ofnorthearl · 4 years
Drunken chatter filled the entire townhouse, which in Emmett’s opinion, was better than music. As the shock and scandal of the Ryhulian noble dropping dead at the celebrations had died down, his own party-happy spirit (and that of his friends), had gone up. One of the noblemen that he’d been friends with since childhood decided to throw a not so small get together at his home on the edge of the capitol. Emmett was never one to decline an invitation to a party.
The back doors were wide open, and with an arm wrapped around one of his lady friend’s waist, he stood half outside in the gardens, giggling with her as he finished his drink. It was only when he turned around to head back inside that he the party took a turn for the worst.
An oddly familiar face caught his eye. Every muscle in his body froze. Surely it couldn’t be her. The woman at his side asked what was wrong, but Emmett barely registered the words. Rather abruptly, he excused himself, heading straight toward the woman who’d caught his attention. “Delia?”  // @delia-arkwright​
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(Jamie Chung, thirty-seven, cis female) Is that (FELICITY FLINT) walking through the castle halls? (SHE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as the (PIRATE CAPTAIN). Word around the castle is that (SHE) is (PASSIONATE & CLEVER) but can be (PROUD & BITTER) if crossed.
Death tw.
Felicity Flint came from incredibly poor origins.  With only a mother and a younger brother, her early years in the North were characterized by lack -- lack of food, lack of money, lack of hope.  They managed for a time, though it was a struggle, but by the time Felicity was eight years old, her mother knew that they could not continue like this for very much longer.  She was already sick, and soon, her children would be too.  She appealed to the Greenwoods for help, but though it was their responsibility as the leaders of the region, they hardly did anything at all.  Not even six months later, she was dead, leaving Felicity and her brother to fend for themselves.
No one cared, Felicity realized.  Those nobles could have done something, could have saved her mother, if they had wanted to -- but they hadn’t.  And now she and her brother were going to starve, and still, no one would care.
They learned to steal to survive.  Felicity was quick, and her brother was cute, and if it was not enough to be safe, it was at least enough to get by.  If no one else would care, they would at least care for each other.  And for a time, they did, until one day he did not return to the hovel that passed for their home.  Maybe he had gotten held up somehow, she thought, but she looked and looked and even when she screamed, she could not find him.  No one could help her find him.  Her rationality tells her he must be dead, but privately, a part of her still hopes he is alive somewhere.
After losing her brother, Felicity drifted around for a while, still simply trying to survive.  And then she met her -- Marion Blackthorn, Captain of the Maiden’s Revenge.  She caught Felicity trying to rob her, but she saw a fire in the fourteen-year-old.  Rather than punish her, the Captain gave her a chance.  She took her aboard her ship, testing her with small tasks and training her in skills like sailing and sword-fighting.
Felicity worked her way through every position on the ship, learning everything the Captain had to teach her.  Eventually, she became second-in-command, the Captain’s most trusted crew member.  By then, Marion Blackthorn had grown older, richer, and she was ready to retire in style.  At age twenty-five, Felicity Flint became the Captain of the Maiden’s Revenge.
The Maiden’s Revenge had always been somewhat Robin Hood-like in nature, and that did not change under Felicity’s leadership.  They rob and plunder like all pirates do, but while they keep some for themselves, they use quite a bit to help others too.  Felicity has always been willing to be the one to get her hands dirty if that is what needs to be done, and as a pirate, that is how she lives her life.
Recently, she has come into a bit of information about Emmett Greenwood.  Though it has been many years, she never forgot what his family did -- or rather, didn’t do -- to hers.  He is not his parents, she knows, but she has heard more than enough about his careless ways to know that he is no better.  She sees him as everything she hates about the nobility, so when she discovered the nature of his connection to Delia and Xenia Arkwright, she did not need to think twice.  This was the perfect opportunity to help people at the expense of the family who had most wronged hers -- a private vindication, if nothing else.  She sends letter after letter, demanding money for her silence.  She does genuinely like the Arkwrights -- but that does not mean she will not follow through on her threats if it comes to it.
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darkagesrp · 4 years
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Please follow:
Delia Arkwright
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darkagesrp · 4 years
(Keira Knightley, 38, cis-female) Is that (DELIA ARKWRIGHT) walking through the castle halls? (SHE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as a (COURTESAN). Word around the castle is that (SHE) is (CHARMING & AMIABLE) but can be (DISTRUSTING & CALLOUS) if crossed. (ooc: emily, 21, cst, she/her, no triggers)
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Welcome to Oscana, DELIA ARKWRIGHT. Be sure to complete the checklist after you settle in. Don’t take too long! Life at court moves fast, and you won’t want to miss a thing.
Please answer the following questions in character.
“I was invited, of course.” Delia offered a smile. She took a deep breath as she looked around. “My work had me traveling the kingdom. I think it will be quite a relief to be in one place for a bit. Especially as my home is not the safest place at the moment.”
The question gave her pause. “I do.” And if she didn’t, she couldn’t exactly say it out loud. But she truly did support an alliance between their nations. “Our future queen does not wish to marry the crown prince of Ryhule, but that does not mean another alliance agreement cannot be made.”
“I am helping to blackmail the father of my child. It wasn’t my idea, but the one I love came to me and told me it would help me. You see, her father’s parents gave me a large sum to keep quiet when they found out I was pregnant, but I’ve hit a rough patch lately.” Delia bit her lip. “I feel a bit guilty about it, but at least at court, perhaps Xenia may meet her father.”
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