littlesxcret · 4 years
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Delia was quiet for a moment as she watched her daughter shift. “What is it?” she asked, her voice soft. She could tell something was bothering Xenia, she just didn’t know what. “Is something wrong?”
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xenia’s mouth twisted but she hardly noticed until her mother spoke up again. “no, not at all,” she said, picking up her smile again. it came much more naturally to her than that look of worry. “just thinking...” about her mother’s secrets. if that’s what they were. “about all the people i’ve met here.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
Ah, her grandmother. Emmett thought back but couldn’t remember whether or not he had ever met Delia’s mother. Even if he hadn’t, he doubted she was his biggest fan after Delia fell pregnant. Munching on a biscuit, Emmett tried to seem casual. “But there will always be time to see the capitol. In fact, it’ll be the safest place if war breaks out. Which is why you should go other places now! Seize the day.”
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xenia plucked a few fresh snacks out of the array and onto her plate to taste. everything was delicious so far. “well, i suppose that’s true.” xenia rolled all this around in her mind for a moment. “but last time we spoke, you said you wanted to help me find a permanent position here. what’s changed?”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“Well, that is certainly true,” Rosamund agreed, humble as ever – although if that were really true, surely she would have some sort of lover right now.  Surely everything that was going on had not made her any less lovely than she had ever been.  But she put that thought out of her mind for now.  “But if I were the only one turning heads, what fun would that be?  We could be the most beautiful court in the world if we really wanted to be.”
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xenia couldn’t help but smile at rosamund’s confidence. it seemed so easy to be carefree and proud in her presence. “well, that is a very high compliment i’m not sure i deserve,” xenia said. she’d always been somewhat shy and that trait had only grown at court. meeting so many people and being in a totally different environment was bound to make her unsure of herself.
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“As am I.  Shall we continue?”  She tilted her head, thought for a moment, then lifted her own sword.  “We can try something a little different for now, if you would like.  Do you think you are ready?”
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“yes,” xenia agreed readily, resuming her position. then she relaxed her stance, intrigued. “well, what is it? let’s see if i’m ready.” her confidence was growing with these lessons, slowly but surely. it felt good.
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“People have many secrets, Xenia. They may seem nothing but kind and turn around to stab you in the back.” Delia took a deep breath. “Perhaps we don’t have to be against the entire world. But not everyone is so accepting.”
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xenia sighed, fiddling with her skirt. “i suppose.” it was hard to imagine anyone she’d met thus far doing her some great wrong. the letter she’d found in her mother’s things about emmett suddenly jumped into her mind. could she be talking about him? no. surely not. she shifted suddenly, sure her face was giving something away. she’d been almost afraid to ask about it... it just seemed... secret.
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littlesxcret · 4 years
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“You don’t usually go with her?” Emmett asked, a genuine look of confusion on his face. That startled him. He supposed that Xenia was likely well looked after back at home, but it was hard to imagine Delia leaving her behind. Emmett tried not to think about what life might have been like if he had been around.. 
“Well, maybe you should travel now! See the world now in case war breaks out in the next year. It’s the perfect time.”
xenia shook her head. “no, i’ve always stayed at home with my grandmother. it just became the routine.” she had asked to come along a number of times over the years, but there was always some reason she shouldn’t.
she burst into laughter at his suggestion, mostly out of surprise. “but i’ve only just arrived here! i’ve barely gotten a chance to see the capitol, let alone anywhere else.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“I remember the first time I saw it. I thought I could’ve stayed there forever.” Delia sighed at the memory. It truly had been remarkable. “Good. You and me against the world.”
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“me too,” xenia agreed, sighing happily along with her mother. “why do we have to be against the world? everyone at court has been perfectly welcoming and kind.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“I would happily offer you one, but alas, I have a feeling your mother would protest.”  As a pirate captain, Felicity rarely concerned herself with rules, but she could hardly get between a mother and her child, particularly when the mother was a woman she respected – and when she herself was in very shady business with the mother.  “Perhaps we can convince her.”
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xenia sighed, but her spirit wasn’t dampened. “she would. for now, i’m happy to train with you,” she replied. seeing the bright side came easily to her, especially here at court instead of at home surrounded by fighting. “maybe someday.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
Rosamund noticed the change that came over the girl, and she shook her head, quick to reassure.  “Oh, no, no, there’s nothing wrong with how you look right now, don’t worry.  I would not say you look lovely if you did not, I assure you.  I only wished to give you a bit of advice, should you wish to really turn heads here.”  Her tone was perfectly open and friendly, without a trace of meanness, although her words were not exactly polite by most people’s standards.
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xenia managed the seed of a smile, that grew and blossomed as rosamund explained. she almost wanted to laugh—perhaps from the awkwardness, perhaps from the princess’ blunt manner. “thank you, your highness,” she said with a nod. “i shall take that into consideration. i don’t know that anyone could turn more heads than you, though.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“Of course. If there’s anything you need during your stay at court, please let me know,” Sylvia smiled, she hoped she could make her stay at court a happy one. “And if I ever need a playmate for this little one, I’ll know who to ask!” She smiled, looking at how happy Arlo was in her lap.
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“thank you very much,” xenia said with a smile. almost everyone she’d come across at court had made her feel welcome—the royal family was no exception. “yes, anytime! i’d be happy to.”
she gave arlo one last belly scratch and nudged him back toward sylvia. “well, i suppose you must have important meetings and such to get back to. it was an honor to meet you, your highness.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
She gave a small laugh at the girl’s eagerness, in a way, she reminded Elisa of her sister. Xenia did not seem to have the same menance that Rosamund so expertly hid, but her smile was as wide and bright as the princess’.
“Oh dear!, then wait until you have seen the rest of the kingdom. From the North to the Swamplands, Oscana has views that can take anyone’s breaths away.” She promptly decided this would be a good way to know more of the girl. “In any case, have you had time to explore the Capital? Perhaps I can convince your Lady mother to let you come with me on my next visit to town.”
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“the harbor was the most wonderful thing i’ve ever seen,” she admitted. “i don’t know what can rival seeing the ocean for the first time.” but she was ready to see anything this kingdom—and anyone at court—could offer. she’d always wanted to explore the world, and opportunities were around every corner here. 
“i’m sure she’d allow that. there must be no safer place than with the princess!” she lit up at the thought. “i’ve seen the markets and the harbor, but not at length. i’d love to go.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“What was your favorite part? When you first saw it,” Delia asked, knowing it had been one of the first things she had wanted to see. “Why, of course.” She reached out to tap her daughter’s nose. “And it is the absolute truth. Where would I every be without you?”
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“everything! oh, it was just so... breathtaking. you can’t even picture it properly until you’ve seen it.” xenia had been in awe of the sea and wanted nothing more than to explore the shore for the first few days. “well, i’m here, so don’t worry about that.”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
It was painfully apparent to Rosamund that this girl was new to court, but that was not necessarily a bad thing.  For one thing, it meant that she was much more likely to listen to Rosamund in a way that few people ever seemed to, being somehow more experienced or simply older than she was.  It was all very annoying, she thought.  She had seen enough of this new girl, however, that she thought it very unlikely that she would think herself somehow above Rosamund, and therefore she was determined to be her friend.  “That dress is lovely on you,” she said to her, with little preamble.  “But I think a blue might suit you better.  With your eyes, blue would elevate the dress from lovely to positively eye-catching.”
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xenia had been considerably shocked to find herself chatting with princess rosamund, but that was just one more exciting feature of court. she curtsied and smiled, prepared to take the compliment and introduce herself, until rosamund suggested blue. suddenly self-conscious, she blushed. “oh. well, i... i do have some blue dresses...” she wasn’t sure how to respond.
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“Normally, yes. I actually spent most of the last few years traveling.” After his parents’ deaths, Emmett couldn’t stand to be in the north for too long at once. He moved about, seeing all the sights Oscana had to offer. “Do you wish to travel? There are a great many places here in the country that I’m sure you would love. Some of them are safe too. Much safer than court.”
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xenia nodded, intrigued. “oh, yes, i’ve always wanted to see more of the kingdom. lowland is my home, and dear to my heart, but once you’ve been cooped up so long, you start to get restless.” she smiled through his quasi-warning regarding her safety, ignoring it as an offhand comment. 
strange. he’d never mentioned anything like that before, in all their conversations. “although, i suppose it may be in my blood. my mother travels quite a bit, too. as a little girl, i was always begging to go with her.” her smile turned wistful at the thought. finally, she’d gotten to come along. she was going to make the most of it here.
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littlesxcret · 4 years
Felicity was not a soft person, had not been for a very long time, if she ever was to begin with.  Some people might be very surprised, therefore, to see her at times like this, or in quieter moments with her crew – moments when she could be less cold.  She nodded.  “I am quite certain.  In fact – and do not tell anyone I said this – I think you are improving faster than several of my own crew.”
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xenia practically beamed at felicity’s praise. she’d become an important figure in her life, despite the relatively short time she’d been around, and xenia loved to impress her. “well, maybe i deserve a spot on your ship, then!”
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littlesxcret · 4 years
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“Yes, the ocean. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Delia asked with a smile. She had missed the ocean more than anything, really. After all, even when she’d gone home, she’d kept her freedom by travelling around. “The absolute best. I don’t believe I’ve ever been in better company.”
“it’s vast,” xenia gushed, thinking back to the first time she’d seen it. the very day they’d arrived, she’d insisted on going straight to the harbor, and then the hills above to get an even better view. “how flattering,” she said, playing along.
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littlesxcret · 4 years
“Court has the best array of luxury items. Food, clothing…” Emmett trailed off, realizing that he needed to stop talking about court in such a positive light if he was going to convince Xenia to leave and never come back. With a smile, he sat down and gestured for her to do the same across the table. “Then again, when I’m not here, I’m always on the move. There isn’t much time to have the best of the best brought to me. I’m sure it could all be sent to other places in the kingdom. Go ahead, try everything. Tell me what you like best.”
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“oh, believe me, i know,” xenia agreed readily. the dresses she’d seen on all the ladies were stunning. xenia was quite a talented seamstress, but the fashions and fabrics she’d seen her were entirely new to her. and she had never eaten so well in her life.
she sat down across from him, taking in the sight of the spread and marveling at its purpose—for her to eat. “do you travel often?” she asked, choosing a pastry that looked particularly golden.
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