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Ana/20+/PT/ I'm sorry Lost Ark but a new bombshell entered the villa - Baldur's Gate 3.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
loomelle · 26 days ago
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loomelle · 8 months ago
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At this point, I just play the sims to create my oc's for Dnd.
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loomelle · 1 year ago
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Just a baby <3
I'm absolutely loving this game and even started playing around with mods, however that did not end up very well - Had to restart everything....Yeah, mods and this game sometimes do not go hand and hand. Anyway, here is my cleric, whose goddess is Eilistraee, and still deciding which domain she should be tempest or light!
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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Don't be shy smilegate, I'm waiting.
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I wouldn't mind these two also👀 Well, I know about Zaika but death never stopped a girl from dreaming.
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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Ahh...I love her so much 😭🥺❤️
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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So I did South Vern and I, well, why is looking at her like that? 😶
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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So, I finally decided to do this - their backgrounds. Their stories are down below the "cut".
Thank you if you read it <3
(Left to right):
Valennore aka Val (Slayer) - After leaving Sushire, Valennore made a promise to herself - to never look back. The life she left was one full of pain and sorrow; a father who hated her for just being a "daughter" and not a son, and, tragically, a mother who was long gone. For a while, Val travelled around Arkesia trying to find her place once again, many people she had meet but none stayed for long - perhaps, due to her fierce temperament or because of something else? Nonetheless, Val never stayed in one place for too long, probably for the best. However, the waves of fate would take her to a forgotten land, where she would find her place once more among her new friends - Adrand, Rosalah and Vesanya. Birthday: 30/03. Love Interest: Thar (or at least trying).
Adrand (the "d" is silent) (Sharpshooter) - All Adrand wanted to do, when he was younger, was follow his fathers footsteps who was an Arthetine specialist. However, one day is father never returned home, leaving Adrand orphan. Soon, in order to survive, Adrand began a life of "petty crimes" and going around with the wrong "crowds". A certain day, however, Adran's life changed for the worse - a traumatic day, which Adrand would never speak again or mentioned for he only wanted to forget it, if he could. Ever since Adrand rarely trusted anyone or spoke to anyone, yet upon meeting Valennore, Rosalah and Vesanya he, certaintly, began to return to his former self - slowly but surely. Now, as one of the heroes trying to save Arkesia, Adrand can not shake the feeling as if someone is always watching him. Unbeknown to him a certain demon as taking interest in him; one whose power is growing more and more. Birthday: 09/12. Love Interest: "Ex"-Crush - Armen, more recent - Levi and, probably, Thirain, Kadan and Kaldor. (Complicated honestly, this man has many crushes and probably more to come. Also, he is a baby so he needs alots of love)
Rosalah aka Rosa (Deathblade) - The moment Rosalah was born, her fate was already sealed. Not only because she is a delain but, also, because of her parents relationship; she was the "product" of a night that should have never occurred. Her mother a mere citizen of Feiton, who had the disgrace of meeting Father Anthon, a priest from Sacria; a "leech" among its ranks. Cruel and greedy, always wanting more power. For most of her life, Rosa never meet her father and for a good reason and, honestly, she did not want to. Until, he, finally, decided to hunt her down. After her mother insisting constatly for her to leave, Rosa, in the end, accepted her mothers wishes and left Feiton. She knew her mother was hiding something from her and she could see her mother was, truly, desperate. She could not even say her goodbyes properly, the only thing she could do was to leave a note for those who she cared the most - specially her siblings, Zaika, Levi and Kaldor. However, in the end, her father always got what he wanted; even if he had to pretend to be her mother and siblings, so he could lore her again back to Feiton. Until that day happens, Rosalah is happy to be around Adrand, Valennore and Vesanya. Even just for a little bit. Birthday: 20/10. Love Interest: Zaika (yeah...anyway, his voice is just *chefs kisses* and when this girl falls in love, she falls hard).
Vesanya aka Nari (her true name) (Glaivier) - Ever since she could remember, Vesanya had always been alone. She grew up in Anikka streets trying to survive, she would pick fight with anyone, who remotely tried to come too close to her even if it was someone way larger than her. And one day, it proved to be almost fatal - if it wasn't for a caring man, who treated her wounds; if he didn't Vesanya would have died that day. Soon, that man became her master. He trained her to be what she is today and helped her guiding her rage into her fighting-style. It was during one of her trainings that Vesanya meet Wei; a mysterious individual, whom she falls in love almost instantly. In the beginning, Wei ignored her for the most part but Vesanya was (and still is) very persistent. Wei began to pay more attention to her but maintained a certain distance, which Vesanya was quick to realise that he, perhaps, did not want her company and soon she began to visit him less and less, until, one day, it stopped entirely. Wei went to ask her master and he, simply, answered: "She left." Birthday: 22/11. Love Interest: Wei.
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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Okay, this island was very cute.
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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Ah, yes - The "Yellow" Glory!
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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I think I have never posted these here before. 
I installed the game, played for five minutes and then uninstalled the game again, yeah...still not in the mood to play lost ark.
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loomelle · 2 years ago
My younger brother is joining a DND campaign and his player character is a centaur that was raised by horses and thinks he's a horse.
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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What was even this scene? 😶
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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Have some Brelshaza in your feed.
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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loomelle · 2 years ago
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She just arrived to Yorn and she is so done with it already 🤣😭
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