have to discover if they can weather they gray days together, or at all.
The Boy With the Blue Eyes by nekosmuse. We do not breach the void, his mother said, when he was a boy and new to such things. We do not breach the void, the Elders said, when he was an adolescent, weak though he thought himself strong. We do not breach the void, his father said, when he reached the flush of manhood, stout and brave and unafraid. But Erik cares not for their words. He’s spent a lifetime staring into the void, into the startlingly blue eyes of the boy on the other side. We do not breach the void, the songs whisper, but Erik doesn’t listen.
Break Through the Cracks and Bring Me Home by acetamide. Erik has a helmet reconstructed that allows telepaths to send thoughts to him, but denies them the ability to control his mind. Cue Erik, to his shock, receiving projected thoughts from Charles on a regular basis. Charles doesn’t think they’re getting through.
The Broken Ones by ikeracity. Erik has dreams of a dark room, of being pushed down into the floor and violated in a way that makes him scream until his throat is raw. But Shaw never touched him like that, so Erik wonders if he somehow repressed memories of Shaw’s torture. He hides the dreams from Charles, intent on suffering through it alone, as he always has. And then one day, the nightmares come when he’s still awake, and he realizes that they are Charles’ nightmares. It’s Charles projecting in his sleep, and then Erik realizes that they aren’t nightmares at all, they’re memories from Charles’s hidden past.
Brought to You by Professor Smut by sophia_bee. By day Charles is a professor of English Literature. When he goes home, he becomes Professor Smut, a fanfic writer who is obsessed with the BBC drama Bent. Erik is the actor who plays John Bent. One day his agent makes him aware there is this entire world on the internet of people obsessed with his TV show and the relationship between Bent and his partner, Kennedy Watson. Against his better judgement, he checks out some of the fanfic. He finds Professor Smut and moved by his portrayal of Bent, becomes his biggest fan.
The Burdens We Long to Carry by arcapelago. When mutant-supporter President Kennedy is assassinated and all pro-mutant progress is dismantled, Charles is no longer so confident that he’s on the right side, and extends his hand to Erik after a year of animosity. They settle tentatively into their old partnership, but not everything is the same as it was–and not everything can be. When Hank develops a metal frame to move the lower half of Charles’ body for him, Erik offers the use of his mind and his ability in order to make it work. Both find out what they’re willing to do for each other, and neither knows if it’ll be enough to keep them together.
Burn Your Kingdom Down by spicedpiano. Erik’s people were brutally massacred when the Crusaders took Jerusalem. The sole survivor, Erik fled to northern Europe, only then to be captured as a thrall by Viking raiders. Since that day he has fought his way up to leading a group of Vikings on an invasion of the Christian mainland, killing every Crusader he can find. But when he captures a thrall of his own, a young witch who gives his name only as Charles, he discovers that there is a darker magic than his at work - and the fate of the known world may rest in his hands.
But I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles, And I Would Walk Five Hundred More by luninosity. In which Charles isn’t really an escort, Erik thinks he only wants a one-night stand, everybody’s got a past, and there’s quite a lot of sex on the way to the happy ending.
The Butcher of Lowtown; a Tale from the Early History of Adaptives by pookaseraph. Erik has been on the trail of Schmidt his entire adult life. He thinks he has finally found a lead in the person of one Dr. Xavier: man of business and science, airship mogul, and expert on the adaptives who have started to proliferate in the last few dozen years. What he never expected was to find Dr. Xavier is also a philanthropist and a mutant. Together they must confront Erik’s past and also face whatever emotional entanglement has started to form between him and the good Doctor.
By Faint Indirections by kianspo. Erik is in his 50s, and lonely and bitter. He survived the Holocaust and was only 14 when the war ended; and even 40 years later, living in a country that helped to end WW2 and the 3rd Reich, homosexuality is still a taboo topic. Then one day, he stumbles over Charles, who is young(early 20s) and bright and smart and cheeky and full of energy and beautiful. And moving in the same street where Erik lives.
By my Side by macandlacy. Erik comes back for Charles, 3 weeks after the events of Cuba.
Cannot be Contained in Words by wallhaditcoming. Crime syndicate head Erik travels to London on business, where he meets oxford student Charles. Their liaison spawns into a years long transatlantic affair, kept apart by Erik’s work and Charles’ studies, which Erik chronicles in photographs. When distance ceases to be an issue after 4 long years, the overlap between Charles’ past and Erik’s work create a whole new set of complications.
Casanova by madneto. Erik, aka Giacomo Casanova, has been leading a perfectly happy life in Venice while waiting for his mother to return to him. That is, until the day he accidentally stumbles upon the young idealist professor Xavier.
The Changeling Prince by regann. While seeking help to break a magical curse, a soldier named Erik finds himself trying to solve the mystery of a young prince’s illness, a task that leads him deeper into the fickle world of the fae than he ever imagined.
The Choice by cgf_kat. For 10 months Shaw has had Erik and Charles tortured. Neither will make the choice to end the other’s life and go free, stopping it all. Charles knows this has to end, but he does not want Erik to die. He takes matters into his own hands, instead.
City by the Sea by black_betty. To secure the peace between 2 powerful kingdoms, their rulers have come to an agreement that a marriage between the 2 royal courts would be most advisable. So, young Prince Charles is to travel across the land to marry Prince Erik, a man he has never met but was meant to be wed to since his birth.
The City is Ours by RedStockings. Erik felt his heart racing with excitement, lightened, and for once felt joyful. Charles had looked at him, really looked at him, and there had been something there, a knowing of a kind. As the soldiers laughed amongst each other, and joked each other about who would succeed in marrying the boy, Erik made himself a silent vow. Charles was going to be his, and nothing would keep him from having him. He’d marry him, and he’d save him, and Charles would love him for it. Not even the war could keep them apart… right?
Civil Disobedience and Clinical Behavior by acidqueen31. Charles and Erik meet up when Erik is in jail for assaulting a police officer at a protest and Charles is his court-ordered therapist.
Claustrophobic Prudence by pocky_slash. Charles can’t cope with the aftermath of wearing his heart on his sleeve. Erik teaches him that they don’t have to want all of the same things as long as they want one of the same things.
Come As You Are by scarlettblush. The one where Charles unknowingly woos a coma patient with Pride and Prejudice. Years later, they meet again.
Come Morning by nagasasu. Everything begins with his fall from the roof of a twelve-story building: his telepathy, the connection to the mutant community, and the dreams of a man he’s never met.
Conspiracy of Kisses by alaceron. Seven-year-old Erik needs to keep his telepathic best friend Charles from finding out that he wants to kiss him. But that’s okay, because he has a plan - he’ll put on a tinfoil hat.
Crisis of Conscience (Part 1) and (Part 2) by connergale. What if, when Erik knocked him down, Charles had never gotten back up? What if Erik has the chance to realize what’s important to him before it’s too late?
Curve Fitting by kianspo. The weird thing is, Charles always introduces Raven as his sister, but he never calls Erik his brother. Erik would be bothered, except he prefers not to think of Charles as his brother, either. He can’t figure it out for 4 years, and then suddenly he can.
Dancing in the Rain by Pangea & velvetcadence. Werewolf alpha Erik found a human pup Charles alone in the forest and took him back to his lair. Erik protected and cared for the boy, though he was barely a mature wolf himself. A few years passed, Charles grew up so pretty, and Erik was afraid he would miss his kind and go back to them, leaving Erik to be alone again - but Charles stayed and chose to be Erik’s mate.
Dead Man’s Paradise by Yahtzee. Nazi hunter Erik is apprehended and sentenced to prison for the sheer trail of brutality and blood he left in his wake. But before he can be sent to prison, he’s purchased by a Deadman Wonderland, the world’s only privately owned prison come amusement park, where the prisoners are the entertainment.
(WIP) Dead Man Walking by Ook. Cain Marko, cousin to the King, thinks he has found the perfect gift to humiliate King Charles. A bodyservant; a slave who no longer thinks of himself as Erik, or even as alive. Can Charles deal with his cousin, his Court, restore Erik to himself and ban slavery in his kingdom without sleeping with his bodyservant?
The Decoy Groom by forcryinoutloud. So things fell through with Moira, that doesn’t mean you should give up on relationships, Charles,” Raven argued, ignoring his tone as she stuffed sunglasses and wallet, lipstick and her phone into her purse. “What about men?” Raven asked, brightening.“You haven’t dated a guy in a while, maybe that’s your problem.
Definitions of Love by turtletotem. Erik is says he loves Charles like a brother. There is nothing, he insists, inappropriate about the way they interact.
Do Not Speak As Loud As My Heart by and_backagain. He wakes from a half-doze when someone shakes him by the shoulder, hard, and he tries frantically to wrench himself out of his dreams (Charles falling to the ground, his face twisted up with pain; surgeons’ tools dripping with blood; a voice in his head, a voice he trusts, whispering blame into every corner and crevice). Sequel: Surface Tension by templemarker.
don’t wake me, i’m not dreaming by Geertrui. Erik and Charles have never gotten along, it’s a school-wide known fact. But when Charles dies in a wrong-place, wrong-time accident that Erik could have prevented, guilt plagues him for weeks; a guilt on which he pins hallucinations, paranoia, and his mental instability. What Erik can’t blame on guilt, however, is seeing Charles sitting at his dining table with his legs crossed and his habitual smirk one afternoon, a month after he died.
Dragon’s Blood by sophia_bee. Ser Charles is ward of his beloved father, Durwyn Darkholme, and a knight whose allegiance is sworn to his King and Kingdom. The day his broadsword meets the neck of the dragon, and he becomes The Dragonslayer, Charles gains the attention of King Erik. They embark on a passionate love affair - but when Erik marries Raven, Charles’ adopted sister, who loves Charles as more than a brother, everything becomes more complicated. No one will be the same and the ramifications will last a lifetime. Everyone is torn between love and loyalty.
drastic measures by halfedheart. Erik’s memory is swiped clean of his and Charles’s relationship.
Dreaming Men are Haunted Men by ikeracity. Erik wakes up to discover that the Beach Divorce was really just a vivid, terrible dream. Charles comforts him and changes everything.
An Earlier Heaven by regann. In the wake of Cuba, Charles and his students are ready to pick up the pieces and work toward achieving Charles’s dream of a safe haven for young mutants. As he slowly builds a future for his students and for his child, Charles struggles with the loss of Erik and the secrets he’s willing to keep to protect his family, but those strides are shattered when Erik makes a startling reappearance into his life.
The Eldest of the Gods by la_petite_singe. It’s 1928, and 16 year old Charles is intrigued by the new boy joining him at Eton College. He’s thrilled to realize that they may be alike in more ways than one, but there’s more standing between them than he can possibly guess.
Encore by Tupsu. Charles has decided it’s time to stop repeating the same old mistakes. He won’t let Erik into his life ever again – twice he’s allowed it, and twice he’s been left heartbroken. So when Magneto starts making the headlines again, Charles stays out of it and just watches from afar. However, his resolve is put to the test when Magneto shows up at the Manor - and asks Charles to find out where Erik is.
Epoch! by Pangea. When Erik decides to answer the sketchy job ad on the very last page of the Classifieds, meeting an insane billionaire who has no concept of reality and troubling memory loss is not at all what he expects. He also doesn’t expect to meet Charles, who might actually be the love of his life if he could ever get around to admitting it to himself. He also doesn’t expect dinosaurs, but then again, who really does these days?
Eucalyptus leaf of my soul! by kageillusionz and ourgirlfriday. Koala!Charles, Drop Bear!Erik AU.
Everything About It Is a Love Song by pocky_slash. Erik’s spent 50 years being a figurehead and he’s ready to leave that behind. Luckily, so is Charles.
Everything you know is wrong by aesc and pocky_slash. When Charles was 5, he worshiped his father. When he was 11, he learned to loathe his abusive stepfather. When he was 16, he gave up any claim on the family fortune just to escape. At 24, he’s moved away from home into a crappy graduate student house, and gone through his degree program with his best friend, Moira, by his side. He’s adjusted. He knows who he is and where he comes from and what his future holds. At least, until a stranger in a bathrobe shows up in his living room, having used his shower, eaten his lunch and, oh yes, broken in uninvited. Suddenly, everything Charles knows to be true about himself may turn out to be wrong, and his future and past both may be more dangerous than he ever could have imagined.
Falling Is Like This by madneto. What might have happened if Erik and Charles had actually acted on their feelings for one another.
Fatal Distraction (The Age Difference AU) by grim_lupine. Raven is 6 years older than Charles; Charles has never really considered this age difference vitally important in one way or another, until Raven comes home from college with her new best friend in tow, introduces him cheerfully as Erik, and Charles finds himself falling head-over-heels into a train wreck of doomed lust.
Faults For Fixing by beren_writes. Charles sees the events of the missile crisis and subsequent weeks when he uses Cerebro to touch the mind of a mutant with the power to see the near future. When he wakes up he is determined that he will not allow them to happen and he will not lose the people he loves.
Favorite Mistake by endingthemes. Charles doesn’t think anything of it when he sneaks out without even saying goodbye to his latest one-night stand. What he doesn’t expect is to walk into his new position in the Xavier Industries marketing department and find that his latest hook-up is now his new boss.
Finally Moving by zarah5. In which Erik is the son of servants, Charles is the son of aristocrats, and hedgehogs make repeated appearances. – Modern AU that is clearly inspired by Atonement (minus most of the angst, that is).
First Breath After Coma by oxoniensis. Charles wakes up to find he’s been in a coma for two years, and the world he thought he lived in is a lie.
First Impressions by sirona. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a spouse – or the nearest set of curtains to hide behind, if you were to believe Charles. Little does he know that he himself will soon put test to that very truth.
Five Life-Debts by bomberqueen17. A fusion of Centurion and XMFC.
Flower and Willow and Steel by ilovetakahana. The hunt for international war criminals has led Erik all over the world and it’s gotten to the point where it’s become his life. What is he to do when his list of names leads him to Japan, a culture he knows less than absolutely nothing about? Luckily he’s not entirely been left to fend for himself in a strange country where the people speak a strange language and follow strange customs. Luckily he’s been handed a key - except that this key is a person, and this person is carrying around even more secrets than Erik can guess.
The Footsteps of Uprooted Lovers by ilovetakahana. Against a turbulent backdrop of artistic, social, and political upheaval, the playwright Charles and the photographer Erik find themselves meeting under less-than-polite circumstances, but part rather more amicably than they’d met. When they find each other again in a Barcelona that is falling inexorably toward war, they find themselves taking up arms, each in his own way, and together they join a struggle for freedom, for love, and for their very lives.
For The Longest Time by Obstinatrix and seutedeern. Charles has always considered himself to be straight, but when he bumps into a new German student in the university library, there’s a strange, unmistakable pull between them that goes beyond Charles’s comprehension. Why does he feel like he’s known Erik all his life? And why is he so jealous of the attraction between Erik and his friend Raven?
Forgive Us Our Transgressions by poor_medea. The mind is a strange place, as Charles knows all too well. Memories come and go, and sometimes are wiped away forever. Is this finally the chance he’s been waiting for?
Forward Momentum by AsYouWish. 6 months after Cuba, Charles and Erik find themselves thrown 50 years into the future, where they meet their older selves, the Avengers, and a world that’s very different from their own. Faced with the pieces of their broken relationship, an unparalleled adversary, and dealing with Tony Stark on a daily basis, Charles and Erik do their best to adapt while trying to find a way back home – and to each other.
Four Nights by theapolis. To settle his father’s gambling debts, Erik has to marry his old schoolmate Charles. Good thing the marriage will only last a year. One additional condition Erik makes: They can only have sex four times, or the contract is void.
From Rage to Serenity (With All the Points in Between) by tink_sky_reid. Rage - it’s Erik’s food, Erik’s water, Erik’s air; it’s not what he intended for Charles. Between - it’s hope, a dream, a prayer; it’s all the hard work they’ve put into this. Serenity - it’s the goal, the direction, the summit; it’s them.
From Westminster With Love by thehoyden. NATO intelligence says there’s an omega-class telepath who sleeps under Westminster. Major Lehnsherr is about to find out the truth for himself.
Frosted Hearts by aesc. Emma has built Frosted Hearts into New York City’s premiere dating service. Somewhere in Frosted Hearts’s server is one Charles, genius and geneticist. He’s also a telepath who’s decided to give up pursuing serious relationships and instead spend his 30s doing what he should have done as a teenager: have a lot of sex with random people. Fortunately for him, Erik, metallokinetic and engineering executive, has absolutely no time in his heart or his schedule for anything more serious than… well, absolutely nothing romantic at all.
A Gentleman of Negotiable Virtue by Not_You. Written for a kinkmeme prompt for Charles putting up with Shaw’s shit to visit Erik, his very favorite prostitute.
The Geometry of Chance by manic_intent. Charles is an incubus who feeds off sexual energy. However, such feeding can lead to the death of his bed partner, so Charles is always careful not to go too far and picks people he is only moderately attracted to. Then comes Erik who drives Charles absolutely wild.
Ghost in the Shell by monstrousreg. Out in the black of space, where the only creatures whose company you can always count on are violence and death, making a living is a wager. Erik’s crew of mismatched social misfits scrapes by, toeing the line between law and crime. Normally, they prefer to stay out of the Alliance’s way, but when it comes to defending the very freedom they fought for a decade ago, they only follow one principle: when someone tries to kill you, you kill them right back.
Growing Pains by ikeracity. 12 year old Erik is an angry, closed-off foster kid with trust issues and a bad temper. 10 year old Charles is a lonely kid in boarding school who just wants a friend. Logan pretends he doesn’t think they’re both fucking adorable.
And the Gunslinger Followed by musical_emjay. Erik hunts the things that go bump in the night. But 10 years alone on the road has caught up to him, left him wrung out and longing for a place to rest, recharge, get his head back on straight. Though nowhere has ever truly felt like home, he heads straight for New York City, a place that’s always had more to offer him by way of warmth and comfort than any other. What he finds when he gets there, however, is several miles south of anything approaching restful.
Guilty by Association by regann. While investigating the homicide of a John Doe who he suspects might’ve been murdered while working the streets as a prostitute, Detective Lehnsherr finds an unexpected ally in a hooker named Charles who seems as determined as he to solve the case. As they become more deeply involved both with the case and each other, there’s just one thing that Charles neglects to mention – that he’s really an investigative journalist, one quickly convinced that what they’re dealing with is more than simple murder.
he who is the keeper of my soul by illiadeum. There was an accident. Next thing he knows, Erik is a ghost trying not to fall through the floor (or maybe through the ceiling - he can hardly keep track) of a hospital while his body lays comatose in bed. Then a doctor named Xavier is blabbering on to him about how he’s so bloody sorry that Erik saved his life and a little blond ghost of a girl is making him promise to stalk her older brother in order to protect him from a possible prophecy straight out of every cliché movie Erik has ever watched. So, there he is, ghost and comatose patient to a doctor named Charles, sworn to protect him from the ever-constant threat of the world (and probably himself).
Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage by monstrousreg. Erik is a spy in the SS, and his British liaison is strategist Charles. Their relationship from the moment they meet to a year after the end of the war.
Hide Your Fires by swoopswoop. As the sole heir, Prince Charles, had no problem with the roles and responsibility that would come with ruling a kingdom. Though he was the only one who did not see a problem. After years of being shuttled back and forth between kingdoms, his Regent hoping he would find a match more suitable to being King, he is finally sent to Genosha. Though the path has never been less clear than the one to a foreign kingdom with no ties to his native land.
The Holiday Lights Battle by so_shhy. Some people take their holiday light displays just a little bit too seriously. Erik is one of those people.
Hollow Minds and Dead Souls by helens78. When Charles and Erik take a portable version of Cerebro out to New Mexico as part of their mutant recruiting trip, they aren’t expecting to find out the town’s falling victim to an epidemic. But things are far worse than they seem, because this is no ordinary virus. Will Charles and Erik find their way home in time to help save the world… from zombies?
(WIP) Hollowed Whole by Pangea. Charles has held his post as Captain of the 5th Division for 3 centuries now, making him the longest-standing Captain of the Gotei 13 besides the Captain Commander himself. He shouldn’t be the only one.
Homecoming by nekosmuse. 5 years after they part ways on a beach in Cuba, Charles sends a telepathic message: We are under attack.. Erik drops everything to rush to Charles’ side. In which battles are fought, war is avoided, a middle ground is found, and happily ever afters do exist.
Homeward Bound by helens78 & cesare. Thousands of miles apart, Erik and Charles form a connection that will change both their lives.
Hook, Line and Sinker by tawabids. Erik is a grumpy fisherman who lives in a cosy cottage near the beach and Charles is the man he finds in his net one day with a bump on his head and a too cheerful demeanour.
Hope Told a Flattering Tale Series by elistaire. When the war was over, and the humans were crushed, the world wouldn’t need its warriors like Erik anymore. No, it would need its philosophers, and its dreamers, and Charles was one of those. Erik must only make sure Charles survived to live in the world that Erik was attempting to create.
The House Spouse by butterynutjob. Erik is an out-and-proud gay author, columnist, and television personality. Charles is a straight widower with two children who hosts a radio show dispensing (somewhat conservative) advice about sex and love to teenagers. Their mutual attraction is undeniable, and yet, frustratingly, Charles still denies it. Erik figures with the right opportunity, Charles will act on his feelings, and when the opportunity to 'bid’ on Charles to be his 'spouse’ for the week comes up, Erik wins the auction.
How It Falls by littledust. Charles decides that the X-Team should have a day trip to New York City. Erik disagrees, but ends up shopping and ice skating anyway.
How Still My Love by regann. A mysterious sleeping disease, 3 loyal guardians, and a friend-turned-foe with unclear motives. It might sound like something out of a fairy tale but it’s life after Cuba in the Xavier manor for what’s left of the so-called X-Men. When Charles can no longer lead them, it’s up to Hank, Alex and Sean to figure out a way to protect their mentor, especially once Erik comes seeking an audience.
How To Be Co-Ruler of Your Own Country Without Even Trying by luchia. Erik intends to recruit Raven’s supposedly amazing, all-powerful older brother. Instead, he finds himself dealing with Charles, a weak, tweed-addled professor who seems to think powers don’t matter nearly as much as personality. Erik’s misconceptions are blown apart when Raven goes missing.
How to Successfully Ruin Your Life by snaxo. Charles is 17, still in highschool, still living with his not-so-nice family and still bored half to death with everything. Everything changes, however, when he accepts a job at a local café and meets the mysterious Mr. Lehnsherr. Erik is tall, dark, incredibly handsome and, according to the other staff members, a corrupt bastard. Or, the one where Charles has a shitty family and falls for the guy everyone thinks is a creep.
Humane Society by smilebackwards. Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he’s Charles’ cat and not his boyfriend. Basically, mutant supremacist Erik gets transfigured into a kitten, human Charles takes him in, and Erik really can’t help falling in love.
I Am a Beggar Always by black_betty. In which there are flowers and rainstorms and broken hearts and happy endings.
I ♥ New York, It’s My Friends I’m Not Sure Of by oddegg. Erik is a single, successful man who likes quick sex with no strings attached. Then, he meets college professor Charles and it’s love at first sight, at least for him. Charles, who heard of Erik’s notorious ways, wants nothing to do with him besides being friends. Cue Erik bending over backwards to steal Charles’ heart.
(WIP) I Swear It’s the Price of Love by helens78. Charles has been busy running the brothel he used to work at, now called Xavier’s Mansion, for a while now. He hasn’t had time to take on new clients in years, only keeping up with a select few. But when Erik becomes a client at Xavier’s, the chemistry between them might just be too much to ignore.
I, We, Us by misswinterhill. When he was a child, Erik was forced to split from his daemon. It’s only when he meets Charles that he thinks he might have finally found someone who he could safely leave her with.
If You Still Believe by shinigami_yumi. As Charles and Erik learn to control their powers, fall in love, and recruit and train the next generation of mutants while trying to stop a war, Charles realizes that Erik will leave him someday, but can’t bring himself to force Erik to stay. Yet, some lessons take decades to learn, and it’s never too late to forgive and try again.
I’ll See Your Heart (and I’ll Raise You Mine) by sirona. For Kriminalhauptkommissar Erik Lehnsherr, this case will change everything.
Imaginary by poor_medea. Erik is 5 when he first sees Charles. It’s days later when he realizes he’s the only one who can see Charles. The kids at school tease him for being a baby, and his foster parents think he’s crazy. But Erik doesn’t care if Charles is imaginary-he’s his only friend. But will that change as they get older?
Imprint by poor_medea. AU where mutants and humans live together but mutants think themselves more important and often treat humans like dirt. Sub/Dom pairs are created by imprinting. Mutants generally imprint on mutants and Erik who is the most powerful among them thinks that he will have equally powerful sub. Turns out that he imprints on Charles - a brilliant yet entirely human Professor.
Impulse Decisions by by listerinezero. Erik wakes up in Las Vegas with a hell of a hangover, a telepath in his bed, and a ring on his finger. Now what?
In the Moonlight, On a Joy Ride by scarlettblush. Charles is the young librarian and Erik is the college student who is completely besotted with him.
In the Punch Line by zamwessell. Charles needs a date to his 10th high school reunion. Enter Erik, Raven’s best friend, who happens to be a model and the new face of Calvin Klein.
In Shadow and Silence by Yahtzee. Blind Erik, mute Charles, the love.
In Your Honor by black_betty. All his life Erik had fought to overcome the loss of his mother, and his meager beginnings. He had fought for food, for survival, for blood and vengeance, for honor and respect. He had fought for the heart of one boy, and he had given away his own in return. He knew how to fight. He was entered in the Tournament. And he was going to win.
Infamy by Yahtzee. In the aftermath of WWII, Erik joins forces with US intelligence to hunt down escaped Nazis. A sensitive mission in Rio de Janeiro calls for Erik to recruit a new operative … one nobody is sure whether to trust. Charles is the stepson of convicted Nazi spy Kurt, a rapidly worsening drunkard and a homosexual who hardly even bothers to hide his predilections. Hardly ideal. But Charles is the only person with any chance of getting close to Shaw. The one man who might allow them to complete the mission. And although Erik’s business is keeping secrets, Charles brings something out in him that he’s worked desperately to hide –
Into the Fray by miss_aphelion. Every year, 2 alphas are chosen from each district for a fight to death, and every year, a single omega is chosen to join them in the arena as the prize. Erik’s name has been drawn to compete as an alpha tribute and he is set solely on survival, but he hadn’t exactly counted on Charles, the mysterious omega tribute that isn’t playing by any of the rules.
Into the Jungle by madneto. Ever since he can remember, Erik’s always been different from the rest of his family. He’s tried to fit in, encouraged by his mother and his friends, but Logan, the troop’s silverback, has never acknowledged him as one of their own. Still, Erik is determined to become the best ape ever, until one day, strangers arrive in the jungle. Strangers that look just like Erik.
Is a Holy Unmercenary by lanasauli. Post-Cuba fix-it, no beach divorce, woo! Charles starts to get feeling back in his legs because of cool physiological reasons. Meanwhile, Erik battles his guilt, Hank plays doctor, and Raven is a sassypants.
It Takes A Heap O’ Livin’ by etharei. They have their day jobs. And then, they have this. Modern!AU in which they are the superheroes of mutantkind.
It’s All Coming Back to Me by regann. When Erik hears that Charles died on the beach where he left him, there’s only one thing left for him to do: take the world down with him as he crashes and burns in his grief. But maybe the world will get its reprieve before he goes too far.
It’s Like One of Us Woke Up by kaydeefalls. “You came here for me,” Charles said, meeting Shaw’s gaze levelly. “So let’s not waste any more time.” Canon!AU in which Charles and Erik do find Shaw in Russia.
The Jade Coin by ximeria. A jade coin sets off a certain string of events and Erik and Charles end up chasing the legend of legends.
Just Ordinary People, You And Me by luninosity. Labor Day reconciliation story, post-XMFC. Discussions of happy endings and heroes.
Keeping Hold by cgf_kat. Most of the others are dead. Charles and Erik are captured by Shaw and tortured because they won’t join him. At any point one of them has had enough and admits it, Shaw switches to the other and ups the stakes. All they have to keep hold of is each other.
King and Kingdom by Ook. Before the King takes up his crown; he must be taken by his Kingdom.
Kintsugi by xtinethepirate. When Charles had told Hank there would be a time when they would all be together again, he hadn’t meant immediately. In Charles’s mind, that indeterminate time was something more along the lines of “in a few months or a year, once Erik realized what a colossal ass he had been and Charles had stopped wanting to punch him again.”
Know That It’s True by luninosity. Using Cerebro is bad for Charles.
The Last Moomintroll by keire_ke. Erik thought he was the last troll to wander the earth, until he stumbled into a secluded valley, high in the mountains.
Lay Down Beside Me (So Still and So Soft) by c_gracewood. “A different take on the events of the film.” THIS IS AMAZING. One of my favorite fics in the entire fandom and is officially my head canon. Follow-up ficlet: Herzsprache
Lean On Me by SpiritsFlame. Ten years ago, Charles and Erik split up, dividing their six kids between them. None of them expect them to meet at summer camp. And no one could have predicted the results.
Linger by waldorf. Erik had been warned, to be fair. The realtor was very explicit that the last seventeen tenants had run from the premises screaming about the Exorcist or The Ring or some other terrible horror show.
Little Birds by misswinterhill. Bird AU. Erik is a lone kestrel on a mission to destroy the great golden eagle who killed his mother. Charles is an abandoned pet dove with no fear and a dream of making a place where the little birds can fly free. They don’t quite want the same thing, but together they’ll change the world.
Lost and Found by wallhaditcoming. When Crown Prince Xavier makes the impulsive decision to rescue a man who leapt into the river from enemy shores, his moment of selflessness ends up coming at a personal cost. In the process, however, he gains an ally and a friend. As Charles finds himself drawn to both Erik and his cause, he must find a way to satisfy both his conscious and his duty, all while separated from his troops and trapped behind enemy lines.
(WIP) Love Like Winter by garnettrees. “Once, when all the world was green and young, there lived two very different little boys…” Now these boys have grown, thrust onto a political battlefield filled with long-held grudges and secret motives. Charles has spent the majority of his adult life studying and teaching the finer points of spell casting. Erik… Erik fights for what is his.
Love and Other Secrets by microsaur. Erik is a vampire that would much rather be left alone, Charles is a baronet that can’t seem to accept that.
Love Story by sophia_bee. Charles and Erik are best friends, until they’re not. A love story in three parts.
The Mad Ones by black_betty. The name Charles Xavier is written on a grave in Westchester county. Charles doesn’t know about the grave, doesn’t remember having a body or being afraid. He only knows the world of dreams, and of the minds of others. One day he touches the lonely thoughts of a sick boy on a boat to America, and that is the day when everything begins to change…
Made To Be Broken by Yahtzee. Charles makes a New Year’s Resolution: “No more straight men,” Charles repeated as he began scrolling through the apartment directory for Emma’s name. “No more futility. No more pointless hoping and heartbreak. In 2013, I never want to hear the words 'exception,’ 'experimenting’ or 'phase.’ If, God forbid, I hear 'bicurious’ even once, I may take a hostage.” Then he goes into the party, and Erik is there.
Magneto vs. The Magical X-Men by aesc. Technically, Magical X-Men was something Magneto knew he should hate with every fiber of his being not devoted to hating ignorant humans. It was animated for one. For two, it featured an unbelievably optimistic protagonist whose adventures were, in addition to being flagrantly unrealistic, a method of inculcating wrong-headed lessons about how everyone could love each other and protect the earth and make the world a better place. Finally, it exercised an unreasonable attraction that turned every fan of the Magical X-Men into simpering, squealing teenagers. Only Magneto seemed immune.
The Man on the Train by Sophia_Bee. Charles is heading home from a shift at the busy emergency department of the urban hospital where he works as a nurse. He meets Dr. Erik Lehnsherr on the train, who is clearly interested in Charles, but Charles has a rule. He does not date doctors. Not at all. Never, ever ever. But he does shake his ass at Erik, which might be his downfall.
The Marriage Bargain by kianspo. Erik Lehnsherr had made a fortune manufacturing steel in Europe. When he wished to expand to the New World, he discovered that no one would do business with him unless he was affiliated with one of the First Families, the creme de la creme of the NW aristocracy. When Lord Marko holds an auction to give away his 14-year-old stepson’s hand in marriage, Erik sees his chance and takes it. He has no interest in Charles himself, but now that he has him, can they make it work?
Massage Therapy by butterynutjob and sophia_bee. Charles is far too protective of his younger sister Raven, and it leads him to a terrible error in judgement that will shape his life for the next year as he is forced by circumstance to be in constant proximity to the intoxicatingly attractive Erik without being able to have him.
Mazes of the Mind by telperion_15. Post-canon AU in which Shaw wasn’t defeated in Cuba and escaped, and Erik stayed with Charles and the others.
Miles From What We Would Miss by xinaini. Erik discovers a blue-eyed, rain soaked lost little boy on the edges of Lehnsherr estate on a chance encounter. Ten years later, it takes the longest chess game in history and a few hundred miles for Erik and Charles to realize what they had both been missing from the very beginning.
Mind’s Eye Blind by Sperare. As far as Erik is concerned, if you want to scare a person into talking, you have to present him with something more compelling than what he stands to lose… And there is nothing in the world more compelling than Charles.
More Than All The World by luninosity. Very loosely based on Marie de France’s 12th-century French werewolf tale, in which Erik is the man transformed into a wolf and Charles is a king and eventually there’s a happy ending.
A (More) Modern Olympia by black_betty. Erik is a burglar who breaks into a house he assumed would be vacant for the night. He creeps into the house and enters a bedroom, only to find a very naked Charles in bed. Charles wakes up from the noise and finds a burglar staring back at him…
Mutually Beneficial Transaction by Pookaseraph. In his sophomore year at University, Erik, feeling slowly strangled by his mounting college debt, places an add on a sugar daddies website. When he’s contacted by a man named Charles who seems less creepy than the other people who have responded to his profile, he decides to give it a shot. Charles is nothing like what he expected, and Erik finds himself slowly falling in love with his sugar daddy while trying to find out exactly what caused this amazing guy to buy his emotional and sexual intimacy when he clearly deserves so much more than that.
(WIP) The Mysterious Widower’s Nazi-Hunting Virgin by cesare and furius. In the mid-'50s, young Erik Lehnsherr uses his position as a traveling companion to track down former Nazis. Searching for more leads and the money to pursue them, Erik meets wealthy widower Charles Xavier. He’s soon swept into a marriage with an older man he barely knows, journeying to New York, where the mysteries of the Xavier estate, Greymalkin, and memories of Charles’ first wife Raven await him. After Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca, with considerable Harlequin-esque liberties.
Never Let Me Go by forcryinoutloud. We may not want the same thing, Charles, but if you think I could ever leave you like this, he projects, knowing Charles will hear him, then you don’t know me at all, my friend.
New Way Home by luninosity. Christmas, at the mansion. All the cuddly festive fluffiness in the world, plus a tiny bit of hurt/comfort near the end.
Night Life by Ook. The young journalist, or researcher, or whatever he is, is going to get himself in trouble around here. Erik can tell. A researcher who doesn’t know when to stop. A man who doesn’t take no for an answer. A vampire that doesn’t give interviews.
No Longer in Silence by black_betty. It has been eight years since Charles has seen Erik. Eight years since they parted under unkind circumstances and Erik went off to sea. The boy he once knew is Captain Lehnsherr now and they are as known to one another as strangers, and yet–Charles finds that eight years has done nothing to diminish the feelings he had when he was 16 and in love. It’s unfortunate then that Erik doesn’t feel the same way. (Persuasion AU)
No More Hiding by Ayra Sei Ethari. It’s Raven who finds the single flaw in his theory, and asks the innocent question that changes everything. “When you say no more hiding, Erik, do you mean that for everyone? Even … Charles?
Not Half As Blinding by keire_ke. Charles discovers that death does, in fact, solve everything.
Not Quite a Knight by mia6363. AU inspired a little by Hellsing. Erik’s still not human. He’s been a part of the Xavier legacy for centuries.
Not So Much the Teacup thehoyden. Charles is basically the bride whisperer. It’s like he can read their minds. Wedding planner AU.
Not What I Was Expecting (So Much Better) by lazulisong. Erik, the single father, hires Charles, the grad student with the slightly shady past, to be his manny.
Of Convenience by butterynutjob. A day when one loses one’s job, one’s fiance, and one’s inheritance is a pretty bad day. Charles Xavier is out of money and he and his pregnant sister Raven are about to be homeless unless Charles is willing to take drastic actions involving the handsome new German immigrant, Erik Lehnsherr.
Of Kittens and Teacups and Love by renrenren3. Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he’s maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
Of Needles by skull_bearer. AU where everyone’s born Dominant or Submissive. Once a Dom/Sub pair is born, they are linked to each other, no matter how far apart they are. Erik and Charles are a pair that find each other after thinking the other is dead.
(WIP) Oh God, My Roommate’s a Nerd by norwegianwood23. Erik’s the local playboy party animal, recently gone to the town’s college for his freshman year. His roommate turns out to be a total nerd. With the help of his buddies Logan and Scott, Erik attempts to get through the shock of having to live with a nerd for a year.
Omega by apokteino. Wherein the world decides to deal with mutants with utter segregation. All mutants are placed on Genosha, and all children are tested at birth for the mutant gene, and sent to Genosha if they have it, to be adopted by other mutants. Years later, Charles Xavier’s parents bribe officials to keep their child, and he grows up utterly alone in a human world. But all that changes …
The one where Erik owns an antiques shop and Charles is a professor by aesc. Even though Charles loathed people using 'I must have a genetic predisposition for X, Y, or Z’ as an excuse for personal shortcomings and peccadillos - he was a professor at Columbia and a well-respected researcher in the field, he couldn’t not get riled about scientific inaccuracy - he suspected the Xavier family had a strong expression of the gene responsible for squirreling away every random object that came across their paths.
The Only Exception by luninosity. Erik finds snow tactically suspicious. Charles enjoys the peacefulness. Forgiveness, fluff, some sex in the library, and a future together.
Onslaught by skull_bearer. Alone, Charles is a powerful telepath, and Erik is the master of metal and magnetism. But when Charles uses his powers to amplify Erik’s, Erik is unstoppable, and vice-versa. An awesome boss battle where they come together on the same side and combine their powers, owning the shite out of the baddies.
An Open Door by oxymoron. In which Charles is a priest, Erik is a Nazi hunter, the two of them are childhood friends and each thinks that the other should change his job.
Ornithologies by tahariel. "How are you?” Charles shifts again, and he must be looking at the wounds because he hisses, sharp and birdlike, and there is a loud flap of feathers in the air that makes Erik want to weep, because Charles is still an angel and Erik is… not. “Human,” he says, and turns his face away into the rough fabric of the cloak he’s been using as a pillow.
Orphans of Forgetting by pocky_slash. Magneto dies on a Wednesday afternoon. He’s come to terms with what he’s been and what he’s done, but as he follows his guide through the underworld towards his final destination, he’s forced to confront the figures of his past and answer the question they all have for him: if he could do it all again, would he do things differently? And even if he would, does he have it in him to trust Charles enough to get the second chance he’s being offered?
The Other Candidate by Thacmis. Every 1,000 years, 2 souls are chosen to fight to the death. The victor becomes the millennium’s new Grim Reaper. Charles and Erik are chosen. They were once lovers. Erik remembers their past, but Charles doesn’t. Charles wonders why his opponent always looks so broken, but after a few incidents, the memories begin trickling back, and when Charles remembers everything… oh, it’s too late.
Other Crabs Cannot Be Trusted by groovyphilia. Erik is a hermit crab and proud. He is also stalking a shore crab named Charles. In which everybody in XMFC is a crab.
Our Hearts Won’t Rust and its sequel Though Our Parts Turn To Dust by smallacts. He wants to hold the face of the man whose thoughts he is even now struggling to keep separate from his own, wants to share with him the greatest truth and cruelest lie Charles knows - that he isn’t alone, that neither of them are, not if they don’t want to be. Charles meets Erik during a summer abroad when he is 17.
Our House, In The Middle Of Our Street by clocks. Charles is a social worker who fosters troubled kids, and one day he meets Erik, an ex-convict, who reluctantly agrees to stay for only a while, but ends up staying for good and helping Charles to raise the kids. Awkward parenting ensues.
Paralyzer by Yahtzee. In 1965, Erik has infiltrated the NYPD for his own purposes – but his powers make him a brilliant detective. Yet that’s not why FBI agent Charles has sought him out. It’s because the mysterious killer they’re both trying to find is murdering people like them: other mutants. Their search for a madman binds them together. Their inner demons may tear them apart. But the greatest danger comes when the killer they’re looking for looks back …
Past Tense & the (WIP) sequel Present Perfect by skull_bearer. What happens when you change someone’s past? How does that change what they believe, how they behave? Does it change who they are? What if Magneto wasn’t the only one trapped in Auschwitz? If Charles had lived through what Erik had, would he still be certain his way was the right one? Would he have even been able to survive the camps? Would he have wanted to?
Perfection In Three Easy Steps by SouvenirsFamiliers. Charles, a student at Oxford, uses the university’s Cerebro prototype on a dare. He expects to find Raven a boyfriend. Instead, he finds Erik.
Petals On a Wet Black Bough by kayly silverstorm. When Shaw and Azazel free Emma Frost instead of letting her rot in CIA custody, when Frost comes after Charles, events take a different turn. And their world will never be the same again.
Plain Sight by aesc & pearl_o. When he was eleven years old, Charles ran away and disappeared. Eight years later, as a curious detective begins to notice his traces, Charles thinks he’s finally ready to join the real world once more. But as it turns out, learning to be among people again isn’t easy – and his relationship with Erik is perhaps the most complicated of all.
Pleased To Meet You, Take My Hand by luninosity. More holiday fluff; tiny bit of emotional hurt/comfort; protective Erik; Thanksgiving.
Politico by cygnaut. Modern Genosha Politics AU. In which Erik is l'enfant terrible of the mutant National Assembly, and his staff just wants to get him laid.
Prayers for the Living by fahye & littledust. AU from midway through the film, looking at what might have happened if Azazel had teleported to Russia and Emma had gone recruiting baby mutants. In which Moira is badass, actions have consequences, and Charles and Erik manage to have some feelings when they’re not racing around the country.
Progression Of A Family Portrait by Xris. “You’re sure we can handle one more?” Hank asks from the sidelines.
Put On a Slow, Dumb Show for You by mumblemutter. “Charles owns a coffee shop, Erik is a corporate lawyer (and owns some really nice suits). Things get a bit hazy from there.”
Ready and Willing by dedkake. In the Kingdom of Genosha, all psionics are kept as pleasure slaves for the upper classes. King Erik, new to the throne, is gifted an old childhood friend.
Replay by unforgott3n. After Magneto of an X2-ish future succeeds in the unthinkable, Charles sends his consciousness back to 1962 to guide Erik away from the path that will lead to the genocide of the human race forty years hence. Charles knows that Erik has always loved him, and intends to use this knowledge + sex to seduce Erik away from his ideals in his youth. There’s no way this well-thought-out, sensible, debugged and 100% bulletproof plan can possibly go wrong.
Resolutions by black_betty. Charles ends the year with honesty and courage and by finally telling his best friend how he feels about him. Or he would have, if Erik had bothered to show up.
Resources, Status, and Enjoyable Interactions by pocky_slash. Charles is utterly uninterested in marrying, even if he is a first son with a duty to his family to do so. He has no trouble turning suitors away at every turn–at least, until he receives an intricate mechanical bird and an offer that might just solve all his problems.
The Rules Don’t Matter When I’m With You by swoopswoop. “Shut the door. You’ve dropped two grades in three weeks, your grade point average is going to suffer, any explanations?” “Not really, no.” Erik hums and strokes his chin. “Are you finding the lecture series hard?” “It is more intense than some of my other classes.” “Well I know you are more than capable at attaining an A from this class, but that’s going to be difficult with this dip in your grades.” The younger man frowns, playing with his fingers just gently before looking up beneath his lashes. Christ, Erik thinks watching the movement. “Is there any way I can do something for extra credit?” Still facing away, he says simply, “You can get on your knees.”
Rumor Mill by ikeracity. Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends. So it’s obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he’s bringing his husband. What they weren’t expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik’s arm. What they certainly weren’t expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
Say Your Fault by seperis. Charles hasn’t spoken in twenty-two days.
Scenes from a Pineapple Revolution by luninosity. In which Erik isn’t actually trying to sell anyone pineapple, Charles is hardly a typical prince, Shaw is a villainous Regent, and there’s a revolution concealing itself in the City fog and cobblestone streets…
Scenes from the Wild by nekosmuse. Erik, world renowned wilderness survivalist, alongside his husband, Charles, survive the perils of the wild in order to bring you, Two Men, One Knife, an award winning reality survival series. Follow Erik and Charles as they travel to the world’s most remote locations with only the most basic of supplies. Pitted against nature, this husband-husband team struggle to survive in some of the world’s harshest climates while battling the planet’s fiercest predators. Can they survive the Canadian North? Find out next season, on Two Men, One Knife.
The School for Scandal; or, The Patron by aesc. The Graymalkin Institute, a run-down, forgotten school in a forgotten corner of Genosha, is run by Charles Xavier, the forgotten and dispossessed heir of a disgraced and once-noble House. Years ago, he entered into an agreement with Emma Frost of the Massachusetts Academy to prevent the government from shutting down the Institute, and now she’s calling in her debt. The terms of the agreement: find blackmail material on the Duke of Genosha himself, Erik Lehnsherr.
The Seventh Tree by clocks. Erik has served Shaw, ruler of the desert kingdom Genosha, for years as one of his Elite Knights. His life of unquestioning obedience changes when he saves a helpless, mute harem girl, who turns out to be not so helpless…and not at all a girl.
Shadows of the Past by ximeria. Charles and Erik meet at a hotel in Genosha. Erik hiding that he is Magneto, one of the founders of the mutant nation. Charles running from his past, not to mention his gift.
Shaw’s Captive by swoopswoop. Magneto killed Shaw, it had to be done for the sake of mutant-kind but what he wasn’t expecting to find hidden deep with Shaw’s complex was a man held captive, obviously tortured, that somehow made Magneto turn into Erik. Erik now has a potential human in his citadel as he continues the war with the human’s.
Shared Custody by smilebackwards. Basically, Erik’s new team members all enjoy hanging out with Charles and it drives Erik crazy.
Shout It Out Loud by dreamlittleyo. When Charles forges a telepathic link between himself and Erik, the two men find themselves bound together by more than just destiny. With the world on the brink of war, Charles and Erik struggle to cope with a psychic connection that may well be permanent.
Show Me Love by Sophia_Bee. Charles is in love with his best friend, Erik. Erik gets a moped.
Sitz! by unforgotten. When Erik beds down in an alley that night, he reflects that at least he’s not a poodle, a sheltie or some other completely inane or poofy breed of dog. At least as a Doberman he still gives off that air of danger that’s clung to him all of his life; and if he smiles that manic smile, it’s liable to be even more frightening than usual. That this is a comforting thought says something about how far he’s fallen.
645 Riverside Drive by smilebackwards. Azazel clearly has yet to understand the shattering power of Charles’ disappointment, so Erik takes one for the team, grabbing the cup and downing the remnants of the cappuccino like a shot while Azazel watches with morbid fascination.
Skin Deep by manic_intent. Everyone-is-a-werewolf AU. Erik happens upon a seemingly abandoned mansion in Westchester during a full moon and finds an insanely clueless werewolf living in isolation.
Smoke and Mirrors by papercutperfect. When newly paralyzed Charles meets Erik in a coffee shop, a fit of nerves prompts him to project himself standing without need of his wheelchair. It all backfires when Erik asks him out on a date, forcing Charles to deepen his lies and, ultimately, face his fears.
Something About Us by Obstinatrix and seutedeern. The old fashioned Strangers-on-a-Train idea has always seemed like an Old Hollywood myth to Charles, who’s never really spared any random strangers more than a passing glance during his commutes to and from school. Nobody really meets people like that these days. Except that, now he finds himself looking forward to his morning train ride and the chance to have a chat with the handsome man who only approached him because of the book he was reading.
In Sound and Silence by endingthemes. Erik is assigned to care for the special patient in room 301.
South of the Border by sneakertime. Post-Divorce AU. Charles Xavier saves Logan from Emma Frost in Mexico. They have a lot of sex, and things get progressively more complicated. What is Logan/Charles doing here you might ask? Because it ends up being a fix-it Erik/Charles fic written from Logan’s perspective, that’s why. :)
Sprich Mit Mir | Talk To Me by papercutperfect. When Charles meets Erik on a midnight train to London, it’s like all of his Christmases and birthdays have come at once - until Erik opens his mouth, and reveals he cannot speak a word of English.It isn’t easy to pursue a relationship with someone you need to play Pictionary with just to chat to, but with a little help from Charles’ telepathy, the two language-barrier lovers are determined to make it work.
(WIP) The Starry Sky and the Deep Sea by spicedpiano. Once a star, Charles is forced into a human form following a crime of treason, cursed and exiled into a mortal life. Rescued by a crew of mutants led by Commander Erik Lehnsherr, he soon realizes that the voyage they are on is doomed. …But how can he save the man he loves when, if he speaks, anyone who hears his voice will die? [This is the story of the little mermaid … in space.]
Start A War by stewardess. Somewhere between gratuitous sexbot porn and a thoughtful analysis of what it means to be human lies this story. Near-future AU. Mutants have full rights. Cyborgs have none. Featuring genetics expert and telepath Professor Charles Xavier, and Erik, a pleasure model cyborg with a mysterious past.
Still Life with Cookies by stlkrchck. Charles is a nude model, and Erik is an art student.
(WIP) Student/Teacher Relations by poor_medea. As a TA, Charles knows he can’t get involved in all his students’ lives. He needs to keep professional boundaries, to make sure that he’s an authority figure. But when he accidentally finds out how complicated Erik’s home life is, he suddenly finds that distance hard to maintain.
Superheroes by Co_Quill_Eon. Erik and Charles meet cute. Very cute. Like, five year olds in pre-school cute.
Synchronicity by manic_intent. Erik waits with careful patience outside Marshall Fury’s office, his shoulders pressed to the metal hull of Shatterdome Anchorage’s corridor. He breathes in, slowly, and then out, and all in all, he doesn’t exactly mean to eavesdrop, he tells himself, it’s just that he’s early, and Marshall Fury isn’t exactly making an effort to be quiet.
Tale As Old As Time by madneto. Charles is a bibliophile living with his stepbrother in a remote village. Erik is a lonely prince with an affliction he doesn’t know how to control. Logan is the greatest hunter in the whole world. Pretty much what it says on the tin. If you’ve seen Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” you know pretty much exactly what you’re getting into. Lots of fluff.
The Tale of X by thehoyden. He tells his sister he has no taste for politics, that he prefers the quiet of the summer estate for his scholarly pursuits. He does not tell her that he hears whispers in his head, and that the scrolls all say one thing about this.
The Taste of Wine after Ambrosia by tawabids. Greek-myth AU in which Charles in Ganymede, Erik is his mortal lover, Shaw is Zeus and the Hellfire Club are the Olympians.
There Must Be More to This by deminos001. Charles was an ex-foster kid, a man who believed in second chances. He became a social worker in order to help those who could not help themselves. He was happy, life was good. Well, to the best of his capabilities. Erik was the CEO of a company that he had built with his own blood, sweat and tears. He never really needed love, and had no desire to ever fall in love. They meet on a rainy night after a mugging gone wrong. Love tends to sweep you off your feet, then bitch slap you when you least expect it.
These Are the Days by alishatorn. Charles convinces Erik to give up on his vendetta and join him, only for Shaw to kidnap Charles. Erik defeats him and gets Charles back, and they deal with the fallout of Charles’s torture at his hands.
These Bridges We’ve Built by alishatorn. 4 years after the events of XMFC, Charles finds his X-Men on the losing side of their continuing battle with Erik’s Brotherhood. Azazel and Mystique have a child in secret and, unwilling to raise Kurt in the midst of Erik’s war, they give him up to Charles to raise at his school. He agrees, on the condition that they visit their son regularly. This leads to tenuous contact between the Brotherhood and the X-Men outside of the battlefield for the first time in years, and both Xavier and Magneto realize that the lines dividing them are not as clear-cut as they previously thought.
These Cindered Bones by swoopswoop. Erik gets attacked by something unknown and when his health starts to decline, has no choice but turn to the x-men for help after seven years of separation.
This Is Not Comedy by baehj2915. A Cherik version of Louis CK’s tangent about the fuckability of Ewan McGregor. Naturally the similarities end there. I made this about Erik’s full on public lust-filled gay revelation, and the chaos that spirals from there.
This Is Not Okay by swoopswoop. There was nothing much Erik could do to counteract the sheer amount of want that coursed through him when he caught those impenetrably blue eyes. He was doomed from the moment their eyes met. This was not okay, not for a married man.
Time To Grow by zarah5. In which you’ll find chess dates which aren’t dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that).
To the Degree that One Loves by arysteia. Six months after Cuba, Erik wakes in the night to discover he no longer has the power to manipulate metal. Shaken to the core, there is only one place he can think of to go for help. But will Charles welcome him back, and when one has been wronged so badly, is it truly possible to forgive?
The Tower and the Hurricane by dreamlittleyo. Five years after Shaw’s death, Erik’s predictions prove painfully accurate. Violence rages on both sides of the human/mutant conflict. In a world ravaged by war, it doesn’t really matter who’s more at fault. Charles struggles to teach his students a better way, but what choices will he make when peace really isn’t an option?
Toy Soldier by professor. Charles is a toymaker who collects broken, unloved toys in order to repair them and find them loving homes. One winter’s evening, he returns to his workshop to find a badly damaged metal man named Erik.
Trust by acidqueen31. After Cuba, Erik decides not to leave. It’s all different, now- as Charles adjusts to life in a wheelchair, Erik has to atone for what he’s done. In real life, nothing is ever easy.
Try, Try Again by and_backagain. Except that this has happened before, he thinks with a start, and something in his throat closes up as he revolves on the spot, already knowing what he’s going to see. Charles’ back is arching as he falls, his eyes wide, and the crumpled bullet falls to the sand beside him like a calling card.
The Unchartable Truth by sophia_bee. The day Erik plunges into the sea because he has nothing left after the death of his father is the day he’s rescued, pulled from the water by Charles. Charles brings Erik, the poor son of a ship builder, to live in his house, where they become more than friends but less than brothers. Ten years later, Erik’s growing feelings for Charles send him running to the sea aboard the Mystique, the very ship that had crushed his father to death a decade before. He returns to Ipswich and Charles hoping that his feelings can be contained and discovers that they cannot. A journey of pain and self discovery begins, all set in homophobic 18th century maritime culture. While the people around him might kill him if they knew that Erik longs for the love of another man, his greatest enemy might be himself.
Unfinished Business by pocky_slash. Charles life seems to be falling into place. Shaw is dead and he, Erik, Moira, and their team and young pupils are well on their way to opening their mutant school for fall enrollment. Everything would be perfect if it wasn’t for the childhood nightmares that Charles keeps accidentally projecting to the house, the odd dreams that leave him sleepwalking through corridors that haven’t been used in decades, and the children’s insistence that the house is haunted by a ghost that roams the halls at night.
(WIP) Unlocking What’s Locked by Ook. Prison AU. Why, why does Guard Xavier’s shift have to be today? Why does he have to be so kindly? Bitter mutant lifer Erik curses his timing. Sean worries. Azazel sighs. So, a prison break fic, spiralling into an on-the-run fic and who knows where we’re heading next?
Until the stars don’t shine by Shigai. Alternative rocker Erik is worldwide famous for his controversial lyrics, his revolutionary attitude and his no-bullshit policy, nicknamed 'L'Enfant Terrible’ of the rock scene. But then he meets his perfect match in Charles, a young British musician who is not impressed or intimidated by the rock star, and who little by little will turn Erik’s world upside down. After all, who says rock music and classical can’t complement each other?
Usiku by monstrousreg. Usiku means 'night’ in Swahili.
Utility Belts & Elbow Patches by captainkoirk. Erik wishes being a hit man was half as glamorous as it’s cracked up to be. Maybe then he wouldn’t be stuck crawling through a ventilation system at fuck o’ clock in the morning on a Sunday, breathing recycled air and missing the tail end of that Criminal Minds marathon. Erik makes a mental note to get a fucking TiVo. What kind of assassin doesn’t have TiVo?
Veni ad me (Come to me) by strawberrymilano. Charles summons his first demon on a lazy Saturday afternoon. He wasn’t expecting such a handsome, refined one to pop up.
A Very Xavier-Lehnsherr Christmas by zamwessell. The fluffiest holiday fluff you ever read in your dang life.
Unnatural Observation by ember. What happens when Charles decides to perform some unnatural observation, the subject being Erik!
A Walk on Part in the War by kyandui. It would be completely reasonable for this to have sent Charles over the edge. Perhaps it should have.
Walling In Or Walling Out by stlkrchck. Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
Wanton in the Air by Rosie_Rues. In which Charles rescues a gladiator from the arena and soon becomes somewhat disconcerted by this handsome new slave and his sharksome grin.
We Welcome Our New Sexbot Overlords by professor. Robot!Erik falls in love, takes over the world, and keeps Charles in a giant birdcage. And then, it gets complicated. A cracky, fluffy series, full of pop culture references, written for unforgotten’s Three Laws of Robotics prompt on the kinkmeme.
What Not To Expect When You’re Not Expecting It by thehoyden. “'I wasn’t hiding it from you. Honestly, I didn’t know for certain until yesterday, which I think we can agree was bad timing and not the sort of thing one springs before the heat of battle,’ Charles says earnestly.”
Wicked Game by Obstinatrix & seutedeern. Erik’s reputation as a defender of the weak in elementary school isn’t undeserved. He wouldn’t have expected a Xavier to fall into that category, but it seems that other people don’t see Charles the way Erik does, as a warm, lovely person who should be protected. As the years draw on, Charles and Erik become best friends, inseparable. Everything is perfect, platonically ideal, until it isn’t.
World Revolution War by ilovetakahana. After being orphaned as a child, the only things left to Erik are a memory of being alive and being loved, and a strange rose signet ring that had belonged to his mother. Eventually that ring leads him to a strange school, where students fight duels with live steel for a great but mysterious prize, and finds himself pulled not just toward the idea of something called World Revolution, but also into the orbit of a boy known as the Rose Groom.
Write This Number Down (You Can Call it Anytime) by pocky_slash. When Erik upsets his children, they have a habit of running away from home–and straight to Charles’ school for cookies and consolation. Charles doesn’t mind the visitors, but as they appear more and more frequently, he realizes that sooner or later, he and Erik are going to have to talk about what happened on the beach and what it means for their future and the future of Erik’s children.
X Marks the Spot by thehoyden. The year is 1962, and Charles Xavier is a professor of archaeology who knows how his students feel, whether he wants to or not. He spends his spare time researching a mythical artifact, but he knows better than anyone that X never, ever marks the spot.
Xmas in Connecticut by Yahtzee. In December 1944, the entire nation loves Rebecca Lawrence - “America’s Most Beloved Homemaker.” Her columns about leading the ideal life in the country help lift people’s spirits on the home front during World War II. But when her publisher asks her to host a war hero for Christmas dinner, the world is in danger of learning the truth … which is that “Rebecca Lawrence” is imaginary. Really, she’s a combination of Raven’s snappy writing and Charles’ know how in the kitchen. However, this war hero, Erik Lehnsherr, is headed to Connecticut, so Raven and Charles have no choice but to find a way to make the imaginary real - at least, just for Christmas. Charles thinks they can pull it off, at least until he opens the door to see Erik and falls in love at first sight.
The Xavier Pact by Pangea. Charles is a magician. Erik is his demon. Erik is a demon. Charles is his magician. Together they’re going to turn society upside-down.
You are Everyone by pocky_slash. In the aftermath of battle, Erik realizes that hiding his feelings just leads to regret.
you follow and i’ll lead by pocky_slash & pearl_o. When Charles discovers how frustrated and self-conscious his best friend Erik is about his ignorance about sex, he’s eager to volunteer to help teach him and practice. Charles might not have any more direct experience than Erik, but he does have a telepath’s mind full of accidentally picked-up fantasies and memories, as well as knowledge of a few dirty books - and more importantly, he’s been madly in love with Erik for years. This seems like a brilliant, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he can’t pass up. Now he just needs to manage to keep his feelings in check, and not ruin their friendship forever.
You Know My Name by dvs. Erik and Charles are spies with something in common.
Your Good Side So Worth Knowing by liketheroad. The obligatory marxist telepathic hooker AU.
Your Head Caught in a Waking Dream by addandsubtract. In which Charles is sent to a mental institution as a child and by the time Raven breaks him out, he’s irreparably damaged.
Zweiundachtzig by ameonna1. Erik is a private man, a jeweler that’s just looking for a studio to work in. But floorspace in New York is limited, so he ends up sharing a space with a beautiful mutant painter named Raven. Above them is a huge furry blue physicist, i.e. Mad scientist, and a glassblower that breaks half of what he makes when he starts laughing. Drawn into their intricacies, Erik finds himself not only with friends but something that’s starting to frighteningly resemble a family. Then enter, Charles; geneticist, lecturer, telepath, and mutant rights activist. Suddenly Erik is faced with dealing with a past he’s trying to forget and feelings he’s never had before.
DoFP Specific
Burning Up by Magnolia822. Months after the action in DoFP, Erik stops by for a visit with a request for Charles’ help. Charles knows he shouldn’t give in, but old habits die hard. What happens next is more than either of them expects.
the continuing search for hope by pocky_slash. In the half-second between life and death, between Logan sleeping and waking, Charles and Erik get a glimpse of the timeline re-writing itself for the better.
Divergence Day by manic_intent. The room that Charles is held in is simple, and underground, a concrete bunker of a place hewn into a cube, with a simple white cot for a bed. There’s a small black and white television set, plugged to the wall within hand’s reach of the bed, and an ensuite bathroom attached to the chamber. They’re somewhere in the Nevada desert, as far as Charles dimly remembers, one of Erik’s many boltholes. There’s no one else in the entire facility, and Erik’s mind is closed to Charles from the helmet. The silence is both blissful and excruciating.
A Fair Fight by sasha_b. Charles is having a bad day. Erik helps.
Frühjahrsputz by acetamide. The first thing that Erik notices is the way that the light catches the dust as it hangs in the air, thick and swirling and restrictive, coating all of the surfaces that he can see. The second thing that he notices is the smell.
The Little Things by geekygaga. Despite all Erik’s grand gestures, it’s the little things he does that really count. Or, what happened after Erik left his helmet behind at the White House.
Metal and Dust by stellapond. Charles and Erik say everything and nothing.
This Darkness by Teddy TR. Charles wants to put down the medicine that represses his powers. He plans to do it alone. His plans are ruined by a certain someone, who appears on his doorstep and refuses to leave…
To Keep Faith by Jennistar. Charles meets Old Erik. Old Erik has a request.
Unannounced, Univited by fengirl88. Charles is seriously annoyed when he looks up from his work to find Magneto floating outside his window, uninvited, at 10:00pm at night.
All the Rest is Rust and Stardust by spicedpiano and tahariel. Charles Xavier is the world’s preeminent mutant psychologist, called in to consult for the CIA when a raid on a Hellfire Club safehouse discovers a severely abused teenager, Erik Lehnsherr. Taking Erik in soon leads Charles to struggle between his conflicting responsibilities as Erik’s guardian and psychologist, and his desire to give in to the dangerous dynamic that is developing between them.
Amersham by Anna. When Charles Xavier moves to London and buys a house with his boyfriend Warren, he thinks his life is finally coming together in a way that everyone, including himself, has always expected. Erik Lehnsherr, on the other hand, is struggling to keep his life together after his recent divorce, now having to raise his three-year-old by himself. Neither is prepared to meet at work or, in fact, ever again: they have met before, now nearly ten years ago, when they conducted a passionate love affair that was over before it even began. Yet their attraction is still undeniable, and as Erik asks Charles out for a drink, Charles somehow forgets to mention that he’s already seeing someone.
Anarchy In The U.K. by Yahtzee. Charles lives in the unceasing glare of the public spotlight, yet keeps his sexual orientation a closely held secret, afraid he could lose his throne and force his deeply troubled younger sister into a role that would crush her. Erik, journalist and world traveler, has been a loner most of his life; he has little patience for closet cases. But a chance meeting brings these two opposites together and sets in motion a love affair that will challenge the British monarchy – and force them both to change forever.
Backseat 'verse by tahariel. When Erik enters the bedroom, pausing on the threshold just to look, near shivering with excitement, his new sub is waiting for him, laid out on top of the bedclothes like a present. He’s draped with a length of rich black silk, which clings to his naked body and hides nothing, accentuates everything.
Backwater by Niphrehdil. Their paths cross accidentally in New York, right before the mission goes to hell. But the true battle begins when Charles and Erik end up in freezing water, together, fighting against time and hypothermia before their time runs out.
The Better Men by turtletotem. “I do believe the two of you were in the same year as boys, were you not?” Headmaster Shaw said. “Charles is the most competent deputy any headmaster could ask for, Erik, and he’s been doing this for years…” He trailed off, as if finally noticing something odd in the way his Potions and Divination masters were staring at each other. “Of course,” Charles said quickly, his voice only a little hoarse, and stuck out his hand. “Welcome back to Hogwarts, Erik.”
Boden’s Mate by kaydeefalls. Inception x-over. Erik is an extractor, Alex is his point man. They’re assembling a team to go after the most dangerous mind in dreamsharing: Sebastian Shaw. But unless Alex and the team can keep him in check, Erik’s desire for vengeance might just rip the whole job apart around them – and then there’s the shade that haunts his dreams…
The Body In the Bedroom by telperion_15. Autumn, 1909 - Viscount Charles Xavier has invited friends and acquaintances to spend the weekend, hoping for good company and interesting conversation. But he doesn’t bank on murder being committed under his roof, nor his growing interest in the enigmatic Erik Lehnsherr. In which there is a country house party (what else?), murder most foul (of course), and almost everyone’s a suspect (naturally).
The boy with the heart on his sleeve by euphorbic. Charles loses a high-stakes bet to Raven and is required to get a tattoo. However, when he makes a disparaging remark about the art form, Raven’s acerbic mentor, Erik, steps in. Or, the one where Erik and Raven are tattoo artists.
Brief Lives by monstrousreg. Erik thinks he’s going to seduce, interrogate and murder some nondescript CIA intelligence agent, and winds up biting more than he can chew. Charles is not keen on being murdered, he doesn’t favor interrogations, and he’s certainly not willing to be seduced. That he’s not cooperating is mildly put.
Cafe Haifisch Series by LoveSupreme. Erik owns a cafe on the edge of campus and accidentally starts maybe-stalking a Biology Professor there.
The Changeling; or, Charles Xavier (a Novel by a Lady) by aesc. In 1834, the changeling Charles Xavier, friendless and dispossessed of his fortune, arrives at Ironhill Hall to tutor the two young children of the mysterious, cranky Mr. Lehnsherr. Or, the one where XMFC meets Jane Eyre meets steampunk.
Charles Xavier’s A+ Guide to Management (or, How to Completely Destroy Your Life Without Even Trying) by fro_baby. In which Charles and Erik run a newspaper, wrangle interns, outrun the feds, outwit a multinational crime lord, get royally fucked over (twice), eat prawns, argue over comma errors, dodge (and fail to dodge) airborne projectiles, make many snarky remarks, drive around in the desert, fight, make up, fight again, and slowly (but surely) fall in love.
Charlotte Francine Xavier by blind_author. Featuring always-a-girl!Charles. The events of the movie if Charles had been a woman.
The Courtship by dvswraatins. A story about a courtship that began five hundred years ago. Erik learns he is the last surviving heir to an enormous Lehnsherr fortune, hidden by his third-cousin-twice-removed before the war. To claim it he must marry a stipulated noble before his 30th birthday, only a month away. If he doesn’t claim it, the money will go to the human government, which Erik doesn’t want. Luckily he happens to have a noble on hand who fits the requirements and is a mutant… the last descendent of the House of Xavier!
The Crucible Series by ilovetakahana. In a world where people with powerful and unique abilities are condemned to be broken and beaten and treated as little more than unreliable weapons, life can be a grim prospect for a boy who can create and manipulate fire. When an unexpected rescue takes him away from the pain of his old life, Charles must not only plunge into the joys and vicissitudes of freedom, but also embark on a desperate mission to save the only family left to him.
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold by etharei. Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited. A fic in which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered.
Dark Flowers by Niphrehdil. When Charles is captured by a secret organization and used as a weapon for searching and destroying other mutants, Erik has to go after and save him. Erik keeps telling himself he does it only for the mutant kind. At least until he finds Charles.
The Daycare Verse by pocky_slash & brilligspoons. Charles runs a daycare center. Erik is in over his head.
Do You Love Me by cgf_kat. Charles and Erik have been married for 25 years, thrown together by a mandatory post-apocalyptic pairing system attempting to increase and strengthen the population. They have seven children. They have never spoken of love, but change is on the horizon.
Everyday Love in Stockholm by tahariel. Magneto is the ruler of the posthuman world. His only secret? Charles Xavier, the human he’s kept locked in his bedroom ever since his right-hand woman, Mystique, came to him pleading for mercy for her stepbrother, who accepted her mutant form and protected her as a child. The human he started fucking after Mystique was killed in battle, despite the guilt he feels at contaminating even this last promise to the woman who was integral to his life’s work and happiness.
Father Charles Series by Yahtzee. Charles grew up devoutly religious, went to seminary and took orders. And for the few years he’s been a priest, he’s been a good one. He also coordinates volunteering and assistance for several charities. Then he meets Erik, the devout Jew and Holocaust survivor who runs that other charity, who is so fiercely protective of his charges that it moves Charles’ heart – and the first time their eyes meet, Charles has to confront the greatest temptation he’ll ever know, and the church’s teachings about what love is.
Friday, I’m in Love by lachatblanche. Erik works in a bar. Charles goes to this bar every Friday to get tipsy. One day, Alex challenges Erik, claiming that he’ll not be able to get into Charles’ pants. Erik never loses a bet and doesn’t see a big problem. So, one night he seduces Charles and they have hot, glorious sex. But when Charles shows up the next day at the bar Erik is annoyed and decides to ignore him in order to make sure that Charles understands that it was just a one-night stand. Charles eventually gets the hint and leaves. The next Friday, Erik is startled when Charles doesn’t show up. And the Friday the following week he also doesn’t show up. Erik starts realising that he misses Charles presence, his humour and entertaining stories. So he tries to find Charles.
Hellfire Series by helens78 and cesare. A modern dystopia in which mutants are slaves. Erik has been searching for Shaw for close to a decade, and the trail’s led him to an exclusive club that rents enslaved and collared mutants to wealthy humans for a variety of sexual uses. Posing there, he meets one of the club’s patrons, Charles Xavier, who isn’t what the club thinks he is, either. Is Charles going to be an ally, or is he going to stand in Erik’s way?
Jail Bait by Villain. Charles is the new psychologist at a high profile correctional facility for rogue mutants, and Erik is the notorious criminal who takes a liking to him.
The Legend of Raven: Prince of Dreams by Pangea. Erik is a simple goat herder in tiny Ordon Village, content to spend his days keeping an eye on both the goats and a small pack of village children-that is, until he starts having strange, recurring dreams that no matter how hard he tries to remember he forgets as soon as he wakes. He can’t seem to shake the restless feeling that there’s something very familiar about the dreams and that he’s standing on the edge of something very big about to happen. And then one day Ordon Village is attacked by monsters straight out of nightmares and Erik’s world is turned upside down when a dark, evil power puts all of Hyrule under a sleeping spell. What starts out as a mission to save his village turns into a quest to save the entire realm, because he just may be the only one who can.
The Long Pause by spicedpiano and tahariel. A year ago, it went without saying: Charles and Erik were going to get married. That was then. Now Erik can scarcely stand to be in the same room as him, and Charles is left loving a man who may never love him back. When Erik loses his job, Charles volunteers to take him and his young son in. It means close quarters, and walking a minefield between providing for them and not being accused of charity or, worse, bribery. But maybe if Charles can keep treading that line long enough, Erik can find his way back to where they started.
Math Reasons by pearl_o and pocky_slash. “Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it,” Ruth said. Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
(WIP) Nine Eleven Ten by Subtilior. Years later, Charles would remember that day. Sometimes he would wonder if he could have changed anything; other times he would despair over what he had since become. But he would always hold the image in his mind: Raven, laughing, and his thoughts flying alongside her on strong wings, silver-gold through the winter air. Once upon a time.
Pantheon by Yahtzee. In the year 96 AD, all Rome is aware that their gods have begun to Mark certain people with their gifts – the healing power of Apollo, the metal control of Vulcan, the deathly touch of Pluto, or the mental powers of Minerva. When those gifts fall to slaves or barbarians instead of the Romans themselves, strict control is necessary. Then a gladiator from Judea meets an enslaved scribe from Britannia, and the repercussions will shake the Empire itself.
A Place to Fall by ikeracity. While being tasked to protect Charles Xavier, the annoyingly charming CEO of Xavier Pharmaceuticals, SHIELD agent Erik receives further orders to use Charles as a source of information to find and capture Professor X, the elusive leader of the renegade band of mutants called the X-Men. Of course, that’s a rather difficult proposition, given that the man he’s hunting is the same as the one he’s trying to protect. And the fact that Erik’s starting to find Charles more than a little attractive complicates everything.
The Proper Care of Actors by afrocurl, clear_liqueur, clocks and etharei. Erik is an A-list action star who is notoriously difficult to work with, until the day he gets cast alongside Charles, rom-com darling who can charm the pants off movie audiences the world over and apparently even one Erik Lehnsherr. The paparazzi catch them out and about soon enough, and their real-life Hollywood movie romance becomes instant tabloid fodder.
Ritual Self-Torture by turtletotem. Shaw is King, Charles is his royal consort and Erik is a Knight/Lord. Shaw is sterile but his kingdom can’t find out, so he asks Erik to impregnate Charles. He doesn’t know Erik and Charles are in love.
Roses & Cinnamon by turtletotem. Charles lost more than his leg in the war with Napoleon, and the man he’s just pulled out of the water has ghosts of his own – especially when Charles’s involuntary projected hallucinations prove catching.
Rumor Has It by blueink3. Nearly six months after Cuba, Charles’ life is turned upside down for the second time. Though he’s slowly learning to adapt to the first, he’s not sure he can handle the second. Luckily for him, there are a few people out there more than willing to help.
The Secret of the Knights Templar by madneto. Erik is a CIA agent who has been tracking down Shaw for the past ten years with no real end in sight. When he stumbles upon an unexpected lead that will put him one step ahead of Shaw at last, archaeology professor Charles becomes unwittingly entangled in the fray, and Erik suddenly finds himself with a brand new partner who is the only one who can truly help him on what’s become a quest to find the Holy Grail. But Charles is even more than Erik bargained for, especially after they’re forced to pretend to be a married couple as a cover while racing to find the Grail before Shaw does, and both Erik and Charles find they’ve possibly bitten off more than they can chew.
Shadowside Series by macx_larabee. It’s a dark and stormy night. Yes, really. And things only go downhill from there. An AU where Charles is not paralyzed and he and Erik are telepathically bonded.
Shifter Verse (Rat and Shark) by macx_larabee. Erik was born different. He was one of the Cursed. He was a shark, a trained killer, a weapon created by Shaw. And he was a loner – until Charles stepped into his life and followed him home. Erik had no idea who and what Charles really was, aside from annoying and irritating and so adorable. But he is about to find out.
The Sonnet Series by nekosmuse. Erik is a visiting professor at Columbia University, as well as an acclaimed and award winning poet. Charles is a lead researcher with the Genetics Department who is well on his way to tenure. But what happens when Charles has to cancel a class because half his students abandon him in favour of a mysterious new English Lit professor? Naturally he ends up sitting in on the class, where Professor Lehnsherr mistakes him for a student. It’s really too bad Erik has such a strict policy against dating students. It’s also too bad Erik doesn’t seem to know how to use Google.
(WIP) Space Oddity Series by Pangea and monstrousreg. Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they’ve been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It’s alright, though, he’ll cope. It doesn’t help, though, that he’s in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
The stars incline us, they do not bind us by Pangea and ikeracity. Intergalactic Federation pilot Lieutenant Charles Xavier is assigned last-minute to a high profile mission: transporting over two thousand prison inmates from an old and overfilled prison complex to a newer, higher-capacity prison stronghold located on the outer reaches of the galaxy. Just as he’s settling down for a long and uneventful ride, things take a turn for the worse after the inmates riot and stage a hostile takeover of the ship, leaving Charles to find himself at the complete mercy of cold-blooded killers and facing the chilling prospect that he might not ever make it back home alive.
Strict Machine by euphorbic. When Professor Xavier accepted a visiting professor position in Arizona, he did so in order to be geographically closer to his sister. What he did not expect to find was the living, breathing specter of the sportbike gang-oriented past he’d been trying to put to rest.
Supernatural and the Scientist by cara_dee. Charles is a upcoming geneticist and wildlife biologist who’s next big thesis reveals a little to much about the hidden werewolf community. Erik is supposed to figure out who is feeding Xavier the information and put an end to it. However, things are not what they appear.
Sweet Torture by butterynutjob. Charles has always fantasized about bondage and being a submissive. When he sees an ad for “Professional Dom, Master Erik” he can’t resist making an appointment. It’s too bad Erik does not allow himself to date his clients…
(WIP) A Terrifically Bad Idea by excepttemptation. Charles has been the personal Pet of high-profile businessman Sebastian Shaw, whose impending marriage to Emma Frost comes with certain conditions– namely, that he ditch the Pet. At Azazel’s suggestion, Erik purchases Charles’s contract in an attempt to glean information about Shaw’s not-quite-legal banking practices. Azazel is surprisingly unconcerned when that doesn’t quite play out how they expect it to.
Tessellation by nekosmuse. He had been following Xavier’s career for years. He had read and reread and reread again everything the man had written. He had tried, on more occasions than he could count, to recruit Xavier into the Brotherhood, but each request for a meeting had been denied. Aside from his work, no one knew anything about Xavier. Not what he looked like, not the full extent of his power–though from what little they did know, he was by far the most powerful telepath in existence–and not what his intentions were. The man was a recluse. As far as Magneto knew, Xavier had never once stepped foot outside his impenetrable Westchester manor. And now he was scheduled as the keynote speaker for the largest pro-mutant conference in the world.
This Harbour (that we call home) by nekosmuse. It’s hard not to get swept away by Charles’ enthusiasm. The idea of finding others like him–of belonging–is seductive, but it is the thought of spending his life at this man’s side that decides it. Crane or man, Erik cannot help but fall into Charles’ orbit. An alternate meeting loosely based on the Japanese folktale, The Crane Wife.
(WIP)Through the Barricades Series by starandrea. Erik and Charles learned to live without each other once. It’s harder the second time–so before they even discuss it, they’ve decided not to try. (Erik accidentally moves into the mansion without anyone by Charles noticing for days. He may be the first to return, but he won’t be the last.)
To Rattle the Stars by Pangea. All his life Charles has chafed at the bonds of gravity that hold him bound to tiny and backwater Montressor, more at home in the sky on his solar surfer than on the ground, where he’s stuck working at his stepfather’s inn. His heart and soul yearn for the stars, and it’s his dream to one day be a spacer and sail across the cosmos on adventure. The opportunity comes sooner than he ever imagined one night when a ship crash-lands on the inn’s front doorstep, carrying a dying pirate with a mysterious map and a dire warning: beware the cyborg.
Tough little baby telepath series by pearl_o and aesc. Teenage telepath Charles takes a job as a consultant, working with prickly police detective Lehnsherr. Charles is used to being on his own and taking care of himself; he has no reason to think that his relationship with this stern, icy man is going to change any of that.
Tuesday Plays the Piper by Sperare. In a world where the population is barely holding steady, those of either gender who are capable of bearing children are considered a prized commodity. In all places beyond Westchester, their rights are few–and, with Erik Lehnsherr poised to tear down the gates of the city, even that last haven is on the brink of destruction. But, for Charles Xavier, the consequences of conquest may prove to be more personal than political. No one quite knows why Erik Lehnsherr is so set on capturing his old friend and partner in the war against Shaw: Charles Xavier is no bearer, and he’s disinclined to aid Erik in firmly establishing mutant supremacy once and for all. Charles, however, is all too aware of Erik’s reasons. Erik knows things about him that no one else does–things which, if brought to light, would would mean surrendering far more than just a kingdom. Not a conventional happily ever after ending on this one, but for this story it is as good as it gets and I’m still reccing it.
The Wasteland by nekosmuse. The White Queen and her Shadow King sit on their throne, safe behind the psionic shields of the Walled City. The armies of Genosha batter uselessly at the gates, a war locked in stalemate. Magneto, camped in the frozen mud, receives word the Citadel intends to send a telepath to the front lines. The same telepath he met two years ago, who sat across a carved wooden chess set and offered Magneto the first friendly smile in a lifetime. The same telepath who still haunts his dreams.
We Met At The Park by starrose17. Unable to sleep one night, Erik takes a midnight walk in the local park. He finds himself being followed and propositioned by a rent boy named Charles, and begins to fall rather rapidly for his charms. Charles however has never known what love is, and doesn’t recognize it even when it’s staring at him in the face. As for Erik, he doesn’t realize a creeping illness is slowly affecting Charles, and his dark past is something he couldn’t have imagined.
What Can We Do Without You? by swoopswoop. Charles and the boys were holding onto a secret more dear to them than their own lives when Charles disappears into the night; Erik is betrayed and finds himself returning to Westchester in the hopes that the government was just trying to trick him. All the while the boys are stuck in the middle, left guarding the secret from the man they are most afraid of finding out who is weaseling his way back into their lives alarmingly easily.
What We All Long For by Nos4a2no9. Charles was heir to a vast fortune before his stepfather stole his birthright, his dignity, and his freedom. Forced to serve as Kurt’s informant and as a sexual plaything for the wealthy men of Europe’s upper crust, Charles yearns for nothing more than a quiet life free from shame and abuse. The death of his stepfather seems to offer a way out, but Charles is once again forced to serve the Markos when his stepbrother offers him up as collateral in a game of chance. Suddenly Charles becomes the property of Erik, a mysterious gambler with a thirst for revenge. When love between the two men begins to blossom, Charles finally discovers what is at the heart of Erik’s tragic story, and why he is set upon a devastating course of revenge that will endanger Erik, Charles, and everything they have longed for.
When we learn to Love and Hate by fireflydown. Charles, a novice working for Lehnsherr Enterprises, meets the homophobic boss from hell, Erik. They hated each other but tolerated one another for the job at hand. Little did they know that being together all the time will change their lives forever and bring them closer to one another in a way they never thought possible…
White Nights by tahariel & spicedpiano. Duke Erik Lehnsherr of Ironhold needs an omega to carry on his line, and Earl Charles Xavier of Salem needs an alpha to give him the political leverage he needs in order to make his sister Queen. An arranged marriage brings them together, but Erik’s lust for war and Charles’ hidden agenda threaten to tear them apart. In the frozen Northlands of Ironhold life is hard and cold, and both Charles and Erik must give up their pretense and see each other as they really are: perfect for each other, if only they’ll acknowledge it.
XXX-men by butterynutjob. Set in Los Angeles in 2002, Charles and Erik are porn stars in a universe where the Registration Act has forced many mutants to do less-than-savory things to survive in a society where discrimination against mutants is rampant. Adult films are one of the few industries where mutants can legally make some decent money, and Charles was doing fine at it until he met fellow porn star and mutant Erik and realized that he was not as okay with his life as he had thought.
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loveallthing · 1 day
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“Fuck me if I’m wrong but–”
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loveallthing · 1 day
Cherik Fic Recs!
army au
arranged marriage au
bodyguard au
canon divergence au
college au
historical au
mansion fic au
mob au
modern au
professor au
royalty au
soulmate au
space au
spy au
first class
days of future past
dark phoenix/genosha
during first class
Word count
1,000 — 10,000 words
10,000 — 35,000 words
35,000 — 50,000 words
50,000 — 100,000 words
100,000 words+
teen and up audiences
not rated
established relationship
protective erik
mutual pining
angst with a happy ending
friends to lovers
exes to lovers
enemies to lovers
marriage proposal
Other tags
private work
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loveallthing · 1 day
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Had so many problems doing this drawing
I messed up the layers so I couldn’t render it but anyway 😭
Redraw of this panel :]
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loveallthing · 1 day
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cherik high school AU
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