logicrift · 4 years
Fate? No way.
Tapping away at the buttons on her console, it had been forever since she gotten out, but as the person she was this was her normal life. Even when going out for fresh air, she was gaming, there was hardly ever a point she didn’t have a game or at least her phone. Determined steps with eye jolting up to view in front of her every now an then, she obviously wasn’t paying too much attention. Her aim was to speed run the game before the day was over to make sure she beat the game with the highest time she could, without bugs or glitches. Shiro strides along the path her dress flowing with the wind, people in the hotel told her to get out more, so here she was outside. In order to keep Blank’s reputation high she needed to have the highest scores in the entirety of wonderland in every way and fashion, but she couldn’t challenge people.
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Eventually the sound of grass beneath her feet signaled she had arrived...somewhere, She wasn’t paying attention nor was walking with a destination. The sound of the crunching by the constant sounds of “1-ups” being granted to her on the device this accompanied by precise finger movements and small breath. The sound of more crunching filled her ears, though for the sake of her speed run she ignored the steps which was the exact downfall of her run. A few more seconds and then, bump, a slight bump, or maybe a harder one? She was too focused she couldn’t tell but it threw her finger to a wrong button the character clad in red and blue falling to the ground ruining the momentum. A pause soon followed as she looked up from the system. “Cheating. Outside interference...You ruined my speed run...Now i have to start over.”
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logicrift · 4 years
“ i miss my dad more than i thought i would. ”
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“That’s normal.” Shiro would say standing on her tiptoes to pat the woman on the head. “To miss someone that isn’t here.” She would go quiet for a moment a sense of the same feeling creeping into her own mind as she thought of the one she missed. “It’s hard to read humans, but even i know that.”
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logicrift · 4 years
“ change isn’t easy. ”
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“Maybe for AI...But not humans.” Shiro would say in quick retort to the comment said by some guy her. And in her mind it was true. It was extremely hard for an AI to adjust to a certain playing style especially if they are not made for such a job, but humans...they can change on a dime. It only takes five second for someone you knew to become someone you didn’t.
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logicrift · 4 years
more misc memes
“  change isn’t easy.  ” “  i just wanted to say i’m sorry.  ” “  i guess being angry was/is just easier than being sad.  ”  “  what did you want to tell me?  ” “  it was supposed to be simple.  ” “  you’ve got blood on your shirt.  ” “  you can stay with me.  ” “  what did you want to show me?  ” “  i miss ____ more than i thought i would.  ” “  i don’t like to talk about it, but i wanted you to know.  ” “  shut up. please.  ” “  fuck off.  ” “  hush, i’m trying to kiss you.  ” “  you’re lucky you’re cute.  ” “  i fucked up.  ” “  i just want to take it all back.  ” “  i can’t sleep.  ”  /  “  can’t sleep?  ” “  we should get a pet.  ” “  if you have something to say, spit it out.  ” “  i’m allowed to be angry.  ” “  she/he aint even that cute.  ” “  just hold me.  ” “  do you want me to go?  ”   “  i just need time.  ” “  i already made my decision, you’re not going to change that.  ”   “  nothing you can say will surprise me.  ” “  everyone leaves, eventually. either they move on or they die. they leave and i’m left behind.  ” “  death is a part of life. i accepted that a long time ago.  ” “  i don’t fear death. i fear anonymity.  ” “  listen to me, please.  ” “  i’m not even sure what to say to that.  ” “  that should probably shock me, but honestly it doesn’t.  ” “  am i supposed to care?  ” “  i do care.  ”   “  you make me happy.  ” “  you look beautiful like this.  ”   “  if this is your idea of fun, i don’t know what to say to you.  ” “  it terrifies me.  ”   “  just let me show you how i feel.  ”
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logicrift · 4 years
Blanks title
A feeling of longing ran over her as she sat on the stoll she had been provided at the arcade cabinets. An area filled with people that seem to be baffled by the score leader on almost all of the machines, simply known as [   ]. Yes Blank was now at the top of all except three different arcade cabinets, Shiro had been hard at work keeping her skills sharp. Yet she could not help but look at the new controls of the next game she would soon destroy the high score of, a want for more than a simple stool, someone to give her praise. Shiro gazed around the room slowly hoping to see him, and still not a familiar face to be seen, she would have even taken Steph at this point. But a small sigh escaped her lips as she took hold of the controls, and once the game started up it took no time at all for it to be no match for her.
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Her mind too honed, her assumptions all proving correct, and it was easy to master the game’s AI however what was unexpected was the group that drew near her. Remaining quiet as she flew through the levels with perfect after perfect her extra lives stacking up like it was nothing, Blank was growing popular even in this world. Just as Blank was growing popular still no one knew anything about them, there were competitions, but Blank always signed up online and never in person. But back to the moment, her hands flew over the controls, she was off today, she could feel it, she knew, and it was because of her broken phone which was sitting silently in her lap. Very soon the victory screen accompanied by game over screen showed itself allowing her to put in initials and once again in the top place [   ], however...this score was about 1000 points below Blank’s usual scores.
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logicrift · 4 years
Felt like a dream
Shiro had been walking along as she always had, thankfully this world made it o she could handle being apart from Sora a bit better...well her body could maybe not her mind. Muttering her usual bit about begging not to be abandoned here her words caught her, confused her, and soon didn’t know where she was or where she was going. Finding herself in an alleyway that seemed to be connected to another part of the city, based on her findings and general assumptions...a male would pass by the alleyway next. And this world was just as predictable as an eager kid ran past the alley way entrance, one with black hair and odd green clothing. Curiosity spiking about him because the feeling seemed off, stepping out of the alleyway only for the sound of something rolling to come to her ears.
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Turning her head in what seemed to be a calm state to see another person on a skateboard coming at her at what seemed like top speed and velocity. The first thoughts to come to her head was “So this is how it ends?” But even with this thought in her mind she watched as the boy sped towards her a calm look still on her face and simply she sidestepped at the last second. An almost head on collision easily avoided, but she had hoped to get a rise out of this boy, as he had the same feel as the one from before. Though instending to think rather than speak Shiro simply said aloud “Or not.” Now observing the boy, she had no idea how he would react...reading humans was hard, that’s why she needed Sora. But predicting a side step was rather easy here, as his sped meant he would not turn without hurting himself more than he would by crashing into her, Conclusion, Shiro should sidestep 1.25 seconds before colloison.
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logicrift · 4 years
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(Hello...again. I’m Azure, a pleasure, today, i’m running on very little sleep so i’m not thinking straight. But anyways here is Shiro, from No Game No Life, this little girl is...very smart to say the least. Too tired to keep going...Like for a starter from Shiro, No cap but priority on the first three...i’m going back to bed.)
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logicrift · 4 years
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(To all who are following this account, this blog is being repurposed for a different use in a group, Please Unfollow if you are not in or planning to join Wonderland Heart, or not that’s your choice, it just means i won’t be responding to things outside of the group.)
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