littlelolay · 5 years
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SUMMARY: Reader has been friends with the Avengers cast through her connection with Chris Hemsworth and she was introduced to Tom and they instantly clicked and became best friends, always joint to the hip–but things aren’t forever, it always has an end. For whatever reason, that may be.
PAIRING: Reader x Tom Hiddleston
A/N: Hello guys! So we’re nearing the end very very soon (maybe????) and I’m so glad to have you guys on this long journey of mine. I have a few other stories up my sleeves. I can’t wait for you guys to read! Thank you so much for patiently waiting with me and for reading my work, I’m so glad you guys like it!
You lowered your gaze down to your feet, afraid to see the pained expression plastered across his features. “Tell me the truth, is there someone else?”
“Please, Y/N.” he croaked-still, you refused to look at him. “Please.”
You shook your head, feeling your chest tighten from all of the emotion that was running through your veins. It was as if you were having an inner battle with yourself. “It isn’t right.”
“Not even when I say I want you? That I still love you all this time- ”
Tilting your head back to meet his gaze once again, you could see that his own orbs were now glossy-tears now too, threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. “Tom…” you trailed off, sadness dripping from your voice, “Stop making this hard for the both of us.”
“Please. Give me this- ”
“Well isn’t this just a lovely reunion for the both of you. Mind if I join?”
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littlelolay · 5 years
Read my new story with Resident Evil characters! ☺️
         ━━━━━━༻AUTHOR’S NOTE༺━━━━━━        ↠  Hello, my fellow readers! I hope you guys will like this new story I have up for you guys. I will try to update as much as I can as because I’m absolutely busy, I hope everyone can understand. Please leave me reviews and let’s get right into the story!
N O T E S T O R E M E M B E R:        ↠  So this is my first time writing Resident Evil, keep in mind that I have not played the games. I may have only played Resident Evil 6 but either than that, I have no other resources in playing the other games which I know play a big part in the story lines because most of the big parts are known to have happened there.        ↠ I have watched the live action RE and also with the animations. I also read the books by S.D Perry and I will be using the knowledge I have with that.        ↠  Also, I’ve read some work from other writers and don’t get me wrong, I binge read the a lot of times because I’m obsessed and some of them always have the same timeline or something which I know are from the games or the animation films. I will sort of follow that timeline but will completely have a different story line just to have something new. Will probably create something in between the original story line but will mostly have my own, I will still however use stuff from the original story line.        ↠  If I have gotten something wrong, let me know. Please educate me. I will NOT tolerate hate, sorry buddies.
       ━━━━━━༻AUTHOR’S NOTE༺━━━━━━
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            A T R A I T O R ’ S V A C I L L A T I O N
 P R O L O G U E : A T R A I T O R O U S B E G I N N I N G                       B Y : L O L A Y W R I T E S
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littlelolay · 6 years
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A/N: You guys may be wondering, what the heck– there’s another chapter posted instantly??? This is because I wrote this with chapter two and I hadn’t noticed I wrote too long, can you guys believe that? So, the excited person I am, couldn’t wait so I’m posting it now. Let me know what you guys think yeah? Please leave a comment/review on this! 
SUMMARY: Reader has been friends with the avengers cast through her connection with Chris Hemsworth and she was introduced to Tom and they instantly clicked and became best friends, always joint to the hip–but things aren’t forever, it always has an end. For whatever reason that may be.
PAIRING: Reader x Tom Hiddleston
Your gaze snaps from your son to Scarlett. You were practically fuming as you move away from your sleeping son to approach her, “Don’t.” you started with a pointed look before continuing, “I know what I’m doing is wrong but you need to understand that it’s just as difficult for me as it’s difficult for you and the others.” You growled lowly, the thought of a fussy James in the back of your head stopping you from yelling. “So stop, stop pestering me! When the time is right, I’ll do it! I’ll talk to him, but don’t you dare think that any of you are helping by pushing both of us in the same direction!”
Scarlett just stares at you; the sight of your distressed self obviously throwing her off; she hadn’t meant to upset you. “I’m sorry…”
You let out a shaky breath before giving her a nod, grabbing her hands in yours to give it a gentle squeeze, “It’s okay. I know that you guys are just looking out for the both of us but just please–”
Before you could finish your sentence, Scarlett pulls you into an embrace that you’ve needed ever since Tom had made an appearance. You almost broke down in tears in Scarlett’s arms.
All the while, neither you nor Scarlett realized that someone was listening onto the conversation from outside in the shadows.
You awoke the next morning with James snuggled close to your side, his lips parted slightly and a little bit of drool evident just on the corner of his mouth.
5 AM.
You inwardly groan at yourself. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to waking up so early before anyone else, you inherited that from your mother who was an early riser and would always be preparing everything for the day. You were every bit like her, as your father would like to put it– apparently, you’ve gotten the motherly nurturing personality from her. Even though you hadn’t felt that nurturing personality during your pregnancy with James, you had understood that she couldn’t accept the fact that you didn’t follow the ’traditional’ path of things– like get married first before actually getting pregnant, and what’s worst was the father wasn’t even someone you were romantically involved with.
When you gave birth to James, you knew what your father meant now– with your mother’s personality returning due to your bundle of joy, you and your mother have been able to reconnect through early mornings. Her with her tea, and you with your coffee out in the patio; that routine always made you jump out of bed like you were still a little girl, your mother was someone you loved dearly when you were younger and having her back was something you were grateful for.
You slip your fingers into the curls of your baby boy who was still in deep sleep, you sighed as you watched his soft and slow breathing– he was probably still tired from all of the excitement yesterday. Deciding this was the perfect time to get some energy in by drinking some coffee before he was up, you slowly pry yourself out from his tiny grasp and climbed out of bed. You grabbed a few pillows and placed it around the edges to make some sort of barrier for James to sleep in– as much as James was already capable of climbing out of bed, you weren’t going to risk that chance of him rolling off when he was sleeping despite the fact that you knew he was a heavy sleeper and wouldn’t budge until he woke up. Giving him another glance and placing a kiss on his forehead, a smile crept onto your lips before you began your journey to Scarlett’s kitchen whilst tying your hair up into a messy bun.
It took you awhile to find your way in Scarlett’s kitchen as you always had your friends over at your current home which was back with your parents, so being in Scarlett’s home was completely new for you since you had decided to run back home.
You inhaled the aroma that now had surrounded your little atmosphere– you had decided to create a tiny breakfast buffet with the ingredients you could scavenge in Scarlett’s pantry. You honestly had no idea who had decided to stay the night– your heart skipping a beat when you thought of Tom was probably sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms. It was a little bit over 7 AM now, and no one has made an appearance yet– which was okay for you. You were used to the peace and quiet mornings before James started crying for attention.
You stared at the breakfast you prepared before giving yourself a satisfied nod, a small smile on your lips. Bringing up the mug that you filled up with your coffee, you inhaled the scent and exhaled a sigh of content before carefully taking a sip of the hot coffee, the hot liquid sending your stomach into warmth.
“You were always the early riser…” you froze on your spot upon hearing his groggy accent, intruding you from your thoughts. You wanted to curse there and then when he came into view in his glory sleepy state, the one you had gotten used to before when he had crashed at your place for movie nights with you. “I should’ve expected that you were going to make breakfast instead of Scarlett.” He chuckled, his deep voice echoing through the small space of the kitchen.
You recovered quickly from your state of shock by giving him a nod– pretending to be occupied with your cup of coffee by taking another sip. You tried your best to avoid his gaze as you look up ahead at the windows, the early morning sun practically glaring. From the corner of your eye, you notice Tom take a seat on one of the stools by the counter and he was already pilling up what you cooked on a plate, humming contently to himself. 
“What’re we doing, Y/N?” his asked after a few moments of silence and you froze once more before turning your attention over to him with a raised eyebrow, “I mean– we used to be good, no– best of friends and now there’s this weird tension between us, we should fix that at least.”
You stared at him wide-eyed before placing your cup of coffee down onto the counter– not wanting to lose your grip just in case your nerves kicked in. “I suppose we should,” you muttered underneath your breath, your lips pressed to a thin line. 
“To answer your question from yesterday– our friendship did matter to me.” he scoffed, playing with the breakfast on his plate with his fork. “More than anything and I was–am mad at you, furious really but honestly that’s in the past, whatever reason you may have, I’d be willing to listen and understand.” he shrugged, you were practically gapping now at the words. “Plus, I’m betting the reason was that little bugger sleeping in your room.”
You stiffened at the mention of James. Had he made the connection yet? 
Tom probably took your silence as a yes and continued speaking, looking up at you with a sad smile tugging up from the corners of his mouth. “I heard you and Scarlett last night…" 
Oh fuck. 
"What’re you talking about?” you asked in a whisper, leaning against the counter for support. You couldn’t trust your legs at the moment. 
“You and Scarlett, last night…” he shrugged and you sucked in a breath, “I mean, the father clearly doesn’t know about James right? So I assumed you kept it hidden and I understand if you weren’t comfortable telling me. I wish I had known though…” he sighed and you blinked a couple of times, “I could have been with you throughout the whole thing, but that’s in the past right?”
So, he didn’t know. Not yet. 
He must have only heard the part after Scarlett had blurted out that he was the father. You nodded slowly, not trusting yourself with words at the moment– you hadn’t even realized you were holding in your breath until you gasped slightly for air. 
“I’m here if you need anything, I’ll treat James the best. He’ll think of me as the best uncle instead of Chris, just you wait!” he chuckled before shoving a piece of waffles into his mouth, he groaned as the flavor exploded in his mouth. “You were always the best cook, Y/N.”
“Thanks…” you mumbled, removing your gaze away from the man who sat across the counter and back to your coffee. 
“Hey…” he trailed off, snapping your attention back on him, “Whoever the father is, I’m sure he’d understand– for whatever reason, you did what you had to do. That’s all that matters when you’re ready, you know we’ll be here for you. Always.”
You didn’t know if you wanted to scream now– Oh Tom, if you only knew… 
Maybe this was the moment you were waiting for. 
Your felt warmth spread in your heart at his words, he did say that the father might understand right? 
It was now or never. 
You stared at Tom for a couple more seconds as he devoured the breakfast you had cooked, your lips parted– ready to speak, only to be cut off by a loud ringtone. You were taken back, blinking a couple of times. Okay, maybe that was a sign to say I should take some time to think things through properly, find the right words to say.
You had two years of thinking, stop backing out! 
"Oh, sorry hold on.” he cut you off with an apologetic smile as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, you nodded. 
You were going to tell him. 
It was finally time. 
And then– suddenly it wasn’t. 
“Yes, darling.” you heard, and it broke your heart instantly. You were frozen on the spot, feeling your knees weak again. Today was already starting off awful for you. You tried your best to tune the conversation out from your thoughts, but you couldn't– even as Tom bid his farewell to his caller and that’ll he be joining whoever darling was soon. You were already dreading the conversation that will be coming soon.
Thankfully, you were saved by the bell. 
Hemsworth with a sleepy but smiling James comes into view, “Mommy!” he squealed happily at the sight of you. 
“I went into your room to see if you were awake but found a jumping James on the bed instead,” Hemsworth said, ruffling the already messy mop of curls on James’s head. 
You let out a sigh of relief when you realized you had avoided another awkward conversation with Tom. Shifting your position to face the duo, you put on your best scolding face, “Now what did mommy tell you about jumping on the bed without someone in the room? You could have gotten hurt, James." 
He jutted his lower lip out to a pout as he snuggled himself closer against Chris’s chest, "James is sorry mommy." 
"Adorable, really.” you heard Tom speak. 
You ignored him as you approached the two, lightly patting James’s bum playfully, “Oh you know I can’t be mad at my favorite boy!” James giggled happily. 
“Oy! I thought I was your favorite boy!” Hemsworth mocked hurt, shaking his head. 
“You’re my fa-vrite unca'chri’!” James squealed happily, his little arms wrapping around the man’s neck. 
I faked a hurt gasp as I tickled James’s side, “And what about mommy?”
Stil secured in his favorite uncle’s grasp, he pulls his arms away from the man’s neck to lean down slightly towards you and cupping your cheeks in his chubby hands, playfully squeezing it before pressing his lips to your nose– a gesture that you’ve done a hundred times with him when he was sad, “I love you, mommy!”
You felt your heart swell at his actions before retrieving James from Chris’s hands, holding him close to your chest. “And I love you baby.”
You didn’t bother to acknowledge Chris’s massive grin or Tom staring at the two of you– wishing he was a part of the whole thing. “Oh, I should go get ready. I’m going to meet someone, but I’ll be back to spend some time with that little bugger." 
At the reminder of Tom seeing someone he called darling moments ago nearly broke your heart but you refused to let it show as you held onto James tighter. You didn’t even bother to glance at his retreating form. "What was that about?”
You shrugged at Chris as you settled James onto the counter, muttering underneath your breath, “He’s going out to see his darling." 
"What? I swear I thought he wasn’t seeing anyone… Y/N…" 
"It doesn’t matter.” you cut him off, deciding to feed James to clear your mind. 
The day went agonizingly slow for you, so you decided you’d spent most of your time cleaning up everything in the house to clear your mind– which to Scarlett’s dismay, you couldn’t help yourself. Becoming a mom had suddenly turned you to a clean freak and you needed to do something instead of torturing yourself waiting for Tom to return from his darling– and in return, your friends had decided to take care of James– which they honestly didn’t mind, they adored James. That is well– until a diaper needed to be changed. 
After that, the rest of you and the gang had just decided a lazy day in the living room– watching your friends play with James and getting James to love them more than Hemsworth. It was honestly funny.
The rest of the day went fine for you until that is– Chris decided to pester you again by pulling you away from the group.
“So when do you exactly plan on telling Tom?” Hemsworth asked as the two of you head towards the kitchen area. You sighed.
With a shrug– you replied, “I don’t know, I was going to tell him earlier but then the mention of him meeting someone made me retreat.”
“You still have to tell him sooner or later, you know…” he egged on. 
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll tell Tom that he’s the father when I think it’s suitable, not when you or the others are egging me on. Honestly, how many time do I have to have this conversation with all of you?” you snapped. 
You felt your whole body go stiff, your eyes widening at the voice that boomed throughout the whole apartment– even causing the people who vacated the living room to stop what they were doing and turn towards the direction of the source. 
You forced yourself to turn, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you come to face a shocked-fuming Tom Hiddleston at the front door, “Tom– I–”
“No, don’t.” he snapped, dropping the paper bag that had ‘Toys R Us’ stamped onto the floor. If looks could kill, you would have probably been dead already at that rate. He was staring at you-you could tell that he was mad. “I heard enough.” he shook his head at you before retreating from the apartment and slamming the door shut behind him. 
Now, he knew. 
You stood there frozen on your spot as you stared at the front door– silently begging that Tom would come back and that the whole act of him being pissed off was just to mess with you. He did say that the father would understand. 
That was before he found out he was a father. Shit! 
Before you could comprehend what you were doing, you were already moving towards to your room, mumbling to yourself repeatedly, “I have to get out of here.”
You didn’t bother to listen to the fuss everyone was making, stopping you from your plans– but that didn’t stop you, everything in your head was, run. 
And that’s exactly what you were going to do. 
“Think about what you’re doing, Y/N!” Hemsworth was yelling at you now as you began packing everything back into your bags. After what had happened, you didn’t want to be around. As much as you were glad that Tom knew– he found out through the worst way possible and you didn’t want to deal with him just yet, nor your friends. This was a big mistake. 
You ignored their protests as you left the apartment, bags in tow with James wrapped securely in your arms. He was making a fuss, crying out for his favorite uncle but you ignored his cries– even when he pulled your hair for attention. You needed to get out.  
James was a crying mess when you’ve successfully buckled him in place in his car seat but you didn’t want to think about that at the moment, Tom’s angry face screaming at you from the back of your head. 
Your friends just watched you drive off– there was nothing stopping you. You just wanted to go home. 
So you drove and drove until you had to stop at a stoplight when it was red. That was when the tears began pouring from your eyes and you let out a distraught cry– James’s whimpers becoming almost silent and you turned around to notice that from all of his crying, he had fallen asleep. “I’m sorry, baby…” you whispered sadly, “You’re getting tangled in all of mommy’s problems. I’m sorry.”
You looked up from your seat through the window as the rain started to pour, causing you to grip onto the wheel tighter as you patiently wait for the stoplight to turn back to green, tears still pouring from your eyes causing your sight to blur just slightly. 
An exhausted sigh left your lips as you waited, your blurry sight caused by all your crying became blurrier when the rain started to pour harder, making it hard for you to see anything. Turning on the windshield wipers on, you looked up and that moment the stoplight turned green– signaling you to go on ahead. 
Blinking a couple of times to clear your vision before stepping on the gas slowly– it was raining harder now, and with a baby in the back, you weren’t going to risk getting into an accident with the road being slippery. 
But you didn’t see it coming. 
You didn’t even have the time to react when a car from the side sent your vehicle flipping. 
All you could think of was James. 
And you silently prayed, the jolt of pain completely forgotten. 
You could hear honks from cars, people screaming. 
And everything went black. 
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littlelolay · 6 years
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A/N: OKAY, you guys know I can’t help myself whenever I write something. I guess I’m finally satisfied with this chapter– maybe, I’m not sure, but here I am posting. Hopefully you guys will like this as much as the previous one. PLEASE DO, leave a comment/review on this chapter and tell me what you guys think, tell me what your conclusions are on how this story might end maybe? Let me know, let me know! Anyways, moving on! Enjoy! 
SUMMARY: Reader has been friends with the avengers cast through her connection with Chris Hemsworth and she was introduced to Tom and they instantly clicked and became best friends, always joint to the hip–but things aren’t forever, it always has an end. For whatever reason that may be.
PAIRING: Reader x Tom Hiddleston
You slowly spun around, putting on your best poker face–a fake smile etching its way on your lips as you meet his eyes. “Hello, everyone. It’s a pleasure seeing you guys again.”
You could have sworn that you saw a flicker of realization in Tom’s eyes, or maybe you were just being delusional–hopeful even.
“Y/N….” you heard him whisper breathlessly at the sight of you, taking your appearance in before his gaze drops to the boy in your arms. He stared for a few minutes before locking his gaze with yours.
He knew.
You honestly didn’t know what to do at that point, a part of you was screaming to run but your feet stayed put and the other part was telling you to stay, he knows your secret now– sort of, and you knew there was no way out of this.
You held onto Tom’s gaze and the silence was almost deafening, as everyone else seems to share knowing looks with each other. You didn’t even know if the other three knew about your situation like the double–duo Chris and Scarlett knew, but really there was that feeling in the pit of your stomach that was saying that everyone knew and they did this on purpose– to trap you into finally spilling to Tom about your secret.
Your trance instantly snaps as James started crying again, probably irritated by the adults who have grown silent. He was honestly used to the attention being given to him and only him, you made sure that he was loved and that honestly spoilt him to no end.
You winced when James starts pulling a handful of your hair, one of his many techniques of grabbing your attention. “James!” you winced once more, “What did mommy tell you about pulling her hair?” you asked and he just whined, his fingers tangling themselves into your curls.
You try to pry his tiny fingers away and this only caused his cries to grow, your face scrunching up at his high-pitched screams ringing through your ears. You gave the others an apologetic smile before excusing yourself and rushing towards the room Scarlett fixed up for you and James to stay in.
As you close the door behind you with your feet, you began rocking James as his cries echoed throughout the room. You sighed, “James…”
Upon hearing his name, his eyelids flutter back open– tears continuing to stream down his chubby cheeks, your heart clenched at the sight. Your son is your weakness, honestly– what mother wouldn’t have their son as their weakness?
You hated seeing him cry, would always give in to anything he wants. Your mother scolded you for this and honestly, you didn’t care. James only had you and you honestly hoped that being able to give him all the love would make up for the absence of his father but you knew that wasn’t going to happen. This was because James was the definition of a curious baby, always looking at something new with amazement, always someone who would point at something and look up at you and you’d understand that he was asking a question, wondering what it was and you’d answer him– and his eyes would light up, and that was more than enough to make your heart soar.
Your thoughts shifted as his wide eyes stared into yours before he continued to wail; your heart skipped a bit, those eyes always had a way to make your heart soft. Those eyes haunted you almost every night when you were pregnant with James and seeing them for the first time when he was born, almost gave you a heart attack. It was the exact replica of Tom’s, and you were honestly hoping that meeting Tom would be impossible but of course– being friends with his co-stars made it possible. You began to panic when you remembered that Tom was outside, the wails coming from James continues to grow even as you hold him close to your chest and your hand rubbing his back soothingly. You began humming his favorite lullaby but that doesn’t seem to work either, oh what’s gotten you so fussy today?
“Y/N…” you hear Scarlett’s voice come from the door and you don’t bother to turn around and acknowledge her, you had a feeling that Tom showing up was her idea. “Y/N, you can’t be mad at me.”
You rolled your eyes, your hold on James tightening slightly as you feel your arms begin aching at your hold– James did gain a pound or two over the last few months, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You can’t possibly think I have something to do with this…”
You spun around slowly to avoid shaking James that might take his tantrums another run; his wails becoming quieter to a whimper. “Sure you didn’t, Scarlett. Honestly, can we not talk about this? Not right now.”
The tension between the two of you could be felt since James has probably sensed it and he started fussing in your arms again, the grip on his Thor action figure tightening– suddenly as he was fussing, the toy hits your head repeatedly.
You catch a glimpse of Scarlett’s approaching form and you stop her with your free hand, giving her a shake of your head, “Please, don’t. I’ll handle this, you’ve done enough.” You said, irritation dripping from your voice before you try to pry the action figure from James.
Scarlett watches you and James battle it out for the action figure, his screams becoming louder as you successfully pull it out of his grasp and toss it over to the bed. You heard a sigh leave her lips before she gives you a nod and retreats from the room.
You stare at the now closed door for a couple of seconds before you spun around and turned your attention back on James, “Oh, baby…” you trailed off, “What’s gotten you so fussy, honestly? Mom did warn me about the terrible twos, this is probably it isn’t it?”
Your parents were a little wary finding out you were pregnant, you were practically trembling in tears when you told them you were pregnant– and you honestly thought the worst, that they would probably shun you out. Especially that they weren’t fond of the career in journalism that you took, being pregnant was probably the cherry on top of that– not only that, but you had told them you weren’t bringing the father into the picture.
Your father, always having a weak spot for you– accepted you with open arms, taking care of you during your sick days when you decided to return home to tell them about your pregnancy. He never left your side during the day and would make sure you were comfortable in bed before he would up and get ready for bed himself.
Your mother on the other hand, took a while– with the help of your father, of course. You honestly didn’t think your mother would come around without the help of your father. Your father had respected your decision despite his subtle ways of voicing his opinions on the matter. Your mother was horrified at the thought of you wanting to keep the pregnancy a secret from the father.
It was rocky– stressful even, at home. But you kept in touch with Hemsworth, and he made sure to pay you a visit every now and then, even being present when you have given birth to James. You owed a lot to your best friend, because he was almost a rock for you when things looked so bleak despite having the support of your father. During your pregnancy, when you weren’t crying over your mother who barely said two words to you– you were crying due to the dreams of Tom you had. It honestly broke you a part, and being pregnant with his baby almost felt like a nightmare.
Everything changed when you gave birth to James– even your mother seemed to have taken a turn for the better. All thanks to James, that is. He was never a fussy baby during his first year; he was a bundle of joy. Always smiling, always making others smile. He was the reason that you and your mother had reconciled the differences and she started making you feel loved again. You remembered, that your whole point of view of life changed when the nurse placed James in your arms.
“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” the nurse murmured as she slowly lowered herself to hand James over to you in a soft white blanket.
You couldn’t even response because at the sight of him in your arms, it totally knocked you off guard– stealing your breath. He was beautiful, and when he stirs in his sleep– you watched in awe. You watched as he let out a yawn before he flickers his sleepy eyelids open, and that’s when your heart probably did a somersault. He had Tom’s eyes.
You heard the nurse giggle next to you as she watches you both happily; “He left me speechless, too. Honestly one of the most beautiful babies I’ve seen. What will you be naming him?”
“James.” You whispered softly as he holds onto your index finger; causing you to break into a smile. You watched him shut his eyes and fall back into slumber as you spoke, “James William.”
You break away from your thoughts when James tugs onto your hair causing you to wince and return your attention back on the toddler; who was looking up at you with a pout and tear stained cheeks. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh as he gives your hair another tug, seeking for your attention and affection. James just stares at you before he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his screams becoming whimpers once more as he grips onto your shirt. “I’m sorry, baby. You can probably sense that mummy’s a little tense.”
You visually tensed upon hearing his voice echoing through the small room. This only caused James to whimper as your grip on him tightens. You swallow the lump that’s formed in the back of your throat before spinning around to face the man you once called your best friend– or the one you had fallen so hard for, head first and no one there to catch you.
The sight of him standing in front of you almost knocks you off of your feet. Almost. Thankfully you recovered quickly by shifting your gaze away. “I’m sorry for coming in unannounced but…”
“But what?” you asked, lifting your gaze up slowly to meet his.
He shook his head, a nervous laugh falling from his lips, “Chris told me to check up on you, see if you needed any help with the little fella.”
“I’m fine.” You said, annoyed. Of course, Chris would. “We’re fine.”
You didn’t notice that James has ceased his whimpering when his eyes fell upon the intruder, his eyes lighting up with curiosity at the sight of the new visitor that he hasn’t met before. He tried wiggling away from your grasp, whining when you wouldn’t let go. “What now, James?”
He lets out another whine as he continues to wiggle out of your grasp, pushing you away slightly. You raised a brow before settling James down onto the floor, your gaze never leaving his figure as he scurries towards the bed to grab his Thor action figure– throughout the whole thing, you felt Tom’s eyes on you, but you decided to ignore it.
As James successfully retrieves the Thor action figure, he bounces his way towards Tom excitedly. You could almost hear your heart pounding loudly in your chest as you watched the interaction. You watched as James looked down at his Thor action figure then back up at Tom with wide eyes before he spun around to look at you, his hand stretched out and his little index finger pointing towards Tom. “Mommy! Loki! Loki, look! Brother Thor!” he screeched excitedly, his face scrunched up in excitement at his achievement to make the connection.
You scrunched up your face to a pained look, feeling a tug on your heartstring. You remember that aside from Thor– James had taken a liking to Loki in the movie, always squealing happily when Tom’s character would pop up in the screen. Oh baby, if only you knew.
“Who’s that baby?” you asked after you paused the movie by the spacebar of your laptop, you reached towards the screen and pointed at Tom’s character with James safely situated between your legs. You both had just returned from the park that day and he insisted watching a movie, by walking towards your laptop and repeatedly whining and pointing towards the laptop. “Can you say daddy?” you asked in a whisper, your heart clenching.
You watched as he tilted his head a bit to look up at you, his face scrunched up in confusion before he lets out a giggle that made you smile, “Loki! Loki! Loki!” he repeated with a clap of his hands.
“That’s right, baby. It’s Loki.”
You gave James a nod and a smile as he waves his action figure up, “Yes, baby. Good job, it is Loki.”
You hear Tom chuckle and swoops James into his arms; James resting on his hip as he holds onto him securely. “He’s so smart, isn’t he?”
The sight almost made you scream, you felt your heart flip at the sight before you. You nodded weakly as you continued to watch them talk animatedly to each other, Tom being equally as excited as James. You were confused at this point, looking back and forth from James to Tom and then you realized – he hasn’t made the connection, yet.
“He’s adorable, Y/N.”
“Why are you here, Tom?” you asked suddenly without a second thought. “Why aren’t you yelling at me?”
Tom’s face scrunches up confused as he looks up at you from James, “Why would I be yelling at you?”
You felt nervous now, you hadn’t planned on blurting those words out– it just happened. You stayed silent for a while, not wanting to say something that may give out your secret. “It’s just– I left, remember? Without even a goodbye, and now you’re here, talking to me after two years and you’re acting as if nothing happened.” You said with a shake of your head, “Did our friendship mean nothing to you that you’re so unaffected?”
You watch him visibly stiffen but he removes his gaze away from you, only giving his attention to James who has his fist in Tom’s hair; James clearly amused. “Do you really want to do this here now? Especially with James, I think not.”
“Right.” You muttered underneath your breath before approaching the both of them, retrieving James from him. It took you awhile as James began fussing, not wanting to be pulled away from his new companion; even pulling Tom’s hair painfully, but Tom refused to show any emotion as he helps you pry the little fingers off. As you hold a whimpering James, you stare at Tom for a couple of seconds before shaking your head, “We should head out there, don’t want to eat a cold lunch. Scarlett would be upset.”
Before Tom could response, you give him another shake of your head before leaving the room, James resting his chin on your shoulder as he looks back at Tom with a pout, waving his hand in a goodbye manner as his mother pulls him away.
You didn’t even see Tom wave back sadly at James.
The day went dreadfully long for you– reconnecting with the rest of the cast was surprisingly okay as they praised James and his goofy self, James on the other hand was beaming happily throughout the day as the attention on him was clearly evident. He loved every single minute of it.
You avoided Tom as much as you could but was failing every now and then as because if it wasn’t Hemsworth that caught the attention of your little boy, it was Tom. And you just wanted to slap the smug faces of your friends whenever James would squeal and try to grab Tom’s attention.
Of course, you couldn’t deny your child of his demands, as it would probably be suspicious to Tom if you would pull your son away every time he demanded for Tom’s attention. So, you let him be. You’d watch from the side as both of them would play around and talk animatedly with each other, it was honestly sending your heart in a frenzy.
As the day almost ended, you excused yourself once more with a now sleeping James in your arms. The day had honestly worn him down with the company of the avengers. So as you settled him on the bed, you couldn’t help but release a heavy sigh. You were exhausted, not because of James. Honestly, it was because of the whole day– you spent thinking and worrying about Tom finding out that James was his. That realization might hit him hard and finally make the connection. Honestly, why hasn’t he? The kid’s eyes were practically screaming Tom Hiddleston.
You didn’t know what was worst, Tom finding out that James was his or Tom never finding out that James was his. Admit it, you want Tom to know.
Heck! Of course I want Tom to know! James deserved a father, and you couldn’t believe that you were depriving him of the chance. Well, both of them. Depriving James from the chance of a fatherly love and depriving Tom from getting to know his son.
You were honestly beating yourself up for this.
You felt like shit.
You felt like a coward.
“Y/N…” you heard Scarlett’s voice come from the door. You turned your attention over to her and see that she’s peeking through the small gap, “May I come in?”
You nod your head weakly before turning your attention back to the sleeping form of your son; he looked so peaceful– happy even, probably dreaming of superheroes.
“Look, I’m sorry but you really need to believe me that I had nothing to do with him being here.” You heard her say, her voice soft – clearly not wanting to wake James.
“It doesn’t matter, Scarlett. What’s done is done.” You replied tiredly.
“Right…” she whispered, honestly surprised at your answer. She was probably expecting you to fight back. “Well are you going to tell him?”
“Tell who what?” you questioned, irritated at where the conversation was leading up to.
You heard her scoff; you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Tell Tom that he’s the father!” she hissed.
Your gaze snaps from your son to Scarlett. You were practically fuming as you move away from your sleeping son to approach her, “Don’t.” you started with a pointed look before continuing, “I know what I’m doing is wrong but you need to understand that it’s just as difficult for me as it’s difficult for you and the others.” You growled lowly, the thought of a fussy James in the back of your head stopping you from yelling. “So stop, stop pestering me! When the time is right, I’ll do it! I’ll talk to him, but don’t you dare think that any of you are helping by pushing both of us in the same direction!”
Scarlett just stares at you; the sight of your distressed self obviously throwing her off; she hadn’t meant to upset you. “I’m sorry…”
You let out a shaky breath before giving her a nod, grabbing her hands in yours to give it a gentle squeeze, “It’s okay. I know that you guys are just looking out for the both of us but just please–”
Before you could finish your sentence, Scarlett pulls you into an embrace that you’ve needed ever since Tom had made an appearance. You almost broke down in tears in Scarlett’s arms.
All the while, neither you nor Scarlett realized that someone was listening onto the conversation from outside in the shadows.
Keep reading
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littlelolay · 6 years
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CALM BEFORE THE STORM. (masterlist) 
SUMMARY: Reader has been friends with the avengers cast through her connection with chris and she was introduced to Tom and they instantly clicked and became best friends, always joint to the hip–but things aren’t forever, it always has an end. For whatever reason that may be.
PAIRING: Reader x Tom Hiddleston
QUICK QUESTION: Are you guys ready for part two yet? Coming soon, real soon. 
A/N: Want to be tagged? Just send me a message!
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littlelolay · 6 years
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THORN? TORN. (masterlist)
SUMMARY: Reader is the blood relative of the Doctor Strange but has her whole life turned upside down as she embarks on a path where she learns about her true heritage and every secret that comes along with it. 
PAIRING: Bucky x Reader x Loki 
A/N:  I honestly couldn’t help myself when I was on photoshop. I’m currently making one for ‘Calm Before the Storm’ and also, I’ll be announcing here that I do take up requests for imagines, or graphics if you write your own stories and want a header just like this one. Don’t be afraid to send me a message! 
QUICK QUESTION: Who do you suppose the reader should end up with? 
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littlelolay · 6 years
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THORN? TORN. (masterlist)
SUMMARY: Reader is the blood relative of the Doctor Strange but has her whole life turned upside down as she embarks on a path where she learns about her true heritage and every secret that comes along with it. 
PAIRING: Bucky x Reader x Loki 
A/N:  I honestly couldn’t help myself when I was on photoshop. I’m currently making one for ‘Calm Before the Storm’ and also, I’ll be announcing here that I do take up requests for imagines, or graphics if you write your own stories and want a header just like this one. Don’t be afraid to send me a message! 
QUICK QUESTION: Who do you suppose the reader should end up with? 
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littlelolay · 6 years
A/N: Sorry guys, but I will be putting up a schedule of when I’ll be posting my stories now. I’ll be going back to University, classes starting again next week. I’d probably be able to only post once a week or twice, depending on my busy schedule but hopefully you guys will stick around. 
Please COMMENT if you do enjoy the story, honestly– likes are discouraging, I really want to know what you guys think. 
PAIRING: loki x reader x bucky
For the past couple of days, I fell into a new routine. Every morning I’d wake up at exactly six in the morning and then get ready for the day– and somehow, every morning felt better. As every morning came, I felt less dread to get out of bed.
After getting out of bed, I’m instantly greeted by Bucky who shows up at my door by seven and joins me for breakfast. Stephen on the other hand wasn’t all too thrilled that I had male company besides him, he’d probably get even more furious if he knew it wasn’t just Bucky I had for company. Stephen joins Bucky and I for breakfast most of the time– sometimes he isn’t in the tower but whenever I’d ask, he would just tell me it wasn’t for me to worry. I’d shrug it off, not wanting to get any negativity to ruin the positive mood that I’ve grown accustomed to the past few days. All thanks to Bucky.
Usually after a light breakfast, Bucky and I would go out for a run before returning back into the tower to do some stretching then start sparring. Conversations come here and there– sometimes Bucky is silent and I didn’t mind. And sometimes he would talk when he tries teaching me new things. Thanks to Bucky, I’ve learnt to deal with my emotions more–learnt to accept them, and so far I hadn’t had any of those ‘blackouts’ that Bucky has decided to call them whenever my emotions take over my actions.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. The first few days of training with Bucky consisted with the same tense yelling but as time passed, Bucky and I fell into a pattern and I soon figured out to control them as Bucky never took it easy on me, making sure that I still had my emotions in check and was still using my head.
“You’ve gotten soft, Bucky.” I teased, a playful grin on my face as I successfully pin him down on the padded mats. He rolled his eyes before rolling us over with him now on top in one swift move. I let out a huff.
He laughed at this and shook his head, pinning my arms down on top of my head, “Think again, Y/N. You always let your guard down, always so smug. You need to stop this.”
I scowled upon hearing his words before lifting my head up, aiming towards his arm and sinking my teeth down painfully on his skin. He instantly reacts with a surprised yell and I use the opportunity to break free from his hold, pushing myself up to stand and using the strength of my feet to hold him down by the chest.
“Who said I was done, anyway?” I scoffed smugly and all he could do was grin.
Though, I suppose I wouldn’t know if I’d be able to keep my emotions in check when it came to other people. I’ve only gotten used to Bucky– other people, not so much. I mean, I’ve gotten to know a few of the Avengers so far.
There’s Steve Rogers– Captain America, who treats me like a little sister. I’ve grown fond of him lately, as he approaches me from time to time. He treated me almost like how Stephen does; he’s become protective of me even. He’s the only one, at least I’d like to think so, who knew of my trips to the library at night with a particular God– as he likes to claim himself, I’m not sure if it was true just yet. I have yet to meet his brother who hasn’t returned from a Kree mission, apparently he had wanted to help just as much to find help for me.
Then there’s Tony Stark– the Iron Man, who’s suddenly a father figure in my eyes. Protective; always worrying if I’ve settled in okay or if I’m comfortable with my sleeping arrangements. Just like Stephen, worried if I had eaten enough or if I needed anything. Or maybe he was more like a mother, always fussing about every little thing.
Moving towards Natasha Romanoff– or Black Widow as she likes to be called, is like a sister I’ve always wished to have. When I’m not outside the comforts of my room, she’d come barging in if she wasn’t busy and from time to time, to pull me out to explore the city– which trust me, gave Stephen a heart attack. But I’ve loved every moment of it, always savoring the freedom whenever Natasha would take me out on these trips. I had been too confined in the manor for so long that I had forgotten what being really outside felt. Also, she insists that I have feelings for Bucky, almost tormenting me to speak up and tell her something.
Do I have feelings for Bucky? I don’t know.
He’s just there, someone I’ve learnt I could count on– someone who kept me grounded. He challenged me, constantly. Always wanted me to push myself, always knowing the things to say.
Anyways– moving on to someone I’ve just met, Doc. Or rather Doctor Bruce Banner, or the most important one to remember– Hulk. He’d arrived the same day I arrived; apparently to keep an eye out for Loki– according to Loki himself, he was called by Tony to watch him. This of course, made me curious as to why. No one answers me, at least– the ones who I’ve asked, such as Loki and Bucky. I had thought of approaching the Doc about it but he seemed standoffish at first– he was being cautious, I wouldn’t blame him. As he’s learnt to trust me, he told me about Loki and what he’s done–and apparently Loki gets a fright from Doc whenever he was in Hulk form. I would be, too.
That doesn’t change though. I mean, it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve gone down to the library to spend time with the books and Loki, himself. He’s become a companion. Bucky is someone I could feel comfortable with my emotions, someone like I’ve mentioned– has kept me grounded. But for Loki, he’s someone I can easily open up to about my feelings, about what I felt of the situation with Stephen and everything that’s happened. And he’s been more than a big help, especially with the whole Kree business.
I suppose Stephen would probably have a heart attack, die– get revived to just have a heart attack again if he found out that most of my nights consisted of moments with Loki in the library. It wasn’t as if we were doing anything wrong, it’s just that I’ve found… comfort in his presence.
“Y/N? Y/N Strange, get back down to Earth.” Stephen snaps me out of my thoughts from the door, my brows furrowed in confusion. “Steve said you were looking for me and I just got back, what did you need?”
“Right, yeah.” I said with a nod as I remember speaking to Steve earlier about Stephen’s whereabouts. I watch Stephen stride towards me, eventually occupying a seat on the edge of the bed I was seated on. “I just wanted to talk, about mum and dad…”
Stephen visually stiffens at the mention before he gives me a nod to continue speaking, “Bucky–” I get cut off with a groan from Stephen at the mention of Bucky’s name, I arched a brow, “What?”
“Nothing, I guess I’m just not used to having friendships–specifically with a boy. I had hoped you would have either grown closer to Romanoff or the witch.” He shrugged and I rolled my eyes in response.
“Moving on…” I trailed off as I give him a look indicating that I didn’t want to be interrupted, “Bucky–” I repeated and watched his face scrunch up to a look of annoyance, “He has been helping me control my emotions lately that Master Jia Li constantly reminded me doing so and I’ve been able to channel them more properly thanks to him and he thinks that I’m ready.”
He raised a brow, “Ready for what?”
“To know more about my past, to know who my parents are without being so upset. Please, I know the last time I’ve asked I– I went all crazy but I’m ready now.” I begged, nodding my head vigorously as I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
I watched his face shift from a worried look to a defeated one before he sighed with a nod. “I don’t know much, Y/N…” he trailed off as he reached out for my hands, his gesture of giving me comfort, “I wasn’t that old when you came to us as a baby and I wasn’t even aware that my father still had contact with his brother. You remember the story about Donna don’t you?”
“Yeah, Donna was our–your sister that passed away, and it strived you to be a doctor.”
“She’s our sister. You’re still my sister, nothing will change that.” he said sternly before speaking once more, “Well mother and father had been devastated, broke them. It wasn’t until you arrived, just a year old– that our parents have found the will to live again. You were everything to them.” He said, giving a gentle squeeze to my hand. “I never had the chance to ask them about your father but all I remember that night that he was panicking, mumbling something about Kree and handing you over to mother before fleeing. He looked scared, he didn’t want to leave you…”
I scoffed, tears forming in the corners of my mouth. “But he did and I still don’t know anything.”
I let out a sigh before shaking my head as I flash Stephen a small reassuring smile, giving his own hand a squeeze. “I’m fine. I just, I wish I knew more.”
“And we will. I’m doing the best I can to find answers and Thor is as well, I’m sure he will return shortly with answers.”
“Right…” I mumbled before pulling my hand away from his, “Can I be left alone for a while? I just want the time to myself…”
I watched Stephen respond with an understanding nod before retreating out of the room. As soon as the door shut behind him, I let out a frustrated sigh and plopped myself back down onto the bed.
I had spent most of my afternoon in the comforts of my room, avoiding Stephen– and that included Bucky. It wasn’t my intention but honestly, I just wanted to be left alone. I was frustrated, not at Stephen for his vague answers but with the lack of information about my parents– my real parents.
I had refused to leave the room when Bucky knocked and said it was time to eat some dinner, refused to speak a word to anyone as I try to put the pieces together from certain dreams that I was having. But the dreams were just as vague as Stephen’s answers about my parents, always having missing pieces along the way and waking up sweating and screaming was something I hated. Thankfully, no one has heard my night terrors as much.
I glanced over at the digital clock and the red lights were blaring that it was almost ten. That’s right, I’ve spent the whole day after my talk with Stephen locked up in this room. Pacing, staring at the ceiling and walls. Somehow, the thought of the library pops into my head and my feet didn’t make any protests as I began my journey, avoiding getting seen by certain avengers that were still awake and roaming around.
As I reached the library, he was already there. Lounging on the sofa that we’ve claimed to occupy every night for the past few days, with a book in his hands.
“I was beginning to think you’d be avoiding me tonight as well, Y/N.” he mused, not lifting his gaze from his book as I approached him.
“What’re you talking about?” I asked as I sat on the other edge of the sofa, slipping my slippers off to bring my feet up on the couch, pulling my legs close to my chest as I face him.
He took awhile to respond after he flips a page, taking a minute to read the entry before shutting the book and placing it down on the coffee table. Turning his attention on me, I raised a brow in curiosity. “You’ve been avoiding your soldier, he’s mentioned it to the captain a couple of times like a sick puppy in love.” He drawled, the corner of his mouth twitching. “I’ve heard from the shadows that you’ve been cooped up in your room since this afternoon, and I had drawn up an assumption that you will not be showing up tonight.”
“Well, I’m here aren’t I? So that’s that.” I said, almost in an irritated tone and all he could do was raise a brow. I rolled my eyes at him and shifted my position. Grabbing the book that I was reading last night from the coffee table, I leaned back against the sofa and began reading. No longer listening to Loki as he speaks in the background.
“Stubborn little witch.” He muttered underneath his breath before grabbing the book he was reading moments before I had entered and interrupted him and began reading again once more. And we continued reading in silence, neither of us bothering to speak a word to each other– even if I was practically itching to do so.
I was practically gasping for air as I ran through the woods, my feet stumbling a little because of the broken branches along my way. My feet taking me far away as fast as I could, my heart beating rapidly against my chest.
“You can’t run away from us thorns!” a voice laughed from behind me.
“There’s nowhere to hide thorns, we can find you. We can smell your fear.”
I held back the urge to scream at them as I continued to run, my legs feeling weak.
I suddenly felt comfort at the thought that maybe I had lost them but not taking any chances, my feet continued despite my legs feeling like jelly. Glancing back over my shoulder, a sigh of relief leaves my lips. No one was there.
Oh how I regret it now.
Because the second that I turned my attention back up ahead, there she was. I didn’t know who she was, but I had a feeling that she was Kree. I stop dead in my tracks as the blue skinned woman stopped a few feet away from me, her face unreadable.
Then everything went by fast as she levitated two silver orbs with her fingers, a smirk already forming on her lips.
And before I knew it–the levitated orbs zoomed across the small gap between us, towards my direction.
I couldn’t comprehend what was happening but as I looked down to where the she had sent them.
It went right through my chest, blood already seeping through.
And then everything went black.
“Y/N! Wake up!”
I gasp as I jolt up to sit, panting heavily as I feel myself drenched in sweat. My gaze was blurry and it took awhile before I could regain proper sight and when I did, it fell upon Loki, his face scrunched up in concern. “I–I…” I stuttered in between breaths, feeling Loki’s cold hand brush against my own, “What happened?” I asked breathlessly.
“You fell asleep and then suddenly you were screaming.” He whispered as he laces his fingers with mine, “I had been trying to wake you up but I couldn’t for the past couple of minutes, gave me a scare.”
I couldn’t fully understand what he was saying but all I could do is nod and before you know it, my lips parted and I let out a cry of distraught. I felt his cold hands pull away from mine and I almost wanted to grab them back but instead, he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close against his chest, his fingers now combing through my hair. The emotions that I have been bottling up in my chest the whole afternoon taking over, not bothering Loki’s actions.
“Relax, Y/N…” I heard him whisper.
It took a moment before I could regain composure and when I did, the comfort being in Loki’s arms doesn’t throw me off but instead I leaned myself in closer, “I’m sorry.”
I feel his arm wrap around my waist to hold me tight as he spoke, “No, don’t be sorry.”
“It’s just everything with Stephen going rocky because of what he kept from me and me being frustrated because apparently I know nothing about my real heritage is just really getting to me. Sometimes I wish, everyone would be better off, even me– if Stephen had let me perish when Kaecillius had attacked me back then…” I muttered underneath my breath, playing with my fingers. “I would have probably died peacefully knowing the parents I had grown to love was really my parents and that none of this was real…”
I felt Loki stiffen from beneath me and then he shifts to sit up straight, the fingers that were combing through my hair gone and now was brushing against my arm. “I doubt that.” My face scrunches up in confusion upon his words, pushing myself up to sit–I look up at him. “Then I wouldn’t have met you, someone I’ve come to care about– someone I can trust, someone who doesn’t look at me differently despite of the awful things I’ve done.”
My heart was screaming, what was this feeling? I felt my heart pumping at a rapid rate as I stare back into Loki’s gaze, my mouth parted to speak but couldn’t find the right words to say and before I knew it–
His lips have met mine.
TTTAGGED: @alessia–winchester @totobyafricaa @wipplog @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial 
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littlelolay · 6 years
OKAY. I've officially MOVED. I've shifted my personal blog to a writing blog, it was my main blog. So follow me there. I just really wanted to be able to talk to you guys. I'll be posting there from now on. 
Also! I'd like to follow you guys and I've been itching to do so, but yeah this is a sideblog so it wouldn't allow me.
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littlelolay · 6 years
i need your help guys, should i leave this blog and make a new one? because this is just a side blog and i'd really want to be able to communicate with you guys because you're all so lovely and cute :( i won't delete this blog, but i'll be moving everything to the new one you think it'd be better if this wasn't just a side blog. thoughts? lemme know 
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littlelolay · 6 years
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littlelolay · 6 years
just a little note, that I won't be posting anything in the next few days because I'll be busy with uni, but maybe I'll post a chapter around Saturday or Sunday. So just stay tuned, if you want to be notified of a certain fic– just leave me a message and when I post it, I'll be sure to add you to the tag list. Kisses! 
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littlelolay · 6 years
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All 32 of the official “Marvel Studios: The First 10 Years” posters.
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littlelolay · 6 years
Changed up my theme quickly. It's so very Loki. 
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I love it.
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littlelolay · 6 years
Heeey! Could I please please please please be tagged in your Calm Before the Storm fic?! ❤️
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littlelolay · 6 years
will you be posting something today? so excited to read the next one of thorn? torn :(
Unfortunately, no. I won't be able to update anything today. This is because I'm currently at a family gathering, and I'm only using my phone to respond to messages. I'm hiding in the corner, I'm all happy because of all the responses I'm getting from you guys to my stories. Keep them coming! It's really a boost of confidence for me to write something up. 
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littlelolay · 6 years
if someone died in one of the fics that im writing, will you guys still love me????????????????? i'm not saying anyone has died yet or i'll kill anyone but I JSUT?! i'M sTIlLL NoT OVEr LoKI'S DEATH!?????????? 
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