I Send You Love on a Star
27 posts
An Indie Multi-Fandom Original Character RP Blog | Please read the Rules first! |
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
You will meet many types of people in your life. You will meet delicate flowers, raging oceans, quiet forests, towering mountains, and colourful skies. You will meet thunderstorms, you will meet lightning. They will knock you down, they will leave you breathless. You will meet sunrises, you will meet gardens. They will give you light, they will take you on adventures. Explore them. Get lost with them. They all have something to teach you. 
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
I am ENTHUSIASTICALLY wanting to write with you but I am SLOW. 
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
💭 please reblog if you’re okay with turning meme answers into threads !
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house  ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲   Roleplayers’ individual headcanons and potrayals of their muses ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Guilt-tripping RP Partners - Don’t Do It
Things we’ve all heard before. Don’t be this person.
“You hate me.”
This isn’t okay. This is honestly one of the most manipulative, guilt-trippy things out there. It doesn’t matter what the context is. Don’t do it.
“But they’re rping with with other people instead.”
So? Don’t be possessive of your RP partners. They can RP with others and so can you. They aren’t an object. They are a person and they can choose to RP with anyone they wish to. It’s not a reflection of their feelings about you. It’s just them having fun.
“But they aren’t talking to me anymore either. They dumped me for someone else.”
If this is really true then you have a right to be upset but you still don’t have a right to guilt-trip the person. For a few reasons:
1. It’s still their choice who they RP with. People move on sometimes. Perhaps the RP with you wasn’t what they wanted and they found what they want elsewhere. Maybe things between your muses just wasn’t clicking how they wanted. Maybe things weren’t clicking on an OOC level. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. It’s their RP, their muse, their time to spend how they want.
2. Guilt-tripping is not the way to ever get them to RP with you again. Obviously, they moved one for some reason. Maybe it was personal and maybe not. but being this way won’t help matters. All you’ve done is reinforce to them that they made the right call.
3. While you may feel the need to let the person know that they hurt your feelings, this isn’t the way to express that. Most of the time, it’s better to simply let these things go. They’ve moved on, so should you. 
But in the case you wish to express to someone that they hurt your feelings for moving on from you, the better thing to say would be along these lines:
“I’m disappointed that we don’t RP together anymore. I miss it. If you ever want to pick it back up again, please let me know.”
Please reblog this!
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Send me 🔪 to put a knife to my muse’s throat and see how they react.
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Send me “(ᴗ˳ᴗ)“ for my muse to suddenly fall asleep on yours while sitting together!
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Cuddle with my Muse!
🥄Big! - Be the big spoon!
🥄Little! - Be the little spoon!
🍬 - Put an arm around them!
🍒 - Give them a cuddle hug!
🍵 - Pull them to your chest!
🌑 - Lean on them!
🛩 - Fall asleep on them on public transportation!
🎊 - Crawl into their arms!
🍜 - Snuggle into their shoulder!
💋 - Hug them from behind and nuzzle  their neck!
👒 - Hold their arm!
🦉 - Ride on their back!
🐚 - Other! (Specify)
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Send 💋+ a number to kiss my Muse!
On the nose.
On the cheek.
On the forehead.
On the hand.
On the neck.
On the nape of the neck.
On the shoulder.
On the chest.
On the stomach.
On the knee.
On the ankle.
On the ear.
On the jawline.
On the collarbone.
On the lips.
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
My muse hasn't slept for days. Send 🛏 for your muse to drag mine to bed
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Helping My Injured Muse Sentence Starters
"Oh, God, you're bleeding. You're bleeding a lot."
"Stop squirming, I'm trying to help."
"Hang on, I got you."
"Just lean on me, I'll help you walk."
"We should get that looked at."
"Don't tilt your head back, you'll make your nosebleed worse!"
"Just sit up and breathe, ok?"
"Eh, you'll be fine. I think. Maybe."
"What ever you do, don't go to sleep. Stay awake."
"Oooooo. That looks painful."
"Oh, thank God! Don't scare me like that!"
"How the hell did you do this to yourself?"
"Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?"
"You stopped breathing."
"Oh look, it's alive."
"Take deep breaths, you'll be fine."
"Arms shouldn't move like that..."
"What happened to your leg?!"
"Yep, that's broken alright. How'd you manage that?"
"Here's some ice."
"You're welcome, by the way."
"Do you need an ice pack for that shiner?"
"Yeesh, you look like shit."
"Wait, you were mugged?!"
"Is that a stab/gunshot wound?"
"Ok, ew. I'm not cleaning that up."
"Easy, easy! Just lay down, you hit your head."
"You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn't be moving arou d too much if I were you."
"We thought you were dead!"
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?"
"Can you walk on your own?"
"You're getting blood on my clothes!"
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Harry Potter Spell Themed Asks
Accio : If you could summon anything in the world right now what would it be?
Aguamenti: Do you like water?
Alohomora: Can you and have you, ever picked a lock?
Anapneo: Are you CPR certified?
Aparecium: On of a scale of Mr. Bean to 007 how much of a spy are you?
Avada Kedavra: If you could kill one single person, who would it be?
Avis: What’s your favorite kind of bird?
Brachiabindo: Have you ever been tied up before? What was the circumstance?
Capacious Extremis: If you could make one object bigger on the inside, what would the object be?
Cave Inimicum: You’ve got to fortify your room from zombies with only objects you have readily available. What do you use?
Colloportus: Have you ever locked yourself out of your own house before? If so, what did you do?
Confringo: Have you ever accidentally set fire to something?
Confundo : What confuses you most about the world?
Crucio: What’s the worst pain you’ve ever been in?
Deletrius: What’s the last thing that you did besides this?
Densaugeo: What’s the most extensive thing you’ve been to the dentist for?
Deprimo: Have you ever been knocked over by the wind before?
Descendo: What’s been a low point in your life?
Diffindo: When was the last time you ripped and article of clothing?
Engorgio: What’s the worst case of swelling you’ve ever experience?
Episkey: If you could heal anyone in the world right now, who would it be?
Expecto Patronum: What’s your happiest memory?
Expelliarmus: Have you ever had to disarm someone? If so, why?
Expulso: Have you ever made something explode? Explain how and why?
Ferula: Have you ever had to wear a brace? What happened?
Flagrate: If you could write one thing in the sky, what would it be?
Flipendo: Have you ever fallen down stairs before?
Fulgari: If you could be bond to one person, who would it be?
Furnunculus: How bad was your acne as a teenage?
Geminio: If you could have a single copy of something, anything, what would it be?
Glisseo: Water slide or playground slide?
Impedimenta: You can stop one person from coming near you, ever, like a permanent, unbreakable restraining order, who is it?
Imperio: You can have one person be your slave for a day without repercussion, who?
Impervius : In the middle of a storm would you rather have waterproof shoes, or a waterproof coat?
Incarcerous: Have you ever tied someone up?
Incendio: Do you like candles? If so, what’s your favorite smell?
Langlock: You can stop one person in the world from speaking. Who is it?
Legilimens: If you had the power to read minds for a day, would you use it?
Locomotor: You can chose one object to follow you around, what is it?
Lumos: Candle, Flashlight, Sunlight, Moonlight, or Bioluminescence? 
Meteolojinx Recanto: What’s your favorite type of weather?
Mobiliarbus: What’s your dream garden?
Molliare: Have you ever made a surprisingly soft landing when you were sure you’d break something? What happened?
Morsmordre: What would your signal in the sky be to mark your presence?
Muffliato: Have you ever eavesdropped on a conversation? What was it about?
Nox: Were you/are you, afraid of the dark?
Obliviate: What’s something you wish you could forget?
Obscuro: What’s a kink that you have? What about it excites you?
Oppugno: You’re about to be in a fight! The object directly to your left is what you have as a weapon! What is it and how would you use it?
Orchideous: What’s your favorite flower?
Pack: When’s the last time you did some packing?
Petrificus Totalus: Have you ever been/felt paralyzed?
Piertotum Locomotor: You can make one  object in your current room come to life, what is it?
Point Me: How easily do you get lost?
Portus: What object would you turn into a portkey and where would it take you?
Protego: You can protect one person from harm. Who?
Quietus: When was the last time you yelled at someone?
Reducio: What’s something you’d like to make bigger?
Reducto: You’ve got one chance to explode something without an consequences. What is it?
Rennervate: Have you ever passed out/fainted before? What happened?
Reparo: What’s one thing you’d like to fix?
Rictusempra: Where’s the most effective place to tickle you?
Riddikulus: What’s your greatest fear? Do you think you’ll be able to overcome it?
Scourgify: What’s something that you should clean up?
Sectumsempra: Have you ever hurt someone? What happened?
Serpensortia: Do you like snakes?
Silencio: How much “quiet time” on average, do you need in a day?
Sonorus: If you had a message you could say to the whole world. What would it be?
Specialis Revelio: If you could have a magical property, what would it be?
Stupefy: Do you think you’d be able to knock someone out?
Tarantallegra: What’s your favorite kind of dance?
Wingardium Leviosa: If you had the power of telekinesis, what would you do with it?
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
‘ something’s terribly sick in my head ’ ‘ these are my darkest thoughts , the bad things lurking in the closet ’ ‘ is this how i tear the monsters from my body ? ’ ‘ i want everything to stop ’ ‘ fuck your immaculate existence ’ ‘ today i want my heart to tremble ’ ‘ i want my teeth to shatter bone ’ ‘ today i want killing to mean living ’ ‘ nothing you do can hurt me but you better try ’ ‘ you can’t live without burning your comfort and safety as firewood ’ ‘ maybe the ghosts learned how to build stairs into the mountainside ’ ‘ believe me when i say there is no pride in this ’ ‘ i want to be one of those city sprites among termites ’ ‘ cleanse this body through tears and emesis ’ ‘ circumvention was futile , damnable ’ ‘ we’re all burning ’ ‘ we learn to laugh in the midst of the inferno ’ ‘ i realize now that i am the one out of place ’ ‘ i want to destroy all the parts that aren’t working ’ ‘ i never knew i had the capacity for cruelty ’ ‘ i condemn myself to failure without batting an eyelash ’ ‘ choosing to protect ourselves is not failure ’ ‘ nothing is working ’ ‘ at some point i stopped , i sank ’ ‘ breathing seems so difficult now ’ ‘ living was easy as breathing once upon a time ’ ‘ i don’t think it’s living , but it’s not hurting either ’  ‘ my body is a room made of glass walls and wooden floors ’ ‘ today , i ache for somewhere to hide ’ ‘ how do i turn the light on in my eyes ? ’ ‘ please , no one look at me today ’ ‘ i mused over all the times i had prayed to a god i do not believe in ’ ‘ the gods died laughing ’ ‘ you must learn fear ’ ‘ let’s not be enemies tonight ’ ‘ hold my hand while our greatest tragedies are lost and forgotten ’ ‘ you are only a murderer if someone cares ’ ‘ dreaming is so painful and i wish i would stop ’ ‘ i can still love you with my eyes closed ’ ‘ i’m not sure why you’re acting surprised ’ ‘ let me pretend that i’m made of magic ’ ‘ i am a creature of contradictions ’ ‘ remember your strength , unchanging and eternal ’ 
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
“Fuck” Sentence Starters
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Fuck this.”
“Get the fuck out of here.”
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Fuck that!”
“I fucking hate him/her/them/you.”
“Shut the fuck up.“
“Get your fucking act together.”
“Keep your shitty nose out of my fucking business.”
“Leave me alone, or I’ll fuck you up.”
“Get your fucking hands off of me!”
“Stay the fuck away from me.”
“Who stole my fucking shit?!”
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
“You wanna fucking go, punk?”
“Get the fuck over it.”
“Where the fuck have you been?”
“What the fuck do you want from me?”
“Fuck life.” 
“No, I’m not fucking over it.”
“Why the fuck did he/she/they have to go and die?”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”
“Why did things have to go so fucking wrong?”
“I’m gonna eat fifty fucking cartons of ice cream and then pass out and die like a warrior.”
“Try to fucking stop me from leaving my room. It’s not gonna happen.”
“The love of my life just decided that I was worth fucking nothing.”
“I fucking miss him/her/them.”
“Who the fuck cares?”
“All of this fucking shit was for nothing.”
“I fucked up my own life.”
“I can’t believe I did this fucking shit all over again.”
“Fuck you!”
“I fucked your mom last night.” 
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“You just think you’re fucking hilarious, don’t you?” 
“Who the fuck died and made you king/queen/ruler?” 
“Go to fucking hell, you piece of shit!”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Wow, that’s fucking small.”
“Get the fuck over yourself.”
“Fuck me.”
“I don’t ‘make love’, I fuck.”
“I’d fuck you all night long.”
“You look like a fucking dog in heat.”
“You look so fucking hot right now.”
“FUCK, I’m gonna come!”
“I’ll fuck you right here, right now.”
“Babe, fuck–not here.”
“You’re one cocky motherfucker. Let’s go back to my place.”
“I want to bend you over and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“I want you to fuck me until I can’t walk.”
“I’d let you fuck me any day.”
“You better use a fucking condom.”
“Tell me what you want me to fucking do to you.”
“Do you want me to fuck you while everyone’s watching?”
“Fuck, it’s big.”
“Let’s make a fucking baby.”
“Give me a break. I’m in the fucking hospital.”
“How are YOU mad at ME when I’m the one who’s in FUCKING JAIL?”
“Help me set this fucking thing on fire.”
“I’m gonna need a fucking lawyer.”
“This is all YOUR fault, you dumb fuck.”
“It’s not MY fault we’re in fucking handcuffs.”
“Fuck, I’m so wasted.”
“What the fuck did we do last night?”
“Where the fuck am I?”
“Fuck. SHIT. There goes my car.”
“Wait–fuck. Isn’t that my house?”
“Fuck it. Might as well have fun, if we’re going to get caught.”
“Why the fuck do you have gasoline?”
“Where the fuck did that baby come from?!”
“It’s not a party until someone almost fucking dies.”
“FUCK, you scared the shit out of me!”
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Send “STOP PRETENDING TO BE OK!” for my muse’s reaction to yours yelling this at them
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
* interview the writer
send a number. a mix of serious and fun.
what color do you associate with your muse?
is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
do you have any advice for other writers?
would you hug your muse?
how are you and your muse alike?
how are you and your muse different?
do you follow canon, or dump it in the trash?
best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
talk about your writing
fluff or angst?
favorite book?
how are you?
ghosts or monsters?
what does your name mean?
ice cream, candy, pie or cookies?
what motivates you?
are you a jedi master? 
describe love
favorite cryptid(s)?
do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
mcdonald’s or burger king?
anything spooky happen this week?
share a funny story 
are you religious?
what are you doing right now?
describe yourself in two words
metal, folk, pop or ambient?
list your top two movies
most used emoji?
favorite comic book character?
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love-on-a-star · 7 years ago
Reblog this you’re okay with late replies.
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