loganmars · 4 years
02:00 Check-In
Hey-o kiddo. Please, please never be a stranger. I love you so, so much--even when your head is telling you different, please believe that I’m here. I’m here for you. To support you, to love you. I’m always cheering for you. I baked cookies today--they’re coming in the mail. I hope they’re in one piece when they get to you. If not, I’ll have a word with the post office.
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loganmars · 4 years
01:00 Message
Hey kiddo!
I know you’re buzzy, but I want you to know: you’re the bee’s knees!
I’m proud of you-- I hope you can bee-lieve that.   ❤
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loganmars · 4 years
00:00 Encouragement
Hey there kiddo! Just checking in-- I love you and I’m so proud of you. Let me know if you need anything. Hugs!
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