lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“i just sat here for twenty minutes explaining why i firmly believe aliens are taking me in the middle of the night and you’re telling me you didn’t listen to anything i said? pitié,” Leo expressed with a small huff. “why are you tired? not enough sleep last night?”
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     “look, i’m gonna be totally honest with you ‘cause i’m too fucking tired to lie - i wasn’t listening to a single word you said. sorry.” punctuated with a shrug, they roll their shoulders before slouching back down into their seat. “try again? swear i’ll try t’pay attention this time?”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“i’ve always wanted to go to uni,” he mused truthfully, fumbling with his fingers. “too dumb, i suppose. but, i guess i can’t really relate. my apartment now that i live by myself is loud and chaotic, a whole 180 from when i lived with my parents. quiet duo, they were. anyways,” Leo smiled at the other in front of him, a bright flash of curiosity glazing over his eyes. “what are you in school for? you look like a business gal. am i wrong?”
“It’s been almost four months since I finished uni and I’m still not used to having a place to myself,” Lili mused. “I kind of miss the chaos.”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“Yeah, I wasn’t exactly going for gore. I didn’t really want to be scaring all the little kids when all they want is candy. Thank you though, I appreciate it.”
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“then it’s lovely, i must say! i’m sure your house was a great hot spot for the evening, yeah? i didn’t even decorate this year, which kind of sucks. i was just so busy...sleeping, and stuff. mostly sleeping.”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“of course not! i think it looks absolutely beautiful, but maybe that’s not what it’s SUPPOSED to look like. maybe you’re looking for disgusting and gore, which this is not. but then again, your demographic is children so i doubt it a- it’s great, honestly.”
“Do you think I’ve gone too overboard on decorating the house? I’m just genuinely so excited for kids to come and trick or treat. I want it to be a house of Halloween magic.”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“merci...i don’t know what that means,” he answered in a serious tone, his smile breaking the facade. hearing the song over the laptop speakers sent an excitement through his body; it was his favorite song of all time. “oh my god, we’re musical soulmates. it’s hard to find someone who appreciates a good 80′s tune. now, this isn’t 80′s but do you know that song that goes like, ‘titty, ass, hands in the air, it’s a party over here’? i like that song. could you put it on the cd, too?”
“Exactly, thank you. Merci,” she said, with a terrible accent. At his request, she gasped, and unplugged her earbuds from her laptop, and that very song was playing as they spoke. “…I always have to be listening to music, even with just one ear, I swear I was listening to you, too,” she said earnestly. “But I love this song.”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“of course aliens are real. how do you explain crop circles? ufo sightings? i mean, how do you explain X-Files? why would they make a whole documentary about two fbi agents looking for aliens if they weren’t real?”
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“okay but consider this: aliens are actually real, and there is no way to prove that they aren’t. doesn’t that sole fact completely blows your mind? there are whole worlds, with people and cultures and history so absolutely different than ours out there, millions of them, and we may never even find out about them.”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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hearing someone yelling the word scoop over and over made Leo think someone was trying to sing along to something he simply couldn’t hear. as he kept walking down the street, he felt something tapping on his shoes. looking down, his features instantly soften at the sight of the small boxer. “are you Scoop?” he asked the pup, picking him up to keep him from running off again. he scanned the street for his owner, an amused smile setting on his lips as the woman ran down the street with her own herd of dogs. “oh, don’t be sorry. what kind of person would i be getting mad at a small thing like this running up to me? are you their nanny?”
thanks to sofia’s job as a temp she never got bored of her work. however, this time around she wasn’t prepared for it. today she was walking seven dogs all on her own, naturally, the dogs were much stronger than her. although for most of the day she was doing pretty well, until a boxer named scoop wiggled out of his collar and ran to someone cross the street. “scoop!” she yelled, “get back here! scoop come!!” sofia did her best to run after him with the other six dogs. luckly, scoop reached the person he was looking for. “i’m… so… sorry.” she told them out of breath, “i’m new… at this.”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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Leo had a BAD habit of stopping in his tracks to think, as if he couldn’t walk and think at the same time. due to contrary belief, he could! just, sometimes he needed to focus on nothing but his thoughts, hence him stopping at random places and times. deep in thought, the voice of someone else caused him to snap back into reality. “huh? oh,” he replied, his cheeks turning red from harmless embarrassment. “do you want me to smile or   i’ll just stand, a-and let you take the picture. of me. yeah, of me.” he couldn’t help but temporarily fall for the kind stranger, another bad habit of his. “did it come out alright?”
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         the light was perfect. if they moved – even the slightest inch, his shot would be gone. “wait,” he called out, turning his body slightly as he pointed the camera in their direction, lithe fingers shifting to adjust some settings. “sorry, i just – the light, you’re in EXACTLY the spot i was looking for. i’ve been out here for hours, can you just…” he motioned for them to just stand still as he worked on capturing it just RIGHT. finally.
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“that’s a DAMN shame, don’t you think?” he asked, nose crinkling out of habit. “i think it’s very cute how we all share a marking with someone, that the world just knew we all would fit with someone. what’s your view?”
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“you honestly wouldn’t believe the amount of people who have asked me to tattoo over their mark.. or if it was possible to laser it off..” she mused. “what’s your view on this whole.. ‘marking’ thing?”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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“making a playlist is too EASY; mixing CDs takes some dedication which makes it all the more special. i would love one, darling. but, let me just say if “Africa” by Toto isn’t on it i will smash it on the sidewalk.”
“I’ve had a bit of an obsession with making mix CDs lately. I know I could just make a playlist, but it reminds me of happier times. Want one?”
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
hey everybody !! i’m sydney and i play the trash himself, Holden. but, this is my not-trash son, Leon !! underneath the cut will be some lil tidbits about him and some links. thank u for reading this if you do and if you’d like, hmu to plot !! also if you want you could totally like this and i’ll hit u up either way but yeah okay im rambling here’s some things about my sunshine
tw: death, gang-related activities, and abuse
first and foremost, Leon hates being called Leon okay that’s what his mother calls him and only her and his little sister can call him that he only goes by Leo!!
he’s originally from Nice, France so yes, he has a very strong French accent. he lived there for 15 years until the sudden death of his father. he then moved all the way to Arcata where his mother had some family and he’s been here ever since.
he identifies as genderfluid and has been since he was 17. though he doesn’t mind any pronouns (he/she/them), he uses he/him pronouns when referring to himself! 
he’s super ambitious and creative, always wanting to paint and draw. he loves exploring new places and he’s just extremely kind. he’s the type of friend that’s like if i’m eating then u eating fam. however, he’s really ditzy and he has a huge problem with stealing. it makes his heart go fast lmao.
when he was 16, he met a gang-banger named Frank. seeing as Leo was doing nothing other than going to school, he was in desperate need for something fun and a distraction from his dad’s death that he hadn’t gotten over in that time. at first, they did little things here and there like spray-painting buildings, buying liquor and cigarettes with fake ID’s, “”rebelling”” against authority. they were best of friends until Leo kissed him, then things between them became more intimate. it was just fun and games until things became serious.
Frank’s gang was up and coming, so they were just getting started. they started stealing, robbing, even killing. Leo wasn’t apart of the gang, so it wasn’t a big deal for him unless his boyfriend had gotten hurt in some sort of way. he did partake in some robberies but it was just for the money aspect. but, what he didn’t realize was that he was the boyfriend of a gang leader, making him vulnerable to other gangs.
though their relationship looked healthy, it rlly wasn’t. as time went by, Frank became super abusive and manipulative and he would abandon Leo in the middle of nowhere and let him find his way home from time to time and he was just v messy so it had him develop fears and insecurities.
one night, they took Leo hostage and it was bad and super traumatizing for him and once he was saved from the situation, he saw it as the last straw and broke all ties with Frank and hid in his house for months. he was abt 18 at the time
so once he was able to get over the whole ordeal, he started living by himself in a small studio apartment and paints for a living. he works at lippy’s gas station from time to time but his ass is always getting fired for never showing up jfc.
he’s a huge fan of horoscopes, aliens, ghosts, and wooing ppl with his french accent.
oKAY THATS ALL I HAVE RN. here’s his stats and that’s all i have bc i am a bad person. thank u for reading this !!!!
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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i just saw this on twitter and if it aint the most me thing idk what is 
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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By Meagan Sullivan +
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
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lleon-blog1 · 8 years
someone: you're pretentious
me, sprawled out on a bed of roses, reading oscar wilde and sipping champagne: oh?
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