Lolorei Lalarei
16 posts
FFXIV PVPer/Raider/RPer
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lolorei · 6 years ago
A very special achievement...
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Today I logged in after a couple of days away to a very special achievement...the rewards for my PVP team finally came!
Despite my team not making it to fanfest, we participated in the live PVP Feast Tournament, after managing to get into the top teams. That means I got myself a swanky achievement!
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AND a swanky title for in game! I’m so happy, and so proud of my team (who honestly put a lot of work into this)!
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lolorei · 7 years ago
Summers End
Well, it’s been a very VERY busy Summer in game AND irl… not had much time to think, let alone make a post. But with Summer ending, everything else seems to be on the up too! So I guess it’s time for a very brief, and quick, reflection on what Summer brought...
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First off, Summer started with another top 100 Feast reward -- similar to the last, this one was a super fancy mount -- But this time in my favourite colour of blue! It’s honestly my favourite mount in game so far, and I absolutely love it!
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In other Feast/PVP news, a new season has just started again... it’s for an armour prize this time. Not sure if I particularly like it, but so far I’m sticking to the top 100 list so we’ll see if I have enough patience for a reward I’m not a huge fan of!
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My static also managed to defeat Kefka, and 8 times later for the mount and 2 extra times for the achievement, we’re officially done with this tier. We managed it a lot quicker than the last tier, although the final fight took a fair while! At least I get to run around on my cute little plane now. 
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Still a lot to be done, however. With my hectic work schedule irl over Summer, and the new Feast season, I’ve fallen behind with Eureka and Rathalos. Currently on 10/50 Rathalos clears, but I’m sure I’ll get the mount another time. For now, I’m going to focus on staying in the top 100 of this seasons PVP and trying my best to fight through the tedium of Eureka for those relic achievements!
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And that’s it for Summer! Bring on my favourite season and Halloween!
Speak soon!
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lolorei · 7 years ago
New Doggo!
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Lucked out and, after 69 clears, rolled on my Tsuku dog! Currently means I have Susano, Lakshmio, Shinryu, Tsuku and am sitting on 99 Byakko, ready to buy!
Good day!
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lolorei · 7 years ago
HoH first clear!
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We just got our first floor 100 clear of HoH! 3 more to go!
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lolorei · 7 years ago
New mounts!
So -- I did it! I got my top 100 pvp mount, meaning only 100 people on Chaos own it. I’m so SO happy, and it looks awesome!
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On top of that, I finally was able to spend my 99 Shinryu totems! 
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This marks my third wolf after already having Susano and Lakshmi -- now to just wait to spend my 99 Byakko totems! 
Happy patch day! 
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lolorei · 7 years ago
When your friend catches the fish, but you get all the credit...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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Heir to the dark arts, speak these words unto Nald’s Reflection, that memories long forgotten may stir anew...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
Time to fangirl... or not.
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When your favourite event of the year finally comes, and you just want to fangirl!
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But then the event gets randomly dark and you just want to cry...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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99 Byakko totems done, and I’m finally free! Now it can sit comfortably next to my Shinryu and Susano stack. Thankfully I was lucky enough to get the Lakshmi dog before the 99 grind!
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Now to just wait a few months for it to be actually buyable...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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~ Lolorei Lalarei
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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It’s late, but happy Valentines day everyone!
The awkward moment when you have to get your friends alt to do the event with you... at least we got some cute pictures!
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Have a great weekend!
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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So today I finally got to experience Byakko Extreme for the first time with my fellow FC members. Overall, a fun, quick fight - but extremely easy. After 3 rounds we had already seen enrage -- still, after the hours I spent farming Shinryu 99 times, I’m not complaining!
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This is also my first time ever tanking an Extreme Primal, but I decided that if I’m going to farm this 99 times I might as well go for one of the tank mounts as well - so a few Rabanastrian coins later I was properly geared and ready!
Not entirely sure how I feel about Paladin yet... overall, I find Tanking a bit dull compared to healing and dps -- but maybe this will change in time!
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Regardless, we managed to get a few kills in today, and Yhm’ir even got the dog! (Super jealous)... although this now means that with her Byakko dog, Quuyn’s Susano dog, and my Lakshmi dog, we’re all looking pretty good!
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4/99 totems... wish me luck...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
An average day in raid.
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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Patiently waiting for the patch like...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
Omega Deltascape Savage
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So, last night my static finally completed our goal of getting everyone the mount - which means we are officially done with this raid tier! So... what where my opinions on all of the fights?
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Starting with Alte Roite... well, what is there to say? Overall an extremely disappointing and uninspiring fight. My group cleared in about an hour going in blind and, even to this day, I’m still not 100% sure on the mechanics - but do you need to be when you can simply faceroll through it? With its main mechanic being an overused version of Diamond Dust, the fight offered nothing new or memorable. Next!
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Catastrophe! Despite starting off interesting, the fight follows Alte Roite’s pattern of just following a predictable script of mechanics that soon become second nature. However, it was nice to see a completely new feature incorporating two ‘levels’ in which players had to either float up or down to avoid certain attacks. Taking my static a couple of days to clear, it was a nice challenge, but still not what I would expect from a ‘savage’ tier...however, this was about to change...
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The third stage of this tier followed suit from the Alexander raids, with a sudden increase in terms of difficulty and DPS checks. Halicarnassus is easily my favourite fight of the Deltascape, with the fight genuinely feeling like a bunch of (painful) mini-games which would reward or punish you depending on your success. Constantly keeping you on your toes, and with a touch of randomness incorporated to most games, it required focus throughout. This fight took our group a fair amount of time to master, and even then our clears were rarely without a death of two. 
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The final stage of the tier started off with Exdeath and was...unspectacular. Exdeath had powerful, yet dull, rotations of attacks with nothing shiny or new. His DPS check was much higher than any of those seen thus far, however, which meant that the failure of any mechanics was extremely unforgiving. However, managing to get him to 59% would transfer you into the next stage - Neo. Now, this is a VERY pleasant surprise for a Savage fight to literally have a completely new boss that is unplayable in the normal version - and the transformation from Exdeath into his new form is IMMENSE. Overall, Neo Exdeath promises a fun fight with some amazing music, unforgiving mechanics and high DPS and heal checks - everything we want from a Savage fight! This took our static a fair while to complete as the fight is simply so long, meaning merely ‘practicing’ the later stages (such as Grand Cross Omega) took considerable amounts of time and focus from everyone. Is this the hardest fight of the tier? Hard to say. Part of me feels the difficulty may simply come from the fight just being so long. Still, completing this for the first time was extremely rewarding!
Overall... this tier started off extremely slow but picked up pace near the end. However, I’m  personally not a massive fan of the ‘Omega’ expansion of raids so far, with its rather cheap story of simply providing fan service. Alexander and Bahamut were incorporated so well into the lore that to suddenly have ‘an alien who can conjure up anything’ just seems lazy. All of these bosses have backstories in their original games, yet here they are presented as merely 3D reincarnations of stories. Hopefully the next tier will offer more story because, right now, Omega just doesn’t seem like part of the game. We’ll see! For now, we wait until Tuesday’s patch...
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lolorei · 7 years ago
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Hi there! I’m Lolorei Lalarei, a PVPer, RPer and Raider on FFXIV. I’m currently playing on Omega (Chaos Datacenter). It’s pretty fair to say that I’m absolutely addicted to Final Fantasy XIV, and I play regularly when I can escape my busy life.
I look forward to sharing some of my memories with you!
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