lizards-and-lemons · 4 years
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Guess who’s been getting into Sanders Sides again :O that’s right, me baby. So while watching Sander Sides I had the terrible thought that passes through my mind every time I watch a new show; “what if I made ocs for this?” And thus spent around fours days coming up with what sides Make Up Me and designing the characters. I went a bit off script than Thomas with making my Sides look different with freckles, moles, glasses, and different hairstyles. This would be difficult for Thomas to do unless he brought a wig so I thought that since I’m an artist I can easily change their hair styles.    I’m also flipping the script with the dark/light sides. They’re not really a thing in my, au??? I guess it’s an au, but these are more my characters than Thomas’- anyway. There’s not really “good” sides and “bad” sides (at least, that’s what most sides believe) instead this au is gonna focus more on how each side taken to it’s extreme can be bad. Or how it’s more of a scale than in black and white. For example, Imagination can often turn into hyper focus, Aspiration can be dreamy, self love can be ego or selfishness. While Procrastination could be self care, self doubt could be modesty, and argumentative could be assertive. Anyway enough rambling, I still don’t have names for these galls so if you have ideas I’ll love to her em.
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lizards-and-lemons · 4 years
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So I know I said I was done with avatar ocs but I can’t get the extinction out of my head. So this is my avatar oc for them! The extinction is all about change, so my oc is constantly changing their appearance/name. So I just call them Exti as the short form of extinction. I have no idea what their powers could be. Maybe they can basically shape shift? Or see the future? Since the extinction is a fear that split off from the end, and Oliver an avatar of the end can kinda see the future? Maybe she’s kinda immune to other fears? Idk! Please share ideas with me if you have any.     
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lizards-and-lemons · 4 years
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Some random comics of my babies. I created more but these were the only ones I liked. Also like, Eye’s hair is SO hard to draw from a side view. 
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lizards-and-lemons · 4 years
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Whoop! Last avatar oc (for now :) ) This is Caliban/Cal an avatar of the dark! They think their avatar duty very seriously and they’ re the most devoted to their god out of the group. (They also might be the reason why spiral always covers their eye with their hair) Him and spiral do not get along in the least, and that’s mainly because Cal is a basic brat and spiral is chaotic and likes to tease Cal.  There will more info about the avatar’s story and personalities later on!  
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lizards-and-lemons · 4 years
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This is Aias, my buried avatar oc that I love oh so dearly. My story idea for them is that they just fell into a bog one day and got stuck and sorta died there but woke up like five years later literally being made out of soil and rocks. They’re a tall soil and like plants! The plants they like the most they’ll just uproot and put them in their body for safe keeping. Being made of soil they hate water because water makes dirt less saturated and they kinda fall apart. But they can’t really die? Like even if they get their arm chopped off (like it in lil sketch) they can just put their arm in dirt and it’ll regrow. They can also just like, reach inside of themselves and pull out worms or glass if it gets caught. 
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lizards-and-lemons · 4 years
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I thought it was fitting that my very first post should be the one of my banner. 
I don’t have names for these lovely avatars so if y’all have suggests I’m open to them. 
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