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coloured in this post n added a few more scribbles!! why r all the setters so pretty im sueing
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if only
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Sunflower and Ferns - Print by swanbones
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Gentle Witchcraft
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Just a collection of witchy things that give off a gentle, loving energy without being focused on self love or romantic love specifically <3
It’s the little things:
Gentle little witch things to do
Witchy blessings
I AM… spells
Witch’s morning routine
Glow like the moon
Shine like the sun
To radiate a loving aura
To attract kindness
Soft shores bath spell
Quartz wellness bath
Here comes the sun
My love soothes you pet spell
Dandelion wish spell
Restful sleep and sweet dreams
Rose water spells
Room healing spell
Ease the pain
Tarot spreads:
Good morning!
Reduce anxiety 
The new you
Let go and grow
Shimmer and shine
Radical softness
To promote peaceful feelings
Inner peace
I will make it through this
I am comfortable in my own skin
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Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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Correspondences of: Carrier & Essential Oils
This is a long post, the correspondences are under the cut.
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Carrier Oils: Carrier oils, known also as base oils, are used to dilute essential oils before they are applied topically. They serve as the base for oil blends. 
Essential Oils: Essential oils are concentrated liquids that contain the volatile (”the tendency of a substance to vaporize") aromatic compounds of plants. They are obtained via distillation and the oil alone should never be applied to the skin directly as some a reactive to heat, and light, and some will give you chemical burns. You are likely to have a reaction to essential oils.
Carrier Oils:
ALMOND OIL, SWEET (Prunus Dulcis) Ruled by Mercury and the Element of Air. Sweet Almond Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with prosperity, money and wisdom.
APRICOT KERNEL OIL (Prunus Armeniaca) Ruled by Venus and the Element of Water. This makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with love or emotions.
AVOCADO OIL (Persea Americana) Ruled by Venus and the Element of Water. This makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with love, lust or beauty.
CASTOR OIL (Ricinus communis) Ruled by Mars and the Element of Fire. Castor oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with protection and absorbing negativity.
COCONUT OIL (Cocos Nucifera) Ruled by the Moon and the Element of Water. Fractionated Coconut Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with purification and protection.
GRAPESEED OIL (Vinis Vinifera) Ruled by the Moon and the Element of Water. Grapeseed Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with fertility money and strengthening mental abilities.
HEMP SEED OIL (Cannabis Sativa) Ruled by the Moon and Saturn and the Element of Water. Hemp Seed Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with healing, love, psychic ability and meditation.
JOJOBA OIL (Simmondsia Chinensis) Ruled by the Moon and the element of Water. Jojoba Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with healing and love.
OLIVE OIL (Olea Europaea) Ruled by the Sun and the Element of Fire. Olive Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with healing, peace, fertility and protection. In many traditions Olive Oil is an all purpose oil.
SUNFLOWER OIL (Helianthus Annus) Ruled by the Sun and the Element of Fire. Sunflower Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with protection, fertility, health and wisdom.
Essential Oils:
AMYRIS (Amyris balsamifera) Anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality.
ANGELICA ROOT (Angelica archangelica) Exorcism, protection, healing, visions.
BASIL (Ocimum basilicum) Business success, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, lust, money, peace, prosperity, protection.
BAY LAUREL (Laurus nobilis) Banishing, exorcism, luck, psychic ability.
BENZOIN (Styrax benzoin) Purification, prosperity, attracts customers.
BERGAMONT (Citrus bergamia) Business success, happiness, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, protection, sleep.
BIRCH SWEET (Betula lenta) Protection, purification, exorcism.
BLACK PEPPER (Piper nigrum) Courage, physical energy, and protection.
BLUE TANSY (Tanacetum annuum) Water, Venus, immortality, youth, longevity.
CAJEPUT (Melaleuca cajeputi) Purification, protection, dispel negative thoughts and energies, break habits.
CAMPHOR (Cinnamomum camphora) Celibacy, crown chakra, physical energy, psychic energy, purification.
CARDAMOM (Elettaria cardamomum) Love, lust.
CARROT SEED (Daucus carota) Grounding, fertility.
CATNIP (Nepeta cataria) Cat magic, love, beauty, happiness.
CEDARWOOD (Cedrus atlantica) Blessing, health (maintain), heart chakra, meditation, money, protection, psychic energy, purification, self-control, spirituality, unhexing.
CHAMOMILE (Matricaria recutita & Anthemis nobilis) Meditation, peace, sleep.
CHILLI SEED (Capsicum annum) Protection, exorcism, fidelity, hex-breaking, love.
CINNAMON (Cinnamomum burmanii /cassia /zeylancium) Astral projection, base chakra, business success, health (maintain), luck, lust, magical energy, meditation, money, physical energy, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness, purification, spirituality.
CITRONELLA (Cymbopogon nardus / winterianus) Exorcism (exterior use), health (maintain), purification, unhexing.
CLARY SAGE (Salvia sclarea) Vivid dreams.
CLOVE BUD (Eugenia or syzgium aromaticum) Balances chakras, business success, courage, divination, exorcism, healing, heart chakra, love, money, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness.
COFFEE BEAN (Coffea arabica) Grounding, Earth magic, Mars, ritual stimulant.
CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) Longevity, healing, comfort, protection.
ELEMI (Canarium luzonicum) Mental and psychic ability, spiritual balance, solar plexus chakra.
EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus) Healing, health (maintain), protection, psychic energy, purification.
FIR NEEDLE (Abies sibirica) Mind clearing, memory, communication, purification before ritual, , protection, hex removal.
FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia serrata / carterii) Blessing, consecration, courage, exorcism, meditation, protection, purification, solar plexus chakra, spirituality.
GERANIUN (Pelargonium graveolens /x asperum) Happiness, protection.
GINGER ROOT (Zingiber officinale) Attraction, business success, courage, love, lust, magical energy, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, purification, sex.
GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus paradisi) Purification.
HELICHRYSUM (Helichrysum italicum) Creativity, intuition, invoke spirits, scrying, channeling, awareness, calm, patience.
HO WOOD (Cinnamomum camphora) Cleaning, banishing, subdue sexual desire, celibacy, chastity, psychic power, dream work.
HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis) Purification, protection.
JUNIPER BERRY (Juniperus communis) Protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, health.
LAVENDER (Lavandula stoechas/angustifolia/latifolia /hybrida) Balances chakras, business success, celibacy, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, health (maintain), love, peace, protection, purification, sleep, third-eye chakra.
LEMON (Citrus limonum / limon) Balances chakras, health (maintain), love, physical energy, purification.
LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citratus /flexuosus /schoenanthus) Psychic awareness, psychic energy, purification, spirituality.
LIME (Citrus aurantifolia) Physical energy, protection, purification.
LITSEA (Litsea cubeba) Energy, rejuvenation, letting go.
MARJORAM (Origanum majorana) Celibacy, happiness, peace, sleep.
MUGWORT (Artemesia vulgaris) Moon, divination, lucid dreaming, prophetic dreams, protection.
MYRRH (Commiphora myrrha) Astral projection, attraction, balances chakras, blessing, consecration, crown chakra, exorcism, healing, meditation, protection, psychic energy, spirituality, unhexing.
MYRTLE (Myrtus communis) Love, good luck, fertility, and Venus, feminine and water aspects.
NIAOULI (Melaleuca quinquenervia) Purification, healing, protection, clearing negative energies, aura cleansing.
NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans) Luck, magical energy, meditation, money, physical energy, psychic awareness.
OPOPANAX (Commiphora guidotti) Death/resurrection, divination, Pluto, Scorpio, change.
OREGANO (Origanum vulgare) Happiness, tranquility.
PALMAROSA (Cymbopogon martini) Healing, love.
PALO SANTO (Bursera graveolens)
Luck, cleansing, air element.
PATCHOULI (Pogostemon cablin) Attraction, banishes negativity, growth, love, luck, mastery, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, sex.
PEPPERMINT (Mentha arvensis / piperita) Conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), protection, purification.
PETITGRAIN (Citrus aurantium) Conscious mind (stimulates), protection.
PINE (Pinus sylvestris) Exorcism, grounding, healing, health (maintain), magical energy, money, physical energy, protection, purification.
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) Conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), heart chakra, longevity, love, protective, remembrance, third-eye chakra, vitality.
ROSEWOOD (Aniba rosaeodora) Mars, Moon, Venus, spirit element, fire element, intuitive health, beauty, divination, scrying, healing rituals, maturity, wisdom, femininity.
SAGE, DALMATION (Salvia officinalis) Conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, money, purification, wisdom.
SAGE, WHITE (Salvia apiana) Cleansing spaces and magical objects, banish negative energy.
SANDALWOOD (Santalum album) Anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality.
SPEARMINT (Mentha spicata) Comfort, healing, sleep (for protection).
SPIKENARD “JATAMANSI” (Nardostachys jatamansi) Good luck, fidelity, and health.
STAR ANISE (Illicium verum) Psychic power, luck.
SWEET ORANGE (Citrus sinensis) Balances chakras, divination, happiness, joy, love, luck, magical energy, money, physical energy, psychic energy, purification, sacral chakra.
TANGERINE (Citrus reticulata) Magical energy, purification.
TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia) Purification.
THYME (Thymus vulgaris) Conscious mind (stimulates), courage, health (maintain), purification.
TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) Purification, protection.
VALERIAN ROOT (Valeriana officinalis) Love, sleep, purification, protection.
VANILLA (Vanilla planifolia) Love, lust, mental power.
VETIVER (Vetiveria zizanoides) Divination, exorcism, love, money, peace, protection, unhexing.
WINTERGREEN (Gaultheria procumbens) Protection, healing, hex-breaking.
YLANG YLANG (Cananga odorata) Love, lust, peace, sex, throat chakra.
[Sources: [X] [X]
Photo Credit: [X]
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Everything is ephemeral
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Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost; Part 1
Jar Spells & Pouches
“Bubbly Friend” Protection and Cleansing Jar Spell
“Tough As A Nail” Protection Spell
“Portable Barricade” Spell Jar
“Protect My Ass” Spell Jar
“Stay The F*ck Away From Me” Protection Jar
Jar Spell for Protection
Witchywoman’s Protection Jar
Shiroinightmare’s Protection Bottle
Gender/Sexuality Protection Jar Spell
Sea Witch’s Protection Bottle
Stormy Protection Spell Jar
Elemental Protection Jar Spell
Dragon Protection Jar
Protection Jar Against Bindings & Hexes
Basic Warding Jar
Making A Witch Bottle (Charm)
Witches Bottle for Protection
Potent Protective Witch Bottle
Blood Magic Protection Jar
Mini Protection Vial
Ares Protection Pouch
‘Sweet Tooth’ Spell Sachet
Protection Pouches
Protection Pouch
Protection Sachet
Protection Sachet for School
Simple Protection Amulet
“Untouchable” Charm Ward
Subtle Protection Amulet
Coral Protection Amulet
Sunglasses Enchantment
Ways to Make Amulets
Simple Protection Necklace
Strength & Safety Amulet
Protection Vial Necklace
Wonder Woman’s Bracelets
Sword & Shield Graveyard/Spirit Jewelry
Nasty Witches’ Brew Protective Jewelry
Bath/Shower Magic
“Armour of Love” Protection Bath
Powerful Cleansing Bath
Simple Purification and Protection Scrub
“Master Protector” Body Scrub
Gossip-Stopping Scrub
Shower Disks for Protection
Pine Protection Balm
Kitchen Witchcraft
Purification and Protection Soup
Fondant Potatoes for Protection & Prosperity
Self Love & Protection Recipe Spell
Abundant Apple Pie Cookies
Grandma’s Pumpkin Bread
Cleanse & Protect Spray Potion
Rose Shield Potion
Protection Potion
Pisces Protection Potion
Return To Sender Vigor Potion
Bucking Bronco Vigor Potion
Charge Vigor Potion
Bravery/Protection Spell
Aroma Veil Spell
Protection Spell for Queer Folks
Spell For Protection While Coming Out As Trans
‘Hiding Secrets’ Spell
Stronger Than You Spell
Protection Against Bullies
“Belittlement Barrier” Spell
Expecto Patronum
Substitute Spell
Curse Decoy
LoZ Magic Armour Protection Spell
Riddikulus Charm
Snowdrop Protection Spell
Method for Protection Against Undesired Spirits or People
Evergoing Spell
Rose Quartz Shielding Spell
Protection Candle Spell
Protection Chant
Night Protection Spell
Night Protection Spell #2
Protection Against Curses, Hexes & Bad Energies
Maka’s Black Blood Dress
Mars Celestial Fire Surround
Plutonic Protection Spell
‘Dark Dome Close’ Sailor Pluto Spell
Moon Tiara Magic
Jupiter Thunder Crash
Mind Blast Spell
Metal Claws Spell
“Back To You, B*tch” Protection Spell
‘Return To Sender’ Spell
‘Backfire’ Curse Repelling Enchantment
Engraved Hourglass Nebula Curse Return Spell
‘Trainer Chose Squirtle’ Spell
Black Salt Spell for Protection & Absorbing Negativity
Protection Spell Against Negative People & Psychic Vampires
‘Don’t Go In The Dog Park’ Ward
Nail Polish Ritual
PC Magic Warding Ritual
Positive Energy/Banishment of Evil Incense Ritual
‘Fire Rose’ Healing & Protection Ritual
Protection Ritual for the Downtrodden
I Am Shielded From Acts of Violence
I Am Protected From Unwanted Spiritual & Physical Entities Who Would Do Me Harm
Protection From Evil Spirits
I Am Safe
I Am Safe At Work
I Am Aware of My Surroundings & Protected
I Am Protected From All Negativity
I’m Protected From Negative Vibes
No Negative Energy Can Affect Me
I Repel Ignorance and Negativity
Protection From Bad Intentions
Protection From Unwanted Eyes
I Am Safe From Fascists
I Am Safe From Transphobia
Those Who Would Harm Me Suffer Their Own Ill Intentions Turned Back On Themselves
I Am One With The Forest
Earth Protection
Protection + Happiness
Ace/Aro Protection Sigil
Protection Sigil/Charm
No Evil Can Touch Me
Sigil for Protection Against All Forms of Magickal Attack
Sigil to Protect One Against All Forms of Possession
Sigil of Protection
Spell Jars
Simple Home Protection Jar Spell
“I Don’t Know Sh*t My Dudes” Protection Jar
My Home Is Protected Spell Jar
House Protection Jar
Home Protection Spell Bottle
Peace & Protection Bottle
Peace & Protection Spell Jar
Home Purification/Protection Spell Jar
Sleeping Beauty House Protection Jar Spell
Mama Cat’s Evil Eye Protection Jar
Sprays & Washes
House-Warding Spray
All-Purpose Cleansing Spray
Protective House Wash
Protective Floor Wash
Protecting Yourself And Your Home (Basic Ward Ritual)
Three Elements Home Blessing & Protection Ritual
‘Protect My Space’ Pouch & Ritual
Quick Protection Ward
Prickly Protection Ward
Protective Storm Ward
Patronus Ward
“Let Only Good Energy In” Horseshoe Ward
Moonbeam Ward
“The Hedgehog” Green Witch Ward
Pumpkin Wards
Complex Bramble Ward
Weaving Protection Wards (ADVANCED)
Simple Protection Spell
Simple Herbal Protection Spell
Simple Hearth & Home Protection Spell
Home & Body Protection Spell
Clearing Negative Energy from a Room
Home Protection Steam Spell
My Home Is Protected Spell
“Protect My Home” Spell
Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Charm
House Protection Spell
Spell to Protect Your House
House Protection Charm
Threshold Protection Spell
Protego Totalum (Harry Potter Spell)
Four Shells Protection Spell
Pine Cone Prosperity & Protection Spell
“Little Lurkers” Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Spells
A Series of Protection Spells
Strong Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Tip
Home Protection Tip
My Home is Protected
My Home Is Protected
This Home Is Protected
Sigil for Protecting One’s Home
Protect This Home
My Home Is A Safe and Healthy Environment
The House I Come Back To Is Safe For Me
Only Positive Energies May Enter My Space
Negative Forces Do Not Enter Here
Simple Protection Jar For Your Grimoire
Grimoire Protection Spell
Hidden Object Charm
The Serpent’s Lock/Serpent’s Key
Protection From Prying Eyes
All Prying Eyes Are Diverted; This Grimoire Is Cloaked In Invisibility
This Item Will Not Be Found
I’m Safe. This Object Is Safe.
The Book in Which This Sigil Is Written Cannot Be Lost or Stolen
This Grimoire Is Protected
This Grimoire Is Protected
My Grimoire Is Protected
Grimoire Is Protected From Those With Ill Intent
This Book of Shadows Is Protected
This Book Is Protected
[part 2]
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The Marigold Tarot
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Self Care Tarot Spreads ✨
Art / Credit to @ Boho Tarot [via Pintrest]
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Witchcraft for the Chronically Fatigued
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Fatigue looks at things such as tiredness, drowsiness, exhaustion, weakness, lethargy and memory issues and says “I can do all that and more!”. It leaves you feeling utterly trapped in your own body; unable to move, or even think at times. It fluctuates, but is always looming. 
While this post is open for all, it is written for those who truly relate to this all-consuming feeling (due to ME/CFS, other chronic illnesses, mental illness, or undiagnosed causes). Not all of these may work for you, but hopefully they inspire something that will. For general low energy witchcraft, check out my Bedridden Witch Series!
As always: witchcraft is to be used in addition to proper medical care, treatment and medication; not as a sole alternative.
To draw energy:
If you cannot produce your own, magically created will be just fine!
I tend to use clear quartz for an energy boost, but trust your intuition; if something calls to you, it’s for a reason. 
Keep it near your bedside table, under your pillow, hold it in your hand or place it on your body where you feel the fatigue most strongly centered. 
When on the go, carry it in your pocket or wear as jewelry. If it is larger, carry in a bag and hold it when you need it. 
Charge using a charging board or the elements. 
Crystals for fatigue
Physically touching water brings me energy. I keep jars of snow, rain, storm, river, stream (etc, etc.) water and will dip my fingers in it and mark that parts of my body where the fatigue feels strongest. Be aware of pollutants and do not ingest!
The same method can be done with tap water (or water charged under the sun or moon)
Drink sun water or sun tea (start with drinking safe water and let it absorb the energies of the sun).
Some people find moon water to be energizing (same process as above, just with the moon). 
See also: Bedridden witch: Bath edition.
Other elements.
Note what is energizing to you and what is draining to you. Consider: the sun, moon (and it’s phases), weather (rain, overcast, snow, storm, wind), cold vs. hot, the earth, fire, air, etc.
Once you find which elements are energizing to you, find ways to incorporate them into your life. Examples: jars of different waters or soils, rocks collected from places, candles, and more.
I usually draw energy up from the earth by placing my palms flat towards the earth by the sides of my body. So if I was lying down, my arms would be at my sides with my palms facing down.
Expose yourself or protect yourself. I’ll use my personal experiences as an example here… Rain often energizes me. When it rains, I’ll open my windows, and if I’m able I’ll step outside or collect some water. On the flipside, full moons often drain me. I’ll close my windows and curtains, hang an extra blanket over my bedroom window, use water to paint protective sigils on the window and increase my wards.
See also: Bedridden witch: Elements edition and Bedridden witch: Weather edition
To manage symptoms:
Brain fog:
Brainfog lifting
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Spoonie spell for energy
Energy gain spell
Energy boost spell
Energy bath
Fatigue recovery spell jar
Headaches (and migraines):
Headache healing
To banish a headache
Anti-migraine spell
Anti-migraine spell bottle
Migraine relief bath
Joint pain:
Arthritis pain relief oil
Joint pain spell
Healing spell for joints
Memory masterpost
Memory and concentration spell
Mental reboost tea spell
Muscle pain:
Muscle pain sachet
Warming salve for sore muscles
Crystals for muscle pain (external site)
For more categories of symptoms please see my posts for symptoms relating to chronic illness and mental illness!
Practicing the craft with energy limitations:
Tips and tricks:
I highly recommend preparing things when your energy allows, so it’s always ready to go when you need it (and isn’t dependent on current energy levels). 
Cleansing: Let other things do your work for you. Open your windows/get fresh air, steam or smoke, sound, etc. Bedridden energy cleansing.
Divination: Use apps when physical movement is hard. One card spreads, shorten your pendulum so you don’t need to lift your arm, divine using the elements, etc. Bedridden divination.
Spells: Make your own spell kits. Spell jars and sachets are also an excellent way to already have the spell prepared, set it up so you can simply shake it to re/activate the spell.
Warding: Create physical ties for your wards that aren’t reliant on consistent upkeep (as a failsafe), and reinforce your other ward layers when you have the energy. I create far more layers than I need so when I am unable to reinforce them, they still protect me. 
Worship: Compile prayers and devotions somewhere you can easily find and read them, have a wall altar for easy maintenance, keep offerings simple (a glass of water, for example). Bedridden worship.
Many more tips and tricks in these posts:
Bedridden witch series (masterpost of all my current bedridden witch posts, including some that weren’t linked here!)
Limited hand mobility + witchcraft (divination, spells, working with flames, recording information and more)
Nonverbal witchcraft
You may also like:
Magic to replenish energy
Spoonie witch masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Witchcraft & Meds
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
Sigils: (pain + symptoms) (mental illness + energy) (healing + misc.) 
Drink magic masterpost
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Do none of these posts fit your needs? Let me know, I’m always looking for more ways to make witchcraft accessible!
**Do not repost or share on other platforms - reblogging is okay!**
Last updated May of 2020. Please check for updates and inform me of broken links via askbox!
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flowers that bloom in the night
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Inexpensive Offerings
An orange peel with olive oil in it, stem burns like a candle, and remains decompose afterwards (honestly any oil will do if you don't have olive oil specifically but it works best)
A journal, write to your deity in it (you can get a little creative with this one, it can be physical such as a traditional journal or scrapbook or you could make a discord as a way to "talk" to them everyday or something like that)
Write them letters and burn them (or bury them*, or put them in a folder, or rip them up and throw them in the wind* or a river *as long as the material is friendly to nature. This also depends on the nature of the deity)
Poetry! You can speak it out loud or put in in a digital folder, but I personally put in in a decorated envelope on their altar space.
Tea, just make a little extra when you make some for yourself.
Rainwater, moon water, snow water, etc.
Origami, paper also decomposes outside
Sigils, make one for them and draw it on you as often as you'd like
Playlists (or you can sing to them/play music yourself)
Pinterest aesthetic boards
Art in general (this includes theatrical arts)
Talk to the moon at night (specifically for night related dieties) OR lay out in the sun
Keep a plant for them
Depending on the pantheon, you can consume foods as an offering
(This one is little weird for some but if you have reptiles, certain deities do appreciate sheds)
Certain deities will also enjoy helping you in your craft, you can request guidance if you want to use learning as a devotional act itself
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Rotting/Decaying Herbs Correspondence
After seeing numerous masterposts about herbs, I noticed there wasn’t any mention of the correspondences when it comes to rotted or decaying herbs.  Here’s my take on this.
Anise- Use to cause a person to have nightmares, misfortune and/or relationship issues.
Apples- Use to cause turmoil between romantic partners.
Barley- Use to direct negativity and misfortune towards a person.
Basil- Use to cause fights, arguments, etc. between two lovers, two friends, two family members. Used to deter love from developing between 2 people. Use to deter customers from shopping at a business.  Use to attract negativity (place in rooms of a house for protection from negativity).
Bay- Use to cause a person to experience nightmares. Use to direct negativity and misfortune towards a person.
Birch- Use weaken protection of a person.
Blackberry- Use leaves in spells to cause for wealth to be drained or mismanaged.
Blueberry- Use to cause for a person to experience negativity and unwanted guests at their home.
Cabbage- Use to cause for fighting and arguing between a married couple.
Cactus- Use to weaken the protection of the home or other properties.
Camellia- Use to cause a person financial difficulties.
Carnation- Use to weaken a person’s leadership skills, commemoration and self-esteem.
Carrot- Use to cause for a person to lose sexual desire.
Catnip- Use to direct misfortune and unwanted spirits towards a person.  Use to cause for a person to feel confused or unwanted.
Celery- Use to cause a person to have difficulty concentrating during tasks.  Use to cause a person to have difficulty falling asleep.  Use to cause for sexual desire of a person to decrease.
Chamomile- Use to cause for financial difficulties. Use to heighten curse effects.
Cherry- Use to cause a person to feel undesired or loved.
Chicory- Use to heighten and strengthen obstacles in a person’s life.
Cinnamon- Use to cause for setbacks in business or a person’s goals in career.  Use to decrease a person’s protection.
Clove- Use cause for financial hardships.
Cucumber- Use to hinder fertility.
Cumin- Use to cause a person to argue with their significant other and to cause for a person who’s been unfaithful to feel overwhelming guilt.
Cypress- Use to slow down emotional healing process.
Daffodil- Use to cause a person misfortune and to have difficulties in love.  Use to cause a person to feel isolated.
Daisy- Use to deflect unwanted attention from potential romantic partners.
Dandelion- Burn to block unwanted thoughts about a person.
Dill- Use to weaken protection of a person.  Use to cause a person to be unnoticeable and avoidable.
Elder-Use to direct negativity and misfortune.  Use to cause a person to experience a restless night’s sleep.
Fern- Use to weaken a person or location’s protective energy.
Fig- Use to cause a person to experience decreasing sexual desire and decrease protective energy of a home.
Flax- Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulties.
Foxglove- Use to cause for a person’s garden to rot.
Frankincense- Use to weaken protection and stunt spiritual growth of a person.
Gardenia- Use to cause a person’s illness to be slow and difficult.  Use to cause for a person to to feel unwanted.
Garlic- Use to weaken a person’s protective energy and to cause for a restless night’s sleep. Use to cause a person to experience a stroke of bad luck.
Geranium- Use to cause a person to experience weakened protection, romantic desire, and confusion.
Ginger- Use to cause a person financial and love life difficulties.  Use to undermine another person’s magickal workings.
Ginseng- Use to repel love and cause for a person to feel unwanted. Use to cause financial difficulties.  Use to weaken a person’s glamour magick and promote back luck.
Grape- Use to decrease fertility and to weaken mental powers. Use to cause a person to experience financial hardships.
Hazel- Use to cause a person confusion and forgetfulness.
Holly- Use to cause for a person to experience bad luck.
Honeysuckle- Bury near a home to cause for the residents to experience financial difficulties and a stroke of bad luck.
Iris- Use to weaken protection around a person or location. Use to cause a person confusion.
Ivy- Bury near home to cause for it to experience chaos and disarray.
Jasmine- Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulties. Use to cause a person nightmares and a restless night’s sleep.attract money.
Juniper- Use to weaken protective energy around a person or location.
Lavender- Use to cause a person to experience difficulties with love. Use to cause a person to experience nightmares and a restless night’s sleep.  Bury near a person’s home to cause the home to become restless and chaotic. 
Lemon- Use to cause a person to question their romantic partner’s faithfulness. Use to cause a strain between friends.
Lemon Grass- Use to cause a person’s psychic powers to weaken.
Lettuce- Use to cause a person to experience a restless night’s sleep.
Lilac- Use to cause a person to experience bad luck.
Lily- Use to cause for a person to have unwanted visitors to the home.
Liverwort- Use to drive an emotional wedge between romantic partners.  use to cause a romantic partner to doubt their lover’s dedication.
Magnolia- Use to expose a unfaithful romantic partner.
Maple- Use to repel unwanted romantic partners.  Use to cause a person financial difficulty.
Marigold- Use to weaken a person’s protective energy and to cause for a restless night’s sleep and/or nightmares.  use to cause a person to become less influential and respected and respected by peers, colleagues,etc.  Use to cause a person to experience difficulty in handling legal matters.
Mint- Use to repel unwanted sexual urges.  Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulty.
Mistletoe-Use to cause a person to experience misfortune, nightmares while sleeping and weakened protection. Use to cause for couples to fight.
Mulberry- Use to cause for a person’s magickal work to backfire or be negated.
Oak- Use an acorn from an oak tree to cause for a person to experience a deduction in sexual desire.  Use to cause for a person to physically and mentally “feel their age”.
Orange- Use to cause for a person to come across as being bland and dull.
Orchid- Use to cause a person financial and social/interpersonal difficulties.
Pansy- Use to repel unwanted feelings associated with love.
Parsley- Use to repel unwanted sexual desire.  Use to cause a person to experience a decrease in lustful thinking.
Peach- Use to cause a person confusion and forgetfulness.  Use to prevent emotional attachment.
Peppermint- (See Mint).
Pine- Use to weaken defenses against negativity.
Raspberry- Use to decrease protective energies around a home or person.
Rice- Use to cause for a married couple to argue.
Rose- Use to repel an unwanted lover or romantic partner.  Use to cause a couple to argue and fight.
Rosemary- Use to cause a person to experience a restless night’s sleep and nightmares. Use to cause a person to experience difficulty in learning new information and become confused.
Rowan- Use to cause a person’s divination skills to become weak and confusing.  Use to cause for a person to become weak, unlucky, and experience misfortune. Use to increase spirit communication.
Rue- Use to cause a person to become love-struck and confused. Aids in curses.
Saffron- Use to repel lustful feelings.
Sage- Use to cause a person confusion and misfortune.
St. John’s Wort- Use to cause a person to feel unwanted.  Use to repel unwanted romantic partners.
Sassafras- Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulties.
Spearmint- Use to deter lust.
Strawberries- Use to cause a person to feel unwanted or unloved.
Sugar Cane- Use to deter unwanted love and attention.
Sunflower- Use to hide the truth from a person or within a situation.  Use to cause a person misfortune.
Thyme- Use to cause a person to experience nightmares. Use to cause a person to be avoidable and unnoticeable or to cause a person to receive overwhelming amounts of unwanted attention.  Use to decrease energy level and cause for a person to become fearful and afraid.
Vanilla- Use to decrease lust. Carry a vanilla bean to cause a person difficulty in maintaining energy and memory.
Vervain- Use to cause a person to experience chaos and instability.  Use to cause for wishes made to be unheard.  Use to cause friends to become enemies.  Use to repel unwanted lovers.
Violet- Mix with lavender to repel unwanted lovers and sexual partners. Use to cause a person to have difficulty sleeping and have an increase in their anger.
Willow- Use to repel love. Use to cause healing of a person to be slow.
Wintergreen- Use to cause healing of a person to be slow.
Wormwood- Use to cause a person to experience mechanical difficulties. Use to repel an unwanted romantic partner.
Source: My personal grimoire
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