daddy's (not so) little girl
218 posts
loren, ren, lv. call me what you want, but don't call me baby.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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Priscilla Quintana via @eilienmaalouf’s Instagram 12.01.20
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
My reasons for doing things:
1. Spite 2. The Aesthetic
That’s it.
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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PRISCILLA QUINTANA via Instagram story
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
@loren-velazquez @zeldareese​
“I never thought I’d say that I expected better of you, but you have truly surpassed even the worst of what I thought you could be.” The tone of Helena’s voice was shrill, angry in an almost childish way - as if she were ready to stomp her foot and throw an all out tantrum. “To be your terrible selves is bad enough but to fuck things up to the extent that my mother and father are forced to not come and see their daughter? I cannot believe you. Either of you.”
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Loren looked up at Helena’s words, an expression of disbelief crossing over her face. Her younger cousin seemed on the verge of an all out tantrum, which was a level of immaturity that Loren thought even Helena was past. “What are you even going on about, Helena?” Loren said, glancing over to Zelda with annoyance clear on her face before turning back to practically glare at Helena. If she wanted to throw around accusations and get into another fight, Loren could play. “If your parents wanted to see you, they could’ve come. Zelda and I have nothing to do with that,” she continued, her tone rather snippy as she spoke. Granted, all three of them had participated in the fight that had caused their parents being angry at them, but Loren’s father was there, wasn’t he? Helena’s parents not coming was a personal issue. “After all, my father is here. Doesn’t seem like I’m at fault at all.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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“Oh, probably not. My appa was the worst with it, but I’d let him get away with it, if he was here now, so I guess I should let my umma slide, too.” And honestly, she was merely grateful to see that her mother was being more talkative than she typically was at these things. It had once been a miracle to get her out of the house, and now she was flying to another country. “Definitely. And I mean, it’s obviously only so they can impress our parents and make them think they feed us like this all the time, but I’m fine with that, if it means I get to enjoy it while it lasts. I’m sure it will. It’s difficult to be in a bad mood when good food is put in front of you.” 
“Sometimes it’s just easier to let it slide. Otherwise it just causes a fight,” Loren sighed. Speaking from experience, of course. And very hypocritically, at that, considering Loren was pretty sure her entire family was still in a fight with each other. But her father had showed, and she had to count that for something. “I’m planning to let him do all his talking while I’m not present though - if I don’t hear him being embarrassing, it doesn’t count, right?” she added, letting out a small laugh after the words. “Honestly! I’m hoping there are enough leftovers that it’ll roll into the rest of the week once our parents leave. Otherwise I’ll have to start eating off campus again, which...just isn’t as convenient.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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haddie had unintentionally done something so stupid, and now she was sitting outside, trying to sober her mind, hearing what she thought were footsteps, “don’t tell my mom” she begins before bursting into a small fit of giggles to which she covers her mouth, “i’m so high right now” she confesses, the last time she agrees to eat special holiday brownies.  @luxorstarters​
“Oh, Haddie,” Loren said sympathetically, clucking her tongue against her teeth even though amusement sparked in her eyes. She felt bad for the younger girl, but....well, it was funny. “That seems like it was a stupid idea,” she added, the smile suddenly breaking through on her face for a moment before Loren tried to school her expression back into a more serious one. “I won’t tell your mom, but you may not want to keep announcing it to everyone who walks by.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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“Why do parents feel the need to be embarrassing every single time that they get the chance?” Minnie groaned, as she watched her umma talking to a few of the other parents. She’d exited the conversation about the time that the baby pictures had been brought out. She was ecstatic that her umma was being more social than she’d been in quite some time, but did it have to be at her expense? “Anyway, at least the food is delicious. That always seems to be the one thing these events get right.” ( @luxorstarters​ ) 
“I think they don’t even realize how embarrassing they’re being - they just naturally are,” Loren said with a roll of her eyes, looking at her father, who was schmoozing with some parents. Loren had no doubt he had done his research on who to talk to before he came. Or should she say campaign to. “It’s definitely better than what they feed us normally, but I suppose they do that to impress our parents, like the rest of the red carpet they roll out. Whatever. I’m just hoping it puts my dad in a good mood.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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Isa turned to the groups of people walking around near the parking lot, it was just her luck to somehow get stuck when she was in dire need of caffeine. Waving down one of the passing groups she attempted to get any of them to stop and help her, “Hi, yeah, excuse me. Do you happen to know anyone driving a blacked out Mercedes G Wagon? They are conveniently blocking my car and I really need to be somewhere.” 
Loren looked up when she heard the question, a sigh leaving her lips. “Oh, shit - I think that’s the one my dad rented,” she said, pushing herself up on her tiptoes to try and see what car the girl was talking about. “Though knowing how bougie the rest of the parents are, he’s not the only one. I’m sorry, though - I have no idea where he’s at at the moment. I’m supposed to be meeting him in a bit....if you can hang to see if it’s his?” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
Juliet decided to step out from the event and wander between the cherry blossom trees, taking some time for herself. Family events were not her favorites, anyone could tell that. From there, she could still hear the noise of the students and their families. The thought of having to spend the day laughing and pretending, like the others were doing, made her sick. When she heard footsteps behind her, Juliet looked over her shoulder, just to check who it was. “Looking for some fresh air as well?”  @luxorstarters​ 
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“You have no idea,” Loren said with a sigh as she stepped outside. She had been looking for quiet, to be specific, but she wouldn’t complain as long as the other person was equally miserable with their family there. “I thought the point of studying abroad was to get away from your family for a bit - not have the school fly them around following you.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
Alan got Loren’s SOS text message, so he’d dressed in his best suit for her. She needed to impress her dad, and Alan figured he’d help her out best in his best Tom Ford suit. He came up to where she said to meet him, having ditched his own dad with Ines and Max. “Well, sweetheart,” he said, smiling. “No time like the present.”
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“Oh, thank god you are here,” Loren said, a sigh leaving her lips when she saw Alan. He really did clean up well, didn’t he? She was so relieved he had come right away when she texted him that she didn’t even comment on him calling her sweetheart, simply throwing her arms around him in a hug. “Okay,” she said as she pulled away, her hands resting on his shoulders. “My dad is pissed at me. So far he’s the only parent of the six belonging to me and my cousins to show and....I need him to leave this trip just glowing about how perfect I am,” she said quickly, her eyes wide as she tried to emphasize it all to Alan. “And you are....perfect for that, just...gird your loins, bud,” she added with a smile before turning to lead Alan over to her father.
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“Daddy, this is Alan,” Loren said, one hand resting on Alan’s elbow as if she was scared he would bolt. She had brought him to another event, to meet some people her family knew but her actual father...was a little different. He was a senator, after all, and he could be quite intimidating at first meeting. “I’m so glad you guys finally get the change to meet.” 
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“Alan,” Antonio repeated, holding out his hand to shake Alan’s. He was obviously still annoyed with Loren, as all of the Manesse cousins parents were, but Loren was hoping that Alan’s charm would smooth some of that over. “It’s a pleasure - always happy to meet some of Loren’s friends.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
“Hey, Loren!” Balo smiles at her, excitement, filling her features at the suggestion of exploring. “I’d love to! I’ve been meaning to head out and explore, but I’ve been a bit too busy to ask anyone to come along with me, so this is perfect!” Even if she was more likely to just look around than shop at the moment, she had just done some commission work, so it was a perfect time if she did find something she wanted. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t mind doing 50-50 or something if you’d like?” She immediately offers after the suggestion of Loren paying for lunch. On average, she actually would rather it be her treat, but normally the people in her life weren’t willing to go for it. At least with half and half, she stood a chance.
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“Please,” Loren said, dismissing Balo’s offer with a quick wave of her hand, shaking her head at the other girl. “My invitation, my treat. I insist,” she said with a grin. It was exactly the reaction she had been hoping for from Balo, plus, Loren actually did want to explore, and it’s not like Balo was unpleasant company. Not at all, actually. “Well, I hope you’re not too busy now, because even if you are, I’m absolutely going to insist you come with me anyways. The day is young and the weather is perfect, and we’re not wasting it inside doing homework by any means.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
Loren ( @loren-velazquez )
It was weird not having Leo sit with at lunch, and Zander wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to do in this situation. Was he supposed to carry on like usual and try to keep people from asking any questions about where his friend was? That seemed like the easiest decision for now, until he talked to Leo, so he found himself in the same place he ate every day at a table that felt perhaps too quiet. So, when he sees Loren coming in his direction, he speaks up. “Do you want to sit with me? My normal lunch buddy got swamped with homework so, there’s a spot free.” He’s not sure if she’ll say yes, but he didn’t have much to lose. If she said no, the spot would just stay empty.
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When Loren saw Zander sitting alone, she beelined towards him, while trying to make it look like that wasn’t exactly what she was doing. She was on a mission, and she was hoping Zander would be the key to said mission - of course, he couldn’t exactly know that, but considering how little she knew him, she figured she could at least try to....break the ice a little, or whatever.  Luckily, he gave the exact offer Loren had been looking for. “I thought you’d never ask,” Loren said with a grin, before dropping down at the table across from him. “Who’s your normal lunch buddy?” she asked with a tip of her head towards her right shoulder - she couldn’t say that was something she had paid much attention to in her months at Luxor.
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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Meet the Velazquez family:
Antonio Velazquez (Mark Conseulos) - 46 years old 
Adelaide May-Velazquez (Michelle Hunziker) - 45 years old
Loren May Velazquez (Priscilla Quintana) - 19 years old
Keep reading
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
New Zealand so far was boring. Then again, he didn’t expect much from the place they filmed movies when they need sprawling landscapes and open areas. Alan was bored though, and he figured, Loren was always good for a cure for boredom. So he made his way to her new room and knocked. When the door open, he grinned. “I was thinking of checking out the nightlife around here, seeing what’s around and what’s *fun. You in?” Alan asked by way of greeting.
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Loren looked up when she heard a knock at her dorm room door, pausing for a second as she tried to think if she was expecting anyone. She wasn’t, but hopeful for someone entertaining on the other side, and not just someone there for her roommate, Loren swung it open anyways, a grin spreading across her face when she saw Alan. “Of course I’m in. I was practically just sitting here, waiting for you to ask,” she teased. “When did you want to go?” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
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 The hot shower after soccer practice had left Alfie’s hair a little damp and his muscles RELAXED, albeit a little sore. This was one of his best moods, when he felt well and accomplished and a little like he was walking on clouds. So instead of swearing and complaining when someone nearby yelled, he turned around to face them, a frown pulling his eyebrows together. How very odd… Alfie scrunched his nose up at her question, thinking back to his parents at home and the STREAM of texts he woke up to every morning without a fail, doting on him. “Only all the time. Family can be… a lot,” he agreed simply,his grin crooked and bitter as he took a cautious step closer to Loren. “Is your phone okay, at least? I speak from experience when I say that some assholes aren’t worth breaking it over. Though, I guess, YOU can just call them and ask for a newer one and have no issues.”
“A lot is an understatement,” Loren agreed with a sigh, shaking her head. It wasn’t that she didn’t think her parents wanted the best for her, it was that she knew they did - that they didn’t just want it, they expected it. It was just too much pressure sometimes, and too much pressure was always going to make things tense. No matter what it was. At Alfie’s question, she winced a little, hesitating for a moment before picking her phone up from where she had slammed it down, turning it over to glance at the screen. “Nah, it’s fine. Guess it takes more than my extreme strength,” she attempted to joke, if simply to not to think about how annoyed she was at the moment. “I wouldn’t tell them. I’d just buy myself a new one,” Loren corrected. When her parents were already annoyed at her, telling them she needed a new phone because she broke her current one? Recipe for another fight. “That’s what I did when I threw it at my ex when he tried breaking up with me. No one ever had to be the wiser,” she added, cracking a half smile. “That one was worth it though.” 
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
“This photographer came up to me and told me he’d like to use me as a model. Think he’s legit or think he’s just trying to get into my pants?”
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“Depends, but if he tries to suggest nudity, he’s definitely sketchy,” Loren replied, her eyebrows raising up on her forehead.
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loren-velazquez · 4 years ago
Loren saw Balo out of the corner of her eye, pausing for a moment before she decided now was the perfect time to approach the younger girl. She didn’t know Balo that well - but she did know that she was Helena’s exes younger sister. Convoluted, maybe, but Loren was nothing if not resourceful, and trying to figure out her cousin was at the top of her priorities right now. “Hey B,” Loren greeted breezily as she got closer to the blonde. “I’m dying for someone to go out exploring with me, check out the local shops and such - any chance you wanna be that someone?” After all, there was no time as good as shopping for some girl talk. “Lunch could be my treat.” 
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