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A Multimuse RP Blog 18+ | Penned by Regina 
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stileti · 2 days ago
Verse Added
;Ann Takamaki | Verse : Princess Ann
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In this verse of Ann being the Princess of Kamoshida's Palace had followed then unexperienced Phantom Thieves around on their journey inside resulting for her to find out where they came out from the Metaverse during the final battle she had exited and wandered around the streets of Tokyo; knowing her close resemblance with Panther she altered her appearance such as wearing her hair down, her expertise at makeup packing it heavily to give the illusion that she was older in appearance as she wandered around Tokyo, where she found herself in the streets of Shinjuku beguiled by the hustle and bustle of the streets seemingly unending compared to her lifestyle inside the palace, she had to survive talking up drunk individuals flirting and stringing them along throughout the night for her to skim and steal from them for her daily sustenance.
One night when she had an unfortunate encounter with a bunch of salarymen trying to force their way with her; her refusal ended up with a hard fist on the gut causing her to kneel, while she struggled to keep her consciousness she groveled crying at their feet for them to take mercy on her. With italian leather shoes pushing the back of her head to beg harder because she looked even more paletable for their taste to take advantage of her, all while she was crying and begging for her life making her understand the concept of the Yakuza demanding her respect.
Until Lala Escargot had witnessed the scene and called the police on them, causing the Yakuza members to scramble and scatter leaving Princess Ann crying with snot coming out of her nose and her mouth causing the bar owner to take pity on her and take her under their wing.
Princess Ann made up a white lie for her identity that she had a twin sister from a distant village, and that she was given money by her deadbeat family to take her chances to the city, she insisted working in Crossroads as a hostess. She insisted on sending money for her younger sister's education, and everytime it was payday for her she sneaked out and stalked Ann right until she graduated.
That is when she decided to pursue her own education and took up advanced classes, GEDs for school institutions to place her education level, and with her street smarts where she got admitted as a senior in High School----
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stileti · 4 days ago
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Who is she? Is her hair insured for $10,000? I hear she does car commercials in Japan, and one time she punched God in the face it was awesome.
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stileti · 4 days ago
"And what happens to those untrained kissed, and when they start kissing people randomly~", Cereza said as realization dawned to her why he used that analogy but it was enough to warrant a witchy giggle that poured from her lips stifling it with another bite from the sandwich realizing that her question might open up another can of worms for the vampire.
"My apologies, I've only read about your kind along with the updated material in this modern times so my expectations have became even more fictionized, but I'd wager you'd look good in it", She followed with a playful wink as she had taken another swig from the bottle of wine offering it to him next if he wanted to drink. "Well, Mr. Vampire this would be the closest thing to blood that I can offer to you"
The Remembrance of Time the power that Aesir possessed that scattered throughout the world stuck to inanimate objects that would activate a supernatural occurrence that allows someone to view things from the past as they truly happened, untainted by history. The moment Cereza defeated the God of Chaos that threatened to turn the universe into nothingness and will repeat the cycle of evolution by creating natural disasters that will lead to Mother Earth and her demise.
The Eyes of The World meant to be inherited by a vessel from the Light and the Dark; both eyes are now inherited by an Umbra Witch the keeper of the Left Eye of Darkness. The absence of a vessel for The Right Eye created rifts that ignore the rules of time and space creating alternate realities that enable people to see the dead walking without a physical body possessing a human after possessive having an insatiable urge to wreak havoc both Angels and Demons working side by hand in hand with an objective to revive the God of Chaos.
Enzo an informant specializing in rare artifacts and fossils relating to religious objects organized a bidding which he believes is a book containing shards of glass when assembled creates a portal to to the past to alter realities. The venue will take place to a sketchy bar named “The Gates of Hell” with macabre detailing that took notes to an H.R Giger artworks humans and machines in cold biomechanical relationships contorting violently.
The greed of the man to line his pockets was endless, conning peasants for hopes that they can pay installments for a chance to bring back what they lost this night wasn’t an exemption he wanted to gamble and risk it to the high rollers setting the scene putting gambling tables and stocking the bar with the highest grade of liquor available.
Bayonetta arrived at the scene in a vintage Givenchy little black dress, akin to what Hepburn wore in Breakfast in Tiffany’s stealing the focus of gentlemen away from their roulettes, baccarats, and blackjack games finding the lounge sitting herself across a man with distinctive features, “My apologies— are you still staring”, She chided the male playfully before she gestured to the seat across, “May I?”
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stileti · 5 days ago
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"No more compliments", She feigned her playful pout at the other woman as she easy slung one of her legs over her shoulder suggestively just a couple fabrics away from the sexy little cheongsam that her body was poured into, before a gloved hand had titled her chin to face her, "What has the breeze got your lips or something?"
"So tall... so much pretty woman..."
(Looking respectfully at @stileti 's Bayonetta)
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stileti · 5 days ago
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"Mhm, and with these legs it'll take you all day to get the center darling aren't you a wee bit curious~", The Witch would bite her lip teasingly as she'd rub one of her legs covered in flesh toned fishnets over the cheek of the five foot adventurer. "How much would it be if I'd insure one of these in rupees?"
"So tall... so much pretty woman..."
(Looking respectfully at @stileti 's Bayonetta)
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stileti · 5 days ago
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"Keep the compliments flowing and you might be eating tonight young linkle"
"So tall... so much pretty woman..."
(Looking respectfully at @stileti 's Bayonetta)
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stileti · 5 days ago
Stares at beauitful umbra witch.
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"You know if you'd concentrate harder, you can manifest my clothes away", The Witch's lips curled into a lasvious smile as she noticed a certain demon had eyes on her and she wouldn't disappoint so she flashed him an ankle. "So what do you think? Good enough to break some laws?"
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stileti · 5 days ago
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"This could win against any jackhammer--- would you care for a pounding?"
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stileti · 5 days ago
some  ideas  for  first  meeting  prompts  that  may  help  break  the  ice  between  characters .  feel  free  to  amend  contexts  &  roles  where  required !  violent  &  alcohol  related  prompts  present . 
[ BAR ]  :   for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  bar  [ DINER ]  :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  diner / restaurant   [ SAVE ] :  for  your  muse  to  step  in  to  save  my  muse  in  a  fight  [ FAKE ] :  for  your  muse  to  pretend  to  know  my  muse  in  public  to  save  them  from  a  difficult  encounter [ RUN ] :  for  your  muse  to  grab  my  muse’s  hand  and  tell  them  to  run  [ STEAL ]  :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  steal  from  my  muse  ( pickpocketing ,  in  their  home  etc  –  feel  free  to  specify  context ! ) [ STUDY ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  to  study / read   [ PICNIC ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  picnic  [ FIRST  DATE ] :  for  your  muse  to  meet  mine  for  a  first  date   [ BREAK  IN ] :  for  our  muses  to  break  in  somewhere  together  [ ATTACK ] :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  attack  mine  ( specify  context ! ) [ DANCE ] :  for  your  muse  to  invite  mine  to  dance  [ PAY ] :  for  your  muse  to  pay  for  my  muse’s  item(s)  ( specify  context ! ) [ TAXI ] :  for  our  muses  to  share  a  taxi  ride  somewhere [ CAR ] :  for  your  muse  to  jump  in  my  muse’s  car  and  tell  them  to  drive [ LOCKED  OUT ] :  for  your  muse  to  be  locked  out  of  their  apartment  &  to  ask  for  help  from  mine  [ DIY ] :  for  your  muse  to  ask  mine  for  help  with  diy  in  their  home  [ DARE ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  on  a  dare [ PATCH ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  mine  with  an  injury [ COMFORT ] :  for  your  muse  to  comfort  mine  [ SWIM ] :  for  your  muse  to  throw  mine  into  the  sea /  a  river /  pool  ( specify ! ) [ RESTRAINED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  tied  up  together  [ CRY ]  :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  crying   [ KIDNAP ] :  for  your  muse  to  kidnap  mine [ DRUNK ] :  for  your  muse  to  look  after  mine  while  drunk  [ ZOMBIE ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  in  a  zombie  attack  together  [ TRAPPED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  trapped  somewhere  together  ( stuck  in  a  storm ?  kidnapped  together ?  dodgy  lock  on  a  door ? )  [ WARN ] :  for  your  muse  to  warn  mine  of  incoming  danger [ COFFEE SHOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  coffee  shop  /  café [ WORK ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  train  mine  on  the  first  day  of  their  job  [ ROOMMATES ] :   for  your  muse  to  be  my  muse’s  roommate  ( feel  free  to  specify  whether  in  a  college  or  a  regular  setting ! ) [ BOOKSHOP ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  a  bookshop  [ EVENT ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  charity  event   [ FUNDRAISING ] :  for  our  muses  to  team  up  to  raise  money  for  charity  ( feel  free  to  specify  potential  ideas ! ) [ COMPETITORS ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  rivals  in  a  competition  [ KARAOKE ] :  for  our  muses  to  sing  karaoke  together  [ MUTUAL  FRIEND ] :�� for  our  muses  to  meet  through  a  mutual  friend [ STOOD  UP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  date  after  noticing  that  they  have  been  stood  up [ MISSION ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  on  a  mission  [ UNDERCOVER ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  while  undercover [ MUSUEM ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  museum  [ ABANDONED ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  an  abandoned  building  [ STARGAZING ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  while  stargazing  [ ROOFTOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  on  a  rooftop 
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stileti · 6 days ago
There was something on that lollipop though, made from the special witches brew; it rather relieved any ailment of sorts and would slowly patch up any wounds inflicted by heavenly weapons it was another armageddon as Laguna had rallied their troops and this soldier was only collateral as she saw him being tossed to the side by a massive creature, she asked for Jeanne to pick up the slack as she made a detour to help an innocent not to die in the warfare.
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Her superhuman strength had picked him up effortlessly by the back of his vest, "I'm not going to kill you only those who decided that the time to show up was to dirt up my fashion~", Aware that talking about her dress was not reading the room but a little levity could be offered incase it was too late for him as her other hand had gunned down the Angels that were trying to hound them. "--are you good enough to stand?", She asked obviously concerned for his well being.
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"Come over here, let me talk to you real close~", A come-hither gesture of her index finger matched her sultry tone of voice to draw someone closer, "Heard that in a game once", A sweet head pat from the witch as she offered a strawberry lollipop that magically appeared from her hand.
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stileti · 6 days ago
"At least you've gone past talking poppycock", The Witch had barely any reaction to his grandiose her interest rather piqued from his intel about this specific demonic spellbook that would pose a significant threat on earth.
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"Alright Mr. Black pray tell as to what the spellbook does and what's in it for me, as far as I know the only connection between me and Balder is to find a source where I could find something from my past"
The demon didn’t flinch when the Witch pointed her gun to his temple. She wouldn’t pull the trigger on him, not when she didn’t know what he was capable of yet.
“Easy now, easy. I mean you no harm.” He raised his hands smoothly, making himself as seemingly defenseless as possible. “I’m actually a friend of Rodin’s.”
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stileti · 6 days ago
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"Haven't you heard, fashion is in Portland now~", Her one hand perched on her hips as if she was ready to power strut the whole town in her sundays best but alas she was trying to get the lay of the land in Portland and what better to do than retail therapy he spotted her in a local french patisserie where she was casually nursing a cup of tea.
"Done for the day darling just taking a break before blessing another designer sales rep with a fat commission, what about you?"
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"Come over here, let me talk to you real close~", A come-hither gesture of her index finger matched her sultry tone of voice to draw someone closer, "Heard that in a game once", A sweet head pat from the witch as she offered a strawberry lollipop that magically appeared from her hand.
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stileti · 6 days ago
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"Come over here, let me talk to you real close~", A come-hither gesture of her index finger matched her sultry tone of voice to draw someone closer, "Heard that in a game once", A sweet head pat from the witch as she offered a strawberry lollipop that magically appeared from her hand.
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stileti · 6 days ago
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"Affirmative and they'll put your eyes out if you're not careful", She giggled at his compliment as she jogged backwards now knowing that her bosoms would do the trick to stop him from his tracks if he's going to play, she'd run laps around him, getting the appeal his nickname Thunderbolt does live up to his name never ceasing to spark her curiosity to him with that smile he flashed under his stache it took everything from her not to wrap her legs around him, maybe some other time for now it was a race to the showers.
"Of course I'd love for you to finish my workout~", Emma had teased throwing wink to disarm him once more before taking off this time to race him to her hotel.
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" Just checkin' out the competition. As tough as these guys are, they're embarrassing next to me."
Ross offered Emma an iced coffee.
" Thought you'd might want something cold after that kind of work out. Still got time here or I can take you to grab a sandwich or something if you want."
Ross found himself enjoying Emma's company. She was witty, tough, smart as all Hell....
She was helping change his opinions on mutants so he was accepting them more. (Plus being a Hulk helped too given how hulks had few rights too.)
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stileti · 6 days ago
The Power of Nothingness could only erase The Eyes of The World from the two clans rendering it useless against the multiverse; it only serves to grant the power of creation and a balance as overseers to the world. Such a metatron for thinking it would become a way to stop the birth of the Alphaverse.
The pair and their attacks will be intercepted as Singularity summoned the symbol of the Umbran way, The Umbran Clock Tower had launched from the portal from the ground tolling the bells of time SOUND JOY TO SISTERS AND DOOM TO FOES were engraved on the bell as it slowed time and harnessed the power of the moon glowing with intense magical force, multiple levels would unveil the most advanced invention of the Umbra; it was the Umbran Armor, a series of mechas that were controlled by the witches on the witch hunts hence why the Lumen had suffered terrible loses through each wars that had ensued as it pushed the limits of their magic complete with gatling guns and missiles guaranteed against an armada or in his case shooting the face off and blast the face of the Goddess Dea as he deployed an army of Bayonetta variants to the rescue the Homunculi Diva.
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A pool of ink had formed from the ground causing the ground to split as it parted like the biblical stories of the Red Sea as the demoness Cassiopeia has been summoned the Bayonetta variant of the Alphaverse commandeering the giant Kraken from the mythological folklores infamous for sinking the major ships in history feared by man and Gods as it climbed from the depths of hell using its anchor equipped tentacles swiping and slashing at the legs and feet of the Goddess Omne.
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The Evil Arch Eve had used the weapon to grapple over to the head of the goddess before using the ancient art of Demon Masquerade to fuse the power of the demon attached to it as the Kraken reappeared midair and latched all of its tentacles to the summon of the Lumen and the Witch as it forcefully inserted it's demonic appedanges to its nostrils as it injected poisonous ink inside until her full mouth would gaped wide open to deepthroat and overfill the Goddess until ink would come out from its tearducts; one thing was disadvantage of the Discerning Witch was she treated her demonic summons like pets unlike the Alphaverse Witch she had enslaved and imbued their power into the summoner along with her years of experience would be a threat to any Umbra Witch that would cross her path.
The assault would cause the demise of the Dea to rage committing friendly fire as it got brainwashed by the ink thus breaking their contract with their summoners raging out as it dropkicked and clawed to their direction.
"Oh what an UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT, I heard that in a game once", The sadistic conqueror of the worlds would tease as he pondered their next move now that their cards are all on deck, he directed the full on assault of all the Bayonetta variants, Kraken and Queen Sheba Miku and Omne to the direction of the Discerning Witch and the Sage spawning scrolls from the Anatomia Complex spawning random creatures turning their battle into a Witch Hunt now to box them in, alas again man has won the war in this apocalypse.
The great mage Angel stood before a large, intricately decorated treasure chest. Having encountered many such chests before, his instincts immediately told him this was a trap. Yet, despite his misgivings, he decided to tempt fate one more time. The spell he had cast would reveal whether the chest was a mimic or not, though the spell only had a 98% accuracy.
Undeterred, the mage opened the chest, eager to discover its contents. But before he could react, the chest's lid snapped open to reveal a pair of eyes, followed by fangs and arms. In an instant, it lunged at him with terrifying speed, slamming down on the unsuspecting mage.
".... It's darker in here than usual!"
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stileti · 6 days ago
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Credits : umbransword on X
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stileti · 7 days ago
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change  pronouns,  tenses  and  other  details  as  deemed  necessary. &  please  specify  muse  when  sending  to  a  mumu.
I  am  a  secret.  That  is  all  I  will  ever  be.
If  you  cannot  hold  me  in  your  arms,  then  hold  my  memory  in  high  regard.
Do  people  always  fall  in  love  with  things  they  can't  have?
Everybody  wants  their  own  little  place  in  the  world.  And  maybe  mine  is  here,  loving  you  from  a  distance.
If  I  give  in  to  my  desires,  I'll  have  to  deal  with  the  consequences  of  stupid  actions.
Our  love  defies  logic  and  reason,  a  cosmic  connection  that  words  cannot  fully  capture.
Love  is  rarely  a  choice.
I  swore  that  I  wouldn't  kiss  you  again. 
I  kept  hoping  that  if  I  just  ran  far  enough,  eventually  I’d  figure  out  a  way  to  stop  loving  you.
You  said  you  didn't  want  this.  Were  you  lying?
Love  is  love,  even  if  it  is  illicit;  like  light  remains  light  even  in  the  darkness.
I  need  to  stop  running  back  to  you  in  my  mind  all  the  time.
I  do  not  lack  the  courage  to  tell  you  how  I  feel.  What  I  fear  is  how  you  will  react  to  it.
If  I  cannot  be  in  your  life,  then  at  least  let  me  live  in  your  heart.
It  is  terrifying  to  love  someone  who  is  forbidden  to  you,  terrifying  to  feel  something  you  can  never  speak  of.
If  you  come  away  with  me,  I  can  promise  you  pain  and  disgrace...  but  I  will  love  you  like  no  other  can.
We  were  doomed  from  the  start.  A  lost  cause.  A  losing  battle.
Everything  between  us  is  destined  to  become  a  mere  memory
Do  you  want  the  truth?  The  truth  is,  I  would  fuck  you  right  here  and  now.  Right  on  this  fuking  table,  but  I  can't!
I  think  perhaps  I  will  always  hold  a  candle  for  you  –  even  until  it  burns  my  hand.
I  will  never  let  you  go,  do  you  hear  me?  No  matter  how  long  it  takes,  I  will  keep  you  safe.  And  I  will  find  a  way  for  us  to  be  together.
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