lokinika · 1 year
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My most recent art work... you can usually tell what was done with and without a reference picture 😂
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lokinika · 1 year
As we learn we grow. I now know so much more about the MBTI system and have concluded that I am actually just an INTP who was traumatized.
I also discovered that I have ADHD, as do my other siblings. It seems to be a genetic trait in my family.
Autumn is still my favorite season and I have also learned that Dark Autumn is my style season along with Dark Winter, lol.
We learn, we grow, and learn some more. At 22 years of age this is what is keeping me going.
Hello internet... I am Loki-Nika, yall can call me that, Loki, or Nika. Dont care either way...
I love art, so when I saw this app and all the cool art and ideas, I decided to get it asap.
I am 20 years old, female, and primarily an INTP-T. I also am ENTP-T as my secondary due to being an introvert-inclinded ambivert.
My favorite season is Autumn and my favorite show is BNHA. I love Marvel- particularly Loki, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark.
Ttfn, i suppose.
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lokinika · 3 years
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😅 I have no idea if this is any good...
At least I like it.
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lokinika · 3 years
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lokinika · 3 years
I dunno whether to laugh or cry... it doesnt help that i could fit into both of these houses.
*during sex*
Slytherin: Hurt me.
Ravenclaw: In 1992, scientists discovered the loneliest creature on earth.
Slytherin: What
Ravenclaw: It’s a whale that has been calling for its mate for two decades. He communicates at a frequency not used by any other whales, and hasn’t received a response.
Slytherin: Stop
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lokinika · 3 years
Art challenge!!!!! Take any of these words and draw your favorite character as the definition of it. Im gonna do Izuku for Eunoia and Hitoshi or Aizawa for Clinomania.
Unusual words with beautiful meanings:
Peregrinate (verb) To travel or wander around from place to place.
Serendipity (noun) Finding something good without looking for it.
Nemophilist (noun) One who is fond of forest; A haunter of the woods.
Eudaimonia (noun) The contented happy state you feel when you travel.
Eleutheromania (noun) The intense desire for freedom.
Hireath (noun) A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was.
Idyllic (adj.) Like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque. 
Clinomania (n.)Excessive desire to stay in bed. 
Seatherny (n.) the serenity one feels when listening to the chirping birds.
Eunoia ( n.) beautiful thinking a balanced mind.
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lokinika · 3 years
“Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide.”
— D. W. Winnicott
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lokinika · 3 years
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I am most proud of this one. Its not perfect by any means, but i love them so much.
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lokinika · 3 years
Hello internet... I am Loki-Nika, yall can call me that, Loki, or Nika. Dont care either way...
I love art, so when I saw this app and all the cool art and ideas, I decided to get it asap.
I am 20 years old, female, and primarily an INTP-T. I also am ENTP-T as my secondary due to being an introvert-inclinded ambivert.
My favorite season is Autumn and my favorite show is BNHA. I love Marvel- particularly Loki, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark.
Ttfn, i suppose.
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