littlemissdood-blog · 9 years
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Books to check out if you liked The Book Thief
If you don’t know this already, The Book Thief is my all-time favourite book. I’m always looking out for books like The Book Thief and judging by how often I’m asked for recommendations/see others also looking, it seems to be a pretty common thing. Try not to go into these books expecting one exactly like The Book Thief - if that’s what you were after, I’d simply suggest giving it a re-read. It’s a wonderful book to revisit. This list instead contains a selection of books that are similiar to the novel in varying ways - their setting, time period, themes, tone/style - and books that you might want to look into if you did enjoy The Book Thief.
I’ve read the majority of them, but I’ve also added others that have been compared to The Book Thief by others and that are on my TBR. Feel free to suggest books to me!
WWII/Holocaust novels
The Auschwitz Violin by Maria Angels Anglada - A novel set mostly in a concentration camp, focusing on the creation and significance of a violin. The style is very different, but considering the significance of Hans’ accordion in The Book Thief I thought it was worth a mention
The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti - An underrated novel about a German boy who is sentenced to death for spreading anti-Nazi propaganda. It’s a short and simple story, yet it’s interesting as another book that explores life and beliefs in Germany at the time
The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure - This novel also considers the act, morals and consequences of hiding Jews, as well as life in Nazi-occupied Paris
Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman - A series of novels that begins in 1930s Munich, following the rise of the Nazi party. Like The Book Thief, it considers life in Nazi Germany, as well as resistance to the regime. It blends fact and fiction, featuring several real people as characters including Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne - A popular novel of the time period aimed at younger readers, which similiarly presents the war and the Holocaust through the eyes of a child
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - Some books are more like The Book Thief than others on this list; this book is one that reminded me of it a lot. It’s an adult WWII novel that is beautifully written and the kind of story that stays with you
Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada - I came across this book in a class I did at uni on ‘books the Nazis burned’, but I didn’t manage to read all of it myself. According to one reviewer, it’s ‘the greatest book ever written about German resistance to the Nazis’.
Making History by Stephen Fry - Very different from The Book Thief, but it’s a very interesting read that considers the war, Nazism and Hitler’s role. In Making History, two characters go back in time to stop Hitler from being conceived and the world changes as a result. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever read, and both a thought-provoking and funny read
All That I Am by Anna Funder - I haven’t read this book yet myself, but my tutor in a German history class recommended it alongside The Book Thief and it is another Aussie novel set during WWII
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah - I personally didn’t enjoy this as much as I expected to, but it’s worth a mention. It, like The Paris Architect, is set in Paris during the occupation and focuses on the resistance and women’s lives during the war
Jakob’s Colours by Lindsay Hawdon - A recent release that I bought recently that features a Jewish protagonist in Austria in 1944. It has been compared to The Book Thief, along with Sophie’s Choice and Schindler’s List
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry - Another childrens novel that’s critically acclaimed. It is set in Denmark but also focuses on the efforts to hide and relocate Jews, as the protagonist is part of the risky mission to help her best friend and her family flee the country
The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult - A book that I haven’t read yet myself but some readers have said that it reminded them of The Book Thief in a way. It’s another novel about WWII and I read in one review that a character has stories as a companion to war, like Liesel
Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay - Told in multiple perspectives switching from Paris in 1942 to 2002, Sarah’s Key is about the Vel’ d’Hiv’ roundup of Jews. When 10-year-old Sarah is arrested, along with her parents, she locks her younger brother in a cupboard, thinking that she will be able to return in a few hours… Her dwelling on her brother reminded me in a way of Liesel and her brother
Anna and the Swallow Man by Gavriel Savit - This book isn’t going to be published until January 2016, but it’s already being compared to The Book Thief. It has a very interesting premise that echoes The Book Thief in ways, while being unique. I’m definitely intrigued by it!
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink - Set in post-war Germany, The Reader not only has a bookish element to it but it explores the aftermath of war and the Holocaust
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys - Another beautifully written and haunting Young Adult historical novel. Between Shades of Gray differs in its setting, but shares many themes. Random fact: I read this just before I read The Book Thief for the first time, which was emotionally exhausting but wonderful
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows - An epistolary, character-novel about the effects of war and occupation on the island of Guernsey. There’s a lovely bookish aspect to it
The Berlin Boxing Club by Robert Sharenow - I discovered this book through a post like this one. It’s about a boy who is harassed for being Jewish, despite not practising religion, and is trained by the famous German boxer, Max Schmeling, to protect himself
Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith - While not necessarily similiar to The Book Thief (it’s more like Code Name Verity), Flygirl is another WWII novel for Young Adults. Essentially it is about a girl training to be a pilot during the war and her struggles due to both her race and gender
My Family for the War by Anne C. Voorhoeve - Another book that I haven’t yet read myself, which is about kids escaping Nazi Germany on the kindertransport in Berlin. Only a few people have compared it to The Book Thief but just talking basics, it’s another Young Adult WWII novel featuring a young female protagonist
Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein - These books are commonly recommended to readers of The Book Thief. Sadly I’ve not read Rose Under Fire yet but I love Code Name Verity. It’s a beautiful story of friendship during war, and oh the feels
Alexander Altmann A01567 and The Wrong Boy by Suzy Zail - Two Young Adult WWII historical novels by another Australian author. While they are both different, both feature a Jewish protagonist and concentration camp settings, with a prominent theme of survival
Non-fiction about WWII
If you’re interested in learning more about the time period and/or enjoy non-fiction, here is a selection of (auto)biographies:
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank - Arguably the most famous WWII/Holocaust book, but definitely a very important read. This was my first encounter with the time period and it sparked a big part of my passion for history
Schindler’s List by Thomas Keneally - The story of Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist who saved over a thousand Jews. Random fact: John Williams composed the soundtrack for the Schindler’s List and The Book Thief movies
I Will Bear Witness by Victor Klemperer - The secret diary of a Jewish man in Nazi Germany
The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson - Memoir of one of the youngest Jews on Schindler’s list
Maus by Art Spiegelman - The story of Vladek Spiegelman and his wife in Hitler’s Europe, as told in this graphic novel by his son. This is one of my favourite graphic novels and books on the time period
Night by Elie Wiesel - A powerful book about the author’s experiences in a concentration camp with his father
Novels with similiar themes
Stay Where You Are and Then Leave by John Boyne - Like The Boy in the Striped Pajames, this novel shows the war through the eyes of a young boy. Instead it is set during the First World War and focuses on shell shock. I personally prefer it to The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and it’s one of my favourites
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury - More book burning and destruction argh!
Khaled Hosseini’s historical novels - Set in the Middle East and very different, but I highly recommend them if you want to read more historical fiction. A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Kite Runner are the main ones to check out - they’re very powerful and emotional reads
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - The more I think about it, the more connections I find between the two novels, which makes sense since TKaM is my favourite classic. The main things that stick out to me are the fatherly figures of Atticus Finch and Hans Hubermann (FYI two of my favourite literary characters), Scout and Liesel reading to their neighbours, the coming of age aspect, prejudice against race/religion and people like Atticus and Hans opposing it, etc.
War Horse by Michael Morpurgo - A WWI novel that focuses more on the conflict and the relationship between a horse and young man, but it’s another favourite of mine that’s a very powerful and important read
Chaos Walking trilogy and A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness - Patrick Ness is my favourite author after Markus Zusak, and I see a similiar tone and themes in these Young Adult books. Chaos Walking deals with war, genocide/prejudice, friendship/relationships and morals, while the tone of A Monster Calls reminds me of The Book Thief in a way
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque - A classic war novel of a young German man fighting in WWI, which was actually burned by the Nazis. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a novel about war and its psychological effects on people
Bluefish by Pat Schmatz - I honestly didn’t enjoy this book very much, but I liked that it dealt with illiteracy. It also mentions The Book Thief explicitly within the story - one of the characters reads and talks about it
The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick - Hugo and Liesel are both orphans and thieves, and these are both historical novels. I just like recommending this book to everyone, because the storytelling format is wonderful and it’s another one of my favourites
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys - While Between Shades of Gray has more obvious similiarites to The Book Thief, I also recommend Sepetys’ more recent novel
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket - The first thing my mum said to me when she read The Book Thief was that it reminded her a little of ASoUE (which was ironically my favourite as a kid). I see where she’s coming from in a way - there is a similiar kind of tone/voice. I can imagine Death and Lemony Snicket getting on well
A Man Lies Dreaming by Lavie Tidhar - I’ve not read this yet and it doesn’t strike me as anything like The Book Thief, but I’m mentioning it because it’s an unique WWII/Holocaust novel about a man who escapes his reality of Auschwitz through dreams
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Another beautifully written novel with a historical setting. While it’s set in Barcelona and more of a mystery novel, there is still a lovely bookish element and it’s my favourite novel after The Book Thief
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin - Also known as The Collected Works of A.J. Fikry. It’s a character-driven, bookish story that’s both charming and moving. It gets bonus points for actually mentioning The Book Thief within the book itself. ;)
I’ve not read these books yet myself and I don’t know enough about them to comment on them myself, but I’ve seen people mention them along with The Book Thief:
The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough - I’ve read a little of this and couldn’t really get into it or see how it’s too similiar to The Book Thief. However Death is a character too (something that no other books on this have, sorry) and a few snippets from reviews jumped out at me: ‘Not since The Book Thief has the character of Death played such an original and affecting part in a book for young people’ and ‘Shelve this one next to The Book Thief’
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly
Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. People also tend to recommend Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by the same author if you liked The Book Thief - I have read it, but I can’t really remember it or say anything myself about that recommendation
Gretel and the Dark by Eliza Granville - ‘For fans of Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief and Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth’
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Markus Zusak’s earlier novels
I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak - ‘The Messenger’ in Australia
Wolfe Brothers series by Markus Zusak - The titles vary, but all three books are available in an omnibus titled ‘Underdogs’
If you’re a fan of Markus Zusak and his writing then I highly recommend reading his other books. They are Young Adult contemporary novels set in Sydney and very different to The Book Thief, but they are worth reading to see Zusak’s growth as a writer. I am the Messenger is one I’d especially recommend, whereas Wolfe Brothers is a good read (for a Markus Zusak fan) but not necessarily anything extraordinary.
Also keep an eye out for his new book, Bridge of Clay, which he’s currently working on. 
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
(Belated) Happy birthday to my childhood friend x
Welcome to legality, Melissa! I’m amazed how time flies so fast and how life reconciled the both of us. But you still have that apple face since we were little. 
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
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But if you’d searched the whole wide world Would you dare to let it go?
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
Dear Future Soulmate, I’m clingy, but I’ll never admit it. I’ll check my phone every 5 minutes to see if you’ve replied to something I’ve drafted numerous times in my head. I’ll get anxious when you don’t answer me back for a long time, and I’ll think to myself maybe you’ve had enough of me. Yet when your message finally comes, it doesn’t matter what you’ve said because the simple act of replying assures me that you’re still mine. At least, for the time being it will. I’ll get jealous a lot, but please don’t misconstrue it as me tying you down. I won’t get jealous because I want you all to myself, no. I want you to be able spend time with family, friends, and everyone else in between. I’ll get jealous because maybe, just maybe you’ll find something special in someone else, as you did with me. I’ll be weary that maybe you’ll look at someone just as how you look at me, or your heart will begin to wander somewhere else. I’m insecure, and it’s of no fault of your own. When I say something a little negative about myself, it’s not a cry for attention nor is it me wanting you to disagree with me. It’s me just being me. Before you, I’ll probably never imagine in a million years that you’d be mine. So by virtue of the fact that we’re together makes me even more insecure. But let me make something clear, I won’t be bagging on myself all the time. I know what talents I possess, what I excel in, the aspects in my physique that work in my favor, and so on. I’m just more vocal on the things which fall in the opposite categories. I’ll possess many faults, and I’m not looking for you to fix them. I think when I finally meet you, I’ll be more accepting of these faults than I am now. All I’m asking is that you accept them with me. I know this letter seems to be focusing on the negative things about me, and it’s quite a bit to take in… so let me make a change of pace. I’ll always love you. When we’re finally acquainted, and we finally begin to personify the definition of love for one another, I’ll never need another definition. I’ve told myself countless times that I would never cheat on someone because I know what that feels like. I’ll love you more than I love myself and I know that isn’t too great but that’s just how I am. I’m going to fall in love with the way your smile dances across your face every time you see me, I’ll fall in love with the way you lose yourself in the things you love, I’ll fall in love with the way your voice fluctuates depending on how you’re feeling, I’ll fall in love with the way you say my name, and I’ll most definitely fall in love with so much more. I’ll study everything about you, I’ll remember the slightest details about you and your life. I’ll know what you look like when you’re upset without you having to say a word, I’ll know how you like your coffee in the morning, I’ll know how long it takes you to get ready before we go out, I’ll know most of the trivial things about you and the rest I’ll learn along the way. I pray you’ll be able to do the same as well. If you’re still reading, and you haven’t run away… I’ll probably be sitting across from you looking insanely nervous and insecure. I’d be sitting with my legs folded under me on the chair anxiously waiting for your reaction. On top of that I’ll probably be ready to burst into tears of happiness or tears of sadness. So to end this letter, which my actual soulmate will read once the time comes… I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for giving me a reason to live again, thank you for proving to me that love really is meant for me, and thank you for being my reason to be alive. Love, Your Future Soulmate
(via brandello)
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
I really don't know how to handle fights. Especially not-so-just-friends-but-not-in-a-relationship fights *cries*
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
First time kong nagalit ng sobra sakanya kagabe as in punong puno na 'ko idk why?? Eh kase diba naiinis ako sakanya afternoon palang kaya di ko na siya nireplyan. Tapos nung gabi nagtext siya. Pag kasi narrestart phone ko, nagrresend siya mag isa ng ibang messages kaya sabi niya super late ko daw magreply. Tapos nairita ako kase di ko naman siya katext non bat niya ako sinabihang ganon. Nairita ako sa fact na akala ko may iba siyang katext. Hahahahahaha malande. Kaya yon sabi ko kanina ko pa reply yon naresend lang siguro. Tapos sobrang bagal niyang magreply kaya nag good night na 'ko. Tas nairita ata siya kase ang aga kong matutulog. Eh alam niya sched ko lol kaya sabi ko "Nakakaano kayang maghintay ng reply" tapos nag sorry siya pero parang sarcastic idk nakakainis. Sabi ko nalang baka kasi may ginagawa siya kaya nga nag goodnight na 'ko. Tapos sabi niya wala daw, pauwi na daw siya nakasakay na ng jeep. Mas nainis ako. Hahahahahaha kapikon. Pag ako may lakad alam niya lagi kase tinatanong niya tapos pag siya wala akong idea? Di ko alam kung fault ko yon na di ako nagtatanong pero ayoko naman kasing magmukhang feeling girl friend na tatanong lahat ng gagawin niya. Tsaka nakakainis kase di ko man alam sinong kasama niya kaya mas nawalan akong gana magtext. Hahaha. Kauwi niya tinanong niya kung inaantok na 'ko. Sabi ko hindi pa. Akala niya yata okay na kame kaya sabi niya "So tampo tampo ka lang kanina?" Gusto kong maging honest talaga sakanya kaya sabi ko, "Nakakawalang gana kaya." Nag sorry nanaman siya pero sincere na. Tapos yon medyo sinusuyo niya 'ko pero gabi na kaya sobrang wala talaga ako sa mood. Eh ayaw na ayaw niyang sinusungitan siya. As in nagagalit siya pag may nagsusungit sakanya ewan ko bat natatagalan niya 'ko. Hahahaha. Kaya sabi ko kung naiinis na siya sabihin niya lang para di na 'ko magtext. Pero sabi niya, "Pwede naman di ka nalang magsungit tapos magkatext pa rin tayo diba?" Na-cute-an ako dun okay?? Hahahahahaha I hate myself ugh. Nagssorry ako sakanya kase wala talaga akong gana, eh ayaw na ayaw niyang nagssorry ako. Sabi niya nung minsan kase "Magsorry ka lang pag may kasalanan ka. Mas makasalanan pa 'ko sayo eh." Tapos yon mas naiinis ako lalo ewan ko baket. Naiinis ako sakanya. Pero mas naiinis ako sa sarili ko. Kaya parang fnoforce ko nalang siya na wag na 'kong i-text kase ayokong maging sobrang mean na iwan siya sa ere or whatsoever. Di ko alam kung nagalit siya or nainis or inintindi niya nalang ako pero nag good night na din siya. Ewan ko talaga :( :( Yh jusko anong ginawa ko. Di man pamo siya nagagalit sakin kahit na ako lagi yung napipikon. Ayaw man din niyang naiinis ako or nagagalit or napipikon kaya iniiba niya lagi usapan pero hindi talaga nag work yun kagabe :( Di ko talaga alam pano ko siya susuyuin ngayon :( Baka mamayang gabi nalang or not, baka pagpalit nanaman niya ako sa Dota niya kase galit siya. Hahahahahaha yh bahala na peste
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
Are you inlove with that guy? Ready ka na ba ate Mel? Lovelife na ba ituuuu? Hihihi.
Sinong guy? Yung bnblog ko ba? Kung siya nga, no I'm not. Oo may something ako para sakanya pero I'd rather stay as his friend lang. Ayoko ng lovelife ano ba. Hahahahahaha. Wala, ganito nalang sana kami forever. Lol idk okay na 'ko sa ganito :))
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
Ako na nga 'tong nagpapakabayani na bigyan siya ng privacy ako pa nagmukhang masama?? Hahahahaha :( Busit ka. Eh kase naexpose na siya omg ang dami ng may kilala sakanya tapos sabi nila hahanapin daw nila fb ganon ganon eh baka magalit siya. Baka isipin niya pinagkakalat kong kame jusko eh alam niyang choosy ako. Hahahaha. Sabi ko i-unfriend niya ako okaya i-block niya ako sa fb ka kase baka may mang stalk sakanya tapos reply niya "Ayoko nga. Pabayaan mo sila" tapos yon tinatanong niya kung ganon ba mga kaibigan ko. Eh alam naman din niyang wala man akong nagugustuhan kaya sabi niya "Ah alam kase nila choosy ka kaya ganon?" Hahahahahaha buset pero pareho kaming choosy meh. Sabi ko nalang gusto ko lang naman siyang bigyan ng privacy kase baka magalit nalang siya bigla pero reply niya, "Baket? Kinahihiya mo wari ako sakanila?" Okay nagpanic ako don? Grabe bat siya nagagalet. Hindi naman kame. Hahahahahaha kaya yon sabi ko hindi naman chu chu ganon ganon kaya okay na. Pero naiinis ako kase sinabihan niya akong pabaya sa gamit ko. Leche ka bahala ka sa buhay mo text chat mo sarili mo peste!!!
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
Uhm idk. I just love Do Min Joon. Hahahahaha
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When your actions aren’t matching up with your words
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
KR: Nag away ba kayo ni Cha?
Ako: Hindi ah. Baket?
KR: Bat di na siya nagpapakita dito?
Ako: Nasa probinsya kaya siya. Di niya sinabi sayo?
KR: Ay oo nga pala. Oo sinabi niya.
Ako: Weh.
Hahahahahaha it's been 5 days already and uuwi na sila bukas!!! Yahoooo. Okay so sa 5 days na yon medyo ang payapa ng buhay ko kase hindi ako nag eexpect na magpapakita siya unexpectedly ganon kaya nakakagalaw ako ng maayos kase kinakabahan talaga ako pag andyan siya kahit na hindi na kami awkward. Or kahit magttext man lang siya na bibili siya mamaya or whatever kinakabahan pa din ako. Kahit na after 5 hrs dun palang siya dadating. Hahahahaha. I miss you okay okay bye baka ano pang masabi ko yh bye
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
I wish I could let go of my feelings toward you like balloons. They fly away and never come back.
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
one time i actually thought i had a chance with someone 
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
Take time to listen to your heart. Sometimes you need not to ask yourself who you love more but ask who really makes you happy, makes you feel loved and knows your worth.
(via matabangutak)
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
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littlemissdood-blog · 10 years
I hate myself for acting like everything's fine when it's not
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