So we went on
We dated. September 14, 2016 , that was the day we decided to try and make things work. So much sex. So many late nights with takeout and silly movies. I fell in love. Everything from the moments you were staring into space with a crinkle between your brows because you were in deep thought to the smiles you would hide when I took your photo. And there were so many photos.
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I really didn’t mean to keep hanging on, I think I just forgot how to let go.
@toastedmushroom  (via wnq-writers)
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It started as friends
Just joking around. Trips to places I'd never been. Talks about our futures and our pasts. but we grew, closer just a little too fast. You told me over and over how you weren't ready and that what I thought we were never would be. That's the start of where you broke my heart.
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To begin with
I knew you weren't ready. All the tragedy and chaos of your life had left you a shell. Too busy to find the one for you. Too tired of your life to find happiness. When we met I thought I felt the same. But I pushed. I fell too hard too quickly and now we're left with this. It seemed as if in an instant you knew I wasn't the one to help you out of all of this.
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The feeling before the story.
I'm in love with you. Of all the people in the world I've chosen you. I can push back all the loneliness when you're near. But when you're gone it all comes creeping back inside. I can't hold it in, at least not forever. So here I sit waiting for you to return though I know you do not feel this way. Am I holding onto you when I must let go.
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