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littlepurplerabbit · 1 year ago
OT7 prompt - vampires ot6 x human jk
Tags: vampires, humans, caves, attempted murder? kidnapping? hurt/lost/kidnapped Th, angry Ot5, protective Ot5, quickly smitten for Jkkie, endgame OT7
Jungkook should really go home. He should stick to his hiking trails, to the paths, shouldn't stay - the world is dangerous enough with the many other species roaming around. Not that Jungkook has anything against any of them, but being human leaves him.. particulary vunerable. The last thing he wants is to be accidently knocked out by a werewolf, or something of the sort.
So he should really go home. Jungkook shouldn't even be considering walking down the tiny, barely-even there path - it's not really a path, just a thin trail through an array of trees. Yes, Jungkook is going to go home. It's starting to get dark, and he doesn't want to be stuck out here in-
Yep, he's walking down the tiny path. It can't be that bad, Jungkook will just have a little hike, and then he'll head back. Maybe it will bring him closer to the cliff face, will be some super secret and exciting route! Fifteen minutes of walking, and Jungkook was kinda right - the path has lead him to the cliff face - but it's right up against it, a dead end.
Oh well. Jungkook should really start heading home. He should, he really should, but his eyes fall onto an odd... crack in the heavy rock, and he frowns, eyebrows burrowed. Jungkook is an avid hiker, an explorer, and he's been near enough cliffs to know very well that that isn't normal.
All it takes is a tentative hand, one, heaving push, and the rock shifts a little. There's... there's a passage behind it! And Jungkook should really go home, but he's shoving at the rock with all his might, cutting his hands on sharp edges... but he eventually moves it just enough to slip through into the cave behind it, heart racing.
Wow. Unexplored territory! Surely, surely just a little explore can't do him any harm. Jungkook won't go into any dangerous, or squeezing situations, and then he'll be back down at his car before dark. So, armed with the flashlight on his phone, Jungkook starts forward.
(As it turns out, the passage does grow quite tight, enough that Jungkook has to squeeze through it. It can't hurt to go a little more though, even when his back starts to ache, his teeth start to chatter.)
And, yup, there's a dead end. Jungkook trails his hands over it with a light sigh, excitement fizzling away. Oh well. He needs to get home anyway. But as he turns to leave, ready to depart - a tiny sensation from above makes him blink.
Is that... wind? And upon reaching a hand up into the darkness, Jungkook discovers that the area above his head is surprisingly deep. And, shining his phone upward, he discovers a slim, but sizeable hole above him. It seems to curve out into another room above him, and Jungkook should really get home, but aish, he's wedging and wriggling his way up, phone stuck in betweeen his teeth.
The room above is... small, to say the least. But the ceiling stretches upward, carving out in the cliff. Jungkook carefully shines his light around the room, eyebrows raised.
Something startles him, sendings him scuttling backward.
There's a... coffin? On the far side of the room. Well, no, it only really looks like a coffin, but it's completely moulded of heavy stone, a harsh line marking the lid. Scarily though, there is what looks to be a sword stuck deep into the stone on the upper left side - cracked through the material.
Jungkook pokes around the room cautiously, but apart from the stone coffin, it's empty. Well, now it's time to go home. He approaches the hole in the floor, the light from his phone flickering, and Jungkook shouldn't-
He grips the sword with one hand and tugs. It doesn't budge. He holds his phone in between his teeth and fastens two hands around it and tugs again. It barely shifts, but Jungkook plants his feet and tugs. He wonders why he's doing this, it seems a little stupid, and his hands are starting to hurt, but suddenly the sword shoots upward, sending him stumbling to the ground.
Silence as Jungkook blinks, unknowing to the tension that fills the room.
And then the sound starts. It starts quiet, but quickly rises into an ear-shattering, piercing ringing sound - loud and blood-curdling, and Jungkook slams his hands over his ears, squeezes his eyes shut. It hurts, it hurts, it burns at his ears, at his eyes, and he pushes himself to the furthest point in the room, shivering and-
The sound cuts out. Abruptly, silence fills the room again.
With trembling hands, Jungkook looks toward his abandoned phone - looks toward the light slowly shining upward faintly, toward the dark outline of the coffin.
What was that?
(It's just a prompt, so it's not fully detailed, haha. Do we want a little more?)
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littlepurplerabbit · 1 year ago
Space Dads Go Time Travelling Master list
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littlepurplerabbit · 2 years ago
Like I have a idea for izayuki but I really don't know how to make a story out of it will you like to do it.
The plot is same as the manga but Izana and Shirayuki know each other since birth and she is two years younger than him and they both are childhood friends and lovers and she comes from a Noble family and their parents are friends and she is not born in Tanbarun but some other place near clarines she knows haki, makiri, garak,zakura, Kiki and lord haruka even before she has come to the castle with zen. Haki and zen are almost same age. Kiki is a year and a half older than zen and haki. Shirayuki Loves zen as a younger brother.
Some thing happens when she is ten that makes her lose her memory of her childhood( most likely she sees her parents die in front of her and some one who knows her parents ask them to take care of her and send a message to haruto about the incidentals to tell them where they are taking and to help her complete her training as a royal and told Shirayuki to take their royal emblem with her and use it when in need) and when they finally found Shirayuki she didn't completely remember the complete incident but has flashbacks of the incident every now and then and as asked they complete her training and the people who were taking care of her dies and she moves around the country and helping haruto and izana in ruling but it is known to everyone and only few knew about it but zen knows her as a sister before she disappeared and izana and shirayuki meet once in a while and she meets haruto, haki and Makiri when ever she goes north before she actually moves to the castle as a royal pharmacist and enters the castle 6 month before that she moves to Tanbarun just like how it's things in manga but before that incident with the prince she sends a letter saying that she will come to the castle as a royal pharmacist as along with the other duties she was learning about it since childhood and to just say that don't say anything when they recognise her she doesn't cut her hair short like in the manga over here her hair is lot longer it goes till her waist she cuts it till below her shoulder (like the first scene in manga) obi doesn't attack but he is one of her guard and a messenger and an ex assassin but is appointed by izana ( obi comes into the story as shirayuki saving him from dying and as a royal messenger to izana). After few months of living in castle she says speared rumours that she is alive and she is some where in the kingdom but not the exact location where. After that she sends a letter to all of them as to make it seem real. And even zen gets a letter from her as she sees him as a e knows fighting and horse riding but doesn't show any of them and only the people that know her knows about it. And she does get kidnapped by the pirates when she goes to Tanbarun but not by her father as her father had also died. And she does gets the title to be a friend of royal family of Tanbarun. And after a just like manga they leave to Lilias but when she asks the border to close down by using izana name and he takes her with him to inform haki and Makiri about they stay over there for a day and catch up with everyone and the next they leave on their own ways as she to know what is causing just like the manga after that incident they stay their for a week she tells them she is ready to be introduced only in front of the royal court as she is actually already a part of it and not to the public as of now and only to spread rumours about it and the reactions of the people who she is living with that don't know her until now are surprised and shocked who she really was mainly zen as he knows her from young age but now as a friend. And the rest your wish write how ever you want just like in the manga and plot some thing like that but plot of manga including with it but just with a little twist hope you understood. Just when I was reading your story I had hot that idea and some other stories and also because I like your writing and just wanted to share as kind of don't know how to put it into a story properly. I am hoping you like it. And you can change it if you want but I would like to see it as izayuki ship.
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