littledoesart · 1 year
Actual art being posted??? After 2 fuckin years??
This is bait hi—
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I’m just trying to live in college times
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littledoesart · 4 years
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Please follow the instructions to enter ☆
Thank you for being +1.4 K to follow my weird stuff and for your support 💖
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littledoesart · 4 years
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littledoesart · 4 years
So I decided that I would draw @zeb-kunny and my own oc for Obey Me! ((I love you zeb)
I finished it yesterday but I was so tired ^^);
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Also! The story Blind Bird will be continued, it was just the end of the year that I wished to finish before starting up my story again!
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littledoesart · 4 years
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littledoesart · 4 years
Beautiful art ❤️
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A Luci to keep you and your dashboard clean  ✨ ✨ ✨
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littledoesart · 4 years
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I’m blue da ba dee da ba daa–
As promised, here is the raffle. I never started a raffle in Tumblr before so take it easy on me, yeah? If you are too lazy to read that small text of tInY, I’ll just write a better version of it down here.
Keep reading
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littledoesart · 4 years
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This is Hatsuko for all those curious of how she looks!
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littledoesart · 4 years
Blind Bird - Ikemen Sengoku - Part 2
Oh goodness I apologize, I had it all ready but Christmas came behind and decided that I needed to not post anything. Apologies~! And enjoy our little blind bird Hatsuko~.
What a chain of events that happened after she was with these warlords as she could hear their voices. One of them, very very young sounding named Mitsunari was kind and rather helpful as she was given a small explanation of what seemingly happened. That Nobunaga was a very important figure but she understood that, she continued to listen before changing. Once she got out she listened to his voice but god she felt her eyes wanting to cry and melt away. She let out a breath as she sat down where Nobunaga told her to when they got to the camp, her heart was still racing and each movement near her caused her to shrivel and move away quickly. Suddenly, a calm voice, Mitsunari. One of the kindest people there who lead her to where she sat and goodness it was hectic, she was at a camp now where Nobunaga was seemingly waiting for his alliance’s. Mitsunari told her a lot while she drank the water he brought her, her eyes finally closing as she felt like she was safe.
Once everything seemed to calm down, things began to pick up pace again, her eyes opened shocked once she heard one male come in and worryingly express themselves. Introduced as Hideyoshi, it seemed apparent that she was suspect number one. Until another soul chimes in, Mitsuhide, it seemed the way he spoke was laced with second meanings. However, as much as she could tell, it was all just him being sneaky. Until Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide began to butt heads. She had to listen to these two interact. She was surprised they didn’t draw swords considering how hostile the words had gotten.
"Why, I simply was making sure our lord was doing okay Hideyoshi~.” Hideyoshi, who seemed to have a fight every time Mitsuhide said ‘my lord’. She was remembering history as well, it was said that after the assassination, Mitsuhide pulled away from his allies here and show his true colors. Or at least, what her friend said was his true nature. Hideyoshi would fight Mitushide who would had been linked to the assassination. She sat there in her own thoughts but suddenly the voice that was Hideyoshi’s spoke up. "Can you say that you were not planning anything behind our lord's back, Mitsuhide?” She stood up as she listened to Mitsuhide’s response. "And my word is enough for you, Hideyoshi?” His voice didn’t sound so deceitful, nothing that would be used to fool anyone.
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She decided to speak up. She opened her eyes and calmly spoke her mind, “I remember what the attacker looked like, Mitsuhide didn’t fit his shape. He didn’t have Mitsuhide’s general body shape.” That was as much as it thought would take for them to realize that no, she couldn’t see what everyone looked like however, she was unfortunately wrong. Hideyoshi snapped back at her making her jump and back up a bit, “You, you stay out of this!” His voice was full of concern and rage, even she could see that despite her sight being gone. She closed her mouth and huffed, suddenly, she felt her hand being pulled into a different direction she was surprised. Nobunaga had pulled her into his lap, he was large, and she didn’t expect any of this to happen.
“What matters is I am alive, besides, we have such an interesting guest. Hatsuko, would you like to rule the world by my side?” She was shocked and a little more than appalled about how quickly he seemed to be and the sudden question. All of this made her confused and she felt anxiety run through her bones as she didn’t even realize she slapped him until she even heard Hideyoshi gasp. Realizing what she did, she got up and backed away quickly, replying in a stutter and leaving without any hesitation. “s..Sorry, I don’t think I can!” Her feet carrying her again, she ran quickly, moving without any worry, she heard voices but kept running. Tripping and pushed into someone else as she was now at the edge of a forest.
The males voice was deeper than even Nobunaga’s the tone and the way it sounded sent chills down her spine as she heard it. “My name is Kennyo, I am a monk, and little lady there are demons within these woods~.” Her face turned to fear as she quickly walked away from him, saying a quick thank you and feeling very cold. How could this have happened, why did it happen to her, she was saved by some anomaly… but this time period made her head spin. Suddenly being tackled to the ground had her in shock as she yelped, she was shaking like a scared dog, though the male’s voice was soft yet a bit firm. “Are you okay? Couldn’t you see the cliff and hear me?” Blinking she shook her head and sighed as she tried to back off of him but she was pulled to him and lead away from what she thought was a stable platform but actually something that could kill her. “Dummy don’t go near the cliff!” That frightened her and she tried to push away, she was able to get away and blinked as she shook her head. “I’m sorry, it’s been a rough night and my eyes burn… they hurt too much… so I can’t really see anything.” She spoke in a soft whisper that she hoped would be ignored but Yukimari explained who he was and that he was sorry for what he did. It made her soften a bit, she felt rather safe now, considering all that has happened. However,’it seemed he was even more concerned once he asked, “You said your eyes burn, what’s wrong with them?” His voice was so kind, though soon, they were interrupted before she could begin her explanation. There seemed to be three talking as they asked her from where she came from. “I… I don’t know, I’m blind and I am not sure where I am at.” She gave a soft voicing but then heard a soft hum to her left, she didn’t expect to suddenly hear a voice so soft as he seemed to try and calm her down
“Yuki tells me that you almost dove off the cliff? However it seems like your sight is worse than anyone could imagine, are you alright?.” With everything that was happening it was a bit weird to have a change in pace, she felt her own heart. It was slowly calming down, she breathed out. Nodding she smiled at the taller male but she was still shaking. It was obvious that she was distressed, dying before seemed so easy. Now, it seemed that she could live her own life. Of course, the people before her began to ask questions that she couldn’t keep up with. It was hard, voices from multiple directions caused her to almost spin around in a circle. One ice cold voice asked her name, she responded. "M..my name is Hatsuko..." it was silent, she didn’t understand everything going on. Another seemed to try and ask her about her kimono and the art of it, she couldn’t see so she just smiled and said she didn’t know much about it. Of course it was still on her face how distressed she was. As much as she wished these questions would stop they continued on. The older taller male tried to help, she began to try and wipe her eyes secretly. Of course he noticed and suddenly was asked, “Wiping your eyes in such a manner will hurt them, are you alright? Did you get something in them?” Concern, it was a first that she ever heard something so... different, she could hear it plain as day, it was always different as people used their words differently. Always talking softer just like the male was, she felt her eyes widen a bit. Had someone actually say that to her? Surprised, she opened her mouth but she didn’t have words. She closed her eyes and kept thinking about what was going on. Her ears reddened as she continued to think, her brain going into the clouds trying to process everything going on.
Finally coming back to earth, she suddenly heard some noises in bushes, she backed away from that even. All of this was so sudden, ah... another man. He sounded familiar, but everything going on caused her brain to become fuzzy. She felt like she remembered him from the sound of his voice and gave a small shocked expression. Suddenly, he looked at her, she only noticed that because his shadow moved and he spoke to her. “H..huh, It’s you.” His voice, oh! It was that male she ran into once she was by a concrete monument. She stared at him and hearing the others questioning, she was rather confused about how to get out of this. “Sasuke, you know this beautiful angel~? I cannot believe she had slapped me but goodness I didn’t expect you to know this goddess~.” After more confusing talk she heard between them. She was dragged away by “Sasuke”, once they got far away she had to question him. How did this even happen, why were there all of these men? How did she even get into this mess? She NEEDED answers immediately...
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littledoesart · 5 years
High hopes ( ‘v ‘) b
Congrats on 1000 followers~!
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Tadaaaa ! Let's celebrate the +1.000 followers on this blog ! 🎉
Everything is said in the picture, but if you have any question, feel free to ask !
This giveaway concerns only Ikemen Sengoku.
If you want an Ikemen Vampire one, you will have to wait that I've got 1.000 followers on the IkeVamp blog too 😊💕
Good luck 💕
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littledoesart · 5 years
Blind Bird - Ikémen Sengoku - Part 1
Hello hello~! My name is little (or smol) and I create writing things that eventually lead to nothing because I’m indecisive about endings ^w^); Anyways~! I have created (before this) an oc named Hatsuko Gen, a blind girl who like all ocs for Sengoku, went to the past and expiereinced romance. So, enjoy these collective stories, because oh god there’ll be more ÒWÓ
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Rain poured down around the woman as she was running and keeping up a pace she couldn’t see. The gray shadows played with her mind as she continued to run. She wore a long dress and a shall. She was drenched as she tripped every so often. She picked herself up so often as couldn’t help but try to continue to get away from her nightmares. She didn’t realize it as she ran into a man, her eyes both crying and unable to see what stood in front of her.
Being lost, she looked and tried to speak to Sasuke who tried to tell her to walk away but suddenly hearing a loud crash, she looked at the noise and walked to it as she couldn’t believe as she focused and could barely see a slab of concrete from the monument. Suddenly the sound of a voice faded as her vision darkened. Her eyes closed as she felt so dizzy, did she really faint? Oh god, did her parents find her again, the worry of that forced her open. Her eyes glanced around as she was crouched on the ground, she smelt smoke. Standing up, she opened her eyes, but god that burned so badly. She kept them open and strained them to see the surroundings. Seeing a shine of something over a shadow she yelled out. "Hey! Stop!" She didn’t know why she yelled that but she watched the shine disappear and walked to the shadow. Shaking the person awake, she wasn’t sure what to do, smoke filled her lungs as she coughed and had to close her eyes... she didn’t expect a voice, of course, she kinda thought it was because of the smoke.
"Wh..who are you?" A males voice, deep and commanding, she wasn’t sure what to say. How could she explain anything, to this total stranger. Blinking as she opened her eyes and seeing a shadow of person, she looked rather embarrassed but she decided to speak then. "My name isn’t important right now, I think this place is on fire... I... my eyes are horrible can you help?" Unexpectedly, she felt a hand on her shoulder leading her out as she did trip some in her shoes. She followed though, the smell of smoke got larger until it disappeared and she could breathe again. She didn’t care though, she was alive wait... where was she? Where were her parents? What happened to her siblings?! Suddenly to think this, she jumped back and stared at the large shadow and kept her arms up in case. "Wh..where am I? Who are you?!" The females voice rang with concern as she kept her eyes closed and she continued to back up as the shadow she once saw answered with a rather calm voice but stern commanding throughout what he said.
"My name is Nobunaga Oda, you’re in MY territory, now introduce yourself to me.” Her eyes opened as she stared him down and felt her eyes widened as she remembered what her friend who was obsessed with history once said. Nobunaga Oda was a Japanese warlord who was someone who conquered the world and died due to an assassination. Wait, did she just, STOP his assassination, color drained from her face as she looked at the shadow. His voice was cold as he spoke again. "Are you going to answer or are you going to stare at me?" Surprise riddles her face as she realized how long she was staring.
“My name is Hatsuko Gen, do you mind me asking what YEAR is it?” Her eyes tried to search around the other shadows as she began to wipe them of the tears she got from opening them too long. What she expected was 2019 and then just the male laughing at her. What she didn’t expect but got, was a serious voice.
"It’s the tenth year of tenshou, why are you asking?” Her eyes widened and she felt herself tense, did he really just— his voice was too serious to be joking. And this couldn’t be her parents, she recognized them too easily. Though, before she could answer, she heard other people’s voices, little did she know a real adventure would begin.
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littledoesart · 5 years
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This is an Insert for Undertale, and I’ve been contemplating over her design so I came to this decision :D
You can blame @xxkoichiixx for me to make this 😂
I wanted to make something and she inspired me.
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littledoesart · 5 years
🌻💫💛✨This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨💛💫🌻
Thank you qwq -huggles- ahhhh! I am glad you sent me this because it made me happy! 💖💕✨🌸
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littledoesart · 5 years
@artyillustrator You keep your items, cards, but not your progress, and if you mean gacha points yes.
Ikemen vamp/sengoku question
Curious and wondering anyone can answer it for me but, if you change your route/character do you keep your avatar items, cards, progress and or points? 
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littledoesart · 5 years
@kimbapchan I’m excited to see where it goes, have a wonderful day~!
Izuku’s dad, “my son is too precious— too good for killing!” Izuku, literally murdering someone, “shitty extras!” Izuku’s dad, “WAIT WHAT?!” Indeed a dilemma
hehe, he tried to hard to keep Izuku away from the villain world... (ʘ‿ʘ✿) oh he did a very poor job at that.
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littledoesart · 5 years
Ah I’m excited to see the outcome~!
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I’M REALLY GLAD THAT YA’LL WOULD LOOK AT MY WEIRDNESS AND BE LIKE.. “oh I totally don’t mind this person on my dash”
So to celebrate, and since I’ve never done this before, Imma do an art raffle!!!
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1st place winner gets a fully colored illustration! Full-shaded and stuff like that! 1-2 characters! Simple background!
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2nd place winner gets a flat-colored illustration! No shading! 1-2 characters! Simple background!
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3rd place winner gets a black-and-white sketch! 1-2 characters! No background!
1 like = 1 entry! 1 reblog = another entry! repeated reblogs don’t count!
Winners will be chosen through a random number generator on Thursday (Sep 19) so that I can make the prizes on the weekends! So good luck peeps!
Again, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FAM!!! A lot of peeps here are just so wholesome and supportive! I love ya’ll! Yer the greatest and yeah!!!
Also if ya do reblog this, can ya add a stupid joke? Just for shits and giggles! XD
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littledoesart · 5 years
Of course, I appreciate every person who puts time and effort in to giving us amazing ikemen, MLQC, etc., I love all of the work that you fanfic writes go through!
I love your fanfics and I’m sorry for people who think they are obligated to get one. Have a wonderful day! -throws flowers and pats your head- goodbye good person, continue to write whatever you want!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU.
Thank you for the kind words, the flowers, it all!! that’s very encouraging, and really makes me smile!!! ❤️❤️
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