lordofthesunrise · 3 years
How three comedians helped Italy fight against racism and stereotypes: in this essay I will-
I just realized there’s an entire planet out of Italy that has probably never heard of this Iconic Trio ™
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Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo.
National heroes. Nothing else to say. Entire generations grew up with their shows and movies, and their quotes are so famous to be commonly used in Italy because, seriously, these three are Amazing Adorable Immortal Gods, no matter if they are in their 60s now.
Italy is still a country only because of these guys, who destroyed prejudice and tensions between North and South, which is a pretty serious topic, given that North and South of Italy are basically two different nations in economic, social, working and cultural terms, but also somehow ethnically and for the local languages. They simply shattered all of that by showing how ridiculous this division is, and how did they do it? By using terms as “terrone”, “polentone”, dialect terms and common stereotypes in such a funny way to deprive them of their meaning.
They knew this sort of “racism” was weird and they made fun of it by using it in such contests to make it sound a joke. As a person from the North with a best friend of the South I see how Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo helped the nation make fun of itself and discover that Italy is a country that is made by many extremely different peoples, with different cultures and local languages, but that all of them can support and respect each other without being protective bigots. We can truly coexist without sacrificing any of our own cultures, history, land or behaviour.
The fact that this trio helped Italy more than all of our politicians hurts.
And the fact that nobody out of Italy will ever be able to understand things like THIS:
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hurts much more.
Love you, AGG. And love you, Tumblr. Spread the word: make racism a funny, meaningnless thing. It’s the best way to end it. Trust me.
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lordofthesunrise · 3 years
My weeks go on forever with the same dialogue between me and people and there's nothing the world could do to stop it.
Me: "Hey, guess what :D "
Friends: "no"
"No no"
"Oh yeah"
"Please I beg-"
"I'm starting to write a new book :D"
And then I don't.
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lordofthesunrise · 3 years
Why the fuck is Tumblr showing me only posts of @pukicho ? I opened my account today and all I saw where posts of that yellow muskrat. Is he the soul guardian of this place or something?
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lordofthesunrise · 3 years
Hello everyone!
This is my first post: I already know that it will take me months to understand how this website works. When I will have finally learned, they will close it as they did with Yahoo. My curse: understanding Internet when it is already too late.
But hey!, tumblr community is great! (I'm here only because of the memes).
Seriously, how cool is this crazy place? Tumblr is like a huge family full of mad apes, I love it!
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