Misunderstanding | Kim Taehyung

a/n: I'm so bad with titles lol. At least you get the idea a bit :). In one part it is mentioned that Y/N is not a public figure like Taehyung, even though she is a chaebol. This is because her family is somewhat like that of Samsung's owners, they keep their children's identities secret until they make their own place in the company.
Summary: It's basically your reaction to hearing about the dating rumours between Taehyung and Jennie while the two of you are still in a relationship. And obviously, he is trying to fix things as quickly as possible.
wc: 2.9k (I didn't think it would be so long honestly).
When you started dating Taehyung, you never thought it would be a big problem. You knew that his schedule was complicated, but you didn't have any drama with that because yours was pretty much the same. You also knew that you wouldn't be a public couple because of the criticism you might get, but that was even better for you because you didn't like being in the public eye either. Problems on tour? Phones were there for a reason, not being able to have children? You were too young, can’t go out in public? Loved the cozy, private dates, little quality time together? Even better! Every moment with him would feel even more special because of how exclusive it was. Yes, you were willing to accept all these disadvantages because you never saw them as an insurmountable problem. At least until now.
You and Taehyung started dating in 2020, during the pandemic. You met him at the concert in cooperation with Lotte Duty Free, one of the companies your father founded, because yes, you were the youngest daughter of the Shin, the family in charge of the Lotte company and all its subsidiaries.
The two of you got along very well while preparing for the concert, so you decided to exchange numbers to keep in touch. It only took a few months before you started dating him officially, and you were very happy at first.
His schedule was busy, of course, but he had time for you. He would greet you with a big smile, hug you from behind, and take you to the dining room where he had a whole show set up for you. Jazz in the background, scented candles, rose petals everywhere, and two plates of food of dubious origin that you would enjoy anyway because your boyfriend made it.
You were willing to put up with all those cons if he gave you moments like this every chance he got, moments where it was just you and him.
Once the pandemic was over and your schedule returned to normal, things got complicated.
And no, time, work, dating, none of that was the problem, because it didn't even have anything to do with you two as a couple.The problems were caused by a third person. Kim Jennie, one of the members of Blackpink and one of the most beautiful women you will ever meet.
You never had any problems with her. You had bumped into her once or twice in the hallway on your way backstage, but obviously she wouldn't recognize you, you were always covered from head to toe.You thought that your friend had the same relationship with her, something casual that couldn't even be called a friendship because you barely said hello to each other when you were together, in fact Taehyung never looked at anyone when he was with you.So why did this happen now?
Your boyfriend was on tour and it was the time of his concert, so you couldn't just call him and ask him about it. You looked at the screen of your cell phone for the sixth time, the headline in big, dark letters seemed to mock your feelings.
"Dispatch confirms, V of BTS and Jennie of Blackpink are in a relationship," you muttered to yourself, trying to get your brain to catch the words, to process them, to react. It didn't.
You scrolled down the page until you stopped at the myriad of photos they had as proof. None of them looked doctored.
You saw the blue short-sleeved shirt with flowers that Taehyung was wearing in the photo and put your phone down to go to the closet you shared. You pulled out all of his clothes until you found it. You grabbed it and crumpled it in your hands.
Only then did you burst into tears. You covered your eyes with your shirt and screamed until you felt your throat couldn't take it anymore. Your heart hurt so much that you even had trouble breathing.
You looked around the room you both shared, trying to understand why he would do this to you. You thought you were fine, everything seemed fine, so why were there hundreds of videos and pictures of your boyfriend with another girl? You felt like all these people were making fun of you by being happy for them. What about you, why don't they think about his real girlfriend who had to put up with years of being locked away in secret while these two were fearlessly dating?
The sadness soon turned to anger, and it wasn't long before you got up and grabbed the biggest suitcase you could find, whether it was his or yours.
You stuffed it with as many clothes as you could, taking your time because you knew he wasn't coming. You lifted the suitcase as high as you could and carried it into the living room. You looked at every single picture of the two of you as a couple. Another few tears fell from your eyes and you let them out as you took the frames and threw them away.
You threw out everything you could. Mugs, matching pajamas, pictures, rings, absolutely everything. When you were done, your eyes were dry and your head hurt too much, but you didn't care. You grabbed your suitcase and headed for the door.
The only thing that stopped you from leaving was Yeontan, who stood in the doorway, staring at you while wagging his tail from side to side.
"Tannie, mommy has to go do something, okay?" you nuzzled behind his ear and sobbed softly. You knew he wouldn't understand. "Don't worry, I'll visit you every day until your owner comes."
You stood up, took a breath, and walked away. You didn't know where you were going, but that apartment was no longer an option.
You stood in front of the buildings where you lived and watched for taxis to pass by. Just then you received a phone call. For a moment you thought it would be Taehyung, but no, it was just Jimin's girlfriend, Soyeon, to whom you had become very close over the past years.
"Yes?" you mumbled hoarsely.
"Honey, it's me, Soyeonie," she said in a much calmer voice than usual. She was probably aware of your situation. "I read the news, are you okay?" You opened your mouth to reply, but she interrupted you so quickly that you didn't have time to say anything, "Of course you're not," she sighed, remaining silent for a few seconds, "Look, I know maybe I shouldn't pry, but I understand that you're hurting and the last thing you want is to be in a place full of... him."
You sob softly, wiping your cheeks as quickly as the first tears came.
"I haven't sold my old apartment yet, it has some furniture, enough to live decently, why don't you stay there for a few weeks?"
"Soyeon-ah," you cried, wanting to hug her until you fell asleep. That's what you needed, a long nap.
"Relax, everything’s gonna be okay, Unnie will come and see you there, I'll send you the address, just wait."
"Okay," you nodded, even though you knew she couldn't see you, "thanks."
"It's nothing."
And she hung up.
You looked around. It was full of cars and buildings that looked too big.
You felt so stupid as you mentally wished that Taehyung was here to comfort you.
You saw a taxi coming your way and you made it stop. You weren't sure if this would be the end of your relationship, you were willing to hear his side, but you weren't willing to have to live with him or a place filled with his presence.
This was best for you.
Taehyung called you the next day, about twenty times, not counting messages. You didn't answer any of them, mostly because you were asleep until 4 pm. You had a hard time falling asleep. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see the two of them holding hands, together in the car, on a date to some kind of zoo. You cried every time your brain projected those images.
Your phone rang for the 21st time. You were still a little groggy from sleep, but you answered it anyway.
"Y/N!" You turned the phone away from your ear. It was too painful to hear his voice so loud with the headache you were feeling, "Oh God, I was so afraid something bad had happened to you. I called the girls, but none of them knew anything about you, so I got worried and..."
"Why did you call me?" you asked curtly. You thought maybe you were being a little cruel, but you didn't care. Answering him like that wouldn't make him feel a thousandth of the pain you felt and still feel since last night.
He was silent for a few seconds. You'd never answered him like that before, you guessed that's why he was so quiet.
"I..." he cleared his throat, sounding a little more tense than when you answered him, "I was a little worried, my manager told me about the news and I thought maybe you were feeling a little depressed-".
You interrupted him again, but this time with a mocking laugh, "A little depressed? Is that how you think I felt? A little depressed?" you laughed again. You had completely woken up this time, "Tell me, Kim, how would you feel if overnight it was all over the news that I was dating an idol? Huh? What would you do if this news came to you on the fucking Dispatch, while I was on the other fucking side of the world enjoying a concert? Would you be a little depressed? A little hurt? Would you even have taken the fucking trouble to answer my calls?" you began to raise your voice with every word you said. You didn't even notice at what point your voice broke. "You have no idea what I'm going through, and you never will, because unlike you I'm not a public figure! I could be fucking any man in Korea and you're never going to see an internet media outlet post it and 'celebrate' my relationship, you're never going to see any fan of mine go on social media and celebrate my relationship with someone else while you're behind the curtains" You sobbed, wiping your cheeks awkwardly.
"Honey, I know it's-"
"Don't you dare call me like that" you growled, clenching your jaw, "I don't even want to hear you say my name, do you understand?"
"Y/N" he muttered, his voice trembling. You assumed that at some point in your verbal vomit he had started to cry, "Just give me 1 minute, I'll explain everything, I promise."
You tried to control your anger by taking a big breath of air, it worked enough to stop you from sending him to fuck off... for the second time.
"Do you want me to listen to you?" you mumble, looking down at your hands, remembering all the times he came home late, wondering if all those times he was at her house, doing god knows what while you tried to stay awake just to see him before bed.
"Y-yes, please, I just need a minute".
"Fine," you smiled half-heartedly, "then come and explain it to me in person. If you're really sorry and say it's a misunderstanding, come here and tell me."
Your more conscientious side chided you for your request. It was his job, you couldn't just order him to make a trip from the United States to Korea just for you. Maybe that's why you gave him that condition. You knew he wouldn't come all this way just for you.
The line went silent, you could barely hear his breathing. You ended your conversation.
"I thought so," muttering much calmer than at the beginning, "I guess Soyeon was right in saying that the only one who would have to make sacrifices for our relationship would be me."
And you cut the call short.
You put your phone on airplane mode and plopped down on your bed, ready to go back to sleep for the rest of the weekend.
It had been a day since you heard the news, barely 17 hours since you last spoke to Taehyung, because yes, you counted the hours. You hadn't eaten anything, you'd barely had a glass of water, and the only thing you felt like doing right now was taking a very long shower and then crying yourself to sleep. Yes, it sounded like the perfect plan to try to get over your ex, if that's what you could call it.
You got in the tub at 10am, didn't get out until 12:30, and when you did you could barely feel your fingers and toes. At least your muscles had finally relaxed.
You dressed more slowly than usual, in just your pajamas, the only ones that weren't your partner's, and went to bed.
Until the doorbell rang.
You changed direction, confused. You were sure that no one besides Soyeon knew you were here. It crossed your mind that maybe she was worried about you and that's why you'd decided to open up and politely turn her away.
Except she wasn't the one waiting for you on the other side.
"Y/N," Taehyung said, trying to regulate his breathing. "You really were here," he whispered, entering the flat and closing behind him. It wasn't until the door rattled that his arms wrapped around you so tightly that you almost stopped breathing. "Why did you leave home? I got so worried when I saw our stuff in the trash and the wardrobe almost empty" he cupped your cheeks, inspecting your face.
You didn't understand what exactly was going on.
"What are you doing here?" you mumbled, letting him search your face.
"You told me to come" he looked into your eyes and, almost instantly, his eyes began to fill with tears. "I couldn't let you because a misunderstanding made you hate me to the point of breaking up with me, I... I don't want to be without you, at this point I don't think I can be," he bent down until he could place his forehead against yours, his thumbs caressing the skin of your cheeks, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I don't plan on losing you over something stupid like this."
You looked at Taehyung, still not understanding what he was trying to say.
"The pictures are real" he exhaled deeply, "but it's not like you think" he pulled his phone out of his trousers pocket. His hands were shaking slightly. You wanted to hold them, but you completely erased the thought, "We dated for a few months, it was a very short thing, about two or three months before we met".
He showed you some conversations from a few years ago. He was asking her to bring him the shoes he had left at her house last time, and that he would appreciate it if she would bring the leash they had bought Yeontan. You also saw the last messages they sent to each other, it was only a few days ago.
Jennie told him that someone had hacked into her phone and most likely found the pictures they took the time they went to the zoo. She apologized and sent him stickers of crying puppies, saying that the lawsuit against the hacker had already started and that she would try to speed up the process so that he wouldn't be affected.
"I totally understand how angry you were, and obviously I also understand that you want to talk about this face-to-face, so I took the first flight I could find so I could come talk to you and-".
You didn't let him finish. You couldn't do that, not after everything you've been feeling the last few days. So you did the only thing you could think of since he came into the flat. You kissed him.
It was much more awkward than your kisses usually are, but you didn't care. You were so relieved that it was all a misunderstanding that no matter what kind of kiss it was, it would still be amazing to you.
He followed your kiss as soon as he came out of his surprise. He clung to you as if his life depended on it. He was the one who deepened the kiss and lifted you off the floor so he could kiss you better.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered in the middle of the messy kisses he was giving you, "sorry for doubting you" you sobbed softly, hugging his neck with all your strength.
He shook his head, holding your cheeks, "Don't apologise, it was a normal reaction, you said it yourself, I wouldn't have even answered your calls if I had been in your place" he kissed your shoulder softly, letting out a soft sigh. It felt so good to have you with him after all the tension he experienced during the flight.
"You were right about everything you said" he murmured, pulling away enough to look you in the eye, "so please don't apologize to me".
You nodded a little calmer, closing your eyes as you felt Taehyung's nose on yours.
"Now let's go get your things, I don't want to go back inside the house and not see your things in it."
#bts x reader#bts x you#fanfic#bts fanfic#bts imagine#taehyung x reader#taehyung fluff#bts taehyung#bts x oc#taehyung x y/n#taehyung x you#v x y/n#v x reader#v x you#fiction#taehyung x oc#tae x reader#bts x y/n#tae x you#kim taehyung#bts x fem!reader#kim taehyung x reader#bts fics#kim taehyung x y/n#bts fic#kim taehyung x you#bts scenarios
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I finished the first chapter! it took me so long ;-; I had a strong writer's block these last months, but I'm proud I could finish it ^^.
The Han Family | Min Yoongi
Summary: You and Yoongi were together during high school. He was only a year older than you, but that never mattered to you. You both fit in perfectly; you had the cheerfulness and positivity that Yoongi lacked, and he had the patience and seriousness that you lacked. You were together until Yoongi entered his second year of college, both of you decided to end on good terms. You never stopped loving him, and deep down you thought he hadn't completely forgotten you either. Despite keeping that deep love that you were sure you would never get over, you decided to go on with your life, seeing more people, having more casual loves, until the arrival of Jumyeon, the Han's eldest son, and the person who would end up signing your death sentence. It had been more than 10 years since you last saw Yoongi, and meeting him again because of your father-in-law's murder was definitely not the way you expected to see him again. wc: 2.9k
You were upset, no, probably upset would be putting it mildly, you were furious. You couldn't believe that your boyfriend, the one you wasted four fucking years of your life for, was cheating on you for over two years, and worse, with his best friend, that same girl he practically forced you to meet because he wanted his girlfriend and best friend to be close. At least his "friend" had the basic human decency to confess to you that she was messing with him for years.
"I picked your favorite restaurant, I had a hard time making a reservation" Jumyeon said, smiling at you as cheerfully as possible. You almost grimaced, but you tried to control yourself, you were supposed to be a mature woman, for god's sake, you were almost 30, you should be able to have control over yourself.
"Thank you, that's a very nice gesture" you murmured, drinking all the wine in your glass. This didn't even make it into the top 10 of your favorite restaurants. You hated the way they cooked their meat, and you knew the owner in person (who was close friends with Jumyeon), it wasn't much better than their supposedly quality food.
You looked at the large window next to you. The only thing worthwhile about this place was the view of the Han River. It was a sight worth seeing.
"I already placed the order, so all we have left to do is wait" he pulled out his phone for a second, but put it away as quickly as he took it. You assumed she was his mistress, or should you say "friend"?
"Okay" you leaned forward, resting your head on your hands. You wanted to wait for the right moment to tell him, as gently as possible, to go fuck himself.
You listened to him ramble on about his job for what seemed like hours. You had never cared about his work, but at least you heard him, you had the basic respect for him that couples should have. Now that he had disrespected you in such a way, why listen to his complaints? You owed him nothing, no more.
"Oh, thanks for the food," your boyfriend said in a cheerful tone.
Only then did you pay attention to what was in front of you. The waiter lifted the plate cover carefully, looking at both of you at the same time. He was probably a hopeless romantic.
Unlike him, you just felt nauseous enough to make you lean forward. This man seriously sucked.
"Y/N" he approached you, pulling a red velvet box out of his pocket. "These years by your side have been the happiest of my life" If he was so happy, why did he cheat on you? "I knew you would be the love of my life the moment I saw you", and that's why he was so eager for you to change to his liking instead of letting you be yourself, "and I couldn't have been more right, because, honestly, I can't see a future where you're not" he sank to one knee, bringing out a ring that looked way too ostentatious. You wanted to throw it in his face. "And I know deep down you feel the same way I do, so please do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the world. Marry me."
You stared at him, clenching your fists so tightly that your palms were starting to hurt. You turned to look at the dessert the waiter had camouflaged with the plate cover. A big "Will you marry me?" was written in the center.
And suddenly, your immature side came out. You could no longer contain your urge to punch this jerk.
"Marry you?" you muttered, taking the small cake with which he tried to propose to you. You smiled almost helplessly. "Did you seriously just ask me that?".
Jumyeon laughed, standing up from the floor and looking at you with a shit-eating grin.
"Well, I know you'll say yes, but I thought that-".
You didn't let him continue, you didn't want to keep hearing his voice, so you did the first thing that popped into your head. You threw the dessert in his face and scrubbed it until there was nothing left. And, my god, it felt so satisfying.
"How can you ask me that after spending the afternoon with your so-called friend?" you growled, leaving the plate of cake on the table. "Are you so unmanly that you need to play with two women at once!?".
You ignored the murmurs from the audience, you didn't want to draw their attention, but you were too upset to speak softly, and he was the one who decided to do this in a public place.
"What? Is your brain not capable of coming up with excuses in such a short time?" you swept him with your eyes, feeling disgusted. "Never mind, I have no interest in listening to your lies anymore anyway."
You grabbed your purse and pulled out your wallet, throwing a few bills in his face, "So you can pay the bill."
And you left, ignoring his screams and insults.
And, for the first time in years, you felt free.
You smiled big as you approached the elevator, and when you came within shouting distance of excitement, a guy a little taller than you knocked you to the floor.
You complained quietly, taking the hand he offered you, but not seeing his face. You were too happy to complain to him.
"Sorry, I didn't look where I was walking" you gave a little bow, ready to leave. Until you felt a hand stop on your wrist.
For the first time since you collided you noticed the man standing in front of you, and shit, how you wished you hadn't crossed paths with him just then.
"Yoongi" you muttered, feeling your throat dry. He looked even more beautiful than the last time you saw him.
"You look... different" he said softly, letting go of your wrist, but not taking his gaze away from you.
"You too" you tried to smile, but you felt too uncomfortable to do so.You were embarrassed for Yoongi to see you like this. "You're back to black" you hastened to say, pointing to his hair.
It looked much longer and shinier than the last time you saw it, and it fit him like a glove. If his intention was to make women like you want to tangle their fingers in it, he had more than succeeded.
"And you cut it" he moved his hand up to your mane. Your hair reached only a few inches below your chin, a far cry from the long, unruly style you had when you were still his girlfriend and you swore to him that you would never cut it because it was your most prized possession.
Now you feel even sillier.
"I wanted to try a new style" you nodded quickly, fiddling with the strap of your purse.You were back to feeling like a stupid teenager incapable of talking to the boy she likes. To a certain extent it was true. You were never able to get over Yoongi, you don't think you ever will at some point."But I didn't like it as much as I thought I would" you sighed, tightening the strap on your bag.
"Chaeyoung!" your now ex-boyfriend shouted as he ran in the direction of you and Yoongi. It didn't escape your notice that before he noticed Yoongi's presence, he was coming over annoyed enough to slap you. You saw his hand clenched tightly."What the hell was that ruckus earlier, do you know how many cameras were in the place, how many important people were there?".
"Well, maybe you should have thought your proposal through better" for a moment you completely forgot that it wasn't just the two of you in the hallway, but you didn't care.That son of a bitch deserved someone to put him in his place, and you wanted so badly to be that person yourself. "Or to have fucking zipped your pants when it belonged, or am I wrong? Because if so, say so to me and Minah for that matter, because she feels the same way I do too."
You watched as he fixed his gel-covered hair, turning away for a second to catch his breath."It was an accident, understand? It's not how she painted it."
"An accident over two years old? Can you explain to me how that works? Did you just happen to fall on her and coincidentally your penis went into her because you both happened to be unclothed in the same fucking hotel room?" you laughed listlessly, crossing your arms, "Don't you dare think I'm stupid enough to turn blind eyes to something that's been going on for years."
Yoongi, who had been silent until that moment, cleared his throat, moving forward to stand beside you. You took a breath, trying to maintain your composure in front of him. It was quite a difficult task.
"Are you Han Jumyeon by any chance?" he muttered in a monotone voice staring at your ex-boyfriend. It came to scare you a bit how cold his gaze seemed. Still you thought he was attractive.Very attractive.
"Yes" he looked at Yoongi from head to toe, he looked a little confused, but he was used to that kind of question. He was one of the most well-known businessmen in South Korea, he was in the news quite a bit, so it wasn't strange that he knew him. "Who are you?"
"Officer Min Yoongi" he pulled out his badge from his shirt pocket, "I am one of the people in charge of the investigation of Mr. Han's death, I need both you and your..." his gaze paused for a moment on you before turning back to Jumyeon, "ex-girlfriend come to the police station so I can question you."
"Did you say death?" you looked at Yoongi and then at Jumyeon, covering your mouth with your hand. You wished the worst for that... man, if that's what you could call him, but that didn't mean you wished his father had died in whatever circumstance. If Yoongi was involved in this, it meant it wasn't from natural causes.
"What are you talking about? My father died? When? How?" he brought his hands to his hair, tugging on it lightly. "You said you were an officer, didn't you? So that means it wasn't an accident?"
You wondered internally if Yoongi saw the same twisted smile you saw.
You saw how he nodded slowly, his impassive gaze stopping on Jumyeon. He didn't seem to pity him, let alone empathize, in fact, if you still had your wonderfully useless abilities to understand Yoongi, he even seemed annoyed with him. Maybe he thought he was guilty? You would think so too after seeing the expression from earlier.
"As I told you before, I need to take you to the police station right now, we need to ask you a few questions regarding Mr. Han, I would appreciate it if you could cooperate as much as possible."
You nodded quickly, moving a little closer to Yoongi, "Did you come by car? Mine is in the parking lot."
"Don't worry, we'll go in mine," he murmured, barely brushing his fingers on your back, "go to the elevator first, I'll go next to Jumyeon."
You obeyed his command, walking to the elevator and waiting for it to reach your floor. You thundered your finger bones as you moved your left leg. You were still a bit in shock with the news, you were trying to think through your next move with Jumyeon, you didn't think things through very well before throwing the dessert in his face and shouting to the four winds that he was unfaithful to you with his best friend.
You turned to look at your ex-boyfriend, who stood next to Yoongi stiffly. He looked in your direction every so often, but averted his gaze immediately. Yoongi, on the other hand, kept his gaze fixed on you the entire time you were looking at them. It kept causing your stomach to churn and your heart to flip.
The sound of the elevator forced you to look away from both men. To your surprise, no one was inside it, which, on the one hand, was wonderful, as you wouldn't have to put up with the strong smell of expensive perfume and conversations between strangers that sounded too empty. But, on the other hand, you had to be alone with those other two.
You shook your head, trying to get that stupid thought out of your head, and entered the elevator followed by Yoongi and Jumyeon. You convinced yourself that the tense atmosphere was due to the news Yoongi gave you, but deep down you knew it wasn't so.
You knew your ex like the palm of your hand, you knew when he was genuinely sad and when he was not. You were aware that he wasn't feeling depressed at all, but he was angry, probably at you and whoever had attacked his father. You tried to avoid the idea of him being that way with you.
You brought your thumb to your mouth, biting your nail. Jumyeon's gaze on you was starting to feel too stinging and the fear started to grow as your head generated worst case scenarios. You had such a good imagination when it came to going against you.
The brush of fingers on your right hand made you jump in place. You turned to see who it was, and almost cried with happiness when you noticed it was only Yoongi. He discreetly caressed the knuckles of your hand, completely avoiding looking at you.
You had forgotten how good it felt to have someone who could read your body language so easily that just by looking at you or listening to you, he would understand that you were having a hard time. Yoongi was the only person you dated who could accomplish that. Maybe that was one of the reasons why you still weren't able to forget him.
You stopped biting your nail, concentrating on Yoongi's touch on your skin. It brought back so many memories.
"We'll talk at home about earlier" Jumyeon murmured, glancing sideways at you, "I think you're still a little confused."
"I'm not" you replied on impulse, staring at him, were you afraid? Obviously, was that going to stop you from telling him to his face? Of course not. "I gave you my answer, now act like a man for the first time in your life and accept it" you growled under your breath, holding back the urge you had to spit in his face.
You listened as Yoongi cleared his throat, and you knew he was doing it to camouflage his laughter. You didn't care, you would have done the same thing in his place.
"Stop fucking around and just say yes" Jumyeon turned to look at you, and if looks killed, you'd be on the floor, bleeding out, dying, you'd be a ghost.
"Why don't you shut up? Your voice is annoying, it makes my head hurt" Yoongi muttered, this time taking your hand firmly.
You internally prayed that Jumyeon wouldn't see it, you didn't want any more trouble than you already had.
The rest of the time in the elevator was in silence. Being so many floors it took you a few minutes to get down. They were the worst minutes of your life.
"We'll go in my car" Yoongi looked at Jumyeon before exiting the elevator. Holding hands with you. In front of him.
You saw out of the corner of your eye how his face distorted at the sight of your hands together. You reminded yourself that you didn't owe him any explanation. You had done nothing wrong, so why should you justify yourself? You nodded mentally, trying to encourage yourself.
Yoongi took out his key and unlocked his car. It was big and black, too shiny. You smiled as you remembered Yoongi always talked about how, when he had money, he would buy a nice apartment and a black car that looked so amazing that any teenager at his age would want one like that.
He let go of you for a moment only to open the passenger door and help you in. You screamed internally.
Jumyeon got in after you, to the back seats obviously, and before Yoongi got in and could hear him he came up to your ear.
"Wait till we get home, you fucking hypocritical bitch" he growled under his breath, returning to his seat as soon as Yoongi entered.
You looked down at your hands, staring at the nail you bit earlier. You didn't do anything wrong, you're not like him, you repeated yourself over and over, trying to ignore the pressure in your chest.
You leaned your head against the car window, watching as he started to move and head for the exit of the parking lot. You just closed your eyes, wanting to get to the station later to give your statement and get as far away from that man as possible.
You wiped away an unruly tear that dared to fall down your cheeks. He's not worth it, you told yourself, not anymore.
#TheHanFamily#bts x reader#bts x you#fanfic#bts fanfic#yoongi fic#bts imagine#bts x fem!reader#bts x y/n#bts x oc#min yoongi#yoongi#yoongi x y/n#yoongi fanfic#yoongi x oc#suga x reader#yoongi x reader#suga x you#yoongi x you#fiction#suga x y/n#bts fics#bts
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Hello everyone! I was just coming here to let you know that I'm moving my account since this is just a secondary one and it's annoying to have to keep switching accounts all the time :) New name is @livingformintyoongi (yes, it's the same as this one lol).
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゚: *✧・゚:*Maid Dress゚: *✧・゚:*
Pairing: Taehyung x Fem! Reader
wc: 2.2k
You grimaced as you looked at the suit for what felt like the thousandth time. Actually it was only the fifth, but it felt like the thousandth. You tried to think of the pros and cons of wearing the suit. Among the pros was the fact that it didn't look as revealing as you thought it would, among the cons was the fear that you would scare your boyfriend away by wearing such a controversial outfit. You didn't even know if he liked this kind of thing, but Soyeon swore to you that it would do the trick, and that Taehyung would definitely fall for it instantly when he saw you wearing it. And you believed her, she was the expert on the subject after all.
You took the suit out of the red velvet box it was kept in. It was a little shorter than you were used to wearing, but you weren't going out wearing it anyway, so you didn't care much. You took off your clothes and put on the short maid costume that Soyeon had given you. It took you a little while to fasten the back, but you still managed it. You walked over to the full-length mirror in Taehyung's closet and looked at your reflection.
The suit was black with white lace, and there was no fabric underneath, so there was nothing covering your skin on the lace side. The black parts were translucent, but it covered enough that you didn't feel completely exposed. In addition to the costume, there were black fishnet stockings and two other white lace ribbons adorned with a small black ribbon in the center; one of them went around the neck, the other around the thigh.
The suit as such didn't look so bad on you, indeed, it seemed to be made to fit you, and that made you feel much more confident than at the beginning. However, that didn't change the fact that you were terrified of the idea of Taehyung seeing you alone with this on. What if he felt uncomfortable seeing you like this? What if he was embarrassed to have sex wearing such a strange outfit? You didn't want to scare him away, but you also didn't want him to get bored of you, so you asked your friend for advice on what to do to keep the relationship fun. It never crossed your mind that she would opt to buy you a see-through maid outfit.
"Y/N? Are you...?" Taehyung stood in the doorway, static, running his gaze all over your body.
You had no idea at what point he had arrived, you hadn't even heard the door or Yeontan barking for his return. It took you a while to react and realize that you were wearing a translucent maid's dress, and that he was watching at that very moment. You don't think you've ever been as embarrassed as you were at this moment.
"What are you doing here!?" you squealed, covering your chest with your arms, feeling your cheeks getting even hotter. You were dying of embarrassment.
"T-this is my house!" he replied in alarm. You hadn't noticed because of your embarrassment, but he was just as flushed as you were, maybe even more so.
"Right, sorry" you stirred in your place, trying to use your hair to cover the lacy part. "God, this is so embarrassing, if I had known you'd be here earlier I wouldn't have tried it on" you mumbled, completely avoiding your boyfriend's gaze.
He hadn't taken his off you since he saw you.
"Why...?" he said quietly, pointing at you. You knew what he meant even if he didn't put it into words. You'd be wondering the same thing too if you saw Taehyung in a maid outfit.
"Soyeon told me you'd like it" you said almost in a whisper, looking at your hands, "but I can't help but feel it's too... I don't know, weird?" you let out a sigh, looking at your boyfriend, "and I wasn't a hundred percent sure you'd like the outfit either."
"I love it!" he hurried to say, nodding his head quickly, "obviously I like it, it looks perfect on you" he clarified, moving closer to you and taking your hands, "it's just that I was a little surprised, and I also didn't want to, you know, overwhelm you too much."
He brought your hands up to the height of his face so he could kiss your knuckles. His gaze was once again fixed on you, but this time it seemed a little more different than before, a little more clouded and dark. You couldn't help but shiver at them, because you were so damn sure of what that look meant.
He wanted you, right now, in this moment, in this place, and in those same clothes, and you were more than willing to satisfy him, because his pleasure was your pleasure, and that would never change.
"Can I touch you?" he whispered huskily next to your ear. You barely nodded and he already had his hands on you.
You never quite understood what Taehyung's obsession with your waist was, but you didn't question it either, you just enjoyed how good his hands felt on your body. It made you feel so small and helpless, but, at the same time, important and secure. You couldn't help but wonder what you had done to deserve such a perfect man like this.
He spent a few minutes caressing and giving light squeezes on your waist while his lips took over kissing, marking and biting any empty space on your shoulders and neck. During those minutes you just devoted yourself to enjoying his attention to you. You hugged his waist, caressing his back and scratching him gently each time he bit or marked your skin a little harder.
"Let me see how well it fits you," he said, lifting you in his arms to carry you to the bed. All the way there, Taehyung took neither his eyes nor his lips off you. "Well, let's see" he smiled meanly at you, unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. "Where should I start?" he sighed dramatically, leaning over you and holding both your wrists above your head.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of his face so close to you. You couldn't help but lick your lips, they felt so dry and useless without Taehyung's on them.
He was still face to face with you, but his gaze was no longer on your face, but on your chest. He loved watching it rise and fall in an accelerated fashion, and all just because of what his closeness provoked in you. He took such fucking pride in making you feel that way without any kind of prior stimulation.
"Would you rather I start at the top..." he whispered over your lips, barely running his free hand down the middle of your breasts. If you hadn't been too stunned, you would have been embarrassed at how your body reacted almost immediately to his touch, causing your breast to move even closer to his hand. "...Or underneath?" he said as his hand moved down your abdomen to your sensitive area. You couldn't help but let out a moan as you felt his hand so close there.
You weren't thinking straight, being honest, you weren't even thinking in the first place. It's not like it was that easy to turn you on, but Taehyung was making the task too difficult, and you saw no reason to stop your desires. The two of you were a couple, you'd been together for almost two years, what would be wrong with just one of his glances making your head instantly go blank? He had that effect on you even before you made it official. Sometimes you wondered if you managed to have that same effect on him.
"Well?" He looked up as his hand travels down your leg until it reaches your knee, where he took the opportunity to flex it so he could wrap it around your waist. You almost choked as you felt his member against your center. You didn't expect the dress to excite him so much.
"Uhm, over the top?" you mumbled, trying to think as clearly as possible. It was too hard being aware of how big and excited Tae was right now.
"Okay" he smiled, bringing your hand up to touch the straps of your dress and fiddle with them. He lowered his face until it was in front of your collarbones, kissing and nibbling on the bone that was barely peeking out, eliciting moans and gasps from you.
Taehyung had already released your hands, but only momentarily, unable to pull your dress down with your arms up. You rubbed your hips against his, needing more of his attention, needing him to be as close to you as possible.
He just smiled as he sensed how needy you were. He pulled the straps of your dress down until they were completely off your arms and, as soon as they were off, he held your hands again. With the hand he still had free, he slowly lowered the top of your dress, just until your breasts were exposed.
He licked his lips, sighing as he watched you shiver at the cool air hitting your bare nipples. He couldn't help but give a slight lunge against your hips. You weren't the only one losing control being in a situation like this.
He let his mouth take over your right breast, while his free hand played with your left. You tried to grab the sheet and be able to hold on to it, but Tae still had your hands wrapped around his, so you just clenched them into a fist and moaned in a gasp.
You felt ashamed of how sensitive you could be.
You closed your eyes, letting pleasure flood your every sense. You leaned your head back against the bed. You felt good, so good.
You bit the inside of your lip as you felt Taehyung's kisses slowly drift down, causing your whole body to writhe beneath him. His hand kept fiddling with your left nipple, pinching and squeezing it as he pleased.
Taehyung let your hands free the moment his mouth gathered on your lower abdomen. He finished removing the dress, leaving you alone with your underwear on. Now his hands took over gripping your hips firmly. He kissed the edge of your black underwear, then moved directly to your inner thigh. He had released the right side of your hip so he could lift your leg and rest it on his shoulder.
You clung to his hair, pulling on it every time you felt the pleasure was too strong to bear. The inside of your thigh was too sensitive, and he knew it well enough to use that against you. You weren't going to complain about it anyway.
"Honey, could you lift your hips a little?" he whispered, nibbling on the skin of your leg gently enough not to hurt you, but hard enough to make your whole body tremble under his touch.
You did as he asked, feeling a little embarrassed as it sunk in how exposed you were before him. Yes, you had been together for a long time, but almost every time you were intimate you did it in very dim lights, you felt much safer if he couldn't see something that might upset him.
Taehyung seemed to notice your insecurity, or so you thought as he moved up to face you, taking your lips between his. The kiss was deepening as he moved down your underwear, but you were too focused on him to worry about how you looked at the moment. You didn't understand how someone could kiss so roughly and intimately at the same time, but you were pleased at the idea that you had discovered it with Taehyung and not some random man. You loved the thought that Taehyung would always, in some way or another, find a way to give you your first times, and make each one of them the best experience of your life.
You moaned slightly annoyed as you felt him pull away from you, but the annoyance dissipated almost instantly. He couldn't kiss you while his shirt was off, and the idea of kissing him with his shirt off was much more tempting than kissing him with it on, so you forgave him.
You looked at his abdomen, now much more marked than the first time you did it, and for the first time you thought it was kind of attractive on a man. Your fingertips itched from the desire you had to touch him.
"Keep your gaze on me, honey," he took your chin, forcing you to look up so you could see him. Air caught in your throat as you saw his dark gaze on you. "I want you to be aware that the one who is going to make you feel so fucking good is me, to think of me and only me" he strokes your chin gently, his gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips. "I don't want you to think about anything else but me for the next few hours, understood?".
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#bts x fem!reader#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts x you#taehyung x oc#taehyung fic#taehyung#taehyung fanfic#kim taehyung#bts fic#kim taehyung x you#kim taehyung x reader#taehyung scenarios#taehyung smut
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・゚: *✧・゚:*Aftercare・゚: *✧・゚:*
Pairing: Taehyung x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Mentions of smut, Fluff, mentions of cheating [from reader's ex-boyfriend].
Wc: 852.
You felt exhausted, most of your body ached, and there was no part of you that was not reddened because of Taehyung's lips. In spite of that, you had no regrets. Sometimes that little voice you thought was your conscience would repeat to you what a horrible person you were for having done this having broken up with your boyfriend just a few days ago, but then you remembered that he not only kept you hidden for a year and a half, but also decided to go out in public with another girl behind your back during the last few months of your relationship. You supposed it was a coincidence that she looked so similar to you.
You closed your eyes, trying to silence that voice that was once again making you the villain of your own life. You tried to focus on the present, on the fact that you were finally with the only person you ever really came to love in your life. It worked a little, because almost unconsciously you smiled.
You felt his warm arms wrap around your waist and pull you even closer to him, his nose barely bumped against the bare skin of your neck, and it felt so natural that you couldn't help but feel at peace. He had so much control over you, and for the first time in your life that didn't scare you, because you knew he would never hurt you.
"How do you feel?" he whispered against your skin, causing a shiver to run down your spine. "Was I too rough?"
You laughed softly as you heard his question. No one in your life had ever treated you so delicately during sex. You didn't want to delve into that reflection, at least not now.
"That was perfect" you murmured, turning around so you could hug him. You rested your forehead on his chest. It felt so soft and warm. You didn't want that moment to end. "You were beyond perfect."
You looked up, seeing Taehyung smile. It was quite dark, but you still managed to catch a glimpse of a slight pink hue on his cheeks. You had never imagined that you would have the opportunity to provoke such a reaction in him. You felt proud.
"Feeling a little better? Your legs were shaking a lot" he kissed your shoulder, brushing your thigh with his fingertips.
"I think that's kind of the idea" you smiled, kissing his jaw.
"I mean, yeah, but it was too much, has it always been like this?" he rested his free hand on your hair, stroking it gently.
"Yes, it always has been" you hid your face in his neck. He didn't have to know that so far you had never enjoyed having sex with your ex's, it was unnecessary information.
"Good" he kissed your forehead, lifting out of bed and putting on his underwear.
You settled in so you could sleep for a while, you knew how things went. You would stay here until your legs stopped being numb, he would go somewhere else to get on with his day as normal, you would both carry on as normal. That's how it was supposed to work.
Maybe that's why you screamed as you felt him pull your legs and carefully spread them open to clean you.
"What are you doing?" you asked in surprise, letting him do whatever he was about to do, but not taking the surprise off your face.
"Cleaning you up?" he frowned, looking at you with the same confusion you looked at him with, "It's too late to take a shower, and I don't want you to get sick, you're too busy with comeback and all, so I'll just wipe with a cloth, is that okay with you?"
"I guess," mumble, watching as he continued to wipe your inner thighs, "but why are you doing it?".
"Well, I can't leave you with... that coming out of you, let's just say it's best for you" he nodded, finishing cleaning and setting the cloth down on his nightstand, "You've never had that done before?"
"No," you shook your head, following him with your eyes.
He had set about picking up your clothes, tossing everything but your underwear into the dirty laundry basket he kept in the corner. He also took his shirt, but contrary to what you thought, he didn't wear it for himself.
"Come here," he beckoned you with his fingers, indicating you to come closer.
You just silently obeyed, sitting down right in front of him.
He helped you into your underwear, apologizing softly as he listened to your complaints about how sore your hips had become. When he was done, he grabbed his shirt and put it on you with the utmost care, kissing your head after he was done.
Your heart felt so warm that you felt like you might burn inside. For the first time in years, you felt like you had made the right decision, and it felt so good, so right. You loved this man, and you were so happy you could call him yours.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#bts x fem!reader#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts x you#taehyung fanfic#taehyung fic#taehyung#kim taehyung#bts x oc#bts x yn#bts fic#bts one shot#tae x reader#tae x you
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Who I write about:
I will receive request if:
They are angst, fluff, smut, I'm pretty flexible on the subject.
The request is made with respect.
Request comes with detailed/specific description.
I will not receive request if:
The request has Daddy Kink, BDSM, or any mistreatment of the character to the reader.
The request was against a community, there may be slight mentions in the shot, but never any kind of disrespect that could hurt someone.
Pairings between members.
#bts fluff#bts#bts x y/n#bts x reader#bts x fem!reader#jin x you#jin x reader#yoongi x you#yoongi x reader#namjoon x you#namjoon x reader#jhope x you#jhope x reader#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#jungkook x you#jungkook x reader#jimin x you#jimin x reader
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The Han Family: Moodboards
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
#bts x reader#bts#bts fluff#bts x y/n#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts x fem!reader#bts fanfic#bts x you#yoongi x reader#jin x reader#jin x you#jin x yn#namjoon x reader#namjoon x you#namjoon x yn#yoongi x you#yoongi x yn#hoseok x reader#hoseok x you#hoseok x yn#jimin x you#jimin x reader#jimin x yn#taehyung x yn#bts fanfiction#bts x oc
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The Han Family: Park Jimin
Trope: Established relationship.
Oc Information: [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.]
Lee Soyeon.
26 yo.
Ex-girlfriend of Jiwon's twin brother.
Context: You had a 4+ year relationship with the twin brother of a close friend. The guy was, simply put, perfect.
He was cute, kind, polite, very attentive, yes, the perfect guy. So why did you leave him? You don't even know.
Maybe it was because he was too cute and that kept you from loving him properly, maybe it was the fact that you were still too young to get serious with someone, or maybe he was just the right guy at the wrong time.
You don't know, but the fact here is that you broke up with him and completely wrecked him. And of course, you felt guilty, which is exactly why, when he begged you to keep in touch, you didn't refuse.
You never told him that you started a new relationship with a police officer named Jimin, you were too embarrassed to tell him and hurt him even more. You kept that little secret to yourself and Jimin, because yes, he knew you were talking to him.
You also didn't tell him how you left home to live with Jimin, because you knew he would realize that for you the problem was always him.
It was Jimin who, after months of moving in with him, convinced you to go see him in order to clear things up and cut off contact with him, because he was aware that you were only doing this out of pity.
So you went back to his house for his father's birthday. You didn't think that doing that would get you involved in a bloody murder that your boyfriend had to investigate.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#jimin#jimin x reader#jimin x y/n#jimin x you#jimin fanfic#park jimin#jimin fic#bts jimin#bts fic#bts x oc#bts x fem!reader#bts x you#jimin x yn#bts x yn#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts fanfction
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The Han Family: Jung Hoseok
Trope: s2l
Oc Information: [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.]
Kim Yoori.
28 yo.
Jiwon's twin brother's partner, Han Jihyun.
Context: You started dating Jihyun a year after he ended his relationship with Soyeon, his ex-girlfriend.
He was an amazing guy. Kind, caring, loving, attentive, gentlemanly, he was perfect, and you loved him for that. It was a pity that he couldn't say the same about you.
When you started dating you noticed that there were some strange things about his attitude, like how he was always nervous when you caught him from behind, or how fidgety he was every time you asked him to use his phone because yours was downloading.
And, as the wiser ladies say, a woman's instinct never fails.
You decided to look at his phone, just out of curiosity, just to confirm that you were wrong. But you weren't.
He was still talking to his ex, still saving your pictures together, and still writing you letters that he kept in his notes with love messages.
That tore you up inside, and you tried to make him see it. He never noticed anything. He never really saw you, and all you wanted to do was yell at him to do something, anything, to keep you around.
He didn't, much less when he saw Soyeon again on his father's birthday.
Much less when you were no longer interested in going back to him.
Much less when you finally found someone who saw you.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#hoseok x you#hoseok x y/n#hoseok x oc#hoseok x reader#hoseok fanfic#hoseok fic#jung hoseok#hobi x reader#hobi x you#hobi x y/n#bts x oc#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts fic
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The Han Family: Jeon Jungkook
Trope: f2l
Oc Information: [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.]
Han Jiwon.
28 yo.
Daughter of Mr. Han.
Context: You had known Jungkook for years. You were friends with his older brother, and you liked spending time at his house, so it was inevitable not to get attached to that buck-toothed boy.
He loved you quite a bit too, but in a different way than you saw him. You loved him like a brother, he loved you like a girlfriend. And you knew it.
The first time you realized it, he was 16 and you were 18. He went to your graduation and gave you a bouquet of flowers, your favorite. You could notice that tender blush that showed on his cheeks every time he gave you something he knew you would like. That day you couldn't sleep because you were so nervous.
The second time was when, straight away, Jungkook confessed to you. He was now 25, you were 27. You'd be lying if you said your heart didn't race, because it did, but it was your duty as the older of the two of you to remind yourself that he couldn't be with you, because you weren't capable of bringing someone as innocent as him into your family's mess.
So you turned him down.
You never spoke to each other again since then, you asked him to in order to make him forget you.
Now he was at your door, with his badge in plain sight, asking you in the gentlest possible way to give your testimony because your father had just been murdered.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#bts jungkook#jungkook fanfic#jeon jungkook#jungkook#jungkook x y/n#jeon jungkook x reader#jungkook x oc#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook x original character#jung kook#jungkook bts
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The Han Family: Kim Seokjin
Trope: One night To Lovers.
Oc Information: [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.]
Han Jiah
30 yo.
Wife of Mr. Han's younger brother, Han Jaesung.
Context: Unlike what many thought, you did marry Jaesung for love. He was a very captivating man, and he knew exactly how to use his words to sweeten your ear and get what he wanted. It's a pity your younger self didn't notice.
You got married at 22, in a wedding too lavish for your taste. It was one of the happiest days of your life before he threw it all away.
It was only two years after that wonderful day when you realized that your husband was cheating on you with more than one girl, and you were so disgusted.
You wanted to ask for a divorce, but there was no way to do it, not when he knew how to manipulate you so well, not when he insisted he loved you, and you kept believing him.
Your insecurity about the divorce ended a few months ago, when you met Jin.
You both went to a business party, he for his parents, you for your husband. You had a friendly chat, which gradually escalated until there was no return.
Did you feel guilty? No, in fact, you enjoyed it more than you imagined, but that didn't mean you were going to shout it to the four winds.
Or at least you didn't plan to until you saw Jin enter your husband's house as one of the people in charge of your father-in-law's case.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#bts fanfiction#bts series#bts fic#jin x you#jin x y/n#jin x reader#jin x oc#jin#seokjin x you#seokjin x reader#seokjin fanfic#seokjin fic#kim seokjin#bts seokjin
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The Han Family: Kim Namjoon
Trope: s2l.
Oc Information: [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.]
Han Sooah.
29 yo.
Wife of Mr. Han's younger brother, Han Seunghyun.
Context: You married Seunghyun when you were just 20 years old, and no, it wasn't for love, it was for business. He was many years older than you, but you couldn't say no to him when he had practically bought your family.
He wasn't a bad person, he was very permissive, he let you go out whenever you wanted, let you eat whatever you wanted, let you spend money on whatever you wanted, no matter the price. He was the perfect husband, or so your friends said.
For you he was... difficult. You tried to be a good wife, but you couldn't do it when he was so cold to you. You barely saw him at night when he came home, you tried to have dinner with him, but he always went straight to his bedroom, you even thought about giving him signs that you didn't mind having sex with him, but he always pretended to sleep when you tried to make him understand.
Every day by his side was just another day where you were sinking into a deep depression that you didn't even notice was there. It wasn't until Namjoon came along, with his painful and revealing questions, that you began to question how you felt and what you wanted to do with your life.
And your husband was no longer part of those plans.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#namjoon x you#namjoon x reader#namjoon fanfic#namjoon fic#kim namjoon#namjoon x y/n#namjoon x oc#bts fic#bts series#bts imaginas
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The Han Family: Kim Taehyung
Trope: Established relationship.
Oc Information: [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.]
Shin Soomin.
23 yo.
She was in a relationship with Sr. Han's brother for a few years.
Context: When you were still young, around 16 years old, you met Han Jaesung, the younger brother of a very famous businessman in Korea. He was a very charismatic and funny man, or so thought your younger self, a much more impressionable and innocent you.
You were from a dysfunctional family, one that cared little or nothing about what happened to you. You were easy prey for any foul predator found in the cruel world in which you lived. Jaesung was one of them, and to your misfortune, you fell right into his sweetened words in order to have you as a toy to pass the time with.
You stayed with him until you turned 19. You still remember the moment when you ran away from him, when you had to run barefoot, with your clothes destroyed, your body bruised and your throat dry and scratchy from screaming so much. You still remember how you were lucky enough to meet Taehyung, a policeman who had just started working, and who found you near the station.
He helped you as much as he could, even paying for the hospital service you had to receive. He was by far one of the most special people you had the pleasure to meet. It was a pity you didn't get to see him again until 3 years later.
He already had a lot of experience in his job, and you had already taken charge of your life, you had worked on yourself in order to fix your stability that had been so shattered by that man, and now you felt secure enough to start a slow but loving relationship, something you could never have, not even with your family.
You were grateful that Taehyung gave you this opportunity, and you would do anything to keep him as happy as he kept you, even if it meant hiding your past from him.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts x fem!reader#bts fanfic#bts x you#taehyung fanfic#taehyung fic#taehyung#kim taehyung#kim taehyung x reader#kim taehyung x you#taehyung x oc#taehyung x y/n
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The Han Family: Min Yoongi
Trope: Exes To Lovers.
Oc Information [The name will be used in the parts where another couple is discussed to avoid confusion.] :
Jung Chaeyoung.
29 yo.
She has a 3-year relationship with Han Jumyeon, Mr. Han's eldest son.
Context: You and Yoongi were together during high school. He was only a year older than you, but that never mattered to you. You both fit in perfectly; you had the cheerfulness and positivity that Yoongi lacked, and he had the patience and seriousness that you lacked. You were together until Yoongi entered his second year of college, both of you decided to end on good terms. You never stopped loving him, and deep down you thought he hadn't completely forgotten you either.
Despite keeping that deep love that you were sure you would never get over, you decided to go on with your life, seeing more people, having more casual loves, until the arrival of Jumyeon, the Han's eldest son, and the person who would end up signing your death sentence.
It had been more than 10 years since you last saw Yoongi, and meeting him again because of your father-in-law's murder was definitely not the way you expected to see him again.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts fic#bts series#yoongi#yoongi x reader#yoongi fanfic#min yoongi#yoongi fic#yoongi x oc#yoongi x y/n#yoongi x you
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The Han Family
Warnings: MDNI, murder, childhood trauma, verbal, physical and sexual abuse, cheating, age gap, manipulation, abuse of a minor [16]. (I'm probably missing some things, I'll add them as I remember them).

The Han family has always been one of the most powerful and influential families in South Korea. They owned three of the most important companies in the country, in addition to the many others with which they had agreements and investments.
They were always known for their impeccable image, one that, in all the years they had been in the market, had never been tarnished.
Or at least it was until, on his 57th birthday, Mr. Han's body was found in his office. A gunshot to the head had caused his instant death.
A total of seven officers were assigned to handle the case, and absolutely none of them expected to encounter a family with such a dark and depraved background as the Han's.
Keep reading.
#bts x reader#bts#bts x y/n#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts x fem!reader#bts fanfic#bts x you#yoongi x reader#Jin x reader#jin x you#jin fanfic#yoongi x you#yoongi fanfic#namjoon x reader#namjoon x you#namjoon fanfic#hoseok x reader#hoseok x you#hoseok fanfic#jimin x reader#jimin x you#jimin fanfic#taehyung fanfic#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook fanfic#bts series
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Here, trying to get out of hiatus while advancing in Style [I seriously love this Taehyung lol].
#bts x reader#bts#bts fluff#bts x y/n#taehyung x reader#taehyung x you#bts x fem!reader#bts fanfic#bts x you#v x reader#taehyung fic#taehyung fanfic
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King of Tides | KSJ | Drabble

☾ Pairing: Pirate!Seokjin x Sea Demon!Reader
☾ Summary: Seokjin meets a ghost of his past when he and his crew stop to celebrate for the evening.
☾ Word Count: 1,969
☾ Genre: Pirate AU, Angst, Lovers to Enemies
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
☾ Warnings: References to smut, explicit language, weapons and mentions of murder, betrayal, vague world building, Seokjin is an Asshole, brief references to childhood trauma, angst.
☾ Published: Friday, January 5, 2024
☾ A/N: Drabble 2 of the 100 Drabble Challenge is prompt #67, pirates! I had no idea what I was doing with this until I wrote it. It is obviously inspired by Pirate of the Caribbean with the whole Davy Jone’s chest thing, but I very much put my own spin on it. The ring is inspired by Solomon’s Ring, which is a Christian-centric mythology that Solomon had a ring that could summon the forces of Hell. So I did that but like… sea hell hahaha. I hope you enjoy this! I’ts very different for me!
☾ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Main Masterlist ☾ 100 Drabble Masterlist ☾ Ask ☾ Song Inspiration
Seokjin is used to the occasional knife in the dark. As one of the most notorious captains and thieves on the seven seas, he’s even been the knife in the dark himself.
When he feels the pressure of a blade against his spine tonight, he’s not surprised. His crew is too drunk to see the threat standing behind their captain, and Seokjin has made the ridiculous mistake of letting a pretty woman lure him to a dark table in the corner, away from the noise and celebrating.
Seokjin immediately feels like a fool for letting his guard down, the worst mistake he could ever make.
The pretty girl in front of him grins and looks at Seokjin’s assailant before nodding her head and slipping from the chair. He grits his teeth, realizing she is in on it. He clenches his fist as he starts to turn, but the knife digs into his ribs. A hard push would send it right between the two of them and into a lung. It would be a slow, gross death.
The raucous noise of the tavern buzzes in his ear as a hand taps his shoulder, signaling for him to stand. He does so slowly, looking around the tavern to see if there’s anyone he can appeal to for his plight.
No one pays him any mind, hands going up dresses or down pants, wine flowing, and crowd singing. His crew is too busy celebrating. And why shouldn’t they? They’ve just stopped at their favorite port after a successful three years of hunting a timeless piece of treasure. A power that puts Seokjin on edge.
The ring sits heavy in Seokjin’s pocket. Only Yoongi his firstmate and Namjoon his chronicler know of the power in Seokjin’s pocket, too dangerous to be left on the ship with the remainder of the treasure. He doesn’t enjoy hiding the ring from his crew, but he hasn’t quiet yet decided what to do with it. How to explain what it is that it does without scaring the loyal members of his crew.
Slowly, a hand turns Seokjin around and walks him toward the stairs, still at knifepoint. He grins as he goes, leaning his head to the side to see the person who holds him captive. The knife digs harder into his back, a warning that makes him chuckle and turn forward, holding his hands up in defeat.
“If you wanted to lure me to your bed, you just had to ask,” he says, going up the steps. His boots are heavy on the creaking wood as he goes. “I am the most handsome of pirates, but I’m also quite liberal with my affections.”
His captor says nothing as they reach the second landing. Doors line either side of the hall. Seokjin can detect all manner of lovemaking and laughter beyond each closed door. He does not typically favor staying upstairs or renting rooms for whores, preferring the rocking of the ship in the harbor and the canvas of the night sky. It makes him unfamiliar with the second floor, but he counts his steps as they go.
They turn and go down another hall and stop at the last door of the right. It’s not a far run to get to the stairs and sound the alarm. Once he disarms his captor, he just needs to sprint and scream. He’s pretty quick on his feet and-
The knife prods him and he realizes the door to the room is open. He steps over the threshold into the room, glancing around. It’s simple enough. A single bed stands in the corner with a chest at the foot, a nightstand to the left, and a candle burning, smoke drifting toward the ceiling.
When the door shuts behind him, Seokjin’s muscles coil. He prepares to spring, hand sliding into the front of his jacket pocket, inching towards the small knife there-
“Don’t bother,” the voice says, knife ever-present. Seokjin’s hand freezes, recognizing the rasp of your voice anywhere. “That’s not the right knife, Captain.”
You’re right. The knife in his jacket pocket would do nothing against you, but the knife in his boot would. He’d grown lazy, no longer keeping the adamas dagger at his hip or within close reach. Three years haven’t made him feel safe, exactly, but he had started to think that you were still captive in that little home he’d left you in.
Evidently, it’s a mistake that will cost him.
Now he’s nervous. You push him further into the room with your palm but remove the knife from his back. He doesn’t reach down to the weapon in his boot, stuck between fear and the desire to see you - to talk to you again.
When he turns, his heart cracks open and starts to bleed.
The last time Seokjin saw you is fresh in his memory. You’d been chained to the bed you shared in a small island home off the coast of the Americas. He remembers the smell of your skin, like salt and driftwood. The cool touch of your lips against his burning skin. You always felt like the depths of the ocean, every part of you fluid as you’d fucked him last night, your breath sea breeze against his mouth, cries a haunting siren song.
And your eyes. Seokjin sees the inhuman blue-green glow of your eyes every night.
Now, those same eyes are staring at him, glowing in the dark. You stand so far in the shadows that it’s hard to make out any of your features or expressions, but Seokjin has your face burned into every part of his memory. The bow of your mouth, the slope of your nose, the roundness of your cheeks. It’s all there along with the knowledge that he’d betrayed you. Chained you. Loved you.
When you step into the light, Seokjin holds his breath. You’re so beautiful. It’s what lured him to you in the first place, a sailor to a siren, but he knows you’re so much more than a pretty face and glowing eyes. You’re also incredibly smart and wicked, a ruthlessness in you as brutal as the sea running in your veins, an unpredictably like a storm destroying the tropics.
A pirate by trade. Daughter of Leviathan by nature.
“You must be talented to get out of those cuffs. We should have used them more” Seokjin doesn’t know what else to say. You’re not advancing further into the room, and he’s worried reaching for his knife will startle you.
Behind him, the candle casts an orange glow on your face. It makes the sneer much more twisted, the furrowed brows as you glower harsher. Your features are sharper than he remembers, your eyes burning with the unnatural glow of a demon of the deep. You are murderous.
“I’m the favorite daughter of Leviathan, King of the Depths, Destroyer of Seas, and Maker of Tides. You think he would leave me to rot?”
“No, I suppose he doesn’t want that pretty face to wilt.” He tries to appear casual, spinning and tossing himself on the bed. You don’t move, eyes tracking him. “I suppose you’ve been following me all this time, then?”
“I have far more important things to do.”
“Perhaps, but you’d always loved revenge.”
“I loved you.”
There. You said it.
Seokjin doesn’t say anything for a moment, shocked to silence. Usually, you like to spar with your words, dancing around what you want to say with quick barbs and turns of phrase. Tonight, you cut right to it, leaving all playfulness out of your voice.
It makes his heart squeeze painfully. In the years that you sailed together, he cannot recall a time that you’ve ever been so direct. Even when you loved him most. Even when you were at your most vulnerable.
Perhaps you are here to kill him after all.
“So you’re here to win me back over?” he tries, desperate to get on familiar ground. Desperate to goad you. To make you snap back, to throw an insult. “You’ll need more than a knife to do that.”
“Give me the ring.”
“What do you want with it?”
“The likes of you shouldn’t have the power to summon the demons of the depths.”
“What if I’m in peril and need to call you?”
“You had me!” You roar, the force of your voice shaking the room, the candle almost guttering, the window panes shaking. He hears the scream downstairs, the entire building rattle with the rage of the ocean in your voice.
Seokjin drops the act, sitting up and squeezing his fists to fight the nausea of guilt twisting his stomach. He can feel your rage fill up the room like a solid thing, a cold pressure pressing on his skin as the candle on the nightstand flickers.
“Humans are not made to command Leviathan and his children” you growl, stepping further into the room. Standing closer to the light, Seokjin realizes your eyes are watery. He sucks in a sharp breath. He’s never seen you cry. “You are weak and petty, your lives but a speck of sand in fathomless oceans. You are selfish and greedy and cruel.”
“Are demons not the same? Do you not fight amongst yourselves for power? Do you not cause chaos among the seas? Do you not hunger for power, lust, and riches?”
“Those things belong to us.”
Seokjin stands abruptly. “Now they belong to me!”
“Now I will command the seas. I will have the power to rein in the monster of the depths when he wants to destroy innocent ships. When he wants to send storms against islands. When he wants to swallow the souls on the sea. He will bow to me, now.”
“This is madness.”
“This is fair.” He feels his heart rate speed up. Feels rage pumping through his system. Feels like the little boy clinging to a piece of driftwood as the sea destroys the ship he and his family were sailing on, feels the burn of saltwater in his lungs as the ocean drags him down, feels-
“You’d risk the world for a sense of vengeance for your lost childhood?” your voice is barely audible, a sea breeze. “The infamous Captain Seokjin of the Blue Moon, Scourge of the Seas, so afraid of losing control of the tide that he’d dare assert his dominance over it.”
“Captain Seokjin, King of Tides has a better ring to it.”
You glance at his pocket where you know the ring sits heavy. He can feel the power ebbing from the cool metal as thought it senses you in the room. Like calling to like. A tool to control Leviathan and all of his demonic children of the sea sensing one of those very creatures in front of him.
“The sea will bow to no one.”
A blade glints in your hand. Seokjin finally realizes why you refuse to jest. Why there are tears in your eyes. You’re not here to negotiate or to let him loose. He truly has fallen out of your favor, and you’re here to take what he used you to steal.
He slowly bends down, watching you all the while. You let him remove the knife from his boot, kind enough to offer him a fair fight. “The sea loved you, you know?”
He knows you’re not just talking about the oceans he sails. His throat constricts as he nods. “I love her.”
You appraise him once more, uncanny eyes flickering. If his admission that there is still warmth flickering for you has an effect, it doesn’t show.
“Your love means nothing. You betrayed her and now you will meet your death, King of Tides.”
He grips his knife firmly. The ring is heavy in his pocket. “I welcome the attempt.”
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