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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Cadeaux pour des enfants :
- Sylvanian family
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
How I would name my future children (if I have them one day)
- Sasha
- Max
- Lou
- Eden
- Thaïs
- Leslie
- Alexie
- Jamie
Autres non mixtes qui me plaisent :
- Ezra
- Abel
- Jade
- Ainhoa
- Mia
- Noam
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Je lis un livre sur le créole 🇲🇺 où ça dit que même si bcp de mots ont une base française, la façon dont sont faites les phrases sont souvent semblables à l'hindi, tamoul, malgache ou swahili +vu que les linguistes sont souvent fr on a effacé les origines non fr de certains mots.
Le livre dit juste que c'est bête de mettre plus en avant l'origine des mots plutôt que la grammaire, syntaxe, conjugaison ou formation d'adjectifs. Surtout que du fait que les linguistes sont fr, ils ont pas remarqué l'origine non fr de certains mots
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Conclusion : INFJ : introversion, intuition, feeling, judgment
Few personality types are as passionate and enigmatic as Advocates (INFJs). As someone with this personality type, you stand out for your imagination, your compassion, your integrity, and your deeply held principles. Unlike many other idealistic types, however, you are also capable of turning your ideals into plans and executing them.
Yet Advocates face challenges too. Even the most idealistic and dedicated of personality types can become frustrated when it comes to navigating interpersonal conflicts, confronting unpleasant facts, pursuing self-realization, or finding a fulfilling career path. As a result, you may sometimes find yourself questioning who you really are – and who you’re really meant to be.
What you have read so far is just an introduction – and it represents less than five percent of what we can tell you about the Advocate personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, “Wow, this is so accurate, it’s creepy,” or “They know more about me than the people I’m closest to do.” You may even be a little uncomfortable, because you’re not used to being so deeply understood.
This is not a trick. You felt understood because you were. We’ve spent years studying Advocates’ life stories, experiences, and responses to hundreds of our surveys. Step by step, insight by insight, we discovered exactly how Advocates think and what they need to reach their full potential.
This is how we know that many of the challenges you’ve faced (and will face in the future) have been overcome by other Advocates. You are not alone in this. You simply need to learn from the mistakes and successes of others.
But in order to do that, you need a road map that fits your needs. Life is too short to stumble around grasping at scattered and contradictory advice that might work for 95% of the population, but not for you. We now need to go much deeper into the Advocate mind and answer, “Why?” “How?” and “What if?”
Are you ready to learn why, as an Advocate, you act the way you do? How you can face your fears and go after the goals you secretly dream about? What if you could unlock your true, exceptional potential, while also staying true to who you are?
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Career Paths
Advocates (INFJs) tend to seek a career path that aligns with their values rather than one that offers status and material gain. Fortunately, people with this personality type are able to find work that suits them in just about any field.
In fact, many Advocates have trouble deciding which job is best for them because they’re able to imagine so many possibilities. These personalities may see 10 wildly different paths forward, each with its own set of rewards. This can be exciting but also stress-inducing, because picking just one means letting go of so many others.
Truth, Beauty, Purpose
Advocates want to find meaning in their work and to know that they are helping and connecting with people. This desire to help and connect can make roles as counselors, psychologists, teachers, social workers, yoga instructors, and spiritual leaders very rewarding for Advocates. Careers in health care – especially the more holistic varieties – can also be attractive options for this personality type.
Many Advocates are also strong communicators. This explains why they are often drawn to careers in writing, authoring many popular books, blogs, stories, and screenplays. Music, photography, design, and art can all be viable options as well, allowing Advocates to focus on deeper themes of personal growth and purpose.
That said, Advocates can excel in a range of fields. Wherever they work, people with this personality type can find ways to help others. They can also find ways to use their creativity in nearly any position. No matter what it says on their business cards, Advocates’ insight can enable them to spot unusual patterns and come up with out-of-the-box solutions, creating real change in others’ lives.
Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood
Advocates’ needs may be hard to meet in some work environments, especially those that offer little independence and agency. Advocate personalities are sometimes drawn to behind-the-scenes and noncompetitive roles, but these jobs can lead to frustration if they don’t allow Advocates to act as they see fit, grow as individuals, and make a difference.
For this reason, people with the Advocate personality type may feel fulfilled by seeking out leadership positions or by starting their own business. By finding jobs that offer more autonomy, Advocates can focus on applying their creativity and integrity to everything they do. Advocates may also find it gratifying to create bridges between seemingly disparate professional fields – for example, by writing about psychology or by being an environmental lawyer. These hybrid careers can offer plenty of opportunities for Advocates to exercise their creativity and their love of learning.
Where Advocates struggle is in work that doesn’t take personal needs into consideration, is overly repetitious, or promotes conflict. Jobs with these characteristics can leave Advocates frustrated and unfulfilled. People with this personality type may also chafe at the criticism and pressure that come with cutthroat, competitive work environments.
A Sense of Mission
In truth, Advocate personalities can do well in any field. To be truly happy, however, they need to find work that aligns with their values and allows them some independence. Advocates crave opportunities to learn and grow alongside the people they are helping. When this happens, Advocates may finally feel as if they are fulfilling their life’s mission, contributing to the well-being of humanity on a personal level.
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
As parents, Advocates (INFJs) tend to look at their relationships with their children as opportunities to learn and grow with someone they care about. These personality types also work to achieve another important goal: raising their children to be independent and all-around good people.
Advocate parents generally strive to be devoted and loving toward their children at all times. As they imagine their children’s futures, what Advocates really look forward to is being able to interact and connect as equals with the people they helped raise.
Be Unique, Just Like Me
As their children grow, Advocates may unconsciously project a great deal of their own beliefs onto them. People with this personality type often expect their children to demonstrate the same integrity and honesty that they expect from themselves.
At the same time, Advocate personalities may also push their children to think independently, make their own choices, and develop their own beliefs. Depending on the child’s developmental stage and temperament, they might find these expectations confusing or stressful – even though their Advocate parents have the best of intentions.
If all this independence is taken to heart, it can cause some trouble for Advocate parents as their children move into the more rebellious phase of adolescence. This is especially true if their children choose beliefs that go against their values as Advocate parents. In this situation, Advocates may feel as if their children are criticizing or rejecting them – a hurtful thing to such a sensitive personality type.
A Job Well Done
Ultimately, Advocate parents tend to realize that it isn’t a sign of failure if their children turn out differently than they’d expected. Instead, they come to see this as a sign that they’ve successfully helped raise someone who has the ability to form their own ideals. Advocates’ children often come to appreciate the combination of independence and integrity with which they were raised – especially as they get older.
Advocates strive to make sure that their children grow up with a firm understanding of the difference between right and wrong. Parents with this personality type encourage their children to fight for a cause they believe in and to be the best they can be. Whatever age their children might be, Advocates can find a great deal of fulfillment and meaning simply in helping their children learn to be true to themselves.
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Advocates (INFJs) have a deep desire for authenticity and sincerity in everything they do – from their daily activities to their relationships. As a result, people with this personality type rarely settle for friendships of convenience. Rather than rely on superficial interactions with the people they see every day at work or school, they generally prefer to have a close circle of confidants.
Advocates tend to light up around friends who share their passions, interests, and beliefs. Few things give these personalities more pleasure than connecting with others over discussions about meaningful ideas and philosophies. Once Advocates know they can trust someone completely, they find it incredibly fulfilling to share their innermost thoughts, ideas, and feelings with them.
Searching for a Heart of Gold
Just as Advocates have high standards for themselves, they also have high standards for their friendships. They want to feel compatible with their friends on a deep level. In addition, Advocate personalities generally want to surround themselves with people who will inspire them to grow and improve. Most Advocates don’t just want to have fun with their friends – they also want to learn new things, make new discoveries, and deepen their bonds.
This is a tall order, and Advocates may feel that it’s difficult to meet the sort of friends they’re searching for. Because Advocates are a rare personality type, they may meet relatively few people who really remind them of themselves. As a result, they may feel as if they need to settle for less-than-fulfilling friendships or else accept being alone.
Fortunately, Advocates are more than capable of finding the types of friends they long to meet – they might just have to use their intuition to do so. In their quiet, understated way, Advocate personality types have a knack for seeing beyond appearances and understanding people’s deeper natures. They can use this ability to move past first impressions and figure out whether someone’s interests, values, and attitudes might be compatible with their own. By doing this, Advocates can befriend people who might seem totally different from them but who are compatible on a deeper level.
Loyalty and Authenticity
Advocates have a quiet determination that can be quite charismatic, and their ability to express themselves clearly and passionately can make them truly shine. At times, these traits may lead to unwanted attention and popularity for Advocates, who tend to be private.
Advocates may sometimes find themselves surrounded by people who want to impress them. Paradoxically, this can make it more difficult for people with this personality type to find friends with whom they feel a connection. After all, the only way to be counted among Advocates’ true friends is to be authentic, honest, and real.
Once they do find genuine friends, people with the Advocate personality type make loyal and caring companions. With their trademark warmth and enthusiasm, they support their friends’ efforts to grow and expand their lives. In general, Advocate personalities don’t require a great deal of day-to-day attention from their friends. For them, quality trumps quantity – and that includes the time they spend with their nearest and dearest.
As trust grows, Advocates tend to share more of their inner lives with their friends. If these revelations are met with acceptance and support, this can herald the sort of friendship that transcends time and distance, lasting a lifetime.
Over the years, Advocates may end up with just a few true friendships rather than a wide circle of casual acquaintances. But as long as those friendships are built on a richness of mutual understanding, Advocates wouldn’t have it any other way.
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Romantic Relationships
Advocates (INFJs) tend to take the process of finding a romantic partner seriously. People with this personality type look for depth and meaning in their relationships, preferring not to settle for a match that’s founded on anything less than true love.
It can take time for Advocates to find a compatible partner. Some people might think Advocates are too choosy, and it’s true that these personalities can have unrealistic expectations. Some Advocates might hold out for a “perfect” partner or relationship that ultimately doesn’t exist.
That said, Advocates’ idealism – if balanced with just enough realism – can actually enhance their love lives. Advocate personalities tend to be in touch with their core values, so they care about compatibility as well as surface-level attraction. This can help them avoid matches that aren’t founded on authenticity or shared principles.
Once Advocates do find a suitable relationship, they rarely take it for granted. Instead, they tend to look for ways to grow as individuals and strengthen their connection with their partner. This can help Advocates’ relationships reach a level of depth and sincerity of which many people can only dream.
Is This for Real?
Advocates care about integrity, and they tend to bristle when people try to change them or talk them into something that they don’t believe. As a result, Advocate personalities gravitate toward partners who appreciate them as they are. And there’s a great deal to appreciate about Advocates: they’re warm, caring, honest, and insightful, with an ability to see the truth that lies beneath surface appearances.
People with this personality type create a depth to their relationships that can hardly be described in conventional terms. Because of their sensitivity and insight, Advocates can make their partners feel heard and understood in beautiful ways. Advocates aren’t afraid to express their love, and they feel it unconditionally.
Advocates tend to recognize that love isn’t a passive emotion but rather an opportunity to grow and learn, and they expect their partners to share this mindset. As a result, relationships with Advocates are not for the uncommitted or the shallow.
When it comes to intimacy, Advocates can be incredibly passionate in ways that go beyond the physical. People with this personality type crave an emotional and even spiritual connection with their partner. They cherish not just the act of being in a relationship but also what it means to become one with another person in mind, body, and soul.
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
Strengths & Weaknesses
Creative – Advocate personalities enjoy finding the perfect solution for the people they care about. To do this, they draw on their vivid imagination and their strong sense of compassion. This can make them excellent counselors and advisors.
Insightful – Advocates typically strive to move past appearances and get to the heart of things. This can give them an almost uncanny ability to understand people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs.
Principled – People with the Advocate personality type tend to have deeply held beliefs, and their conviction often shines through when they speak or write about subjects that matter to them. Advocates can be compelling and inspiring communicators, with their idealism persuading even the hardest of skeptics.
Passionate – Advocates can pursue their ideals with a single-mindedness that may catch others off guard. These personalities rarely settle for “good enough,” and their willingness to disrupt the status quo may not please everyone. That said, Advocates’ passion for their chosen cause is a key aspect of their personality.
Altruistic – Advocates generally aim to use their strengths for the greater good – they rarely enjoy succeeding at other people’s expense. They tend to think about how their actions affect others, and their goal is to behave in a way that will help the people around them and make the world a better place.
Advocate (INFJ) Weaknesses
Sensitive to Criticism – When someone challenges their principles or values, Advocates may react strongly. People with this personality type can become defensive in the face of criticism and conflict, particularly when it comes to issues that are near to their hearts.
Reluctant to Open Up – Advocates value honesty, but they’re also private. They may find it difficult to open up and be vulnerable about their struggles. This might also be because they think they need to solve their problems on their own or don’t want to burden other people with their issues. When Advocates don’t ask for help, they may inadvertently hold themselves back or create distance in their relationships.
Perfectionistic – The Advocate personality type is all but defined by idealism. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible. Advocates might find it difficult to appreciate their jobs, living situations, or relationships if they’re continually fixating on imperfections and wondering whether they should be looking for something better.
Avoiding the Ordinary – Advocate personalities tend to be motivated by a sense of having a greater purpose in life. They might consider it tedious or unnecessary to break their big visions into small, manageable steps. But they may be setting themselves up for frustration if they don’t turn their dreams into everyday routines and to-do lists. Without these specifics, their goals may never materialize.
Prone to Burnout – Advocates’ perfectionism and reserve may leave them with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type can exhaust themselves if they don’t find a way to balance their drive to help others with necessary self-care and rest.
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
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Le type de personnalité « Avocat » est très rare et constitue moins de un pourcent de la population, mais cela ne les empêche pas de laisser leur empreinte sur le monde. Ils ont un sens inné de l’idéalisme et de la morale, mais leur détermination et leur fermeté les différencie des autres types de personnalité. Les Avocats ne sont pas des rêveurs inactifs, mais des gens capables de prendre des mesures concrètes pour réaliser leurs buts et laisser un impact durablement positif.
Les Avocats ont tendance à considérer qu’aider les autres est le but de leur vie mais, bien que l’on puisse trouver les gens qui ont ce type de personnalité en train de mettre en marche des opérations de sauvetage et de faire du travail bénévole, leur vraie passion est d’aller au coeur du problème pour que les gens n’aient pas besoin d’être sauvés du tout.
Aidez-Moi A Vous Aider
Les Avocats partagent en effet une combinaison de traits fort unique : bien qu’ils s ‘expriment d’une voix calme et posée, ils ont des opinions très affirmées et se battront sans relâche pour défendre une idée en laquelle ils croient. Ils sont fermes et ont un fort caractère, mais il est rare qu’ils utilisent cette énergie à des fins personnelles. Les Avocats agissent avec créativité, imagination, conviction et sensibilité non pas pour prendre l’avantage mais pour instaurer l’équilibre. L’égalitarisme et le karma sont des idées très séduisantes pour les Avocats et ils ont tendance à croire que rien ne peut aussi bien aider le monde que l’usage de l’amour et de la compassion pour adoucir le coeur des tyrans.
Les Avocats ont des facilités pour entrer en contact avec les autres et ont du talent pour produire une langue chaleureuse et sensible, et pour parler en termes humains plutôt qu’en termes purement logiques et factuels. Il est logique que leurs amis et leurs collègues en viennent à les considérer comme des types calmes et Extrovertis, mais ils feraient tous bien de se souvenir que les Avocats ont besoin de passer du temps seuls pour décompresser et récupérer, et ils feraient bien de ne pas trop s’alarmer quand ils se mettent soudainement en retrait. Les Avocats se soucient beaucoup des sentiments des autres et ils s’attendent à ce qu’on leur retourne la faveur. Parfois, cela signifie qu’il faut les laisser respirer pendant quelques jours, car ils en ont besoin.
Vivre Pour Se Battre Un Jour De Plus
Cependant, il est vraiment extrêmement important que les Avocats se souviennent de prendre soin d’eux-mêmes. La passion de leurs convictions est tout à fait capable de leur faire dépasser leur point de rupture et, si leur zèle échappe à leur contrôle, ils peuvent se retrouver épuisés, en mauvaise santé et stressés. Cela devient particulièrement visible quand les Avocats se retrouvent confrontés à des conflits et à des critiques : leur sensibilité les force à faire tout ce qu’ils peuvent pour fuir ces attaques en apparence personnelles, mais quand les circonstances sont inévitables, ils peuvent se défendre de façons extrêmement irrationnelles et improductives.
Pour les Avocats, le monde est un lieu qui regorge d’injustice mais sans que ce soit inévitable. Aucun type de personnalité n’est aussi bien adapté que les Avocats pour créer un mouvement destiné à redresser un tort, quelle qu’en soit l’étendue. Les Avocats doivent seulement se souvenir que, même s’ils sont occupés à prendre soin du monde, ils ont également besoin de prendre soin d’eux-mêmes.
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lmmcrying · 3 years ago
List of my favourite lesbian films (no special order)
1. Rafiki
2. Tell it to the bees
3. Saving face
4. The Handmaiden (even if there is so much male gaze)
5. Ek ladki ko Dekha to aisa laga
6. Le portrait de la jeune fille en feu
7. D.E.B.S
8. Anne+
9. Badhaai do
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lmmcrying · 4 years ago
so confused right now, I thought “nothing at all” by perfume genius was about being here for someone no matter what. It was so comforting to me bc i felt like it was a representation of my relationship with mike’s music (whenever i’m happy or sad i listen to him and it makes me feel good) but Genius.com says it’s  about “being so into someone that they can really throw anything at you, and it doesn’t matter”.
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lmmcrying · 4 years ago
Pardon mais j’avais vraiment a big mind when i was a child ???
Pcq je pensais que tous les citoyens devaient avoir accès aux mêmes choses, je pensais que les lois devaient être voté par les citoyens.
Je pensais que les marques dans la mode devaient être inclusives, avoir bcp de tailles différentes.
Je pensais aussi que chaque rue/quartier devait avoir son propre local avec des outils dont on se sert pas tous les jours, une piscine etc.
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lmmcrying · 4 years ago
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lmmcrying · 4 years ago
i was with my mother’s family and they were talking to me about my religious studies major. my great aunt asked me what the definition of hell was, and i responded “well i suppose it depends on who you ask.” and nearly all the protestants in the group decided that hell was “the absence of god” which i suppose is a fair answer, albeit not a universal one. my cousin’s wife was playing with her 3-year-old daughter and she says “well mommy says that hell is a mcdonald’s playplace” asdfghjhgfd
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lmmcrying · 4 years ago
Extrait doc arte travail salaire
Dans  un endroit il y a d'abord une vocation de produire de l'efficacité économique. le droit est pas là en fait pour permettre la justice sociale. les néolibéraux en premier lieu on écrit longuement sur l'idée que la justice sociale est un mirage. Elle est plus générale que la société, le social n'existe pas. il n'existe pas de raison extérieure qui devrait a décider que telle situation est plus juste que telle autre situation et il n'existe aucun mécanisme démocratique qui puisse s'assurer que telle allocation est plus juste qu'une autre donc on évacue complètement la notion d'une justice sociale, une justice allocative, une justice distributive au profit d. un seul type de justice qu' est la justice Procedural. Qu'est-ce que c'est que la justice procédurale ? La justice procédurale c'est que si tous les agents, si tous les acteurs sont d'accord pour contracter alors tout ce qui pourrait résulter de ce contrat est juste. Si on est tous d'accord pour jouer le jeu économique, que ce jeu économique il rend certaines personnes dans l'économie très très pauvres et d'autres personnes dans l'économie très très riches, on ne revient pas dessus. le droit et uniquement un droit qui doit organiser les règles du jeu.
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lmmcrying · 4 years ago
pardon mais c'est drôle comme des gens peuvent écrire dans la même phrase "je veux pas faire une injonction au coming out" et "c'est évident qu'il était hétéro, il y a aucune preuve qu'il soit queer" tout en ne connaissant rien de la personne alors qu'on a des "preuves" de sa non-hétérosexualité.... fin bref
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