livewiselife · 4 months
The Unbearable Burden of Shame
We all make mistakes in life. Some are huge! Without rehashing what those issues might be- lets just acknowledge that they create feelings of shame, regret and fear that can fester and live inside us for many years. Sometimes, you think you have overcome it… and then you get triggered by a comment or a letter in the mail or any number of reminders of your failure. It is a toxic squiggle of a mess…
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livewiselife · 4 months
Hey - we are alive !
So much has happened in life since the last time I wrote a blogpost. I moved. Change jobs. My spouse of 49 years passed away. I moved again and now find myself in Texas. Single- 10 years older and still writing content and creating things. So many questions. What do I do now in this phase of my life? I can’t really retire. And I really don’t want to retire- I like working and creating. Do I have…
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livewiselife · 5 years
The Swing of things - How to do it.
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I spent many years being self-employed, managing my schedule, writing, creating, consulting. I loved every bit.  At a moment in time, where the business I had created with a partner was struggling, one of my sons offered me an opportunity to work with him in his landscaping business.  Sure!  I was happy to make the change. Less stress, regular hours, consistent income, little responsibility. Sure!  It appeared to be a timely opportunity. 
I leaped into a new world. I needed to learn new software, new techniques, new policies, programs, services and adjust to new people. That wasn’t hard. I enjoyed being closer to family and being needed. I hated talking on the phone. I learned that customer service was not my strength.  But I was open to learning and correcting myself for the benefit of retention, reputation and my paycheck. I worked hard at being friendly and listening to complainers on the phone.  It was the worst part of my job but a good learning experience. 
When my son sold his business a few years later, it relieved me to be “free” and could choose a new path for income creation. I had plenty of ideas but I could not motivate myself to take action. Being consistent was a challenge. My procrastination disability flared up.  I had cobwebs in my head and was floundering in scattered thinking. Napping was nice. What did I want? I knew that the playing field had changed, technology had changed, networking had changed, publishing had changed (again).  What to do?
How could I get back into the swing of things?  What did I need to do to be consistent and focused? The one thing I knew was I wanted to do my thing again. I would not go work for someone else. 
I’m a list person so I started with a to-do list.
Get off social media - delete those apps from your phone. If you must browse, designate a set amount of time to be online. Don’t waste time. 
Make a list of ideas to get clear about what you want to do.  What work do you want to do?  Compare and contrast, get a trusted  friend/family member’s view.
Get organized. Clean your room, clean your office space, Use file folders, go through those boxes, throw things away and start a to-do list to help you.
Decide on a time frame.  How long will you give yourself to get ready, get prepared - to go back to work?
Make a list of your strengths and interests. What are your accomplishments? What is your expertise?
Update your portfolio or resume. If you blog or have a website - review it and update it.  get back in touch with people you know. dust off those networks. 
Commit to a daily time frame for working/planning/preparing as if you were driving to a job and stick to it. Clock in.  Create a rhythm and a routine. 
Remind yourself - you are good at what you do. You are resilient and have a growth mindset. You’re not too old. 
We overrate PURPOSE.  Do what you love- if your work has MEANING- that is far more valuable to your well-being then “purpose” alone.  
Take action. Start. Do it. Begin today. baby steps if you need to - but do it. and consider that an achievement. 
With a reasonable time frame I felt I could manage my own expectations without getting an ulcer. I am excited to see where my new adventure leads. 
#sidegigs #dontretirebroke #purposeandmeaning #createincome #planning 
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livewiselife · 5 years
Be Convincing and stop resisting yourself.
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livewiselife · 6 years
Clean Clean Clean
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I’m sorry, I’m grateful, I forgive myself and forgive everyone else in my life and I love.
Just love what is. Embrace the day for the beauty it holds and not succumb to the social chaos that is destined to eat away at your very soul.
We all need a little bit of scrubbing up so before you break your finger off pointing blame at someone you are holding in contempt – look to yourself and start…
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livewiselife · 6 years
I want to be Master Chief
I want to be Master Chief
Do you think anyone wakes up in the morning and says to themselves…
“Yay… I am going to lose at life today – I’m going to be a total loser today.”
No. No one wants  to be a loser – but yet it happens to most of us at least once in our lives… if not all the time for some people.  Sometimes failure is good- there are many lessons we can learn and apply to  our lives to not fail again…but many…
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livewiselife · 6 years
Sewing in America
For centuries and centuries, women prepared all the clothing and household items. Nothing was mass manufactured. Imagine – learning to grow cotton or flax and weaving fabric to then cut and hand sew clothing or from leather… whew – that was a lot of work.
It wasn’t until 1755 when Charles Weisenthal, a German immigrant in London, took a patent out for a special needle which could be used for…
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livewiselife · 6 years
So...I've been to Hawaii
So…I’ve been to Hawaii
I am a beach lover. A  California girl who lives far away from the beach now… I jump at any chance I get to stick my feet in the sand.  When one of sons moved to Hawaii for work – I started plotting and planning my getaway.
Off I went.
The most stunning view of the world I have seen is that from the world war two observation bunker on a jagged ridge top high above the sleepy beach town of Kailua,…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Make Your Own Pain Cream
Make Your Own Pain Cream
Sunday Solutions:
When it comes to relieving the pain, swelling and stiffness of achy joints and muscles, many people reach for their Aspirin or Tylenol… some may even be over medicating themselves with opioids or steroids.
There is a better way for general aches and pains and arthritis. You can use a trans-dermal or topical approach that can target the area and help avoid some of the body-wide…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Thursday Thoughts: Stop being afraid
Thursday Thoughts: Stop being afraid
You can’t heal what you can’t speak.
It’s an interesting truth. That when our lives become scary and overwhelming, out of control, happiness eludes every effort to smile, fear becomes the monster under the bed.
“When things go bump in the night.”
I am terrified of thunder and lightening storms. When I was a child -even as a teenager, I would make my sister sleep in the same bed to protect me…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Wednesday Wisdom
It takes courage and independence to think on your own, to plow your own field, to not follow the crowd – no matter how good the message may sound.  It’s easy to get lost in the swelling crowd without feeling it accomplished any purpose and meaning. There is great value in pausing to find your own thoughts on an issue that on the surface seems powerful and change worthy. When that moment appears…
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livewiselife · 7 years
My Addicted Adult Child has Come Home to Live and it's Hell.
My Addicted Adult Child has Come Home to Live and it’s Hell.
The big black hole of unreasonable chaos is how I describe the home where an adult addict/alcoholic child lives.
Their chaotic life has fallen apart and now your adult child has come home to live and won’t leave.
You love them. Why would they do this to you and your family?
Why won’t they quit?
Don’t they know they are killing themselves?
They are so selfish.
You’re sick of the chaos.
You don’t…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Free Book - Last Day- Lose Weight -Stop drinking soda
Free Book – Last Day- Lose Weight -Stop drinking soda
  We all have habits we would like to be free from. We all want to lose weight and feel better.  Fine – you can still bite your nails… but please – stop drinking soda.Drop everything right now and imagine what it would feel like to not have an addiction to Coke or Mt. Dew or Pepsi… or even Monster or Rock Star.  You can save money, You can lose weight, you can help your liver – why? Because ,…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Fame or Infamy
I was scrolling through twitter this morning while on the exercise bikeand not really reading anything except headlines and ignoring trolls. I scrolled past a photo of two lovely young women – high school age who were dressed for a school dance.  I can’t even describe the dismay I felt when I saw what they were wearing and their obvious political statement. I will not post it here or even…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Finding the Best Vacuum Cleaner
Living a Wise Life means having the best tools in life. Get the best vacuum cleaner out there - to help you clean up.
Visit our product review sight. Funny and helpful information today on finding the best vacuum cleaner you will ever need.  Today we got the better of the dogs.
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livewiselife · 7 years
God Has Pets
Hugh Prather has this great snippet in  one of his books :  “//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ac&ref=tf_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=livewiseamazo-20&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=157324113X&asins=157324113X&linkId=7ede55e1fcf9e159f30774a8e7813de8&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=false&price_…
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livewiselife · 7 years
Sunday Book Read: Stop Drinking Soda in 3 Easy Steps
Sunday Book Read: Stop Drinking Soda in 3 Easy Steps
I didn’t drink soda as a child. Back in the day… we did not have access to soda, my Mom didn’t buy it. I remember my Dad loved his orange Nehi. He would buy a bottle out of a machine only when we would head to the beach for the camping weekend and savor it.
We didn’t drink Coke or Pepsi. We would have root beer on occasion. As time has gone by soda drinking has become the next American pastime…
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