liz-kusanagi · 2 months
We have a recipe for the Olympic chocolate muffins!
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liz-kusanagi · 3 years
My boss’s first language isn’t English. However, she loves giving inspirational speeches to everyone. I think today she was trying to tell us “don’t just stand around looking pretty”, but what she actually said was “WE DONT HAVE TIME TO BE SEXY”.
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liz-kusanagi · 3 years
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liz-kusanagi · 3 years
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This version slaps
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liz-kusanagi · 3 years
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liz-kusanagi · 3 years
I wrote this up the other night and so far I've had a lot of responses (positive!!). Fast, cheap entry to cybersecurity careers. I only put on things I personally had experience with.
I also found a draft post on Tumblr of "the best things on the internet" so that's coming soon too I suppose.. when I have time.
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liz-kusanagi · 6 years
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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Ye olde Windows screen savers.
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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“Cat-rick, you’re a genius.” “Yeah, I get called that a lot.” “What, a genius?” “No, Cat-rick”
@spongebob 💕
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
I have fallen in love with so many of Stella’s recipes it’s amazing. 
I can’t wait to try this.
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Homemade Cannoli Recipe
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
list of helpful websites for skills, how-to-adult, and more
So over the past few years I’ve had to deal with some stuff that’s kept me from doing things normally*, and I’ve had a lot of help from the internet. I’m the type of person who just “knows things” and never thought to write down all of the resources I’ve used over the past few years. I'm writing it all down now so I’m better able to share the knowledge with others. This is a perpetual work-in-progress, so you’ll have to forgive me, expect changes to this as time goes on. Share as much as you like, but try to still attribute it to me. If you have something to add, please let me know and I’ll add it if I think it’s suitable. Additionally, this is not finished, so if there are things that don’t have a description, it means I’m still working on it.
The majority(as of initial writing, all) of these sites listed have material available for free. However, many of them offer more things for a cost. I did my best to note where the cost was, how much it is, and what it gets you exactly. I understand very well what it's like to be broke as fuck, and I'm trying to see what I can do to make it so someone with access only to a library computer can get ahead, make themselves better, get a career etc. Obviously, some of these will be unsuitable for just the library, but that's the person I have in mind for this list.
One of the key things I use is something called the Pomodoro method. A few of the things in this list will cover that in similar forms, but the basic concept is this: set a timer for a certain amount of time, work for that period, then when the timer goes off, take a short break. Then, reset the timer, and go again. After every 3/4/5 repeats of this, take a longer break. The EXACT method I use for studying is: 25 minutes on the timer, 5 minutes short break, 15 minutes long break. I use this for studying and housework.
Even though I am a fairly active Reddit user, that might not sit well with other people, so I made the decision to exclude all subreddits from this list and focus on just things that were standalone. While some people may have problems with the reddit community as a whole (which I totally understand), on Reddit I've learned so many things and it's unfair to discount one of the biggest sites in the world with honestly, some of the best resources I've found. If you want to explore, just type what you're looking for in their search, chances are there's a subreddit for that.
keep.google.com - Organization help in the form of notes
drive.google.com - Word processing and cloud document storage.
Life Skills
  http://www.unfuckyourhabitat.com/ Holy shit, this site, y'all. I grew up in a house where cleaning was just a nightmare. Early Saturday mornings were spent cleaning everything from top to bottom, but I didn't exactly learn how to do it well, as my parents just magically expected us to know how to do it all. And let's be honest, there are times when I absolutely cannot be bothered with cleaning and messes pile up.. yeah, no fun. UFYH is amazing to help teach how to clean and organize, and helps those who aren't Mrs. Housewife of the Year. App is available, book is $10 on Amazon, but the site? Free to use.
budgetbytes.com - My mom never taught me to cook, but over the years I learned on my own to do a pretty awesome job. If I had this site years ago, I would have been learning to cook well on a budget too. Beth does her best to teach how to cook good meals at home that are not only cheap, but healthy as well. And some of her recipes are now standards here (Chicken enchilada pasta. Try it. Seriously amazing.) She has a book, I bought it for about $15 on Amazon, but the site is free to use. There is now an app that costs a few dollars, and it's available on Android and iOS devices.
artofmanliness.com - This site incorporates the time-honored skills, etiquette and history as well as modern style and education in order to live a full-bodied life in body, mind, social and finance aspects. Despite the name, the information is good for everyone. This is free to use, but I don't know if they have a book offhand. I know there is a podcast, as well. 
Tech Skills
IT Skills 
Both of the above sites help with the CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+ and other common IT industry exams. It should be noted that while the training is free, the exams require vouchers to take the exams. These are pretty costly (the A+ alone can cost you as much as $400 to take), but there are discount codes abound. If you choose to go this route, make sure you're buying vouchers for the correct exam numbers, ESPECIALLY for the new Security+ exam (old is SY-401, new is SY-501 as of 2017)!
Learn to Code
I decided to separate this from the other two sections for reasons I don't fully understand myself.
The three sites above offer what's called MOOCs (pronounced MOO-cks), short for Massively Open Online Courses. And it's exactly that, many of these classes are taught by college professors, and you can learn pretty much everything you'd want to, from public speaking, photography, languages, and an abundance of tech-related courses. Khan Academy is the ONLY one that is COMPLETELY free to use. edX and Coursera both offer classes for free, but full access, which includes a certificate of completion is a paid feature. For Coursera, it also is a paid feature to do the projects, tests, and peer-graded parts -- you're basically auditing the class for free. On Coursera they do offer "financial aid" if you cannot afford the course fee for full access, but I don't think edX offers that at this time. edX however DOES have a "micromasters" program that can potentially transfer as college credit at the very least toward an ACTUAL master's degree (I know for a fact the ColumbiaX MicroMasters program in Computer Science knocks out a full THIRD of your Master's degree at Columbia University in NYC)-- in fact, I think there's a way to do that for all edX courses, but that will incur a transfer credit fee at most if not all colleges.
Language Skills 
duolingo.com - From English, you can learn 21 languages, including Spanish (North American), French, Portuguese (Brazilian). Free to use, but some cost was asked for to repair your streak (they seemed to have removed this). Courses are laid out with different units, and include writing, listening, and speaking (not all languages include speaking prompts). More languages are in beta and development. App is available on iOS and Android, all are free to use.
memrise.com - If you thought 21 was a lot of languages, there are many more found here. I think I counted over 100 courses. Memrise is actually pretty nice for memorizing new content in general (I found flashcards for Coursera courses as well), but I know at least one of my friends uses it to learn languages. Free to use. class central
Financial Literacy and Investing 
blurbs about these coming eventually.
Work-From-Home Employment 
ratracerebellion.com - Screened employment offers to work from home, both part time and full time. Some jobs have benefits, such as health insurance and 401(k). Free to use.
*I was involved in a car accident that left me nearly disabled in my dominant hand, unable to finish my college degree, work, and some basic stuff for myself (you don't want those details). After several surgeries, including finding a specialist who would take my case after I had undergone two surgeries already, I got back to about 90% use of my hand -- on bad days I do have some issues, but now, things are better, for which I'm grateful. :)
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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Evidence that cats do not give a shit at all about #eclipse2017. I'm enjoying the much cooler breeze, that's for sure!
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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I... awww. Thank you :D Fun fact, my project bag says "crazy cat lady" on it lol. (Sorry it took a bit for a response, I was on vacation!) Ask stuff, or tell me something fun: lkusanagi.sarahah.com
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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A couple days old progress pic of the blanket I'm making for a new member of the extended family. I'll get a newer shot of the #wip later on. #crochet #baby #crocheting
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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liz-kusanagi · 7 years
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Nero turns 15 today. A quick shot of him enjoying his birthday dinner. Happy birthday, Nero-toad! #seniorkitty #catsofinsta #cats #catsofinstagram #happybirthday #cat #catsofig #oldmancat
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