livingamonggiants · 4 years
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
Azrael nods. Looking out at the expanse of the garden they sat in, it was always a breath of fresh air, always a wonder to behold, he enjoyed these places, especially after the hard day of watching so many take their last breaths. “Michael how do you do it?” He looks up to the elder with calm but intense silver eyes. “Judge a soul?” He looks back out at the beautiful expanse. “What do you judge them on? Have you ever felt you made a wrong decision?”
Azrael situates himself to sit next to the elder, leaning his scythe against the wall at his other side, crosses his legs and rests his chin on his palm, looking out to see what the elder was watching for himself. “Michael, can I ask you a question?”
“I am listening. “  Thoughtful tone, It is neutral.  They’d always loved coming to this place, they do hold an immense appreciation for beauty and coming to his secret garden is their relief a breath of air; it is quiet compared to  how loud the rest of the heavens.  This feels better, so so very nice, thin smile.  They sit upon a bench which  outlooks their personal garden--- yet it feels sentimental; a good place to reflect.   
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
Azrael (personality and with others)
Azrael normally appears in the body of a child, usually a preteen--around 14 years old.
His vessels name is Josiah, he is 14 years old, and dying from cancer. Their being together is completely consensual-Josiah hosts him while he’s on Earth (unless he’s in one of his two true forms) and in return he keeps him from the pain of dying slowly--think of it as a shared immortality, the affects of his terminal illness only take hold when he’s not hosting Azrael
Josiah and Azrael have a great relations, like Azrael’s relationship with Anubis, but slightly different for obvious reasons
Azrael likes to make Josiah laugh and smile, especially after a long day of treatment, he tells him corny jokes or gives him light tickles, sometimes he’ll rub the tips of his wings over his feet, and Josiah absolutely loses it. The doctors just write it off as a teenager thing when they look in to check on him and they see him clutching his belly, cackling, and kicking his feet wildly.
Azrael is naturally well tempered
Azrael does not care for the apocalypse, or the infighting between his older brothers, and does not care about the impact it will have on the human population
“You humans breed like rabbits.”
“Overpopulation, too much of a good thing.”
Azrael can be extremely sarcastic. 
Azrael left Heaven before Gabriel did and his one request was to be left alone by all parties in question, no one was forcing him to pick a side, it wouldn’t be the side they would want if they did anyway
He looks out for himself, is there to fight for himself, and takes care of number one, himself. 
When Castiel and the Winchesters summon him, he is enraged. 
Azrael is not above torture when he’s enraged
Azrael had a personal liking for Billy the Reaper (and then when she became Death--he’s still technically in charge, but she’s like a pseudo mom figure, like old Death was one of his dad. Old Death is not dead, you can’t kill Death, he just retired. He chills now and eats good eats.) and when Castiel killed her he took it as a personal attack
He threatens to kill the Winchesters in retaliation 
Azrael’s temper is usually pretty mild-but when he gets set off- WATCH OUT
Azrael has two Hounds, regular Hounds, not angel hounds, their names are Dante and Nero
Azrael has two forms
One of them is his true age, around 14, he’s one of the youngest archangels
His other form is well over 6 ft tall, shoulder length black hair, and silver eyes
Both forms have ear piercings 
Azrael wears a silver cross in a circle pendant around his neck
Azrael has Death’s ring 
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
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For you and your internet friends! 💙
Feel free to send these to them but please do not repost
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
This is for Michael. It really resonates with me.
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
My cat. Right there. Spot on.
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
rb to save a person with anxiety!!
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
Spot in the morning
Snowy Ball 
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
This reminds me of Nis and Spot❤️❤️❤️❤️
I want everything that this 🐕 doggo has 
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
I want everything that this 🐕 doggo has 
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
Do u have any tickle related BROTP prompts? I need for smt I'm writing and writing block is killing me- (Btw, your blog helped me so much oof)
I usually try to answer the ask box in order but this gives me so many ideas
super-strong bro A’s only weakness is being tickled
“Don’t you dare don’t you dare dON’T YOU DARE–”
A knows all of B’s tickle spots and uses that information as blackmail
whenever B has a really bad day, A starts a tickle fight to make them laugh because they know they’ll feel better afterward
“Can I have a piggyback ride?” “Only if you promise not to use your vantage point to tickle my neck again.” “…”
touchstarved A just kinda throws themselves onto B when they start getting tickled
pickle fights. pillow fight + tickle fight = pickle fight
C hears raucous laughter from the next room over and walks in to see A and B in a physically impossible knot from trying to tickle each other
really intense tickle fights leading to… (lowers voice) cuddling
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
Things I Need/Want RIGHT NOW!
-Randomly poke my ribs and then look around and ask what’s wrong when I jump
-Pin me under you on the couch and pretend to be asleep while you tickle me and then get mad when I “wake you up” and tell me I’m going to pay for it
-Tickle hugs
-Pick me up and tickle me so all I can do is kick but my feet can’t touch the ground so I’m forced to just take it
-Wrestle with me (no seriously this is a personal fave) and then when eventually you pin me make fun of how much I’m already giggling by saying “what? I haven’t even started yet!”
-Growling sounds when you nuzzle into my neck or nibble on my ribs/hips/literally anywhere
-Pin me with your body
-“I’ll stop when you stop laughing!”
-Point our how much I’m actually liking this
-Tell me how much fun you’re having
-Take note of the different ways I’m laughing/giggling and tell me which ones you like the best
-If you have facial hair, rub it up and down my neck until I’m screaming and then tell me how much you love driving me nuts
-“What is so funny?!”
-“Could you be any cuter than you are right now?”
-Ear nibbles/tickles
-Literally raspberries everywhere
-“No way you’re _____ is ticklish?! (Even though we both already knew that)”
-“Hey do you want to see something super funny?” *tickles* “See isn’t that awesome?”
-Cuddles that turn into kisses that turn into tickles
-“I love seeing you so happy, we should do this ALL the time!”
-Completely wreck my shit then give me a blanket and hold me and tell me how well I did, just kill me with sweetness
-Light slow tickles that get faster and faster until I’m loosing it
-*tickles really sensitive spot relentlessly* “Okay so I’ve been meaning to ask your opinion about something and I’d appreciate it if you could be serious right now”
-Make me say shit
-Make me tell you I like it
-Whisper teases into my ears and tell me how much you’re going to love ruining me
-“I’m only doing this because I know you love it so much!”
In conclusion….playfulness is the best and I need this ASAP
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
Nero fiddled while Rome burned... Trump golfs.
-Bernie Sanders DNC 2020
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
biggest betrayal is when it’s supposed to thunderstorm and it doesn’t
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
When you're writing and you suddenly realize you don't know what happens next
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
I love this blog, beautiful comics with real life issues, definitely recommend.
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livingamonggiants · 4 years
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Adopt if you can x Art by me
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