Ok so I haven't posted in quite some time but this isn't a rp post this is something about me. Ok so recently I have found out that I identify as Non-binary and I am pansexual but my parents haven't really been that supportive and neither has most of my family except for my aunt and uncle and my cousin's, sister and a few friends. Other than those people my family refuses to use my pronouns and keep referring to me as a girl when I'm not. I just wanted to rant here and maybe receive some more support since I am only receiving very little and most of that family is either busy or doesn't live near me. I can't talk to my sister about it because my parents won't allow me to so that only leaves my friend Pidge who yes I know gives me so much support but I kind of was hopping for a little more from people who understand since most of my supporters don't really understand but are trying to.
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Haven't posted in a while so I thought why not post something and try something new. A new fandom I'm adding to my account. Voltron would you guys like to rp with the Fandom if so I prefer to be Lance just let me know
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Sometime life gets hard
And everyone has ways of coping
Some people rant, and some people cry
Some people scream, and some people sing
Some people resort to self-harm
And some people fake a smile
But me? I bottle up the pain and the anger
I hide the way your words hurt me
I fake a smile so you dont worry about me
I hide the fact that I have millions of voices yelling in my head
But you dont notice when I fake a smile
You dont notice how I've grown quieter and shyer
You dont notice how I dont like being touched
You dont notice because you must not care that much.
The voices say they are my only friends.
Even if they say horrible things to me
That I know are lies but I cant help but believe
Annoying! I know. Talk To Much! I know. Useless! I know. Horrible Friend! I know
I know all of these things
So why are you just reminding me
Reminding me only brings back the pain I've tried so hard to hide
Showing emotions will just make me break down
I'm reminded of my flaw in my nightmares
I know my worth and I know my place
So stop reminding me every second of every day.
Just let me have one peaceful night
Where I'm not waking up in a spiral of fright
Can I not see the tears
Thatd come from my constant fears
Can I have a little bit of space
To get my heart to slow down its pace
Can I go a few days
Without having voices remind me of my flaws
I'm human I make mistakes
But that doesnt mean I'm going to break
I'm human so I have emotions
Even if they drown me like the ocean
I'm human I bleed when I'm broken
But that doesnt mean you should keep the wound open
Life is hard and that's a fact
But it shouldnt change the way you act
Its your life and there are many ways of coping
But dont forget there are people out there with their arms open
They are willing to help
And what you say they dare not tell
Unless they want to be sent to hell
They will listen to what you have to say
And they will help you cope in a healthier wayb
So seek help if you feel like ending it all
Because people will miss you when you are gone
So remember you are loved
And that life is hard but it cant keep you broken.
Original writing
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Logan angst
Tw: Logan seen as a dark side, unsympathetic light sides, sympathetic dark sides.
My character: logan
Y/c : your choice (no Ocs)
Logan Sanders or Insanity as he represents is a dark side he always has been. He was forced to be both dark and light so he represents both Logic and Insanity. The light sides hate how Logan is more talkative with Remus, Deceit, Remy and Wrath more than with them. The main problem us that whenever Logan tries to speak during a video he is told to shut up or is ignored. Logan gets tired of it and snaps. "SHUT UP!" he yells in the middle of a video the room becoming static "JUST STOP!"
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The secret
Open Rp
My character(s): Logan, Deceit
Your character(s): y/c
T.w: unsympathetic patron and Roman, sympathetic Virgil, Deceit, Remus, abuse, neglect, attempts of suicide, suicidal thoughts, cutting, overworking, not eating
Logan has a huge secret that he is keeping from the other light sides. Logan is part dragon yeah pretty shocking right? Well logan is actually the son of the Dragon witch but he keeps it a secret not wanting the others to hate him. The only ones who know are Virgil, Dee, and Remus and that's because they saw it with their own eyes. Logan can have dragon like features when he chooses to be. He normally has blue dragon ears, black horns, yellow eyes, sharp teeth, blue scales, blue wings and a blue tail. Logan can hide these features pretty well. But what happens when one of the other two light sides find out? Will logan be accepted or will he be kicked out?
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My character- Annabella
Y/C- your choice
Genre- angst
Relationship- platonic or romantic
Tw- self harm, self hate, anorexia, abuse, mention of rape, abandonment issues, mention of past suicide attempt, bullying, mention of death, depression, drinking
Annabella is a 17 year old girl. She used to be happy but that was until her mom died. Her father became abusive and he raped her many times. Her brother abandoned her and she fell into depression. Y/C is a 17 year old y/g (your gender). Y/C was new to the school and he/she/they needed to be shown around and the office chose Annabella. She walks up to Y/C her white and grey tail dragging on the ground her wolf ears flat on her head. She was wearing a tank top and a baggy hoodie she wore ripped jeans and boots on. She has her hair in front of her left eye her right eye was a beautiful blue. "Hello I'm Annabella and I will be showing you around" she says through the mask that covered the lower part of her face.
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My character- Thelonious (5)
Y/C- your choice
Genre- angst
Relationship - platonic
Tw: kidnapping, injuries, self harm, depression, death
Thelonious is a 5 year old boy he is the son of Belle and Lyn. He is the prince, his parents were kidnapped by a Demon named Error. Thelonious is a legend and a wolf, he is the legend of the stars, his mother Belle is the legend of Galaxy and his father Lyn is the legend of space . He ran out of his home to find help running into another legend. Y/C was walking around when they were ran into by a little boy the prince. "Help my parents were kidnapped!" He says before passing out
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Heat open Rp
My Character: Belle
Y/C- your choice
Genre- NSFW/ Angst
Warning: sex , cursing, fingering, heat, BDSM, A/B/O, self harm, self conscious, bad thoughts, mention of past rape, mention of past abuse, mention of past scars and suicide attempt, pregnancy, flashbacks, dying.
Belle and Y/c are best friends they have been for years. Belle never let's Y/c go to her house no matter what. She also never talked about her past. One day she falls into her heat and she is an omega and you are A/B/O and you want to help but she won't lent you near her and she was screaming at someone to stop. Y/c tries to calm her down when you do she promises to tell you everything after her heat that she finally let's you help her with.
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Hey guys so I know I haven't posted in a while. But I'll be posting many things later this afternoon so get ready for my spam!!!!
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Welp first day of school and I was shoved into two classes I didnt sign up for Ag Business and Vocal Music i mean seriously i was supposed to co-OP this year and work as an intern like wth I'm not happy then i had my bus changed to one that i hate ughhh fml
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when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!! I still sent it to random though)
Ok 5 things I like:
1.) I like Singing
2.) I like roleplaying
3.) I like dancing
4.) I like to play video games
5.) I like reading and writing
@tran-galaxy @smuttysanderssidestwopointoh @sanderssides-incorrect @sanderssidessmutprompts @do-you-promise @not-safeforsanders @uh-oh-feelings @askmonstersides
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Open rp
Credit: me
Genre: angst/fluff/nsfw
My character: Fusion
Your Character: you choose
Fusion was the new student at school she was very shy and always kept her hood up to hide her face she was hiding something. She was hiding that she had a tattoo on her head a lighting bolt to be exact. She was very insecure about herself. (Y/c) decided to approach her and talk to her because (y/c) didnt have many friends and wanted to make Fusion feel welcomed. (Y/c) and Fusion become best friends in no time and Fusion starts to developed a crush on you but is heart broken when she sees you kissing another girl/boy she runs off to the bathroom to cry. "I'm so stupid why would (Y/c) like me anyways........"
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Remus blushes
Another Open Rp
My character- Remus
Yours- whoever (no Oc)
Remus was a mystery to the others he disnt say much about him other than his name and who he was. But Remus was a neko but he hid it very well. Remus was drawing close to his heat that would start in about a week. So any time the others try to invite him to a movie night he politely refused saying he didnt want to bother them. But he finally agreed when (Y/C) asked nicely and even did puppy dog eyes. He was now watching a movie with the others in the living room when his heat decided to start a day early. He runs upstairs not knowing (Y/C) had followed him he shuts his door and locks it.
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