log-p0se · 2 years
yo yo! i’m going to take a little break from tumblr 💙 i’m trying to focus more on school and the first step is less screen time, which tumblr takes up the most.
i’m actually working on a little valentines surprise fic for someone! so goodbye for now, but not forever 💙
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log-p0se · 2 years
Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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log-p0se · 2 years
if you haven’t noticed, i’m taking a little break from writing. the upcoming semester will be busy and i’ll probably only post sparingly. which honestly, isn’t any different from the way i have been posting while i’ve had this blog
i do however have a whole event drafted up. I’m thinking of posting it, and slowly working on one or two requests a week throughout the semester.
anyways, i’ll still be active on my main and maybe on discord, but not as much.
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log-p0se · 2 years
300 follower celebration <3
Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support, I am so grateful for everything and everyone that I’ve met in the community! As my thanks, here’s a little gift:
I’ve had this prompt list in my drafts and in the works for a couple weeks now, and I wasn’t sure when to post it so! here we are.
this isn’t a formal event, it felt like I just had one so it seemed like -too soon- for me to have another, but in honor of reaching 300 followers, I’ll release the prompt list!
Since this isn’t an event, I was thinking that the list will stay up until I get tired of it. I’m hoping it’ll help people get ideas for requests if they want to ask for something but aren’t sure what.
this is stated in my submission rules but! if there's no please or thank you in a request, I will no longer be doing it! I’ve been having a lot of problems with that lately, and am tired of it so I just will be deleting requests that don’t have basic manners.
you can pick up to two characters for up to two prompts! multiple characters will automatically be headcanons. also please be sure to say which list you’re asking from! or else I’ll guess :) the only acception is I won’t do nsfw for a sfw prompt
prompts below cut! no minors
Fluff / Soft / SFW
“Of course I couldn’t forget.”
“Come on, you’re not okay”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this”
“What if I gave you 10 dollars?”
“Oh, you’re burning up”
“I’ll stay with you”
“I don’t want to be alone right now”
“Why’re you so mean”
“There’s nothing a little flower can’t fix”
“Thank you, you know, for everything”
“Want to go for a drive?”
“This is awkward isn’t it”
“And what do we have going on here?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care”
“I’m sick, you can’t be in here”
“Is this… for me?”
“Let’s have a movie night”
“I had a nightmare”
“Can I stay here?”
“Hey, hey, I’m here”
Angst SFW
“Why did you have to do it, stupid”
“Can’t you see I’m hurting too?”
“I don’t have time for this”
“You must be stupider than I thought”
“They… didn’t tell you?”
“Take one more step and it's over.”
“Hey, look at me, I can’t lose you”
“Get. Out”
“I can’t even look at you”
“Well isn’t someone a little full of themselves”
“I didn’t think you would want to see me”
“Are you rejecting me?”
“You said you would be there, you promised”
“What are you, desperate?”
“It's your fault for trusting me"
“You shouldn’t be in here”
“Please don’t take them away from me”
“I can’t forgive you anymore”
“I don’t know what to do anymore”
“Hate doesn’t even come close to it”
Romantic / Flirty SFW
“What if I said I wasn’t pretending”
“Is this a date?”
“You make me want to be better”
“I’m in love with you and I don’t care who knows”
“Please just hold me”
“Come here, give me a kiss”
“I don’t want to get you sick”
“Your ex never did this, right?”
“How about a goodnight kiss?”
“I love you, and I’ll do so forever”
“C’mere, you’ll be warmer in my arms”
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor”
“You’re everything to me, you always have been”
“I am foolishly, hopelessly in love with you”
“Oh how lucky you make me feel”
“I missed you so much”
“You don’t have to do things alone anymore, you know”
“Just hold me, please”
“Look, we match now!”
“Want to help me with dinner?”
“Don’t say a word, just lay there and look pretty for me”
“I’m not jealous, you’re just mine.”
“Let me love you the way you deserve”
“I’ll have you saying my name like a prayer”
“You have no idea what you do to me”
“That’s it baby, moan for me”
“Turn around for me”
“This is the last time, okay?”
“You sound so good for me”
“Fine, please touch me."
if one prompt gets a lot of requests (5+ probably) I'll cross it off just so I don't get burnt out on it all the love, lemon
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log-p0se · 2 years
with the tags and search officially being completely broken on all platforms (no new posts are showing up in them anymore), now feels like a good time to remind everyone that the only way to help creators is to reblog their stuff. even before the tags were busted most people found new creators through their content being rebloged onto their dash, and now, at least for the time being, that will be the Only way to find and spread things.
Fast reblog is a thing, you dont have to leave comments, you dont have to leave tags, just reblog stuff if you want to keep seeing new content being posted to this site.
and as a final note, with this change likes are officially completely pointless for content creators. up till now they served to boost a posts placement in the tag searches (a post tagged #girl with 40 likes would show up higher in the search than a post tagged #girl with only 10 likes,)
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log-p0se · 2 years
new year new headcanon: marco is an astrology bitch. it’s not very obvious, but often he’ll say things like “what a typical virgo” or “prick, i bet their moon is in scorpio yoi”
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log-p0se · 2 years
Ace’s birthday bash event
Ace is one of my most favorite character it only seems fitting we open on  his birthday 
I hope everyone enjoys this event, this is my first one 
this will be  a month long event there will be 31 slots
thank you @cyborg-franky for the lovely banner they made!
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Pick one of the number prompts there are 21 sfw prompts and 10 nsfw prompts for ace’s birthday bash have fun!”
Remember when requesting it’s important to add what pronoun you want or i will automatically make it GN 
1: “ i like the way your hand fits in mine”
2: You have something in your hair, uhm do you want me to get it out?”
3: you can’t leave without letting me hug you first”
4:  “ you love me?”
5: “ is that my shirt?”
6: “ what if i screw this up?”
7:” I could kiss you right now”
8:” please marry me?”
9:” why are you looking at me like that?”
10: I wanted to say it first!”
11:” I may be an idiot but i,m your idiot”
12:” How did you even get yourself into this situation”
13:” I could kiss you right now”
14:” well this is awkward”
15:” will you spend the night?”
16:” I can’t believe you talked me into this”
17:” here’s a thought, actually fuck this”
18:” I would like my good morning kiss now”
19:” I think i,m in love with you and i don’t know what to do”
20:” i don’t want to forget this moment”
21:” don’t mind me just enjoying the view”
22:” I,m going to fucking ruin you”
23:” your so cute when your all tied up and needy”
24:”ah ,ah not until i give permission”
25:”Lay back and touch yourself i want to watch”
26:” You can be louder can’t you?”
27:” I love it when you moan my name”
28:”Don;’t cover your mouth , i like hearing you”
29:” I know baby , i know , i,m right here just breathe”
30:” maybe i rather take my time”
31:” My baby you did so well”
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log-p0se · 2 years
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welcome to my matchmaking salon, have a seat! my name is Lale and i’m your worst matchmaker ever. instead of joy and a happy ending i can offer you some pain in the ass and an almost-lovers to enemies scenario. all for the price of 500.000 berry (no refunds)!
what you receive: a match made in hell near a dumpster fire and a short glimpse in the future of how all of this will go down (spoiler: badly) 🔮
how to apply: how would you describe yourself in three sentences? what are you looking for in a partner? give me a brief description of yourself, anything you feel would be relevant! keep it short, i am very bad at my job and don’t bother to read long ass descriptions. this is a speed match up after all. please send it with anon on so i’m not biased!
also give me a flaming heart emoji ❤️‍🔥 somewhere in your request so i know that you’ve read those very simple rules.
i have ten slots open, might open some more depending on how this goes! slots taken: [6/10]
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log-p0se · 2 years
seems like a good time to retire
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log-p0se · 3 years
n. @childofblackmaria surprise! i was literally so psyched when i drew your name bc i knew even before i read your wishlist that i’d get to write some Rayleigh. wrote it with a fem reader (and you <3) in mind. I hope you enjoy <3 happy holidays!
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“I swear I’ve kicked you out before.” You popped your hip out, crossing your arms and cocking your brow.
“Y/n,” the ever-so charming silver fox Rayleigh leaned back in his chair, throwing a grin your way, “Won’t you take pity on this old man?”
“Nope. Get up, you can keep playing after you help me decorate this place.”
You ran a small casino in Sabaody. It wasn’t the best casino on the archipelago, but it was the worst. It was the kind of place you went to as a last resort, when you needed fast cash, where crooks and bums spent their days slowly swindling themselves into debt.
At least, those were the rumors. Sure the regulars could be considered crooks and bums, but they were basically family. You knew all of the regulars personally, you even given those especially in debt jobs to help them make up the money.
One of those bums included Ray, or Silvers Rayleigh, but he was rather lowkey about that fact.
“What’s the occasion?” Rayleigh asks, shuffling through the box of decorations, picking up a string of colorful lights.
You pulled your brows together, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, is it a celebration of some kind?”
“Christmas Rayleigh. It’s Christmas.”
“Oh,” A low chuckle rumbled off of his chest, “I guess I don’t pay attention to the time of year,”—and to all the holiday decorations around the archipelago, apparently—“So what can I do to help?”
You grabbed a box, handing to him, “You can follow my instructions for the next few hours.”
He grinned, handsomely. It was a crime to be so handsome. (No wonder he was a wanted man.) But that wouldn’t get him out of debt.
“Yes ma’am.”
It’s not like you organized this to check out the older man. But the fact that he racked up debt in your casino was just the incentive you needed to see his biceps flex through his sleeves as he lifted heavy boxes, his shirt rise over his taut abs as he hung the lights. He wasn’t even trying to look good but still, it was hard to keep your eyes from straying.
It wasn’t as if he was completely innocent either, offering to hold the bottom of the ladder as you were decorating the tree to let his eyes wander (respectfully.)
“Can you pass me the star?” you asked. He dug around the box and gave you the golden star that belonged at the top of the tree. You climbed to the final step (unfortunately, you bought a tall tree and owned a short ladder) carefully balancing yourself to put the star right top and center.
Very nice, if you did say so yourself.
“It looks great from here.” said Rayleigh.
You looked down to him. Me or the tree, is what you would’ve said, if you hadn’t missed your step and weren’t falling to your doom. You tensed, quickly prepared yourself for the hurt.
Only, it didn’t hurt, because he caught you, holding you in his thick arms like a new bride.
You opened your mouth before closing it, eyes wide and in shock.
“You caught me.”
Really Y/n? Out of all the things you could say?
“I did,” he placed you down on your feet. You were a little disappointed you didn’t have a longer moment in his arms, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes, of course I am, it wasn’t a big fall or anything,” you sputtered, standing awkwardly beside him. Was it awkward? Were you making it awkward? It felt awkward, but that could be you overthinking the situation. You cleared your throat, fidgeting with your fingers behind your back, “Uh, maybe you should be the one on the ladder.”
“Only if you promise to catch me when I fall.”
“What? Shut up,” you meant to sneer, but it came out playfully as you laughed. Rayleigh was good at that, diffusing a tense situation. Rayleigh was good at a lot of things, maybe that’s why you liked having him around.
After a few hours of hanging ornaments and lining the walls with lights and tinsel, you stood at the entrance, admiring the work done. The casino wasn’t the biggest, nor was it the fanciest, but it looked like the christmas spirit flew through the room and decorated the place himself.
“Not too bad Rayleigh, if coating doesn’t work out, you always have a future in interior design.”
“Please, I was only following your instructions,” he said, leaning on the door frame opposite of you.
“Really?” You raised a brow, before looking up, seeing a tuft of mistletoe taped to the top. You’d noticed it earlier, figuring Rayleigh would be the one to put it up there. He must’ve been planning this, because it certainly didn’t come from your decorations, “Because I don’t remember telling you to put that up.”
“Oh?” he said, coyly feigning innocence, “How did that get there?”
You rolled your eyes, still, you approached him, placing a hand on his chest, “Maybe Santa Claus came early.”
Your cheek tingled oh so pleasantly when his hand came to rest there. His face softly lit by the vibrant christmas lights, your own face getting warm from the close distance. He leaned down and you closed your eyes, lips just barely touching yours when he paused.
“May I?”
You opened your eyes, shivers zipping up your spine when you met his soft gaze. Almost breathlessly, you said:
“You don’t even have to ask.”
His lips felt even better than you imagined, a bit dry to the touch and molding so perfectly with yours. His hand found the small of your back, pressing you even closer to kiss you deeper. Your body was on air and your head was spinning, chasing after his lips when he pulled away.
“Woah darling, be patient,” he grinned softly, cupping your cheeks with the very same softness, “We have all night, and I’m going to take my time.”
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log-p0se · 3 years
n. @childofblackmaria okay listen— i saw smoker on your list and i couldn’t not write for him so, um, surprise? you get two holiday fics :D i really had fun writing this one, also i used you pronouns so it’s a little more personalized ❤️
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Smoker received a postcard.
It was unusual, he wasn’t the kind of person to receive personal mail. It didn’t say much, the sender didn’t leave a name or address, only a short, mysterious question:
Will I be seeing you at the New Years banquet this year?
He tucked the postcard into the pocket lining his blazer, taking a deep breath before making his way up the grandiose staircase. He wasn’t the type of man to attend these sort of formal events, but he had a sneaking suspicion of who it was that sent the postcard. He justified his attendance by telling himself it was to confirm his suspicion, but dammit if he wasn’t curious.
There was no hesitation in his step, no shyness in his posture. He carried himself into the banquet hall with composure, saying short hello’s to his colleagues. He had no interest in making small talk, after all he came here with a goal.
Find who sent him the letter.
“Ah Smoker my boy!” Garp came up behind him, patting him on the back unnecessarily hard. Smoker lurched forward, his face grimacing a bit before straightening his posture. “How are thing’s running at the G-5 branch?”
“They’re running, sir,” Smoker answered, he didn’t want to talk to Garp, but he wasn’t about to disrespect a superior. Still, he looked out for faces in the crowd to clue him as to who sent him the note.
Garp simply laughed, “Hah! You haven’t changed a bit boy. Y/n would sure get a kick out of that.”
Ah, there it is. Y/n. Also known as his prime suspect. He didn’t know for sure, but he also didn’t know anyone else bold enough to send him a letter like that. But what were you expecting from him? He could’ve easily not shown up.
Well he did, but that was beside the point.
“Is she here?” Smoker asked.
He grit his teeth, don’t snap at him, he’s your superior who you probably definitely respect, “Y/n. Is y/n here.”
“Oh why didn’t you just say that,” Garp said, “We came over on the same ship, she should be making her rounds.” Before Smoker could go, Garp held onto his shoulder, with a serious face. If you didn’t know, that was very unlike Garp, “I never apologized to you for my part in your transfer. I’m sorry.”
Smoker nodded, not knowing what to say, “Don’t worry, sir. It’s water under the bridge.”
As he searched for you, he thought of the last time he saw you, when he was being transferred to Logue Town. The higher ups heard a rumor the two of you were together. Whether it was true or not, they began the transfer process anyways, keeping you on the Grand Line and sending him to the East Blue.
“Who do they think they are?” Smoker grumbled, gripping the railing with a cigar hanging from his lips. It was a snowy night, the air was brutally cold. Much like the judge that ruled that the two of you would no longer be partners.
“Sending me away over some baseless rumor, they don’t even have the evidence to back it up. Can you believe that?”
You shrugged, taking a drag of your cigarette before blowing it into the cool winter air, “I don’t know, maybe it’s for the best.”
He scoffed, “How do you figure?”
You counted on your fingers, “First of all, you hate it here. You always grumble how the higher ups have a tight hold on you.”
“I don’t grumble.”
“And second of all,” you rolled your eyes, putting another finger up, “Logue Town isn’t so bad. It’d be your job to stop pirates from entering the Grand Line, which makes my job a whole lot easier. It’s a rewarding position.”
You had a point, still, his current position was already plenty rewarding. Besides, how rewarding could the East Blue be? The highest bounty there was under 30 million beris.
“Sounds like you just want me gone.”
“Duh,” he shot you a glare and you snorted, which made you cough, choking on your own smoke, “I’m kidding! We’ve been partners since basic training, of course I don’t want you to be a sea away.”
“Then let’s fight this.”
“We did. We went to court and this was the outcome.”
You opened your mouth to answer when a soldier approached the two of you, saluting with perfect posture, shivering from the cold, “L-Lieutenant Y/n! Vice Admiral G-G-Garp says t-to report to the ship, p-p-pronto.”
“At ease private. I’ll be there, give me a few minutes,” you excused him kindly and they rushed back inside. A solemn smile found its way on your face, which didn’t go unnoticed by Smoker.
“So this is it.” He said.
“I suppose so,” you stubbed your cigarette out on the snowy railing, taking a deep breath, before facing him. “This is really it.” Smoker knew you well enough to know you were conflicted. You looked like you had something to say, but he wasn’t going to push you to say it. He stayed silent, giving you time to say what you wanted to say. You laughed, shaking your head, only laughing harder as the time went on.
“Now you’ve officially gone crazy.”
“Shut up,” you said with a solemn smile. Nothing could’ve prepared his poor heart for the words about to come out of your mouth.
It clicked in Smokers mind where to find you. He pushed his way through the warm bodies crowding the hall, not really caring if he bumped into them or not. The chill winter air took its time to bite his warm skin. A few people stood here and there on the patio, smoking, talking amongst each other, but none of them were you. His breath was like smoke in the air, his foot steps quick and heavy on the patio as he went to the last place he saw you.
On the railing on that winter night long ago.
He paused. The voice that called to him sounded like a stranger, but felt so familiar. Slowly he turned around, nervous to see how you’d change. After all, it has been years since he had the pleasure of seeing you. He felt ridiculous for feeling hesitant, you were a friend. An old friend. His former partner. There was no reason to feel nervous, he was the Vice Admiral of the rowdiest base in the New World.
He had to physically stop his eyes from bugging out, instead, he swallowed thickly.
You were in a dress that hugged the lines and curves of your body from your waist to the floor, with long-sleeves that fell off your shoulders. A fur shawl wrapped around your shoulders to complete the look. Your hair neatly put up behind you and your face—
It was you. A bit older than when he last saw you, but it was really you.
You snorted, hand shooting to your mouth, “You do realize formal means wearing a shirt under that blazer, right?”
His face fell flat, there was no doubt about it, you were definitely the y/n he remembered. It wasn’t hard for the two of you to fall back into your old behavior. Talking to each other as if no time had passed at all. Like you two were still two bright-eyed lieutenants in your early twenties, forgetting your current positions and responsibilities that weighed on your shoulders.
And just when you were so swept up in the lighthearted talk you forgot about the shivering cold, the first flakes of snow began to drift down on your skin. Smoker looked up, the falling snow reminding him of that night, the last time he saw you all those years ago.
“Do you remember the last thing you told me?” Smoker asked.
“Oh,” you were hoping he wouldn’t bring that up, “It was so long ago, I don’t even remember—”
“I remember,” it was the only thing he could think of for months after he transferred. Though he hasn’t thought much of it, or even you, over the years, he still remembered your exact words.
“I remember everything about that night.”
“Shut up,” you turned to him, with a solemn smile, “I just wish we had time to make those rumors true.”
Smoker froze, and not because of the cold. He had no idea you felt this way, he tried searching his memories for any signs, any clues that you saw him as anything more than a partner, but in such a short amount of time, nothing came to mind.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
You shrugged, “I’d regret it if I didn’t,” he stood there, without anything to say. You smiled awkwardly, “I’ll see you around, or not, partner.”
“Really?” You rubbed your arms, goosebumps rising either from the cold or from this sudden tension, “I never heard from you afterwards though, I figured I scared you off.”
“You did.”
He reached his hand out to cup your face, cutting off your thought. He smelled like sweet cigars and something woody you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“But I’m not scared now.”
He leaned into you, kissing you as slowly as the snow fell. You immediately molded into him, bringing a hand behind his head to press his lips further into yours. It was hot, passionate, any snow within your radius melted at your display of affection. Finally pulling away when your lungs burned for the crisp winter air.
You opened your eyes, looking at his lips, then up to his eyes. “Smoker I–”
A high-pitched whistle and an explosion of color cut you off, fireworks lighting up the night sky. Soon the patio was filled with people, cheering, screaming their revolutions into the air and wishing each other a happy New Year. Even with all this company, the two of you were only occupied with each other. In your own little bubble.
You laughed breathlessly, lacing your fingers behind his neck, “Well, happy New Year.”
“Yeah,” He rested his hands on your waist, a soft smile gracing lips, “How about we take this somewhere with less eyes.”
Turned to your side, you see Garp some ways away with two thumbs up, and Sengoku nodding and smiling widely in approval (he’s really let loose since he retired) you looked back to Smoker, his face illuminated by the vibrant fireworks representing the New Year. New beginnings.
“I’d like that,” and you welcomed this new beginning with a smile.
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log-p0se · 3 years
As a thanks for all of the wonderful support, I'm officially hosting my first event! Because I'm still incredibly new to this, I'll be keeping it pretty small. I'll keep the event running from 12/24 (tomorrow) until 12/30 midnight, PST or however long it takes for the spots to fill. During the event, regular requests will be put on the backburner, and I will close my inbox to non-event related requests Open slots can be found at the bottom of the post!
~R U L E S ~ 1. I'll only open up 10 slots, 8 SFW and 2 NSFW note: if I only get one nsfw (or none), then the two will become SFW 2. Please read my submission rules before requesting if you’re unfamiliar if there's a request that doesn't follow the basic rules I won't be doing it I won't ask more specifics like I would regular requests, 3. Pick a maximum of 2 (different) characters, and 2 (different) prompts. I won't do a character/prompt combo more than once, and I won't reuse the same prompt more than 3 times, and will ask you if there's a new prompt/character you'd like to pick 4. Specify if you'd like a headcanon or drabble if you don't specify, I'll pick my preference. Requests with multiple characters will be headcanons bc i can't write short drabbles oops 5. Remember, the more detail the better! And don't be afraid to ask questions this is my first time doing an event, so it will by no means be perfect. if there's something you're unsure about, my inbox is open! I don't bite :)
And lastly, please be polite! I've been a bit lenient on it with normal asks, but please and thank yous go a long way and make me feel appreciated for the work.
p.s. if there's a request i really want to write, but there's no room in the event, you might see it after the official event is over
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for,
The Prompt lists:
SFW Prompts:
fluff: 1. "I just can't believe you love me" 2. "Just kiss me" 3. "You got me flowers?" 4. "You're safe with me, you know that right?" 5. "I think I'm falling in love with you" 6. "Can you do me a favor?" 7. "But you're here, so stay" 8. "You're so damn attractive, you know that right?" 9. "Could you bring me a glass of water?" 10. "Hey, let me take a look at that"
angst: 1. "Don't be like that, you know what I meant" 2. "I don't want this to end, I don't" 3. "No matter what happens, know that I love you" 4. "I thought you might have had better things to do" 5. "I don't really know what to say" 6. "I don't want to be alone tonight" 7. "I can't believe I trusted you" 8. "get out" 9. "It wasn't even worth it" 10. "You know how much I love you"
NSFW Prompts: 1. "Well don't you look good enough to eat" 2. "Try to stay quiet, you understand?" 3. "Don't you think you should listen to me?" 4. "Trust me baby, I've got you" 5. "It's just sex, you got that?" 6. "Having trouble sleeping? Here, let me help" 7. "You can sit on my lap until I'm done working, okay?" 8. "You like what you see?"
1. open 2. open 3. open 4. open 5. open 6. open 7. open 8. open 9. open (nsfw) 10. open (nsfw)
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log-p0se · 3 years
ayyy thanks for the tag! (it was getting a little long so i deleted the reblogs)
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okay i was going to say he’d be perfect then i remembered how ferally terrifying he is. he’d violently question me about my identity and intentions and i’d just cry—
tagging: @fire-fist-ann @missallsundaes @flameboyace @eustasssimp if you want to try pls go ahead! <3
It's 4 am and I'm bored so I'm starting a new tag!
You get isekai'd into another world, the last Anime character saved in your gallery is the first person you see, how screwed are you?
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I mean... For me, as long as I bring up how much I know about the straw hats I'm fine (and I also get to see best boy :D )
Tagging: @simpforroses @undercoverweeeb @punkdhazardd @gale-dragon-writer @just-a-well-wisher
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log-p0se · 3 years
n. @childofblackmaria okay listen— i saw smoker on your list and i couldn’t not write for him so, um, surprise? you get two holiday fics :D i really had fun writing this one, also i used you pronouns so it’s a little more personalized ❤️
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Smoker received a postcard.
It was unusual, he wasn’t the kind of person to receive personal mail. It didn’t say much, the sender didn’t leave a name or address, only a short, mysterious question:
Will I be seeing you at the New Years banquet this year?
He tucked the postcard into the pocket lining his blazer, taking a deep breath before making his way up the grandiose staircase. He wasn’t the type of man to attend these sort of formal events, but he had a sneaking suspicion of who it was that sent the postcard. He justified his attendance by telling himself it was to confirm his suspicion, but dammit if he wasn’t curious.
There was no hesitation in his step, no shyness in his posture. He carried himself into the banquet hall with composure, saying short hello’s to his colleagues. He had no interest in making small talk, after all he came here with a goal.
Find who sent him the letter.
“Ah Smoker my boy!” Garp came up behind him, patting him on the back unnecessarily hard. Smoker lurched forward, his face grimacing a bit before straightening his posture. “How are thing’s running at the G-5 branch?”
“They’re running, sir,” Smoker answered, he didn’t want to talk to Garp, but he wasn’t about to disrespect a superior. Still, he looked out for faces in the crowd to clue him as to who sent him the note.
Garp simply laughed, “Hah! You haven’t changed a bit boy. Y/n would sure get a kick out of that.”
Ah, there it is. Y/n. Also known as his prime suspect. He didn’t know for sure, but he also didn’t know anyone else bold enough to send him a letter like that. But what were you expecting from him? He could’ve easily not shown up.
Well he did, but that was beside the point.
“Is she here?” Smoker asked.
He grit his teeth, don’t snap at him, he’s your superior who you probably definitely respect, “Y/n. Is y/n here.”
“Oh why didn’t you just say that,” Garp said, “We came over on the same ship, she should be making her rounds.” Before Smoker could go, Garp held onto his shoulder, with a serious face. If you didn’t know, that was very unlike Garp, “I never apologized to you for my part in your transfer. I’m sorry.”
Smoker nodded, not knowing what to say, “Don’t worry, sir. It’s water under the bridge.”
As he searched for you, he thought of the last time he saw you, when he was being transferred to Logue Town. The higher ups heard a rumor the two of you were together. Whether it was true or not, they began the transfer process anyways, keeping you on the Grand Line and sending him to the East Blue.
“Who do they think they are?” Smoker grumbled, gripping the railing with a cigar hanging from his lips. It was a snowy night, the air was brutally cold. Much like the judge that ruled that the two of you would no longer be partners.
“Sending me away over some baseless rumor, they don’t even have the evidence to back it up. Can you believe that?”
You shrugged, taking a drag of your cigarette before blowing it into the cool winter air, “I don’t know, maybe it’s for the best.”
He scoffed, “How do you figure?”
You counted on your fingers, “First of all, you hate it here. You always grumble how the higher ups have a tight hold on you.”
“I don’t grumble.”
“And second of all,” you rolled your eyes, putting another finger up, “Logue Town isn’t so bad. It’d be your job to stop pirates from entering the Grand Line, which makes my job a whole lot easier. It’s a rewarding position.”
You had a point, still, his current position was already plenty rewarding. Besides, how rewarding could the East Blue be? The highest bounty there was under 30 million beris.
“Sounds like you just want me gone.”
“Duh,” he shot you a glare and you snorted, which made you cough, choking on your own smoke, “I’m kidding! We’ve been partners since basic training, of course I don’t want you to be a sea away.”
“Then let’s fight this.”
“We did. We went to court and this was the outcome.”
You opened your mouth to answer when a soldier approached the two of you, saluting with perfect posture, shivering from the cold, “L-Lieutenant Y/n! Vice Admiral G-G-Garp says t-to report to the ship, p-p-pronto.”
“At ease private. I’ll be there, give me a few minutes,” you excused him kindly and they rushed back inside. A solemn smile found its way on your face, which didn’t go unnoticed by Smoker.
“So this is it.” He said.
“I suppose so,” you stubbed your cigarette out on the snowy railing, taking a deep breath, before facing him. “This is really it.” Smoker knew you well enough to know you were conflicted. You looked like you had something to say, but he wasn’t going to push you to say it. He stayed silent, giving you time to say what you wanted to say. You laughed, shaking your head, only laughing harder as the time went on.
“Now you’ve officially gone crazy.”
“Shut up,” you said with a solemn smile. Nothing could’ve prepared his poor heart for the words about to come out of your mouth.
It clicked in Smokers mind where to find you. He pushed his way through the warm bodies crowding the hall, not really caring if he bumped into them or not. The chill winter air took its time to bite his warm skin. A few people stood here and there on the patio, smoking, talking amongst each other, but none of them were you. His breath was like smoke in the air, his foot steps quick and heavy on the patio as he went to the last place he saw you.
On the railing on that winter night long ago.
He paused. The voice that called to him sounded like a stranger, but felt so familiar. Slowly he turned around, nervous to see how you’d change. After all, it has been years since he had the pleasure of seeing you. He felt ridiculous for feeling hesitant, you were a friend. An old friend. His former partner. There was no reason to feel nervous, he was the Vice Admiral of the rowdiest base in the New World.
He had to physically stop his eyes from bugging out, instead, he swallowed thickly.
You were in a dress that hugged the lines and curves of your body from your waist to the floor, with long-sleeves that fell off your shoulders. A fur shawl wrapped around your shoulders to complete the look. Your hair neatly put up behind you and your face—
It was you. A bit older than when he last saw you, but it was really you.
You snorted, hand shooting to your mouth, “You do realize formal means wearing a shirt under that blazer, right?”
His face fell flat, there was no doubt about it, you were definitely the y/n he remembered. It wasn’t hard for the two of you to fall back into your old behavior. Talking to each other as if no time had passed at all. Like you two were still two bright-eyed lieutenants in your early twenties, forgetting your current positions and responsibilities that weighed on your shoulders.
And just when you were so swept up in the lighthearted talk you forgot about the shivering cold, the first flakes of snow began to drift down on your skin. Smoker looked up, the falling snow reminding him of that night, the last time he saw you all those years ago.
“Do you remember the last thing you told me?” Smoker asked.
“Oh,” you were hoping he wouldn’t bring that up, “It was so long ago, I don’t even remember—”
“I remember,” it was the only thing he could think of for months after he transferred. Though he hasn’t thought much of it, or even you, over the years, he still remembered your exact words.
“I remember everything about that night.”
“Shut up,” you turned to him, with a solemn smile, “I just wish we had time to make those rumors true.”
Smoker froze, and not because of the cold. He had no idea you felt this way, he tried searching his memories for any signs, any clues that you saw him as anything more than a partner, but in such a short amount of time, nothing came to mind.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
You shrugged, “I’d regret it if I didn’t,” he stood there, without anything to say. You smiled awkwardly, “I’ll see you around, or not, partner.”
“Really?” You rubbed your arms, goosebumps rising either from the cold or from this sudden tension, “I never heard from you afterwards though, I figured I scared you off.”
“You did.”
He reached his hand out to cup your face, cutting off your thought. He smelled like sweet cigars and something woody you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“But I’m not scared now.”
He leaned into you, kissing you as slowly as the snow fell. You immediately molded into him, bringing a hand behind his head to press his lips further into yours. It was hot, passionate, any snow within your radius melted at your display of affection. Finally pulling away when your lungs burned for the crisp winter air.
You opened your eyes, looking at his lips, then up to his eyes. “Smoker I–”
A high-pitched whistle and an explosion of color cut you off, fireworks lighting up the night sky. Soon the patio was filled with people, cheering, screaming their revolutions into the air and wishing each other a happy New Year. Even with all this company, the two of you were only occupied with each other. In your own little bubble.
You laughed breathlessly, lacing your fingers behind his neck, “Well, happy New Year.”
“Yeah,” He rested his hands on your waist, a soft smile gracing lips, “How about we take this somewhere with less eyes.”
Turned to your side, you see Garp some ways away with two thumbs up, and Sengoku nodding and smiling widely in approval (he’s really let loose since he retired) you looked back to Smoker, his face illuminated by the vibrant fireworks representing the New Year. New beginnings.
“I’d like that,” and you welcomed this new beginning with a smile.
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log-p0se · 3 years
n. @childofblackmaria surprise! i was literally so psyched when i drew your name bc i knew even before i read your wishlist that i’d get to write some Rayleigh. wrote it with a fem reader (and you <3) in mind. I hope you enjoy <3 happy holidays!
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“I swear I’ve kicked you out before.” You popped your hip out, crossing your arms and cocking your brow.
“Y/n,” the ever-so charming silver fox Rayleigh leaned back in his chair, throwing a grin your way, “Won’t you take pity on this old man?”
“Nope. Get up, you can keep playing after you help me decorate this place.”
You ran a small casino in Sabaody. It wasn’t the best casino on the archipelago, but it was the worst. It was the kind of place you went to as a last resort, when you needed fast cash, where crooks and bums spent their days slowly swindling themselves into debt.
At least, those were the rumors. Sure the regulars could be considered crooks and bums, but they were basically family. You knew all of the regulars personally, you even given those especially in debt jobs to help them make up the money.
One of those bums included Ray, or Silvers Rayleigh, but he was rather lowkey about that fact.
“What’s the occasion?” Rayleigh asks, shuffling through the box of decorations, picking up a string of colorful lights.
You pulled your brows together, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, is it a celebration of some kind?”
“Christmas Rayleigh. It’s Christmas.”
“Oh,” A low chuckle rumbled off of his chest, “I guess I don’t pay attention to the time of year,”—and to all the holiday decorations around the archipelago, apparently—“So what can I do to help?”
You grabbed a box, handing to him, “You can follow my instructions for the next few hours.”
He grinned, handsomely. It was a crime to be so handsome. (No wonder he was a wanted man.) But that wouldn’t get him out of debt.
“Yes ma’am.”
It’s not like you organized this to check out the older man. But the fact that he racked up debt in your casino was just the incentive you needed to see his biceps flex through his sleeves as he lifted heavy boxes, his shirt rise over his taut abs as he hung the lights. He wasn’t even trying to look good but still, it was hard to keep your eyes from straying.
It wasn’t as if he was completely innocent either, offering to hold the bottom of the ladder as you were decorating the tree to let his eyes wander (respectfully.)
“Can you pass me the star?” you asked. He dug around the box and gave you the golden star that belonged at the top of the tree. You climbed to the final step (unfortunately, you bought a tall tree and owned a short ladder) carefully balancing yourself to put the star right top and center.
Very nice, if you did say so yourself.
“It looks great from here.” said Rayleigh.
You looked down to him. Me or the tree, is what you would’ve said, if you hadn’t missed your step and weren’t falling to your doom. You tensed, quickly prepared yourself for the hurt.
Only, it didn’t hurt, because he caught you, holding you in his thick arms like a new bride.
You opened your mouth before closing it, eyes wide and in shock.
“You caught me.”
Really Y/n? Out of all the things you could say?
“I did,” he placed you down on your feet. You were a little disappointed you didn’t have a longer moment in his arms, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes, of course I am, it wasn’t a big fall or anything,” you sputtered, standing awkwardly beside him. Was it awkward? Were you making it awkward? It felt awkward, but that could be you overthinking the situation. You cleared your throat, fidgeting with your fingers behind your back, “Uh, maybe you should be the one on the ladder.”
“Only if you promise to catch me when I fall.”
“What? Shut up,” you meant to sneer, but it came out playfully as you laughed. Rayleigh was good at that, diffusing a tense situation. Rayleigh was good at a lot of things, maybe that’s why you liked having him around.
After a few hours of hanging ornaments and lining the walls with lights and tinsel, you stood at the entrance, admiring the work done. The casino wasn’t the biggest, nor was it the fanciest, but it looked like the christmas spirit flew through the room and decorated the place himself.
“Not too bad Rayleigh, if coating doesn’t work out, you always have a future in interior design.”
“Please, I was only following your instructions,” he said, leaning on the door frame opposite of you.
“Really?” You raised a brow, before looking up, seeing a tuft of mistletoe taped to the top. You’d noticed it earlier, figuring Rayleigh would be the one to put it up there. He must’ve been planning this, because it certainly didn’t come from your decorations, “Because I don’t remember telling you to put that up.”
“Oh?” he said, coyly feigning innocence, “How did that get there?”
You rolled your eyes, still, you approached him, placing a hand on his chest, “Maybe Santa Claus came early.”
Your cheek tingled oh so pleasantly when his hand came to rest there. His face softly lit by the vibrant christmas lights, your own face getting warm from the close distance. He leaned down and you closed your eyes, lips just barely touching yours when he paused.
“May I?”
You opened your eyes, shivers zipping up your spine when you met his soft gaze. Almost breathlessly, you said:
“You don’t even have to ask.”
His lips felt even better than you imagined, a bit dry to the touch and molding so perfectly with yours. His hand found the small of your back, pressing you even closer to kiss you deeper. Your body was on air and your head was spinning, chasing after his lips when he pulled away.
“Woah darling, be patient,” he grinned softly, cupping your cheeks with the very same softness, “We have all night, and I’m going to take my time.”
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log-p0se · 3 years
it really is frustrating to see so many comments like ‘okay but write for yourself not for others stop begging for interactions’ from content consumers when writers dare to express their opinions on the lack of reblogs and comments on this platform. like you really can’t show appreciation by simply reblogging and adding a few tags but you can guilt trip writers into thinking it isn’t their place to complain about such a severe issue? morons 💀
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log-p0se · 3 years
analysis: to be transparent, i wrote this about his tiddies and whether or not they are squishy. but, it’s really up for interpretation. maybe it could be about his thighs or his ass. are they hard like marble, or soft to the touch? maybe it’s about his heart, is it rigid like stone, or open to fondness? you tell me
takeaway: i bet his tiddies squish like memory foam
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𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨,
tell me, what’s it like?
will my palm find carved marble
or baby soft foam
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