lord-kyle-yann · 5 days
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as I promised here are the olds drawings (january-february)
I wanted to put more but urns out my scanner is shitty and I didn't notice until now so the others pages are just unseeable (is that even a word ?) and I'm so sad about this because I had so pretty fun shitty drawings I wanted to show but you're gonna have to wait sorry
also don't mind the text (as I said in one post my friends LOOOOVE to write stupid things in my sketchbook)
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lord-kyle-yann · 6 days
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Okay it's midnight I've lost 20 minutes of my life making this shitty comic for absolutely no reason at all so why not share it
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lord-kyle-yann · 11 days
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Starry haired pillarmen
I've started this in may, and it was NOT supposed to be like this
this is obsiously not perfect at all but after all theses months of this just, staying there unfinished, I finally figured out what was missing to finish it and post it !
If there is any color (colour ? I never understand which one is correct, english is such a stupid language) related problem I'll be happy to be informed bnecause being colorblind is such a pain in the ass
School has started for me and I hope that despite the time going to my studies (fucking perspective) I'll be able to post more here ! I'll also be posting some old work to get the posting in my habits and also share my old fun drawings
I'm just happy to finally post something but I really hope that at least someone likes it ^^
So just have a nice day (even so it's 19h for me when I post it)
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lord-kyle-yann · 23 days
I'm so sorry for my lack of posting I will try my best (so not much) to post things more often (it's not that I'm not doing anything I just forget to post them)
So to excuse my lack of recent posting here, here is all the Kars that are in my file (some aren't finished and not colored)
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lord-kyle-yann · 1 month
And this, kids, is why you should ALWAYS buy your game on PC
But still this mod looks awesome
Kinda sad I can't try it for myself
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Mod that adds a Santana costume for Kars in All-Star Battle R:
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lord-kyle-yann · 3 months
Okay so I was playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 with a friend, and I wanted to play some music in the radio. Seeing that I could play anything I wanted in the game I decided to put all of my mp3 file that my computer has.
The problem is that in all the files my computer has, there's only 1 mp3 file, which is the pillarmen theme (the one that goes AYAYAYAAAAA). And because there were only 1 music, the game would constantly repeat it during my driving session.
During the madness I was experiencing by listenning the same music on loop (as cool as the music is, it always gets boring at a point), I got the idea of pillarmen driving trucks
so I made this
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lord-kyle-yann · 3 months
Tomorrow morning I have my philosophia ecam I'm going to fail
And what's crazy is that usually I'm the type of person who cares about nothing and never stress
But don't worry because I DO stress, but it's juste when nobody's around and half a day before the stressfull event, so instead of a long stress it's a short and intense one
So sorry for juste talking about my life, and not posting anything in like, a month, necause I was too busy playing Tomodachi Life to avoid thinking about my exam (and one month in that game can make a lot of things if you know how to play)
I promise that when my exams are finished I will post the rest of my drawings, or maybe my Tomodachi Life Island (if some people are interested)
Now it's time to sleep so that tomorrow I can die without sleeping on my philosophia bullshit as I usually do
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lord-kyle-yann · 4 months
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okay so I've seen a online list of "all" the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ship and I decided to draw all of part 2 there were
I know there's some missing
And I know I'm REALLY BAD at drawing women
But I still hope someone can enjoy it
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lord-kyle-yann · 4 months
Okay so today I remembered that I got a 3DS, so I decided to play it again
I got this app called Pictoposte in french (I don't know the english name sorry) where you could draw letter to send to your friends
So I decided to send them JoJo letters (because why not)
The colors won't be perfect because YOU MUST PAY FOR COLORS (the worst part is that's I've paid to have some)
So now enjoy what I've send them
And sorry for the quality but I can't capture the screen of my 3DS so I had to take pictures of the screen with my phone
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lord-kyle-yann · 4 months
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Oops I forgot this page
well... it's mostly Kars
a little Jorge Joestar comic on the left, and maybe a future OC idea on the right
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lord-kyle-yann · 4 months
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You can see that I really enjoy drawing pillarmen
There's some cool concept that could become AU idea in the future
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lord-kyle-yann · 5 months
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I did this page during my reading of Jorge Joestar (God I love that novel)
And YES I'm bad at drawing Whitesnake
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lord-kyle-yann · 5 months
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a new page but this time full of pillar men because I love to draw them
and there's a little redesign corner at the bottom left
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lord-kyle-yann · 5 months
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found this in my drawing file
since he looks funny I'm sharing it for everyone to see
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lord-kyle-yann · 5 months
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following post is following page
don't pay attention to the text, my friends like to write stupid things on my sketchbook
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lord-kyle-yann · 5 months
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a full JoJo page for you
I've been wanting to post thing here since... a long time, so here I'm posting the first page of my current sketchbook, and I will try to post the other page later this week
And sorry for the bad quality
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lord-kyle-yann · 5 months
Sorry, but I just HAD to do it
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Hottest JoJo Character Bracket - Match 2-1
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