Lost & Found
534 posts
Indie, Fandomless, RP Blog Current muses are: Felix the bitchy asshole fae spy, and, Casimir the shapeshifting thief and conman 18+ - Occasional NSFW - All characters welcome - Mun: El - He/Him
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lostcndfound · 16 minutes ago
That wasn't the reaction Felix had expected. He'd been looking for teasing, for rolled eyes or a laugh at his demands. Anything but confusion and a quick exit. It was all just a game, some silly escalation of a throwaway line, something Felix did well, and rarely with results like that.
"Hey, slow down a second, what's the problem here?" He dropped the attitude and watched in bewilderment as Robin backed away. Felix stepped forward and held out a hand. "Robin?" He wasn't going to chase him down, letting him scamper away if needed, but it didn't make it less confusing.
Robin loked at Felix with a panicked look. "But cake is better than dinner. And can be more expensive. I was going to get you really good cake. Then make you specific cocktails that would be really fun. With little umbrellas and fun colours." He said quietly. To him that was the best offer he could possibly give someone but that didn't seem to be pleasing Felix.
"all the candles, a bubble bath and kisses." Robin bit his lip a little as he realised he'd offended Felix. "I umm...I...gotta go....do some um....magic things....ummm finish your workout." he said nervously before slowly backing up towards the door. He was going to get all the things for Felix and make it up to him. "I'll be back....umm...soon."
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lostcndfound · 7 hours ago
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Jason Sudeikis in South of Heaven, 2021.
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lostcndfound · 8 hours ago
30 Questions about your muse and their relationships...
A set of questions for your favorite pairing, from a little more of an analytical perspective. Adjust wording as desired.
Can be answered IC or OOC!
What does your muse think of love? Of romance?
How does your muse fall in love?
How does your muse fall out of love?
Is your muse ready and equipped for a relationship?
Is your muse aware of their needs in a relationship?
How vulnerable is your muse ready to be with their partner/s? Is there anything they're hesitant to share?
Which of their needs is your muse willing/ able to voice in their relationships? Which needs do they struggle ( or even refuse ) to articulate?
In what ways is your muse prone to sabotaging their relationships? Do they do these things consciously?
What does your muse want in their relationships that others might be hard-pressed to give?
What drew your muse and their partner/s together?
What keeps your muse and their partner/s together?
What would break your muse and their partner/s apart?
What does your muse want, or expect, out of a relationship?
What does your muse want, or expect, out of their partner/s, specifically?
What does your muse think they're getting from their relationship?
What does your muse bring to their relationship?
How has your muse's experience in their relationship differed from their expectations/previous relationships?
How often do your muse and their partner/s see each other?
How much space/alone time does your muse need from a partner?
What are your muse and their partner/s like on a good day?
What does your muse do when their partner has a bad day?
how physically intimate is your muse with their partner/s?
how emotionally intimate is your muse with their partner/s?
How well do your muse and their partner/s communicate?
How open are your muse and their partner/s about their relationship?
How does your muse talk to other people about their partner/s?
What would your muse be willing to change for their partner?
Would your muse ask/expect their partner to change anything for them? (If so, what?)
Would your muse stay in a relationship if the person didn't like their friends/family/lifestyle etc?
How does your muse behave toward their partner/s during a fight?
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lostcndfound · 8 hours ago
why is it the first thing i've been able to write fanfictionwise, that felt in character, in so many years, involved the phrase 'you still salutin, spaceman?' about having a hard on??
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lostcndfound · 9 hours ago
keeping wild animals as pets is bad. except me. let me into your house
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lostcndfound · 10 hours ago
Send a muse + an ending
GOOD END- The ideal end to my muse’s story where everything is resolved and they can live a good life.
BAD END- The bad guys win. Everything that can go wrong for my muse had gone wrong.
TRUE END- Bittersweet ending. Some things go right, other things go wrong. Some sacrifices have to be made, but most people are happy in the end.
EVERYONE LIVES- No one has to die in my muse’s story, be it for Better or for worse.
WE ALL FALL DOWN- No one is safe in the end of my muse’s story. Everyone important to the story has perished. This can include your muse or not.
WENT DOWN IN HISTORY- Your muse’s story is passed down through the ages, sometimes being stretched or exaggerated in places until it becomes a legend told in storybooks and campfires as poems, tall tales, etc.
SECRET END- Crack. Come up with the silliest end to your muse’s story as possible.
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lostcndfound · 10 hours ago
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Agent Desmond, do you think we should question him?
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lostcndfound · 10 hours ago
it means i want to be here, i really do 
it means that i have, whether i like it or not, more important things to do than roleplay at the moment
it means that replies are going to sit for a moment
that i care any less
that i don’t want to talk / plot with you
that you aren’t allowed to IM me or ask for my disco
Sometimes Tumblr has to take a back burner, and that’s fine! Roleplay will still be here when we get back. So take that day to yourself. Don’t worry about drafts. Don’t worry about how “slow” you are being. Everything is okay!
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lostcndfound · 11 hours ago
i am not the bigger person. die immediately
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lostcndfound · 12 hours ago
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 25
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I want to liberate your truest self: the beast that prowls around your heart."
"A wise man would walk away from this house and make a concerted effort to forget everything that occurred last night."
"We had an arrangement. You don't come here."
"Don't play games. I'm not in the mood."
"I'm not so easy to kill."
"I really want to apologise for, you know, the massive crime I've committed."
"The thing is, what you're asking, it isn't easy - and it sure isn't free."
"Are you worried I'm going to shoot him or something?"
"The next time you come in here without my permission, you and me are going to have a problem."
"Listen, I have just left a very enjoyable evening with some old friends to come and murder a hired contract killer for you, so let's tone down the judgement a tad, shall we?"
"I think if you wanted to kill me, you'd have done it already."
"Everyone has their weaknesses. Don't mind me as I find yours."
"You should know that I've had eyes on you recently, so I know everything."
"I've always been preternaturally inclined to violence. I was exposed to it from an early age."
"What were you trying to prove by doing this? Just showing me that you're good at sneaking into places you're not wanted? I already knew that!"
"I've tasted success, and it's a meal I now wish to devour."
"Holy christ, you're a morbid fuck!"
"I'll be sure to call next time I need someone threatened."
"You have no sense of the terrors I will bring onto you."
"You don't even know what you're dealing with, do you?"
"Some of us get harder as we get older, and some of us get soft."
"Who the hell are you to order me around?"
"You're not going to survive coming after me."
"People like you and me, we don't get to ride off into the sunset - but we get to stay around and watch the stars come out, and that's not nothing, I suppose."
"We don't have to trust each other, we don't even have to like each other, but we have to work together on this."
"You should be more afraid of me."
"Death excites you, doesn't it?"
"Do you have to enjoy my discomfort quite so much?"
"Because I murder with will and not like a blind animal, you think me a monster. Yet, how many corpse have you left in your wake?"
"If you want my help, you'll do as I ask."
"Do not fool yourself; you cannot lie to me."
"You're a very suspicious person."
"Do you still have that rocket launcher?"
"Do you carry a knife everywhere now?"
"You offer me a normal life. Why do you think I want that anymore?"
"Why are you consulting with that traitor?"
"That's really not the legal loophole you think it is."
"I just realised what you're most afraid of."
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lostcndfound · 12 hours ago
I think the biggest downside to having animal ears and a tail would be trying to mask your discomfort in public like imagine trying to play it cool in customer service but your tail keeps bristling
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lostcndfound · 14 hours ago
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lostcndfound · 14 hours ago
sticky situations meme send a symbol for your muse to catch mine:
🍺 with alcohol on their breath
✊ fighting someone
🏚️ vandalizing something
🚬 smoking
👖wearing blood - soaked clothes
👮🏻 talking to a cop
��� stealing
🌚 coming home late
🔫 with a gun
🗡️with a knife
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lostcndfound · 14 hours ago
this entire time I've only gotten four out of eight drafts done
at this speed I might finish... eventually! xD
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lostcndfound · 15 hours ago
okay but a thread where someone needs a plus one to some big formal event, and they're out of options so have to turn to Archie of all fuckers.
Either bet him he can't behave, or just outright pay him to behave for one damn night. Just one night. Please don't start any fires and shower within a few days of the event. That sort of thing.
Only it gets there and he's Way Too Good at acting like he belongs. He's making small talk about lakehouses, saying he works for a corporate law firm in Boston, he hasn't chugged down a beer, thrown a bottle or burped the entire time.
And this is either GREAT, this is such a better version of Archie, or AWFUL cause who the fuck is this???? And he'd be so pissed off if later his friend made some comment about how much better he was. Big potential fall out. Very rom com. Very stupid.
Bonus points if it's someone who has been trying to domesticate his ass for ages, and realizes how he was perfectly capable of behaving the entire time but makes the choice not to.
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lostcndfound · 15 hours ago
realized that the muse with the most formal academic education is Archie
the hick werewolf
Private schools his entire life, then two years of history and philosophy at fucking yale with the intent to go into law school, before he went off the grid as a wolfo
meanwhile Kaz stopped caring before he was even a teenager, and dropped out of high school the second he turned 18.
Felix's education isn't exactly standardized and was more behavioral training than an actual education.
Snuff was taught by private tutors, but they didn't focus on things outside of the fae realm. He doesn't know human shit. He likes repairing machines because it's necromancy for electronics, not because he likes engineering or mechanics.
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lostcndfound · 21 hours ago
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